HToken.hs revision a21be3ba0cb875d618b2b227f7c23e2ccc0bcb3b
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : parsers for HasCASL tokens
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
parser for HasCASL IDs extending "Common.Keywords" and "Common.Token"
module HasCASL.HToken where
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Lexer
import Common.Token
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-- * HasCASL keyword handling
-- | HasCASL's reserved symbols in lambda terms and patterns
hascasl_reserved_ops :: [String]
hascasl_reserved_ops =
[dotS ++ exMark, cDot ++ exMark, asP, lamS] ++ casl_reserved_ops
-- | HasCASL's reserved symbols in function types,
-- treat a 'quMark` like an ordinary prefix typeconstructor
hascasl_type_ops :: [String]
hascasl_type_ops = [funS, pFun, contFun, pContFun, prodS, timesS]
-- | HasCASL's reserved words
hascasl_reserved_words :: [String]
hascasl_reserved_words =
[asS, inS, functS, functS ++ sS, classS, classS ++ "es", instanceS,
instanceS ++ sS, programS, programS ++ sS, caseS, ofS, letS,
derivingS, internalS, whereS] ++ casl_reserved_words
-- | HasCASL's identifier words ('scanAnyWords')
scanHCWords :: GenParser Char st String
scanHCWords = reserved hascasl_reserved_words scanAnyWords
-- | HasCASL's identifier signs ('scanAnySigns')
scanHCSigns :: GenParser Char st String
scanHCSigns = reserved hascasl_reserved_ops scanAnySigns
-- * HasCASL 'Id' parsers
-- | non-type variables ('lessS' additionally excluded)
var :: GenParser Char st Id
var = fmap mkId (start (lessS : hascasl_reserved_ops, hascasl_reserved_words))
-- | the HasCASL keys for 'mixId'
hcKeys :: ([String], [String])
hcKeys = (hascasl_reserved_ops, hascasl_reserved_words)
-- | if-then-tokens
ifThen :: GenParser Char st [Token]
ifThen = do
i <- pToken $ keyWord $ string ifS
p <- placeT
t <- pToken $ keyWord $ string thenS
q <- placeT
return [i, p , t, q]
-- | if-then-else-identifier
ite :: GenParser Char st Id
ite = do
ts <- try ifThen
do e <- pToken $ keyWord $ string elseS
p <- placeT
return (mkId (ts ++ [e, p]))
<|> return (mkId ts)
-- | operation 'Id' (reserved stuff excluded)
opId :: GenParser Char st Id
opId = (try ite <|> mixId hcKeys hcKeys) <?> "id"
-- | constructor 'Id' ('barS' additionally excluded)
hconsId :: GenParser Char st Id
hconsId = mixId (barS:hascasl_reserved_ops, hascasl_reserved_words) hcKeys
-- | simple 'Id' without compound list (only a words)
typeVar :: GenParser Char st Id
typeVar = fmap (mkId . (: [])) $ pToken scanHCWords
-- | simple 'Id' possibly with compound list
classId :: GenParser Char st Id
classId = do
s <- pToken scanHCWords
(c, p) <- option ([], nullRange) $ comps hcKeys
return $ Id [s] c p