InteractiveTests.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, Rank2Types #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Test functions for MatchingWithDefinitions
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Test functions for MatchingWithDefinitions
module HasCASL.InteractiveTests where
import HasCASL.Subst
import HasCASL.PrintSubst
import HasCASL.MatchingWithDefinitions ( initialDefStore
, gsymToSym
, matchSpecs
, matchCandidates
, getCandidates
, getMatchResult
, MatchResult (..)
, DefinitionStore
-- , DefStore(..)
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.Logic_HasCASL
import Common.AS_Annotation
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
-- global part imports
import Static.SpecLoader (getSigSensComplete, SigSens (..))
import Data.Time.Clock
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO (..))
import Driver.Options
import Common.Utils (getEnvDef)
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
-- For Navigation
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import Static.PrintDevGraph ()
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DGNavigation
{- testruns:
-- Use this for new testing:
(sigs, dgn) <- env "HasCASL/Real3D/SolidWorks/flange.het" "Component"
sigs <- siggy 4
-- match the concrete design to the pattern
testnewM sigs "FlangePattern" "BoltHole" "Durchgangsloch"
testSpecMatchM sigs "FlangePattern" "Component"
fromSigsNiceL sigs "FlangePattern" "Component" allMatches
fromSigsNice sigs "FlangePattern" "Component" (findMatch noConstraints)
-- shortcut for the above statement
matchDesign "/tmp/flange.het" "Match" "FlangePattern" "Component"
-- get the actual parameter spec of FlangePattern
navi sigs $ getActualParameterSpec "FlangePattern"
-- get the local symbols for the actual parameter spec of FlangePattern
naviGen sigs (show . pretty) $ (\ a -> getLocalSyms a $ fst $ fromJust $ getActualParameterSpec "FlangePattern" a)
(res, m1) <- getMatchMap "/tmp/flange.het" "Match" "FlangePattern" "Component"
tmpl <- readFile "/home/ewaryst/Hets-lib/EnCL/flangeExported.het"
writeFile "/tmp/f1.het" $ processTemplate (\ k v -> " . " ++ k ++ " := " ++ show (v * 1000)) m1 tmpl
help :: IO ()
help = do
s <- readFile "HasCASL/InteractiveTests.hs"
let l = lines s
startP = ("{- testruns:" /=)
endP = ("-}" /=)
putStrLn $ unlines $ takeWhile endP $ dropWhile startP l
-- ----------------------- Global DG functions -------------------------
-- * Point evaluator
type RealType = Double
type EvalEnv = Map.Map String
evalInSubst :: Subst -> Term -> RealType
evalInSubst s t =
case t of
lookupS :: Subst -> a -> Maybe (SRule b)
ruleContent :: SRule a -> a
data Point = P (RealType, RealType, RealType) deriving (Read, Show)
data Vector = V (RealType, RealType, RealType) deriving (Read, Show)
diff :: (Point, Point) -> Vector
diff (p, q) = V (c1 p - c1 q, c2 p - c2 q, c3 p - c3 q)
prod :: (Vector, Vector) -> RealType
prod (V (x1, y1, z1), V (x2, y2, z2)) = x1 * x2 + y1 * y2 + z1 * z2
dist :: (Point, Point) -> RealType
dist (p, q) = sqrt $ prod (diff (p, q), diff (p, q))
diam :: (Point, Point) -> RealType
diam (p, q) = 2 * dist (p, q)
c1 :: Point -> RealType
c1 (P (x, _, _)) = x
c2 :: Point -> RealType
c2 (P (_, x, _)) = x
c3 :: Point -> RealType
c3 (P (_, _, x)) = x
type EvalEnv = Map.Map String EvalTerm
