DataAna.hs revision 5e26bfc8d7b18cf3a3fa7b919b4450fb669f37a5
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (MonadState)
analyse alternatives of data types
module HasCASL.DataAna where
import Data.Maybe
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.TypeAna
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.Unify
anaAlts :: [(Id, Type)] -> Type -> [Alternative] -> TypeMap -> Result [AltDefn]
anaAlts tys dt alts tm =
do l <- mapM (anaAlt tys dt tm) alts
Result (checkUniqueness $ catMaybes $
map ( \ (Construct i _ _ _) -> i) l) $ Just ()
return l
anaAlt :: [(Id, Type)] -> Type -> TypeMap -> Alternative -> Result AltDefn
anaAlt _ _ tm (Subtype ts _) =
do l <- mapM ( \ t -> anaType (Just star, t) tm) ts
return $ Construct Nothing (map snd l) Partial []
anaAlt tys dt tm (Constructor i cs p _) =
do newCs <- mapM (anaComps tys dt tm) cs
let sels = map snd newCs
Result (checkUniqueness $ catMaybes $
map ( \ (Select s _ _) -> s ) $ concat sels) $ Just ()
return $ Construct (Just i) (map fst newCs) p sels
anaComps :: [(Id, Type)] -> Type -> TypeMap -> [Component]
-> Result (Type, [Selector])
anaComps tys rt tm cs =
do newCs <- mapM (anaComp tys rt tm) cs
return (mkProductType (map fst newCs) [], map snd newCs)
anaComp :: [(Id, Type)] -> Type -> TypeMap -> Component
-> Result (Type, Selector)
anaComp tys rt tm (Selector s p t _ _) =
do ct <- anaCompType tys rt t tm
return (ct, Select (Just s) ct p)
anaComp tys rt tm (NoSelector t) =
do ct <- anaCompType tys rt t tm
return (ct, Select Nothing ct Partial)
getSelType :: Type -> Partiality -> Type -> Type
getSelType dt p rt = (case p of
Partial -> addPartiality [dt]
Total -> id) $ FunType dt FunArr rt []
anaCompType :: [(Id, Type)] -> Type -> Type -> TypeMap -> Result Type
anaCompType tys dt t tm = do
(_, ct) <- anaType (Just star, t) tm
ct2 <- unboundTypevars (varsOf dt) ct
mapM (checkMonomorphRecursion ct2 tm) tys
return ct2
checkMonomorphRecursion :: Type -> TypeMap -> (Id, Type) -> Result ()
checkMonomorphRecursion t tm (i, rt) =
if occursIn tm i $ unalias tm t then
if equalSubs tm t rt then return ()
else Result [Diag Error ("illegal polymorphic recursion"
++ expected rt t) $ getMyPos t] Nothing
else return ()
unboundTypevars :: Set.Set TypeArg -> Type -> Result Type
unboundTypevars args ct =
let restVars = varsOf ct Set.\\ args in
if Set.isEmpty restVars then return ct
else Result [mkDiag Error ("unbound type variable(s)\n\t"
++ showSepList ("," ++) showPretty
(Set.toList restVars) " in") ct] Nothing