LaTeX_HasCASL.hs revision 88c66e48620750c42b94db9feb01b42ae23dba97
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
latex output of the abstract syntax
module HasCASL.LaTeX_HasCASL where
import Debug.Trace
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.RawSym
import HasCASL.SymbItem
import HasCASL.Symbol
import HasCASL.Morphism
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Keywords
import HasCASL.HToken
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.Id
import Common.PPUtils
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.GlobalAnnotations(GlobalAnnos)
import Common.AS_Annotation(mapAnM)
import Common.PrintLaTeX
import Common.LaTeX_utils
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
-- | short cut for: if b then empty else d
noPrint :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
noPrint b d = if b then empty else d
instance PrintLaTeX Variance where
printLatex0 _ v = text $ show v
instance PrintLaTeX Kind where
printLatex0 ga knd = case knd of
Universe _ -> text "Type"
MissingKind -> space
ClassKind ci _ -> printLatex0 ga ci
Downset mt t _ _ ->
let tok = case mt of
Nothing -> text "\\_"
Just x -> (printLatex0 ga x) <+> hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet" <+> (printLatex0 ga x)
in braces_latex (tok <+>
hc_sty_axiom lessS <+> printLatex0 ga t)
Intersection ks _ -> printList0 ga ks
FunKind k1 k2 _ ->
(case k1 of
ExtKind (FunKind _ _ _) InVar _ -> parens
FunKind _ _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) (printLatex0 ga k1)
<+> hc_sty_axiom "\\rightarrow"
<+> printLatex0 ga k2
ExtKind k v _ -> (case v of
InVar -> id
_ -> case k of
FunKind _ _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) (printLatex0 ga k) <> printLatex0 ga v
instance PrintLaTeX TypePattern where
printLatex0 ga tp = case tp of
TypePattern name args _ -> printLatex0 ga name
<> fcat (map (parens . printLatex0 ga) args)
TypePatternToken t -> printLatex0 ga t
MixfixTypePattern ts -> fsep_latex (map (printLatex0 ga) ts)
BracketTypePattern k l _ -> bracket k $ commaT_latex ga l
TypePatternArg t _ -> parens $ printLatex0 ga t
-- | put proper brackets around a document
bracket :: BracketKind -> Doc -> Doc
bracket b t = let (o,c) = getBrackets b in ptext o <> t <> ptext c
-- | print a 'Kind' plus a preceding colon (or nothing for 'star')
printKind :: GlobalAnnos -> Kind -> Doc
printKind ga kind = case kind of
Universe _ -> empty
Downset Nothing t _ _ ->
space <> hc_sty_axiom lessS <+> printLatex0 ga t
_ -> space <> colon <+> printLatex0 ga kind
instance PrintLaTeX Type where
printLatex0 ga ty = case ty of
TypeName name _k _i -> printLatex0 ga name
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> case t1 of
TypeName (Id [a, Token "__" _, b] [] []) _ _ ->
printLatex0 ga a <> printLatex0 ga t2 <> printLatex0 ga b
TypeAppl (TypeName (Id [Token "__" _, inTok, Token "__" _]
[] []) _ _) t0 -> printLatex0 ga t0
<+> printLatex0 ga inTok <+> printLatex0 ga t2
_ -> (case t1 of
TypeName _ _ _ -> id
TypeToken _ -> id
BracketType _ _ _ -> id
TypeAppl _ _ -> id
_ -> parens) (printLatex0 ga t1) <+>
(case t2 of
TypeName _ _ _ -> id
TypeToken _ -> id
BracketType _ _ _ -> id
_ -> parens) (printLatex0 ga t2)
TypeToken t -> printLatex0 ga t
BracketType k l _ -> bracket k $ commaT_latex ga l
KindedType t kind _ -> (case t of
FunType _ _ _ _ -> parens
ProductType [] _ -> id
ProductType _ _ -> parens