data ETBinFun = ETdiff | ETdiam | ETprod | ETdist deriving Show
data EvalTerm = ETbinary ETBinFun EvalTerm EvalTerm | ETpoint Point
| ETvector Vector | ETreal RealType | ETconst String deriving Show
toEvalTerm :: Env -> Term -> Maybe EvalTerm
toEvalTerm e t =
let s = show $ prettyWithAnnos e t
realL = reads s :: [(RealType, String)]
pointL = reads s :: [(Point, String)]
mT | not (null realL) = Just $ ETreal $ fst $ head realL
| not (null pointL) = Just $ ETpoint $ fst $ head pointL
| otherwise = Nothing
in mT
envFromSubst :: Env -> Subst -> EvalEnv
envFromSubst e (Subst (m, _, _)) = Map.fromList $ mapMaybe f $ Map.toList m
where f (sc, sr) = fmap ((,) $ scName sc) $ toEvalTerm e $ ruleContent sr
etPoint :: EvalTerm -> Point
etPoint (ETpoint p) = p
etPoint et = error $ "etPoint: no point: " ++ show et
etVector :: EvalTerm -> Vector
etVector (ETvector p) = p
etVector et = error $ "etVector: no vector: " ++ show et
etReal :: EvalTerm -> RealType
etReal (ETreal p) = p
etReal et = error $ "etReal: no real: " ++ show et
evalInEnv :: EvalEnv -> EvalTerm -> EvalTerm
evalInEnv e (ETbinary bf t1 t2) =
let t1' = evalInEnv e t1
t2' = evalInEnv e t2
in case bf of
ETprod -> ETreal $ prod (etVector t1', etVector t2')
ETdiam -> ETreal $ diam (etPoint t1', etPoint t2')
ETdist -> ETreal $ dist (etPoint t1', etPoint t2')
ETdiff -> ETvector $ diff (etPoint t1', etPoint t2')
evalInEnv e (ETconst s) =
Map.findWithDefault (error $ "evalInEnv: lookup failure for " ++ s) s e
evalInEnv _ x = x
getRconsts :: Env -> Subst -> Map.Map String RealType
getRconsts e s = getRealConstMap e s constsForEval
getRealConstMap :: Env -> Subst -> [(String, EvalTerm)] -> Map.Map String RealType
getRealConstMap e sbst l = Map.fromList $ map f l where
ee = envFromSubst e sbst
f (s, et) = (s, etReal $ evalInEnv ee et)
evalInSubst :: Env -> Subst -> EvalTerm -> EvalTerm
evalInSubst e s = evalInEnv (envFromSubst e s)
constsForEval :: [(String, EvalTerm)]
constsForEval =
[ ("d_0", ETbinary ETdiam (ETconst "BoundaryTube") (ETconst "Offset"))
, ("d_3", ETbinary ETdiam (ETconst "BoltOffset") (ETconst "Offset"))
, ("d_4", ETbinary ETdiam (ETconst "BoundaryRing") (ETconst "Offset"))
, ("d_5", ETbinary ETdiam (ETconst "BoltBoundary") (ETconst "BoltOffset"))
, ("e_F", ETconst "RingHeight") ]
-- ----------------------- Global DG functions -------------------------
-- * DG Navigation
mkDGNav :: SigSens Env Sentence -> DGNav
mkDGNav s = makeDGNav (sigsensLibenv s) (sigsensDG s) []
prettyEdge :: DGraph -> Graph.LEdge DGLinkLab -> Doc
prettyEdge dg (n1, n2, dgl) =
pretty (dgl_id dgl) <> text ":" <+> text (getNameOfNode n1 dg) <+> text "->"
<+> text (getNameOfNode n2 dg)
prettyNode :: DGraph -> Graph.LNode DGNodeLab -> Doc
prettyNode _ (n, lbl) =
pretty n <> text ":" <+> text (getDGNodeName lbl)
-- | get all ancestor nodes and output them
collectNodes :: DGraph -> [Graph.Node] -> IO ()
collectNodes _ [] = return ()
collectNodes dg nds = do
let ledgs = concatMap (innDG dg) nds
newnds = map linkSource ledgs
showl = map f ledgs
f (x, _, lbl) = show x ++ ":" ++ show (pretty $ dgl_origin lbl)
print showl
collectNodes dg newnds
navi :: SigSens Env Sentence
-> (forall a . DevGraphNavigator a => a -> Maybe (Graph.LNode DGNodeLab))
-> IO ()
navi s = naviGen s pf
where pf x = case x of
Just dgn -> show $ prettyNode (sigsensDG s) dgn
_ -> error "navi: No result."
