Maintainer :
analyse alternatives of data types
-- | description of polymorphic data types
data DataPat = DataPat Id [TypeArg] RawKind Type
mkVarDecl :: Id -> Type -> VarDecl
mkVarDecl i t = VarDecl i t Other nullRange
mkSelId :: Range -> String -> Int -> Int -> Id
[Token (str ++ "_" ++ (if n < 1 then "" else show n ++ "_") ++ show m) p]
mkSelVar :: Int -> Int -> Type -> VarDecl
mkSelVar n m ty = mkVarDecl (mkSelId (getRange ty) "x" n m) ty
genTuple :: Int -> Int -> [Selector] -> [(Selector, VarDecl)]
genTuple n m (s@(Select _ ty _) : sels) =
(s, mkSelVar n m ty) : genTuple n (m + 1) sels
genSelVars :: Int -> [[Selector]] -> [[(Selector, VarDecl)]]
genSelVars n sels = case sels of
[ts] -> [genTuple 0 1 ts]
_ -> if all isSingle sels
then map (: []) $ genTuple 0 1 $ map head sels
else genSelVarsAux n sels
genSelVarsAux :: Int -> [[Selector]] -> [[(Selector, VarDecl)]]
genSelVarsAux n (ts : sels) =
genTuple n 1 ts : genSelVarsAux (n + 1) sels
makeSelTupleEqs :: DataPat -> Term -> [(Selector, VarDecl)] -> [Named Term]
makeSelTupleEqs dt ct = concatMap (\ (Select mi ty p, v) -> case mi of
sc = getSelScheme dt p ty
eq = mkEqTerm eqId ty nullRange
(mkApplTerm (mkOpTerm i sc) [ct]) $ QualVar v
in [makeNamed ("ga_select_" ++ show i) eq]
makeSelEqs :: DataPat -> Term -> [[(Selector, VarDecl)]] -> [Named Term]
makeSelEqs dt = concatMap . makeSelTupleEqs dt
makeAltSelEqs :: DataPat -> AltDefn -> [Named Term]
makeAltSelEqs dt@(DataPat _ iargs _ _) (Construct mc ts p sels) =
selvars = genSelVars 1 sels
vars = map (map snd) selvars
ct = mkApplTerm (mkOpTerm c $ getConstrScheme dt p ts) ars
in map (mapNamed (mkForall (map GenTypeVarDecl iargs
++ map GenVarDecl (concat vars)))) $ makeSelEqs dt ct selvars
mkSelArgs :: [[VarDecl]] -> [Term]
mkSelArgs = map (\ vs -> mkTupleTerm (map QualVar vs) nullRange)
getConstrScheme :: DataPat -> Partiality -> [Type] -> TypeScheme
getConstrScheme (DataPat _ args _ rt) p ts =
TypeScheme args (getFunType rt p ts) nullRange
getSelScheme :: DataPat -> Partiality -> Type -> TypeScheme
getSelScheme (DataPat _ args _ rt) p t =
TypeScheme args (getSelType rt p t) nullRange
-- | remove variances from generalized type arguments
toDataPat :: DataEntry -> DataPat
DataPat j (map nonVarTypeArg args) rk $ patToType j args rk
-- | create selector equations for a data type
makeDataSelEqs :: DataPat -> [AltDefn] -> [Named Sentence]
makeDataSelEqs dp = map (mapNamed Formula) . concatMap (makeAltSelEqs dp)
-- | analyse the alternatives of a data type
anaAlts :: GenKind -> [DataPat] -> DataPat -> [Alternative] -> Env
anaAlts genKind tys dt alts te =
do l <- mapM (anaAlt genKind tys dt te) alts
Result (checkUniqueness $ mapMaybe ( \ (Construct i _ _ _) -> i) l)
anaAlt :: GenKind -> [DataPat] -> DataPat -> Env -> Alternative
anaAlt _ _ _ te (Subtype ts _) =
do l <- mapM ( \ t -> anaStarTypeM t te) ts
anaAlt genKind tys dt te (Constructor i cs p _) =
do newCs <- mapM (anaComps genKind tys dt te) cs
Result (checkUniqueness . mapMaybe ( \ (Select s _ _) -> s )
return $ Construct (Just i) (map fst newCs) p sels
anaComps :: GenKind -> [DataPat] -> DataPat -> Env -> [Component]
-> Result (Type, [Selector])
anaComps genKind tys rt te cs =
do newCs <- mapM (anaComp genKind tys rt te) cs
return (mkProductType $ map fst newCs, map snd newCs)
isPartialSelector :: Type -> Bool
isPartialSelector ty = case ty of
TypeAppl (TypeName i _ _) _ -> i == lazyTypeId
anaComp :: GenKind -> [DataPat] -> DataPat -> Env -> Component
-> Result (Type, Selector)
anaComp genKind tys rt te (Selector s _ t _ _) =
do ct <- anaCompType genKind tys rt t te
let (p, nct) = case getTypeAppl ct of
(TypeName i _ _, [lt]) | i == lazyTypeId