LazyType _ _ -> parens
TypeAppl _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) (printLatex0 ga t)
<+> colon <+> printLatex0 ga kind
MixfixType ts -> fsep_latex (map (printLatex0 ga) ts)
LazyType t _ -> hc_sty_axiom quMark <+> (case t of
FunType _ _ _ _ -> parens
ProductType [] _ -> id
ProductType _ _ -> parens
KindedType _ _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) (printLatex0 ga t)
ProductType ts _ -> if null ts then hc_sty_plain_keyword "Unit"
-- parens empty
else fsep_latex (punctuate (space <> char '*')
(map ( \ t ->
(case t of
FunType _ _ _ _ -> parens
ProductType [] _ -> id
ProductType _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) $ printLatex0 ga t) ts))
FunType t1 arr t2 _ -> (case t1 of
FunType _ _ _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) (printLatex0 ga t1)
<+> printLatex0 ga arr
<+> printLatex0 ga t2
instance PrintLaTeX Pred where
printLatex0 ga (IsIn c ts) = if null ts then printLatex0 ga c
else if null $ tail ts then
printLatex0 ga (head ts) <+>
colon <+> printLatex0 ga c
else printLatex0 ga c <+>
fsep_latex (punctuate space
(map (printLatex0 ga) ts))
instance PrintLaTeX t => PrintLaTeX (Qual t) where
printLatex0 ga (ps :=> t) = (if null ps then empty
else parens $ commaT_latex ga ps <+>
hc_sty_axiom implS <+> space) <>
printLatex0 ga t
-- no curried notation for bound variables
instance PrintLaTeX TypeScheme where
printLatex0 ga (TypeScheme vs t _) = let tdoc = printLatex0 ga t in
if null vs then tdoc else
hang (hc_sty_axiom forallS <+> semiT_latex ga vs <+> hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet") 2 tdoc
instance PrintLaTeX Instance where
printLatex0 _ i = case i of
Instance -> space <> hc_sty_axiom instanceS
Plain -> empty
instance PrintLaTeX Partiality where
printLatex0 _ p = case p of
Partial -> hc_sty_axiom quMark
Total -> empty
instance PrintLaTeX Arrow where
printLatex0 _ a = case a of
FunArr -> hc_sty_axiom "\\rightarrow"
PFunArr -> hc_sty_axiom ("\\rightarrow" ++ quMark)
ContFunArr -> hc_sty_axiom "\\stackrel{c}{\\rightarrow}"
PContFunArr -> hc_sty_axiom ("\\stackrel{c}{\\rightarrow}" ++ quMark)
instance PrintLaTeX Quantifier where
printLatex0 _ Universal = hc_sty_axiom "\\forall"
printLatex0 _ Existential = hc_sty_axiom "\\exists"
printLatex0 _ Unique = hc_sty_axiom "\\exists!"
instance PrintLaTeX TypeQual where
printLatex0 _ q = text $ show q
instance PrintLaTeX Term where
printLatex0 ga t = printTerm ga
(case t of
QualVar _ _ _ -> True
QualOp _ _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False) t
unPredType :: Type -> Type
unPredType t = case t of
FunType ty PFunArr (ProductType [] _) _ -> ty
_ -> t
unPredTypeScheme :: TypeScheme -> TypeScheme
unPredTypeScheme = mapTypeOfScheme unPredType
substituteArgs :: GlobalAnnos -> [Token] -> [Doc] -> Doc
substituteArgs _ [] ds = cat ds
substituteArgs ga ts [] = cat (map (printLatex0 ga) ts)
substituteArgs ga (t:ts) (d:ds) =
if isPlace t
then d <+> substituteArgs ga ts ds
else printLatex0 ga t <+> substituteArgs ga ts (d:ds)
findMixfixOp :: Term -> Maybe Id
findMixfixOp (QualOp _ (InstOpId ident _ _) _ _) =
if isMixfix ident then Just ident else Nothing
findMixfixOp (ApplTerm t1 _ _) = findMixfixOp t1
findMixfixOp _ = Nothing
printTerm :: GlobalAnnos -> Bool -> Term -> Doc
printTerm ga b trm =
let ppParen = if b then parens else id
commaT = fsep_latex . punctuate comma . map (printTerm ga False)
(case trm of
