DataAna.hs revision 75a6279dbae159d018ef812185416cf6df386c10
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (MonadState)
analyse alternatives of data types
module HasCASL.DataAna where
import HasCASL.As
import Common.Id
import Common.Lib.State
import Common.Result
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.ClassAna
import HasCASL.TypeAna
import Data.Maybe
anaAlts :: Type -> [Alternative] -> State Env [AltDefn]
anaAlts dt alts = do ll <- mapM (anaAlt dt) alts
let l = concat ll
addDiags (checkUniqueness $ map
( \ (Construct i _ _ _) -> i) l)
return l
anaAlt :: Type -> Alternative -> State Env [AltDefn]
anaAlt _ (Subtype ts ps) =
do mapM_ anaStarType ts
addDiags [Diag Warning "data subtype ignored" $ firstPos ts ps]
return []
anaAlt dt (Constructor i cs p _) =
do newCs <- mapM (anaComp i dt) $ zip cs $ map (:[]) [1..]
let mts = map fst newCs
if all isJust mts then
do let sels = concatMap snd newCs
con = Construct i (catMaybes mts) p sels
-- check for disjoint selectors
addDiags (checkUniqueness $ map ( \ (Select s _ _) -> s ) sels)
return [con]
else return []
getConstrType :: Type -> Partiality -> [Type] -> Type
getConstrType dt p = addPartiality p .
foldr ( \ c r -> FunType c FunArr r [] ) dt
addPartiality :: Partiality -> Type -> Type
addPartiality Total t = t
addPartiality Partial t = makePartial t
makePartial :: Type -> Type
makePartial t =
case t of
FunType t1 a t2 ps ->
case t2 of
FunType _ _ _ _ -> FunType t1 a (makePartial t2) ps
_ -> FunType t1 PFunArr t2 ps
_ -> LazyType t []
anaComp :: Id -> Type -> (Components, [Int])
-> State Env (Maybe Type, [Selector])
anaComp _ _ (Selector s p t _ _, _) =
do mt <- anaStarType t
case mt of
Just ct -> return (mt, [Select s ct p])
_ -> return (Nothing, [])
anaComp con rt (NoSelector t, i) =
do mt <- anaStarType t
case mt of
Just ct -> return (mt, [Select (simpleIdToId $ mkSimpleId
("%(" ++ showPretty rt "." ++
showId con ".sel_" ++ show i ++ ")%"))
ct Partial])
_ -> return (Nothing, [])
anaComp con rt (NestedComponents cs ps, i) =
do newCs <- mapM (anaComp con rt) $ zip cs $ map (:i) [1..]
let mts = map fst newCs
if all isJust mts then
return (Just $ ProductType (catMaybes mts) ps,
concatMap snd newCs)
else return (Nothing, [])
getSelType :: Type -> Partiality -> Type -> Type
getSelType dt p rt = addPartiality p $ FunType dt FunArr rt []