LaTeX_HasCASL.hs revision d17834302eaa101395b4b806cd73670fd864445f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
latex output of the abstract syntax
module HasCASL.LaTeX_HasCASL where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.Morphism
import HasCASL.HToken
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.Id
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.GlobalAnnotations(GlobalAnnos)
import Common.AS_Annotation(mapAnM)
import Common.PrintLaTeX
import Common.LaTeX_utils
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
-- | short cut for: if b then empty else d
noPrint :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
noPrint b d = if b then empty else d
instance PrintLaTeX Variance where
printLatex0 _ v = text $ show v
instance PrintLaTeX Kind where
printLatex0 ga knd = case knd of
Intersection [] _ -> text "Type"
MissingKind -> space
ClassKind ci _ -> printLatex0 ga ci
Downset mt t _ _ ->
let tok = case mt of
Nothing -> text "\\_"
Just x -> (printLatex0 ga x) <+> hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet" <+> (printLatex0 ga x)
in braces_latex (tok <+>
hc_sty_axiom lessS <+> printLatex0 ga t)
Intersection ks _ -> printList0 ga ks
FunKind k1 k2 _ ->
(case k1 of
FunKind _ _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) (printLatex0 ga k1)
<+> hc_sty_axiom "\\rightarrow"
<+> printLatex0 ga k2
ExtKind k v _ -> (case k of
FunKind _ _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) (printLatex0 ga k) <> printLatex0 ga v
instance PrintLaTeX TypePattern where
printLatex0 ga tp = case tp of
TypePattern name args _ -> printLatex0 ga name
<> fcat (map (parens . printLatex0 ga) args)
TypePatternToken t -> printLatex0 ga t
MixfixTypePattern ts -> fsep_latex (map (printLatex0 ga) ts)
BracketTypePattern k l _ -> bracket k $ commaT_latex ga l
TypePatternArg t _ -> parens $ printLatex0 ga t
-- | put proper brackets around a document
bracket :: BracketKind -> Doc -> Doc
bracket b = case b of
Parens -> parens_latex
Squares -> brackets_latex
Braces -> braces_latex
-- | print a 'Kind' plus a preceding colon (or nothing for 'star')
printKind :: GlobalAnnos -> Kind -> Doc
printKind ga kind = case kind of
Intersection [] _ -> empty
Downset Nothing t _ _ ->
space <> hc_sty_axiom lessS <+> printLatex0 ga t
_ -> space <> colon <+> printLatex0 ga kind
instance PrintLaTeX Type where
printLatex0 ga ty = case ty of
TypeName name _k _i -> printLatex0 ga name
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> case t1 of
TypeName (Id [a, Token "__" _, b] [] []) _ _ ->
printLatex0 ga a <> printLatex0 ga t2 <> printLatex0 ga b
TypeAppl (TypeName (Id [Token "__" _, inTok, Token "__" _]
[] []) _ _) t0 -> printLatex0 ga t0
<+> printLatex0 ga inTok <+> printLatex0 ga t2
_ -> (case t1 of
TypeName _ _ _ -> id
TypeToken _ -> id
BracketType _ _ _ -> id
TypeAppl _ _ -> id
_ -> parens) (printLatex0 ga t1) <+>
(case t2 of
TypeName _ _ _ -> id
TypeToken _ -> id
BracketType _ _ _ -> id
_ -> parens) (printLatex0 ga t2)
ExpandedType t1 _ -> printLatex0 ga t1
TypeToken t -> printLatex0 ga t
BracketType k l _ -> bracket k $ commaT_latex ga l
KindedType t kind _ -> (case t of
FunType _ _ _ _ -> parens
ProductType [] _ -> id
ProductType _ _ -> parens
LazyType _ _ -> parens