TupleTerm _ _ -> id
BracketTerm _ _ _ -> id
TermToken _ -> id
MixTypeTerm _ _ _ -> id
_ -> ppParen)
$ case trm of
QualVar v t _ -> printLatex0 ga v
{-sep [hc_sty_axiom varS <+> printLatex0 ga v,
colon <+> printLatex0 ga t]-}
QualOp br n t _ -> printLatex0 ga n
{-sep [printLatex0 ga br <+> printLatex0 ga n,
colon <+> printLatex0 ga
(if isPred br then unPredTypeScheme t else t)]-}
ResolvedMixTerm n ts _ ->
case ts of
[] -> printLatex0 ga n
[t] -> printLatex0 ga n <> printTerm ga True t
_ -> printLatex0 ga n <>
parens (commaT ts)
ApplTerm t1 t2 pos ->
case (findMixfixOp t1,t2) of
(Just (Id toks [] _), TupleTerm ts _) ->
if length (filter isPlace toks) == length ts
then substituteArgs ga toks (map (printTerm ga True) ts)
else cat [printLatex0 ga t1, nest 2
$ printTerm ga True t2]
_ -> cat [printLatex0 ga t1, nest 2
$ printTerm ga True t2]
TupleTerm ts _ -> parens (commaT ts)
TypedTerm term q typ _ -> hang (printLatex0 ga term
<+> printLatex0 ga q)
4 $ printLatex0 ga typ
QuantifiedTerm q vs t _ -> printLatex0 ga q
<+> semiT_latex ga vs
<+> hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet"
<+> printLatex0 ga t
LambdaTerm ps q t _ -> hang (hc_sty_axiom lamS
<+> (case ps of
[p] -> printLatex0 ga p
_ -> fcat $ map
(parens . printTerm ga False) ps)
<+> (case q of
Partial -> hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet"
Total -> hc_sty_axiom $ "\\bullet" ++ exMark))
2 $ printLatex0 ga t
CaseTerm t es _ -> hang (hc_sty_axiom caseS
<+> printLatex0 ga t
<+> hc_sty_axiom ofS)
4 $ vcat (punctuate (hc_sty_axiom " | ")
(map (printEq0 ga "\\rightarrow") es))
LetTerm br es t _ ->
let dt = printLatex0 ga t
des = vcat $ punctuate semi $
map (printEq0 ga equalS) es
in case br of
Let -> sep [hc_sty_axiom letS <+> des, hc_sty_axiom inS <+> dt]
Where -> hang (sep [dt, hc_sty_axiom whereS]) 6 des
TermToken t -> printLatex0 ga t
MixTypeTerm q t _ -> printLatex0 ga q <+> printLatex0 ga t
MixfixTerm ts -> fsep_latex $ map (printLatex0 ga) ts
BracketTerm k l _ -> bracket k $ commaT l
AsPattern v p _ -> printLatex0 ga v
<+> hc_sty_axiom asP
<+> printLatex0 ga p
-- | print an equation with different symbols between 'Pattern' and 'Term'
printEq0 :: GlobalAnnos -> String -> ProgEq -> Doc
printEq0 ga s (ProgEq p t _) = hang (hang (printLatex0 ga p) 2 $ text s)
4 $ printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX VarDecl where
printLatex0 ga (VarDecl v t _ _) = printLatex0 ga v <+> colon
<+> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX GenVarDecl where
printLatex0 ga gvd = case gvd of
GenVarDecl v -> printLatex0 ga v
GenTypeVarDecl tv -> printLatex0 ga tv
instance PrintLaTeX TypeArg where
printLatex0 ga (TypeArg v c _ _) = printLatex0 ga v <+> colon
<+> printLatex0 ga c
-- | don't print an empty list and put parens around longer lists
printList0 :: (PrintLaTeX a) => GlobalAnnos -> [a] -> Doc
printList0 ga l = case l of
[] -> empty
[x] -> printLatex0 ga x
_ -> parens $ commaT_latex ga l
instance PrintLaTeX InstOpId where
printLatex0 ga (InstOpId n l _) =
(if n==mkId[mkSimpleId place,mkSimpleId "/\\",mkSimpleId place]
then hc_sty_axiom "\\wedge"
else printLatex0 ga n)
<> noPrint (null l)
(brackets $ semiT_latex ga l)
-- item stuff
-- | print a 'TypeScheme' as a pseudo type
printPseudoType :: GlobalAnnos -> TypeScheme -> Doc
printPseudoType ga (TypeScheme l t _) = noPrint (null l) (hc_sty_axiom lamS
<+> (if null $ tail l then
printLatex0 ga $ head l
