HToken.hs revision 568a1ce407fd05a2007c5db3c5c57098bf13997f
{- HetCATS/HasCASL/HToken.hs
Authors: Christian Maeder
Year: 2002
parser for HasCASL IDs
adapted from HetCATS/CASL/Token.hs, v 1.9
module HToken where
import Keywords
import Lexer
import Id (Id(Id), Token(..), Pos, isPlace)
import ParsecPrim (GenParser, (<?>), (<|>), many)
import ParsecCombinator (many1, option)
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- further hascasl keyword
-- ----------------------------------------------
assignS = ":="
minusS = "-"
plusS = "+"
greaterS = ">"
pFun = funS ++ quMark
contFun = minusS ++ funS
pContFun = minusS ++ pFun
lamS = "\\"
classS = "class"
programS = "program"
instanceS = "instance"
caseS = "case"
ofS = "of"
letS = "let"
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- hascasl keyword handling
-- ----------------------------------------------
hascasl_reserved_ops = casl_reserved_ops
scanTermSigns = reserved casl_reserved_ops scanAnySigns
scanSigns = reserved formula_ops scanTermSigns
scanTermWords = reserved casl_reserved_words scanAnyWords
scanWords = reserved formula_words scanTermWords
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- bracket-token (for ids)
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- simple id (but more than only words)
sid = pToken (scanQuotedChar <|> scanDotWords
<|> scanDigit <|> scanSigns
<|> scanWords <?> "simple-id")
-- balanced mixfix-components {...}, [...]
braced = begDoEnd oBraceT innerList cBraceT
noComp = begDoEnd oBracketT innerList cBracketT
-- alternating sid and other mixfix components (including places)
-- no two sid stand side by side
innerMix1 = sid <:> option [] innerMix2
innerMix2 = flat (many1 (braced <|> noComp <|> many1 placeT))
<++> option [] innerMix1
-- ingredients starting either with an sid or brackets, braces or place
innerList = option [] (innerMix1 <|> innerMix2 <?> "token")
-- a mixfix component starting with an sid (outside innerList)
topMix1 = sid <:> option [] topMix2
-- following an sid only braced mixfix-components are acceptable
-- square brackets after an sid will be taken as compound part
topMix2 = flat (many1 braced) <++> option [] topMix1
-- square brackets (as mixfix component) are ok following a place
topMix3 = noComp <++> flat (many braced) <++> option [] topMix1
afterPlace = topMix1 <|> topMix2 <|> topMix3
-- places and something balanced possibly including places as well
middle = many1 placeT <++> option [] afterPlace
-- balanced stuff interspersed with places
tokStart = afterPlace <++> flat (many middle)
-- at least two places on its own or a non-place possibly preceded by places
start = tokStart <|> placeT <:> (tokStart <|>
many1 placeT <++> option [] tokStart)
<?> "id"
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Mixfix Ids
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- a compound list
comps :: GenParser Char st ([Id], [Pos])
comps = do { o <- oBracketT
; (is, cs) <- parseId `separatedBy` commaT
; c <- cBracketT
; return (is, tokPos o : map tokPos cs ++ [tokPos c])
} <?> "[<id>,...,<id>]"
-- a compound list does not follow a place
-- but after a compound list further places may follow
parseId :: GenParser Char st Id
parseId = do { l <- start
; if isPlace (last l) then return (Id l [] [])
else (do { (c, p) <- option ([], []) comps
; u <- many placeT
; return (Id (l++u) c p)
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- SORT Ids
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- at least some no-bracket-signs should be disallowed for sorts
-- obsolete isSortId (t) = tokStr t `notElem` non_sort_signs
-- sortIds are words, but possibly compound ids
sortId :: GenParser Char st Id
sortId = do { s <- pToken scanWords
; (c, p) <- option ([], []) comps
; return (Id [s] c p)
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- VAR Ids
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- no compound ids (just a word)
varId :: GenParser Char st Token
varId = pToken scanWords