TypeAppl _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) (printLatex0 ga t)
<+> colon <+> printLatex0 ga kind
MixfixType ts -> fsep_latex (map (printLatex0 ga) ts)
LazyType t _ -> hc_sty_axiom quMark <+> (case t of
FunType _ _ _ _ -> parens
ProductType [] _ -> id
ProductType _ _ -> parens
KindedType _ _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) (printLatex0 ga t)
ProductType ts _ -> if null ts then hc_sty_plain_keyword "Unit"
-- parens empty
else fsep_latex (punctuate (space <> char '*')
(map ( \ t ->
(case t of
FunType _ _ _ _ -> parens
ProductType [] _ -> id
ProductType _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) $ printLatex0 ga t) ts))
FunType t1 arr t2 _ -> (case t1 of
FunType _ _ _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) (printLatex0 ga t1)
<+> printLatex0 ga arr
<+> printLatex0 ga t2
-- no curried notation for bound variables
instance PrintLaTeX TypeScheme where
printLatex0 ga (TypeScheme vs t _) = let tdoc = printLatex0 ga t in
if null vs then tdoc else
hang (hc_sty_axiom forallS <+> semiT_latex ga vs <+> hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet") 2 tdoc
instance PrintLaTeX Instance where
printLatex0 _ i = case i of
Instance -> space <> hc_sty_axiom instanceS
Plain -> empty
instance PrintLaTeX Partiality where
printLatex0 _ p = case p of
Partial -> hc_sty_axiom quMark
Total -> empty
instance PrintLaTeX Arrow where
printLatex0 _ a = case a of
FunArr -> hc_sty_axiom "\\rightarrow"
PFunArr -> hc_sty_axiom ("\\rightarrow" ++ quMark)
ContFunArr -> hc_sty_axiom "\\stackrel{c}{\\rightarrow}"
PContFunArr -> hc_sty_axiom ("\\stackrel{c}{\\rightarrow}" ++ quMark)
instance PrintLaTeX Quantifier where
printLatex0 _ Universal = hc_sty_axiom "\\forall"
printLatex0 _ Existential = hc_sty_axiom "\\exists"
printLatex0 _ Unique = hc_sty_axiom "\\exists!"
instance PrintLaTeX TypeQual where
printLatex0 _ q = text $ show q
instance PrintLaTeX Term where
printLatex0 ga t = printTerm ga
(case t of
QualVar _ -> True
QualOp _ _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False) t
unPredType :: Type -> Type
unPredType t = case t of
FunType ty PFunArr (ProductType [] _) _ -> ty
_ -> t
unPredTypeScheme :: TypeScheme -> TypeScheme
unPredTypeScheme = mapTypeOfScheme unPredType
substituteArgs :: GlobalAnnos -> [Token] -> [Doc] -> Doc
substituteArgs _ [] ds = cat ds
substituteArgs ga ts [] = cat (map (printLatex0 ga) ts)
substituteArgs ga (t:ts) (d:ds) =
if isPlace t
then d <+> substituteArgs ga ts ds
else printLatex0 ga t <+> substituteArgs ga ts (d:ds)
findMixfixOp :: Term -> Maybe Id
findMixfixOp (QualOp _ (InstOpId ident _ _) _ _) =
if isMixfix ident then Just ident else Nothing
findMixfixOp (ApplTerm t1 _ _) = findMixfixOp t1
findMixfixOp _ = Nothing
printTerm :: GlobalAnnos -> Bool -> Term -> Doc
printTerm ga b trm =
let ppParen = if b then parens else id
commaT = fsep_latex . punctuate comma . map (printTerm ga False)
(case trm of
TupleTerm _ _ -> id
BracketTerm _ _ _ -> id
TermToken _ -> id
MixTypeTerm _ _ _ -> id
_ -> ppParen)
$ case trm of
QualVar (VarDecl v _ _t _) -> printLatex0 ga v
{-sep [hc_sty_axiom varS <+> printLatex0 ga v,
colon <+> printLatex0 ga t]-}
QualOp _br n _t _ -> printLatex0 ga n
{-sep [printLatex0 ga br <+> printLatex0 ga n,
colon <+> printLatex0 ga