else fcat(map (parens . printLatex0 ga) l))
<+> hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet" <> space) <> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX BasicSpec where
printLatex0 ga (BasicSpec l) = vcat (map (printLatex0 ga) l)
instance PrintLaTeX ProgEq where
printLatex0 ga = printEq0 ga equalS
instance PrintLaTeX BasicItem where
printLatex0 ga bi = case bi of
SigItems s -> printLatex0 ga s
ProgItems l _ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword programS <+> semiT_latex ga l
ClassItems i l _ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword classS <> printLatex0 ga i <+> semiT_latex ga l
GenVarItems l _ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword varS <+> semiT_latex ga l
FreeDatatype l _ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword freeS <+> hc_sty_plain_keyword typeS
<+> semiT_latex ga l
GenItems l _ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword generatedS <+> braces_latex (semiT_latex ga l)
AxiomItems vs fs _ -> (if null vs then empty
else hc_sty_plain_keyword forallS <+> semiT_latex ga vs)
$$ vcat (map
(\x -> hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet" <+> printLatex0 ga x)
Internal l _ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword internalS <+> braces_latex (semiT_latex ga l)
instance PrintLaTeX OpBrand where
printLatex0 _ b = text $ show b
instance PrintLaTeX SigItems where
printLatex0 ga si = case si of
TypeItems i l _ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword typeS <> printLatex0 ga i <+> semiT_latex ga l
OpItems b l _ -> printLatex0 ga b <+> semiT_latex ga
(if isPred b then concat $
mapAnM ((:[]) . mapOpItem) l else l)
instance PrintLaTeX ClassItem where
printLatex0 ga (ClassItem d l _) = printLatex0 ga d $$
if null l then empty
else braces_latex (semiT_latex ga l)
instance PrintLaTeX ClassDecl where
printLatex0 ga (ClassDecl l k _) = commaT_latex ga l
<+> hc_sty_axiom lessS <+> printLatex0 ga k
instance PrintLaTeX Vars where
printLatex0 ga vd = case vd of
Var v -> printLatex0 ga v
VarTuple vs _ -> parens $ commaT_latex ga vs
instance PrintLaTeX TypeItem where
printLatex0 ga ti = case ti of
TypeDecl l k _ -> commaT_latex ga l <>
printKind ga k
SubtypeDecl l t _ -> commaT_latex ga l <+> hc_sty_axiom lessS
<+> printLatex0 ga t
IsoDecl l _ -> cat(punctuate (hc_sty_axiom " = ")
(map (printLatex0 ga) l))
SubtypeDefn p v t f _ -> printLatex0 ga p
<+> hc_sty_axiom equalS
<+> braces_latex (printLatex0 ga v
<+> colon
<+> printLatex0 ga t
<+> hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet"
<+> printLatex0 ga f)
AliasType p k t _ -> (printLatex0 ga p <>
case k of
Nothing -> empty
Just j -> space <> colon <+>
printLatex0 ga j)
<+> hc_sty_axiom assignS
<+> printPseudoType ga t
Datatype t -> printLatex0 ga t
mapOpItem :: OpItem -> OpItem
mapOpItem oi = case oi of
OpDecl l t as ps -> OpDecl l (unPredTypeScheme t) as ps
OpDefn n ps s p t qs -> OpDefn n ps (unPredTypeScheme s) p t qs
instance PrintLaTeX OpItem where
printLatex0 ga oi = case oi of
OpDecl l t as _ -> commaT_latex ga l <+> colon
<+> (printLatex0 ga t
<> (if null as then empty
else comma <> space)
<> commaT_latex ga as)
OpDefn n ps s p t _ ->
printLatex0 ga n <> fcat (map (parens . semiT_latex ga) ps)
<+> colon <> printLatex0 ga p
<+> printLatex0 ga s
<+> hc_sty_axiom equalS
<+> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX BinOpAttr where