naviGen :: SigSens Env Sentence -> (b -> String)
-> (forall a . DevGraphNavigator a => a -> b) -> IO ()
naviGen s pf sf =
putStrLn $ pf $ sf $ mkDGNav s
-- removing the additional new dgnavigator from the result
naviSimplify :: (a -> Maybe (b, c)) -> a -> Maybe c
naviSimplify f = fmap snd . f
naviTest :: SigSens Env Sentence -> String -> IO ()
naviTest sigs s =
navi sigs $ naviSimplify $ getActualParameterSpec s
-- collectNodes (sigsensDG sigs) [sigsensNode sigs]
-- ** Spec extraction
testspecs :: [(Int, (String, String))]
testspecs =
[ (1, ("HasCASL/Real3D/SolidWorks/Matchtest.het", "Matching1"))
, (2, ("HasCASL/Real3D/SolidWorks/Matchtest2.het", "Matching0"))
, (3, ("HasCASL/Real3D/SolidWorks/Matchtest2.het", "Matching1"))
, (4, ("HasCASL/Real3D/SolidWorks/flange.het", "Match"))
env :: String -> String -> IO (SigSens Env Sentence, DGNav)
env lb sp = do
sigs <- sigsensGen lb sp
return (sigs, mkDGNav sigs)
sigsensGen :: String -> String -> IO (SigSens Env Sentence)
sigsensGen lb sp = do
hlib <- getEnvDef "HETS_LIB" $ error "Missing HETS_LIB environment variable"
let fp = if head lb == '/' then lb else hlib ++ "/" ++ lb
ho = defaultHetcatsOpts { libdirs = [hlib]
, verbose = 0 }
res <- getSigSensComplete False ho HasCASL fp sp
-- putStrLn "\n"
return res { sigsensSignature = (sigsensSignature res) { globAnnos = sigsensGlobalAnnos res } }
siggy :: Int -> IO (SigSens Env Sentence)
siggy = uncurry sigsensGen . libFP
libFP :: Int -> (String, String)
libFP i = fromMaybe (error "libFP: no such spec") $ Prelude.lookup i testspecs
sigsens :: Int -> IO (Env, [Named Sentence])
sigsens i = do
res <- siggy i
return ( sigsensSignature res, sigsensNamedSentences res )
sig :: Int -> IO Env
sig = fmap fst . sigsens
-- Check if the order is broken or not!
sens :: Int -> IO [Named Sentence]
sens = fmap snd . sigsens
cmds :: Int -> IO [Sentence]
cmds = fmap (map sentence) . sens
-- time measurement, pendant of the time shell command
time :: MonadIO m => m a -> m a
time p = do
t <- liftIO getCurrentTime
res <- p
t' <- liftIO getCurrentTime
liftIO $ putStrLn "Time"
liftIO $ print $ diffUTCTime t' t
liftIO $ putStrLn ""
return res
times :: MonadIO m => m a -> m ()
times p = time p >> return ()
-- nice output
niceOut :: Env -> Doc -> IO ()
-- niceOut e = putStrLn . show . useGlobalAnnos (globAnnos e) . pretty
niceOut e x = do
let ga = globAnnos e
{- putStrLn "Global Annotations:"
putStrLn $ show $ pretty $ ga
putStrLn "======================================================================" -}
print $ useGlobalAnnos ga x
prettyWithAnnos :: PrettyInEnv a => Env -> a -> Doc
prettyWithAnnos e = useGlobalAnnos (globAnnos e) . prettyInEnv e
prettyInSigs :: PrettyInEnv a => SigSens Env Sentence -> a -> Doc
prettyInSigs sigs = prettyWithAnnos (sigsensSignature sigs)
nice :: (MonadIO m, PrettyInEnv a) => SigSens Env Sentence -> m a -> m ()
nice sigs x = do
y <- time x
let e = sigsensSignature sigs
liftIO $ niceOut e $ prettyInEnv e y
niceL :: (MonadIO m, PrettyInEnv a) => SigSens Env Sentence -> m [a] -> m ()
niceL sigs l = do
l' <- time l
let e = sigsensSignature sigs
liftIO $ niceOut e $ prettyInEnvList e l'
prettyInEnvList :: PrettyInEnv a => Env -> [a] -> Doc
prettyInEnvList e = vsep . map (prettyInEnv e)
-- ----------------------- New Testsuite -------------------------
typeFilter :: TypeScheme -> Bool
typeFilter = flip elem ["SWExtrusion", "SWCut"] . show . pretty
fromSigsNice :: (PrettyInEnv a) => SigSens Env Sentence -> String -> String
-> (DefinitionStore -> DGNav -> String -> String -> IO a) -> IO ()
fromSigsNice sigs s1 s2 f = nice sigs $ fromSigs sigs s1 s2 f
fromSigsNiceL :: (PrettyInEnv a) => SigSens Env Sentence -> String -> String
-> (DefinitionStore -> DGNav -> String -> String -> IO [a]) -> IO ()
fromSigsNiceL sigs s1 s2 f = niceL sigs $ fromSigs sigs s1 s2 f
fromSigs :: SigSens Env Sentence -> String -> String ->
(DefinitionStore -> DGNav -> String -> String -> IO a) -> IO a
fromSigs sigs s1 s2 f =
case prepareDefStore sigs s1 of
Nothing -> fail $ "Pattern spec " ++ s1 ++ " not found."