(if isPred br then unPredTypeScheme t else t)]-}
ResolvedMixTerm n ts _ ->
case ts of
[] -> printLatex0 ga n
[t] -> printLatex0 ga n <> printTerm ga True t
_ -> printLatex0 ga n <>
parens (commaT ts)
ApplTerm t1 t2 _ ->
case (findMixfixOp t1,t2) of
(Just (Id toks [] _), TupleTerm ts _) ->
if length (filter isPlace toks) == length ts
then substituteArgs ga toks (map (printTerm ga True) ts)
else cat [printLatex0 ga t1, nest 2
$ printTerm ga True t2]
_ -> cat [printLatex0 ga t1, nest 2
$ printTerm ga True t2]
TupleTerm ts _ -> parens (commaT ts)
TypedTerm term q typ _ -> hang (printLatex0 ga term
<+> printLatex0 ga q)
4 $ printLatex0 ga typ
QuantifiedTerm q vs t _ -> printLatex0 ga q
<+> semiT_latex ga vs
<+> hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet"
<+> printLatex0 ga t
LambdaTerm ps q t _ -> hang (hc_sty_axiom lamS
<+> (case ps of
[p] -> printLatex0 ga p
_ -> fcat $ map
(parens . printTerm ga False) ps)
<+> (case q of
Partial -> hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet"
Total -> hc_sty_axiom $ "\\bullet" ++ exMark))
2 $ printLatex0 ga t
CaseTerm t es _ -> hang (hc_sty_axiom caseS
<+> printLatex0 ga t
<+> hc_sty_axiom ofS)
4 $ vcat (punctuate (hc_sty_axiom " | ")
(map (printEq0 ga "\\rightarrow") es))
LetTerm br es t _ ->
let dt = printLatex0 ga t
des = vcat $ punctuate semi $
map (printEq0 ga equalS) es
in case br of
Let -> sep [hc_sty_axiom letS <+> des, hc_sty_axiom inS <+> dt]
Where -> hang (sep [dt, hc_sty_axiom whereS]) 6 des
TermToken t -> printLatex0 ga t
MixTypeTerm q t _ -> printLatex0 ga q <+> printLatex0 ga t
MixfixTerm ts -> fsep_latex $ map (printLatex0 ga) ts
BracketTerm k l _ -> bracket k $ commaT l
AsPattern v p _ -> printLatex0 ga v
<+> hc_sty_axiom asP
<+> printLatex0 ga p
-- | print an equation with different symbols between 'Pattern' and 'Term'
printEq0 :: GlobalAnnos -> String -> ProgEq -> Doc
printEq0 ga s (ProgEq p t _) = hang (hang (printLatex0 ga p) 2 $ text s)
4 $ printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX VarDecl where
printLatex0 ga (VarDecl v t _ _) = printLatex0 ga v <+> colon
<+> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX GenVarDecl where
printLatex0 ga gvd = case gvd of
GenVarDecl v -> printLatex0 ga v
GenTypeVarDecl tv -> printLatex0 ga tv
instance PrintLaTeX TypeArg where
printLatex0 ga (TypeArg v c _ _) = printLatex0 ga v <+> colon
<+> printLatex0 ga c
-- | don't print an empty list and put parens around longer lists
printList0 :: (PrintLaTeX a) => GlobalAnnos -> [a] -> Doc
printList0 ga l = case l of
[] -> empty
[x] -> printLatex0 ga x
_ -> parens $ commaT_latex ga l
instance PrintLaTeX InstOpId where
printLatex0 ga (InstOpId n l _) =
(if n==mkId[mkSimpleId place,mkSimpleId "/\\",mkSimpleId place]
then hc_sty_axiom "\\wedge"
else printLatex0 ga n)
<> noPrint (null l)
(brackets $ semiT_latex ga l)
-- item stuff
-- | print a 'TypeScheme' as a pseudo type
printPseudoType :: GlobalAnnos -> TypeScheme -> Doc
printPseudoType ga (TypeScheme l t _) = noPrint (null l) (hc_sty_axiom lamS
<+> (if null $ tail l then
printLatex0 ga $ head l
else fcat(map (parens . printLatex0 ga) l))
<+> hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet" <> space) <> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX BasicSpec where
