Le.hs revision 502ed7ed7fecd10b6d0c83cdd48a244ec45e840a
module Le where
import Id
type TypeId = Id
-- "*", "->", etc. are predefined type constructors
-- the unit type is the empty product
data Type = Type { typeId :: TypeId, typeArgs :: [Type] }
| TypeVar Id
type ClassId = Id
data Class = Universe
| Downset Type
| ClassName ClassId
| Intersection [Class] -- non-recursive
data TypeVarDecl = TypeVarDecl { typeVarId :: Id, typeClass :: Class }
data TypeScheme = TypeScheme [TypeVarDecl] [Type]
data SymbType = OpType TypeScheme
| TypeKind Kind
| Class
-- the list of items which are part of a "sort-gen" (or free type)
type GenItems = [Symbol]
data Symbol = Symbol {symbId :: Id, sumbType :: SymbType}
data Variance = CoVar | ContraVar | InVar
data ExtClass = ExtClass Class Variance
data Kind = Kind { kindArgs :: [ExtClass], kindRes :: Class }
sort = Kind [] Universe
data GenKind = Free | Generated | Loose deriving (Show,Eq)
data VarDecl = VarDecl { varId :: Id, varType :: Type }
data TypeBody = Alias Type -- non-recursive
| Datatype [Alternative] GenKind GenItems
| SubtypeDefn VarDecl Type Term -- a formula
-- type variables correspond to the kind
data TypeDefn = TypeDefn [TypeVarDecl] TypeBody
-- full function type of constructor (result sort is the data type)
data Alternative = Construct Id Type [Component]
| Subtype Type
-- full function type of a selector (result sort is component sort)
data Component = Component (Maybe Id) Type
data ClassItem = ClassItem { classId :: Id
, subClasses :: [ClassId]
, superClasses :: [ClassId]
, types :: [Symbol]
, classDefn :: Maybe Class
data TypeRel = TypeRel [TypeVarDecl] Type Type
data TypeItem = TypeItem{ typeConstrId :: Id
, kind :: Kind
, subtypes :: [TypeRel]
, supertypes :: [TypeRel]
, typeDefn :: Maybe TypeDefn
type ConsId = Symbol
type SelId = Symbol
data OpDefn = OpDef [VarDecl] Term
| Constr ConsId
| Select [ConsId] SelId
data BinOpAttr = Assoc | Comm | Idem deriving (Show)
data OpAttr = BinOpAttr BinOpAttr | UnitOpAttr Term
data OpItem = OpItem { opId :: Id
, opType :: TypeScheme
, opAttrs :: [OpAttr]
, opDefn :: Maybe OpDefn
data TypeOp = OfType | AsType | InType deriving (Eq)
data Binder = LambdaTotal | LambdaPartial
| Forall | IntAll
| Exists | ExistsUnique | IntExists | IntExistsUnique
deriving (Eq)
data Term = BaseName Id TypeScheme
| VarId Id Type Class
| Application Term [Term]
| Binding Binder [VarDecl] Term
| Typed Term TypeOp Type