&& isPartialSelector t -> (Partial, lt)
return (nct, Select (Just s) nct p)
anaComp genKind tys rt te (NoSelector t) =
do ct <- anaCompType genKind tys rt t te
return (ct, Select Nothing ct Partial)
anaCompType :: GenKind -> [DataPat] -> DataPat -> Type -> Env -> Result Type
anaCompType genKind tys (DataPat _ tArgs _ _) t te = do
(_, ct) <- anaStarTypeM t te
let ds = unboundTypevars True tArgs ct
unless (null ds) $ Result ds Nothing
mapM_ (checkMonomorphRecursion ct te) tys
mapM_ (rejectNegativeOccurrence genKind ct te) tys
return $ generalize tArgs ct
checkMonomorphRecursion :: Type -> Env -> DataPat -> Result ()
checkMonomorphRecursion t te (DataPat i _ _ rt) =
case filter (\ ty -> not (lesserType te ty rt || lesserType te rt ty))
$ findSubTypes (relatedTypeIds (typeMap te) i) i t of
ty : _ -> Result [Diag Error ("illegal polymorphic recursion"
++ expected rt ty) $ getRange ty] Nothing
findSubTypes :: (Id -> Bool) -> Id -> Type -> [Type]
findSubTypes chk i t = case getTypeAppl t of
(TypeName j _ _, args) -> if chk j then [t]
else concatMap (findSubTypes chk i) args
(topTy, args) -> concatMap (findSubTypes chk i) $ topTy : args
rejectNegativeOccurrence :: GenKind -> Type -> Env -> DataPat -> Result ()
rejectNegativeOccurrence genKind t te (DataPat i _ _ _) =
case findNegativeOccurrence te i t of
ty : _ -> Result [mkDiag (case genKind of
_ -> Hint) "negative datatype occurrence of" ty] $ Just ()
findNegativeOccurrence :: Env -> Id -> Type -> [Type]
findNegativeOccurrence te i t = let tm = typeMap te in case getTypeAppl t of
(TypeName j _ _, _) | relatedTypeIds tm i j ->
[] -- positive occurrence
(topTy, [larg, rarg]) | lesserType te topTy (toFunType PFunArr) ->
findSubTypes (== i) i larg ++ findNegativeOccurrence te i rarg
(_, args) -> concatMap (findNegativeOccurrence te i) args
relatedTypeIds :: TypeMap -> Id -> Id -> Bool
relatedTypeIds tm i1 i2 =
allRelIds :: TypeMap -> Id ->
Set.Set Id
allRelIds tm i =
Set.union (superIds tm i) $ subIds tm i
subIds :: TypeMap -> Id ->
Set.Set Id
subIds tm i = foldr ( \ j s ->
mkPredVar :: DataPat -> VarDecl
mkPredVar (DataPat i _ _ rt) = let ps = posOfId i in
mkVarDecl (if isSimpleId i then mkId [mkSimpleId $ "p_" ++ show i]
else Id [mkSimpleId "p"] [i] ps) (predType ps rt)
mkPredAppl :: DataPat -> Term -> Term
mkPredAppl dp t = mkApplTerm (QualVar $ mkPredVar dp) [t]
mkPredToVarAppl :: DataPat -> VarDecl -> Term
mkPredToVarAppl dp = mkPredAppl dp . QualVar
mkConclusion :: DataPat -> Term
mkConclusion dp@(DataPat _ _ _ ty) =
let v = mkVarDecl (mkId [mkSimpleId "x"]) ty
in mkForall [GenVarDecl v] $ mkPredToVarAppl dp v
mkPremise ::
Map.Map Type DataPat -> DataPat -> AltDefn -> [Term]
mkPremise m dp (Construct mc ts p sels) =
vars = map (map snd) $ genSelVars 1 sels
findHypo vd@(VarDecl _ ty _ _) =
indHypos = mapMaybe findHypo flatVars
$ mkApplTerm (mkOpTerm c $ getConstrScheme dp p ts)
in [mkForall (map GenVarDecl flatVars) $
if null indHypos then indConcl else
mkLogTerm implId nullRange (mkConjunct indHypos) indConcl]
mkConjunct :: [Term] -> Term
toBinJunctor andId ts nullRange
mkPremises ::
Map.Map Type DataPat -> DataEntry -> [Term]
mkPremises m de@(DataEntry _ _ _ _ _ alts) =
concatMap (mkPremise m $ toDataPat de) $
Set.toList alts
joinTypeArgs :: [DataPat] ->
Map.Map Id TypeArg
joinTypeArgs = foldr (\ (DataPat _ iargs _ _) m ->
inductionScheme :: [DataEntry] -> Term
let dps = map toDataPat des
m =
Map.fromList $ map (\ dp@(DataPat _ _ _ ty) -> (ty, dp)) dps
in mkForall (map GenTypeVarDecl (
Map.elems $ joinTypeArgs dps)
++ map (GenVarDecl . mkPredVar) dps)
$ mkLogTerm implId nullRange
(mkConjunct $ concatMap (mkPremises m) des)
$ mkConjunct $ map mkConclusion dps