printLatex0 ga (BasicSpec l) = vcat (map (printLatex0 ga) l)
instance PrintLaTeX ProgEq where
printLatex0 ga = printEq0 ga equalS
instance PrintLaTeX BasicItem where
printLatex0 ga bi = case bi of
SigItems s -> printLatex0 ga s
ProgItems l _ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword programS <+> semiT_latex ga l
ClassItems i l _ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword classS <> printLatex0 ga i <+> semiT_latex ga l
GenVarItems l _ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword varS <+> semiT_latex ga l
FreeDatatype l _ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword freeS <+> hc_sty_plain_keyword typeS
<+> semiT_latex ga l
GenItems l _ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword generatedS <+> braces_latex (semiT_latex ga l)
AxiomItems vs fs _ -> (if null vs then empty
else hc_sty_plain_keyword forallS <+> semiT_latex ga vs)
$$ vcat (map
(\x -> hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet" <+> printLatex0 ga x)
Internal l _ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword internalS <+> braces_latex (semiT_latex ga l)
instance PrintLaTeX OpBrand where
printLatex0 _ b = text $ show b
instance PrintLaTeX SigItems where
printLatex0 ga si = case si of
TypeItems i l _ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword typeS <> printLatex0 ga i <+> semiT_latex ga l
OpItems b l _ -> printLatex0 ga b <+> semiT_latex ga
(if isPred b then concat $
mapAnM ((:[]) . mapOpItem) l else l)
instance PrintLaTeX ClassItem where
printLatex0 ga (ClassItem d l _) = printLatex0 ga d $$
if null l then empty
else braces_latex (semiT_latex ga l)
instance PrintLaTeX ClassDecl where
printLatex0 ga (ClassDecl l k _) = commaT_latex ga l
<+> hc_sty_axiom lessS <+> printLatex0 ga k
instance PrintLaTeX Vars where
printLatex0 ga vd = case vd of
Var v -> printLatex0 ga v
VarTuple vs _ -> parens $ commaT_latex ga vs
instance PrintLaTeX TypeItem where
printLatex0 ga ti = case ti of
TypeDecl l k _ -> commaT_latex ga l <>
printKind ga k
SubtypeDecl l t _ -> commaT_latex ga l <+> hc_sty_axiom lessS
<+> printLatex0 ga t
IsoDecl l _ -> cat(punctuate (hc_sty_axiom " = ")
(map (printLatex0 ga) l))
SubtypeDefn p v t f _ -> printLatex0 ga p
<+> hc_sty_axiom equalS
<+> braces_latex (printLatex0 ga v
<+> colon
<+> printLatex0 ga t
<+> hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet"
<+> printLatex0 ga f)
AliasType p k t _ -> (printLatex0 ga p <>
case k of
Nothing -> empty
Just j -> space <> colon <+>
printLatex0 ga j)
<+> hc_sty_axiom assignS
<+> printPseudoType ga t
Datatype t -> printLatex0 ga t
mapOpItem :: OpItem -> OpItem
mapOpItem oi = case oi of
OpDecl l t as ps -> OpDecl l (unPredTypeScheme t) as ps
OpDefn n ps s p t qs -> OpDefn n ps (unPredTypeScheme s) p t qs
instance PrintLaTeX OpItem where
printLatex0 ga oi = case oi of
OpDecl l t as _ -> commaT_latex ga l <+> colon
<+> (printLatex0 ga t
<> (if null as then empty
else comma <> space)
<> commaT_latex ga as)
OpDefn n ps s p t _ ->
printLatex0 ga n <> fcat (map (parens . semiT_latex ga) ps)
<+> colon <> printLatex0 ga p
<+> printLatex0 ga s
<+> hc_sty_axiom equalS
<+> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX BinOpAttr where
printLatex0 _ a = hc_sty_axiom $ case a of
Assoc -> assocS
Comm -> commS