Just (def, dgnav) -> f def dgnav s1 s2
-- TODO: use actually not the actual parameter here, but the formal parameter! add to DGNavigation
prepareDefStore :: SigSens Env Sentence -> String -> Maybe (DefinitionStore, DGNav)
prepareDefStore sigs patN =
let e = sigsensSignature sigs
dgnav = mkDGNav sigs
mGsyms = fromSearchResult (getActualParameterSpec patN) getLocalSyms dgnav
f syms = (initialDefStore e $ gsymToSym syms, dgnav)
in fmap f mGsyms
allMatches :: DefinitionStore -> DGNav
-> String
-> String
-> IO [MatchResult]
allMatches def dgnav patN cN =
let err = error "allMatches: no candidates found."
g [] = return []
g l = do
(res, l') <- matchCandidates def l
case res of
Right mr -> fmap (mr :) $ g l'
_ -> return []
in g $ fromMaybe err $ getCandidates def dgnav typeFilter patN cN
findMatch :: (MatchResult -> Bool) -> DefinitionStore -> DGNav
-> String
-> String
-> IO MatchResult
findMatch p def dgnav patN cN =
let err = error "findMatch: no candidates found."
err' = error "findMatch: no match satisfies predicate."
g [] = err'
g l = do
(res, l') <- matchCandidates def l
case res of
Right mr -> if p mr then return mr else g l'
_ -> err'
in g $ fromMaybe err $ getCandidates def dgnav typeFilter patN cN
noConstraints :: MatchResult -> Bool
noConstraints (MatchResult (_, l)) = null l
testSpecMatchM :: SigSens Env Sentence
-> String
-> String
-> IO ()
testSpecMatchM sigs patN cN =
case prepareDefStore sigs patN of
Nothing -> fail $ "Pattern spec " ++ patN ++ " not found."
Just (def, dgnav) -> do
(res, l) <- matchSpecs def dgnav typeFilter 1 patN cN
(res2, l') <- matchCandidates def l
case res of
Right mr ->
putStrLn $ "Non tried elements: " ++ show (length l)
nice sigs $ return mr
Left s ->
unless (null l) $ error "Not all tried!"
putStrLn s
putStrLn "------------------------------"
case res2 of
Right mr ->
putStrLn $ "Non tried elements: " ++ show (length l')
nice sigs $ return mr
Left s ->
unless (null l') $ error "Not all tried!"