printLatex0 _ a = hc_sty_axiom $ case a of
Assoc -> assocS
Comm -> commS
Idem -> idemS
instance PrintLaTeX OpAttr where
printLatex0 ga oa = case oa of
BinOpAttr a _ -> printLatex0 ga a
UnitOpAttr t _ -> hc_sty_axiom unitS <+> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX DatatypeDecl where
printLatex0 ga (DatatypeDecl p k as d _) = (printLatex0 ga p <>
printKind ga k)
<+> hc_sty_axiom defnS
<+> vcat(punctuate (hc_sty_axiom " | ")
(map (printLatex0 ga) as))
<+> case d of [] -> empty
_ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword derivingS
<+> commaT_latex ga d
instance PrintLaTeX Alternative where
printLatex0 ga alt = case alt of
Constructor n cs p _ ->
printLatex0 ga n <+> fsep_latex (map (parens . semiT_latex ga) cs)
<> printLatex0 ga p
Subtype l _ -> hc_sty_plain_keyword typeS <+> commaT_latex ga l
instance PrintLaTeX Component where
printLatex0 ga sel = case sel of
Selector n p t _ _ -> printLatex0 ga n
<+> colon <> printLatex0 ga p
<+> printLatex0 ga t
NoSelector t -> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX OpId where
printLatex0 ga (OpId n ts _) = printLatex0 ga n
<+> noPrint (null ts)
(brackets $ commaT_latex ga ts)
instance PrintLaTeX Symb where
printLatex0 ga (Symb i mt _) =
printLatex0 ga i <> (case mt of Nothing -> empty
Just (SymbType t) ->
empty <+> colon <+>
printLatex0 ga t)
instance PrintLaTeX SymbItems where
printLatex0 ga (SymbItems k syms _ _) =
printSK k <> commaT_latex ga syms
instance PrintLaTeX SymbOrMap where
printLatex0 ga (SymbOrMap s mt _) =
printLatex0 ga s <> (case mt of Nothing -> empty
Just t ->
empty <+> hc_sty_axiom "\\mapsto" <+>
printLatex0 ga t)
instance PrintLaTeX SymbMapItems where
printLatex0 ga (SymbMapItems k syms _ _) =
printSK k <> commaT_latex ga syms
-- | print symbol kind
printSK :: SymbKind -> Doc
printSK k =
case k of Implicit -> empty
_ -> ptext (drop 3 $ show k) <> space
------------------------------------- Le -----------------------------------
instance PrintLaTeX ClassInfo where
printLatex0 ga (ClassInfo ks) =
space <> hc_sty_axiom lessS <+> printList0 ga ks
printGenKind :: GenKind -> Doc
printGenKind k = case k of
Loose -> empty
Free -> hc_sty_plain_keyword freeS <> space
Generated -> hc_sty_plain_keyword generatedS <> space
instance PrintLaTeX TypeDefn where
printLatex0 _ NoTypeDefn = empty
printLatex0 _ PreDatatype = space <> text "\\%(data type)\\%"
printLatex0 _ TypeVarDefn = space <> text "\\%(var)\\%"
printLatex0 ga (AliasTypeDefn s) = space <> hc_sty_axiom assignS
<+> printPseudoType ga s
printLatex0 ga (Supertype v t f) = space <> hc_sty_axiom equalS <+>
braces_latex (printLatex0 ga v
<+> colon
<+> printLatex0 ga t
<+> hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet"
<+> printLatex0 ga f)
printLatex0 ga (DatatypeDefn k args alts) = text " \\%[" <>
printGenKind k <> (text typeS <+> text "\\_"
<+> printList0 ga args
<+> hc_sty_axiom defnS $$
vcat (map (printLatex0 ga) alts)) <> text "]\\%"
instance PrintLaTeX AltDefn where
printLatex0 ga (Construct i ts p sels) =
printLatex0 ga i <+> colon
<+> listSep_text (space<>hc_sty_axiom "\\rightarrow"<>space) ga ts <+>
hc_sty_plain_keyword (case p of
Partial -> "\\rightarrow" ++ quMark
Total -> "\\rightarrow") <+> text "\\_"
<+> hcat (map (parens . printLatex0 ga) sels)
instance PrintLaTeX Selector where
printLatex0 ga (Select i t p) =
printLatex0 ga i <+> (case p of
Partial -> hc_sty_axiom ":?"
