FoldType.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : fold functions for types
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2007
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
folding types
module HasCASL.FoldType where
import HasCASL.As
import Common.Id
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List as List
data FoldTypeRec a = FoldTypeRec
{ foldTypeName :: Type -> Id -> RawKind -> Int -> a
, foldTypeAppl :: Type -> a -> a -> a
, foldExpandedType :: Type -> a -> a -> a
, foldTypeAbs :: Type -> TypeArg -> a -> Range -> a
, foldKindedType :: Type -> a -> Set.Set Kind -> Range -> a
, foldTypeToken :: Type -> Token -> a
, foldBracketType :: Type -> BracketKind -> [a] -> Range -> a
, foldMixfixType :: Type -> [a] -> a }
mapTypeRec :: FoldTypeRec Type
mapTypeRec = FoldTypeRec
{ foldTypeName = const TypeName
, foldTypeAppl = const TypeAppl
, foldExpandedType = const ExpandedType
, foldTypeAbs = const TypeAbs
, foldKindedType = const KindedType
, foldTypeToken = const TypeToken
, foldBracketType = const BracketType
, foldMixfixType = const MixfixType }
foldType :: FoldTypeRec a -> Type -> a
foldType r t = case t of
TypeName i k c -> foldTypeName r t i k c
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> foldTypeAppl r t (foldType r t1) $ foldType r t2
ExpandedType t1 t2 -> foldExpandedType r t (foldType r t1) $ foldType r t2
TypeAbs a ty p -> foldTypeAbs r t a (foldType r ty) p
KindedType ty ks p -> foldKindedType r t (foldType r ty) ks p
TypeToken tok -> foldTypeToken r t tok
BracketType k ts p -> foldBracketType r t k (map (foldType r) ts) p
MixfixType ts -> foldMixfixType r t $ map (foldType r) ts
-- | recursively substitute type alias names within a type
replAlias :: (Id -> RawKind -> Int -> Type) -> Type -> Type
replAlias m = foldType mapTypeRec
{ foldTypeName = const m
, foldExpandedType = \ et r1 r2 -> case (et, r1) of
(ExpandedType t1@(TypeName {}) _, ExpandedType t3 _) | t1 == t3 ->
ExpandedType t1 r2
_ -> ExpandedType r1 r2 }
-- | the type name components of a type
leaves :: (Int -> Bool) -> Type -> [(Int, (Id, RawKind))]
leaves b = foldType FoldTypeRec
{ foldTypeName = \ _ i k c -> [(c, (i, k)) | b c]
, foldTypeAppl = const List.union
, foldExpandedType = \ _ _ t2 -> t2
, foldTypeAbs = \ _ (TypeArg i _ _ r c _ _) ty _ ->
List.delete (c, (i, r)) ty
, foldKindedType = \ _ ty _ _ -> ty
, foldTypeToken = \ _ _ -> []
, foldBracketType = \ _ _ _ _ -> []
, foldMixfixType = \ _ _ -> [] }
-- | uninstantiate, non-generalized, unknown type variables
freeTVars :: Type -> [(Int, (Id, RawKind))]
freeTVars = leaves (> 0)
freeTVarIds :: Type -> [Id]
freeTVarIds = map (fst . snd) . freeTVars