putStrLn s
-- ----------------------- Template filler -------------------------
processTemplate :: (String -> a -> String) -> Map.Map String a -> String -> String
processTemplate f m s = unlines $ map g $ lines s where
l = Map.toList m
g ln = h ln l
h ln [] = ln
h ln ((k, v) : l')
| isInfixOf k ln = f k v
| otherwise = h ln l'
-- ----------------------- Shortcuts -------------------------
matchDesign :: String -- ^ The filename of the library containing the specs to match
-> String -- ^ The specname importing the specs to match
-> String -- ^ The pattern specname
-> String -- ^ The concrete design specname
-> IO String
matchDesign lb sp patN cN = do
sigs <- sigsensGen lb sp
res <- fromSigs sigs patN cN (findMatch noConstraints)
return $ show $ prettyInSigs sigs res
matchTranslate :: String -- ^ The filename of the library containing the specs to match
-> String -- ^ The specname importing the specs to match
-> String -- ^ The pattern specname
-> String -- ^ The concrete design specname
-> IO String
matchTranslate lb sp patN cN = do
(_, m) <- getMatchMap lb sp patN cN
hlib <- getEnvDef "HETS_LIB" $ error "Missing HETS_LIB environment variable"
tmpl <- readFile $ hlib ++ "/EnCL/flangeExported.het"
let f k v = " . " ++ k ++ " := " ++ show (v * 1000)
return $ processTemplate f m tmpl
getMatchMap :: String -- ^ The filename of the library containing the specs to match
-> String -- ^ The specname importing the specs to match
-> String -- ^ The pattern specname
-> String -- ^ The concrete design specname
-> IO (MatchResult, Map.Map String RealType)
getMatchMap lb sp patN cN = do
sigs <- sigsensGen lb sp
res <- fromSigs sigs patN cN (findMatch noConstraints)
let (sbst, _) = getMatchResult res
rcm = getRconsts (sigsensSignature sigs) sbst
return (res, rcm)
(sigs, dgn) <- env "HasCASL/Real3D/SolidWorks/flange.het" "Component"
pretty $ linkSource $ snd $ fromJust $ searchLink (isJust . dglPredActualParam "FlangePattern") dgn
liftM (pretty . linkSource . snd . fromJust . searchLink (isJust . dglPredActualParam "FlangePattern") . snd) $ env "HasCASL/Real3D/SolidWorks/flange.het" "Component"
Temp -}
printDG :: String -> String -> IO ()
printDG lb sp = sigsensGen lb sp >>= putStrLn . printGE . globalEnv . sigsensDG
printGE :: GlobalEnv -> String
-- printGE = show . pretty
printGE = unlines . map f . Map.toList where
f (s, ge) = show $ pretty s <> text ":" <+> infoEntry ge
infoEntry :: GlobalEntry -> Doc
infoEntry ge = case ge of
SpecEntry egs -> text "SpecEntry" <+> parens (infoEGS egs)
ViewOrStructEntry b evs -> text $ (if b then "View" else "Struct")
++ "Entry"
UnitEntry us -> text "UnitEntry"
ArchOrRefEntry b rs -> text $ (if b then "Arch" else "Ref")
++ "Entry"
infoEGS :: ExtGenSig -> Doc
infoEGS (ExtGenSig gs ns) = sepBySemis [infoGS gs, infoNS ns]
infoGS :: GenSig -> Doc
infoGS (GenSig mn1 nsl mn2) = sepByCommas [infoMN mn1, parens $ sepBySemis $ map infoNS nsl, infoMN mn2]
infoNS :: NodeSig -> Doc
infoNS = pretty . getNode
infoMN :: MaybeNode -> Doc
infoMN (JustNode ns) = infoNS ns
infoMN (EmptyNode _) = text "EmptyNode"
infoEGS :: DevGraphNavigator a => a -> ExtGenSig -> (a, Doc)
infoEGS dgn (ExtGenSig gs ns) = sepBySemis [infoGS gs, infoNS ns]
infoGS :: DevGraphNavigator a => a -> GenSig -> (a, Doc)
infoGS dgn (GenSig mn1 nsl mn2) =
(dgn', dl1) = mapAccumL infoMN dgn [mn1, mn2]
sepByCommas [infoMN mn1, parens $ sepBySemis $ map infoNS nsl, infoMN mn2]
infoNS :: DevGraphNavigator a => a -> NodeSig -> (a, Doc)
infoNS dgn = pretty . getNode
infoMN :: DevGraphNavigator a => a -> MaybeNode -> (a, Doc)
infoMN dgn (JustNode ns) = infoNS ns
infoMN dgn (EmptyNode _) = (dgn, text "EmptyNode")
-- | import, formal parameters and united signature of formal params
data GenSig = GenSig MaybeNode [NodeSig] MaybeNode deriving Show
-- | genericity and body
data ExtGenSig = ExtGenSig GenSig NodeSig deriving Show