Total -> colon) <+> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX TypeInfo where
printLatex0 ga (TypeInfo _ ks sups defn) =
space <> colon <+> printList0 ga ks
<> noPrint (null sups)
(space <> hc_sty_axiom lessS <+> printList0 ga sups)
<> printLatex0 ga defn
instance PrintLaTeX ConstrInfo where
printLatex0 ga (ConstrInfo i t) =
printLatex0 ga i <+> colon <+> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX OpDefn where
printLatex0 _ (NoOpDefn b) = space <> text ("\\%(" ++ show b ++ ")\\%")
printLatex0 _ VarDefn = space <> text "\\%(var)\\%"
printLatex0 _ (ConstructData i) = space <> text ("\\%(construct " ++
showId i ")\\%")
printLatex0 ga (SelectData c i) = space <> text ("\\%(select from " ++
showId i " constructed by")
$$ printList0 ga c <> text ")\\%"
printLatex0 ga (Definition b t) = printLatex0 ga (NoOpDefn b) <+>
hc_sty_axiom equalS <+> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX OpInfo where
printLatex0 ga o = space <> colon <+> printLatex0 ga (opType o)
<> (case opAttrs o of
[] -> empty
l -> comma <> commaT_latex ga l)
<> printLatex0 ga (opDefn o)
instance PrintLaTeX OpInfos where
printLatex0 ga (OpInfos l) = vcat $ map (printLatex0 ga) l
instance PrintLaTeX a => PrintLaTeX (Maybe a) where
printLatex0 _ Nothing = empty
printLatex0 ga (Just c) = printLatex0 ga c
instance PrintLaTeX DatatypeDefn where
printLatex0 ga (DatatypeConstr i1 i2 k args alts) =
printGenKind k <> hc_sty_plain_keyword typeS
<+> printLatex0 ga i1 <+> parens
(hc_sty_axiom "\\mapsto" <+> printLatex0 ga i2)
<+> (printList0 ga args
<+> hc_sty_axiom defnS $$
vcat (map (printLatex0 ga) alts))
instance PrintLaTeX Sentence where
printLatex0 ga s = case s of
Formula t -> printLatex0 ga t
DatatypeSen ls -> vcat (map (printLatex0 ga) ls)
ProgEqSen _ _ pe -> hc_sty_plain_keyword programS <+> printLatex0 ga pe
instance PrintLaTeX Env where
printLatex0 ga (Env{classMap=cm, typeMap=tm,
assumps=as, sentences=se, envDiags=ds}) =
noPrint (Map.isEmpty cm) (header "Classes")
$$ printMap0 ga cm
$$ noPrint (Map.isEmpty tm) (header "Type Constructors")
$$ printMap0 ga tm
$$ noPrint (Map.isEmpty as) (header "Assumptions")
$$ printMap0 ga as
$$ noPrint (null se) (header "Sentences")
$$ vcat (map (printLatex0 ga) se)
-- $$ noPrint (null ds) (header "Diagnostics")
-- $$ vcat (map (printLatex0 ga) $ reverse ds)
where header s = text "\\%\\%" <+> text s
<+> text (replicate (70 - length s) '-')
printMap0 :: (PrintLaTeX a, Ord a, PrintLaTeX b)
=> GlobalAnnos -> Map.Map a b -> Doc
printMap0 g m =
let l = Map.toList m in
vcat(map (\ (a, b) -> printLatex0 g a
<> printLatex0 g b) l)
instance PrintLaTeX SymbolType where
printLatex0 ga t = case t of
OpAsItemType sc -> printLatex0 ga sc
TypeAsItemType k -> printLatex0 ga k
ClassAsItemType k -> printLatex0 ga k
instance PrintLaTeX Symbol where
printLatex0 ga s = hc_sty_plain_keyword (case symType s of
OpAsItemType _ -> opS
TypeAsItemType _ -> typeS
ClassAsItemType _ -> classS) <+>
printLatex0 ga (symName s) <+> hc_sty_axiom colonS <+>
printLatex0 ga (symType s)
instance PrintLaTeX RawSymbol where
printLatex0 ga rs = case rs of
AnID i -> printLatex0 ga i
AKindedId k i -> printSK k <> printLatex0 ga i
AQualId i t -> printSK (symbTypeToKind t) <> printLatex0 ga i <+> colon
<+> printLatex0 ga t
------------------------------- Morphism ------------------------------------
instance PrintLaTeX Morphism where
printLatex0 ga m = braces_latex (printLatex0 ga (msource m))
$$ hc_sty_axiom "\\mapsto"
<+> braces_latex (printLatex0 ga (mtarget m))