Idem -> idemS
instance PrintLaTeX OpAttr where
printLatex0 ga oa = case oa of
BinOpAttr a _ -> printLatex0 ga a
UnitOpAttr t _ -> hc_sty_axiom unitS <+> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX DatatypeDecl where
printLatex0 ga (DatatypeDecl p k as d _) = (printLatex0 ga p <>
printKind ga k)
<+> hc_sty_axiom defnS
<+> vcat(punctuate (hc_sty_axiom " | ")
(map (printLatex0 ga) as))
<+> case d of [] -> empty
_ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword derivingS
<+> commaT_latex ga d
instance PrintLaTeX Alternative where
printLatex0 ga alt = case alt of
Constructor n cs p _ ->
printLatex0 ga n <+> fsep_latex (map (parens . semiT_latex ga) cs)
<> printLatex0 ga p
Subtype l _ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword typeS <+> commaT_latex ga l
instance PrintLaTeX Component where
printLatex0 ga sel = case sel of
Selector n p t _ _ -> printLatex0 ga n
<+> colon <> printLatex0 ga p
<+> printLatex0 ga t
NoSelector t -> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX OpId where
printLatex0 ga (OpId n ts _) = printLatex0 ga n
<+> noPrint (null ts)
(brackets $ commaT_latex ga ts)
instance PrintLaTeX Symb where
printLatex0 ga (Symb i mt _) =
printLatex0 ga i <> (case mt of Nothing -> empty
Just (SymbType t) ->
empty <+> colon <+>
printLatex0 ga t)
instance PrintLaTeX SymbItems where
printLatex0 ga (SymbItems k syms _ _) =
printSK k <> commaT_latex ga syms
instance PrintLaTeX SymbOrMap where
printLatex0 ga (SymbOrMap s mt _) =
printLatex0 ga s <> (case mt of Nothing -> empty
Just t ->
empty <+> hc_sty_axiom "\\mapsto" <+>
printLatex0 ga t)
instance PrintLaTeX SymbMapItems where
printLatex0 ga (SymbMapItems k syms _ _) =
printSK k <> commaT_latex ga syms
-- | print symbol kind
printSK :: SymbKind -> Doc
printSK k =
case k of Implicit -> empty
_ -> ptext (drop 3 $ show k) <> space
------------------------------------- Le -----------------------------------
instance PrintLaTeX ClassInfo where
printLatex0 ga (ClassInfo ks) =
space <> hc_sty_axiom lessS <+> printList0 ga ks
printGenKind :: GenKind -> Doc
printGenKind k = case k of
Loose -> empty
Free -> hc_sty_plain_keyword freeS <> space
Generated -> hc_sty_plain_keyword generatedS <> space
instance PrintLaTeX TypeDefn where
printLatex0 _ NoTypeDefn = empty
printLatex0 _ PreDatatype = space <> text "\\%(data type)\\%"
printLatex0 _ (TypeVarDefn i) =
space <> text ("\\%(var_{" ++ show i ++ "})\\%")
printLatex0 ga (AliasTypeDefn s) = space <> hc_sty_axiom assignS
<+> printPseudoType ga s
printLatex0 ga (Supertype v t f) = space <> hc_sty_axiom equalS <+>
braces_latex (printLatex0 ga v
<+> colon
<+> printLatex0 ga t
<+> hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet"
<+> printLatex0 ga f)
printLatex0 ga (DatatypeDefn de) = text " \\%[" <>
printLatex0 ga de <> text "]\\%"
printAltDefn :: GlobalAnnos -> DataPat -> AltDefn -> Doc
printAltDefn ga dt (Construct mi ts p sels) = case mi of
Just i -> printLatex0 ga i <+> colon
<+> printLatex0 ga (getConstrType dt p ts)
<+> fcat (map (parens . semiT_latex ga) sels)
Nothing -> hc_sty_plain_keyword (typeS ++ sS) <+> commaT_latex ga ts
instance PrintLaTeX Selector where
printLatex0 ga (Select mi t p) = (case mi of
Just i -> printLatex0 ga i <+> (case p of
Partial -> hc_sty_axiom ":?"
Total -> colon) <> space
Nothing -> empty) <> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX TypeInfo where
printLatex0 ga (TypeInfo _ ks sups defn) =
space <> colon <+> printList0 ga ks
<> noPrint (null sups)
(space <> hc_sty_axiom lessS <+> printList0 ga sups)
<> printLatex0 ga defn
instance PrintLaTeX ConstrInfo where
printLatex0 ga (ConstrInfo i t) =
printLatex0 ga i <+> colon <+> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX OpDefn where
printLatex0 _ (NoOpDefn b) = space <> text ("\\%(" ++ show b ++ ")\\%")
printLatex0 _ VarDefn = space <> text "\\%(var)\\%"
printLatex0 _ (ConstructData i) = space <> text ("\\%(construct " ++
showId i ")\\%")
printLatex0 ga (SelectData c i) = space <> text ("\\%(select from " ++
showId i " constructed by")
$$ printList0 ga c <> text ")\\%"
printLatex0 ga (Definition b t) = printLatex0 ga (NoOpDefn b) <+>
hc_sty_axiom equalS <+> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX OpInfo where
printLatex0 ga o = space <> colon <+> printLatex0 ga (opType o)
<> (case opAttrs o of
[] -> empty
l -> comma <> commaT_latex ga l)
<> printLatex0 ga (opDefn o)
instance PrintLaTeX OpInfos where
printLatex0 ga (OpInfos l) = vcat $ map (printLatex0 ga) l
instance PrintLaTeX DataEntry where
printLatex0 ga (DataEntry im i k args alts) =
printGenKind k <> hc_sty_plain_keyword typeS <+> printLatex0 ga i
<> hcat (map (parens . printLatex0 ga) args)
<+> (hc_sty_axiom defnS $$
vcat (map (printAltDefn ga (i, args, star))
$$ nest 2 (noPrint (Map.isEmpty im)
(hc_sty_plain_keyword withS <+> hc_sty_plain_keyword (typeS ++ sS)
<+> printMap0 ga (hc_sty_axiom mapsTo) im))
instance PrintLaTeX Sentence where
printLatex0 ga s = case s of
Formula t -> printLatex0 ga t
DatatypeSen ls -> vcat (map (printLatex0 ga) ls)
ProgEqSen _ _ pe -> hc_sty_plain_keyword programS
<+> printLatex0 ga pe
instance PrintLaTeX Env where
printLatex0 ga (Env{classMap=cm, typeMap=tm,
assumps=as, sentences=se, envDiags=_ds}) =
noPrint (Map.isEmpty cm) (header "Classes")
$$ printMap0 ga empty cm
$$ noPrint (Map.isEmpty tm) (header "Type Constructors")
$$ printMap0 ga empty tm
$$ noPrint (Map.isEmpty as) (header "Assumptions")
$$ printMap0 ga empty as
$$ noPrint (null se) (header "Sentences")
$$ vcat (map (printLatex0 ga) se)
-- $$ noPrint (null ds) (header "Diagnostics")
-- $$ vcat (map (printLatex0 ga) $ reverse ds)
where header s = text "\\%\\%" <+> text s
<+> text (replicate (70 - length s) '-')
printMap0 :: (PrintLaTeX a, Ord a, PrintLaTeX b)
=> GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> Map.Map a b -> Doc
printMap0 g d m =let l = Map.toList m in
vcat(map (\ (a, b) -> printLatex0 g a <> d <> printLatex0 g b) l)
instance PrintLaTeX SymbolType where
printLatex0 ga t = case t of
OpAsItemType sc -> printLatex0 ga sc
TypeAsItemType k -> printLatex0 ga k
ClassAsItemType k -> printLatex0 ga k
instance PrintLaTeX Symbol where
printLatex0 ga s = hc_sty_plain_keyword (case symType s of
OpAsItemType _ -> opS
TypeAsItemType _ -> typeS
ClassAsItemType _ -> classS) <+>
printLatex0 ga (symName s) <+> hc_sty_axiom colonS <+>
printLatex0 ga (symType s)
instance PrintLaTeX RawSymbol where
printLatex0 ga rs = case rs of
AnID i -> printLatex0 ga i
AKindedId k i -> printSK k <> printLatex0 ga i
AQualId i t -> printSK (symbTypeToKind t) <> printLatex0 ga i <+> colon
<+> printLatex0 ga t
------------------------------- Morphism ------------------------------------
instance PrintLaTeX Morphism where
printLatex0 ga m = braces_latex (printLatex0 ga (msource m))
$$ hc_sty_axiom "\\mapsto"
<+> braces_latex (printLatex0 ga (mtarget m))