ConvertTypePattern.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : convert type patterns to type identifier applications
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
convert type patterns to type identifier applications
module HasCASL.ConvertTypePattern
( toTypePattern
, convertTypePatterns
, convertTypePattern
) where
import Common.Lexer
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.PrintAs ()
-- | store identifier application as a type pattern
toTypePattern :: (Id, [TypeArg]) -> TypePattern
toTypePattern (i, tArgs) = TypePattern i tArgs nullRange
-- | convert type patterns
convertTypePatterns :: [TypePattern] -> Result [(Id, [TypeArg])]
convertTypePatterns ts = case ts of
[] -> return []
s : r -> let
Result d m = convertTypePattern s
Result ds (Just l) = convertTypePatterns r
in Result (d ++ ds) $ Just $ case m of
Nothing -> l
Just i -> i : l
illegalTypePattern :: TypePattern -> Result a
illegalTypePattern = mkError "illegal type pattern"
illegalTypePatternArg :: TypePattern -> Result a
illegalTypePatternArg = mkError "illegal type pattern argument"
illegalTypeId :: TypePattern -> Result a
illegalTypeId = mkError "illegal type pattern identifier"
-- | convert a type pattern
convertTypePattern :: TypePattern -> Result (Id, [TypeArg])
convertTypePattern tp = case tp of
TypePattern t as _ -> return (t, as)
TypePatternToken t ->
if isPlace t then illegalTypePattern tp else return (simpleIdToId t, [])
MixfixTypePattern [ra, ri@(TypePatternToken inTok), rb] ->
if isSignChar $ head $ tokStr inTok
then let inId = Id [Token place $ getRange ra, inTok,
Token place $ getRange rb] [] nullRange
in case (ra, rb) of
(TypePatternToken (Token "__" _),
TypePatternToken (Token "__" _)) -> return (inId, [])
_ -> do a <- convertToTypeArg ra
b <- convertToTypeArg rb
return (inId, [a, b])
else case ra of
TypePatternToken t1 -> do
a <- convertToTypeArg ri
b <- convertToTypeArg rb
return (simpleIdToId t1, [a, b])
_ -> illegalTypePattern tp
MixfixTypePattern (TypePatternToken t1 : rp) ->
if isPlace t1 then case rp of
[TypePatternToken inId, TypePatternToken t2] ->
if isPlace t2 && isSignChar (head $ tokStr inId)
then return (Id [t1, inId, t2] [] nullRange, [])
else illegalTypePattern tp
_ -> illegalTypePattern tp
else case rp of
BracketTypePattern Squares as@(_ : _) ps : rp2 -> do
is <- mapM convertToId as
rs <- mapM convertToTypeArg rp2
return (Id [t1] is ps, rs)
_ -> do
as <- mapM convertToTypeArg rp
return (simpleIdToId t1, as)
BracketTypePattern bk [ap] ps -> case bk of
Parens -> convertTypePattern ap
_ -> let (o, c) = getBrackets bk
tid = Id [Token o ps, Token place $ getRange ap,
Token c ps] [] nullRange
in case ap of
TypePatternToken t -> return $ if isPlace t
then (tid, [])
else (tid, [TypeArg (simpleIdToId t) NonVar MissingKind
rStar 0 Other nullRange])
_ -> do a <- convertToTypeArg ap
return (tid, [a])
_ -> illegalTypePattern tp
convertToTypeArg :: TypePattern -> Result TypeArg
convertToTypeArg tp = case tp of
TypePatternToken t -> if isPlace t then illegalTypePatternArg tp else
return $ TypeArg (simpleIdToId t)
NonVar MissingKind rStar 0 Other nullRange
TypePatternArg a _ -> return a
BracketTypePattern Parens [stp] _ -> convertToTypeArg stp
_ -> illegalTypePatternArg tp
convertToId :: TypePattern -> Result Id
convertToId tp = case tp of
TypePatternToken t ->
if isPlace t then illegalTypeId tp else return $ Id [t] [] nullRange
MixfixTypePattern [] -> error "convertToId: MixfixTypePattern []"
MixfixTypePattern (hd : tps) ->
if null tps then convertToId hd
else do
let (toks, comps) = break ( \ p ->
case p of BracketTypePattern Squares (_ : _) _ -> True
_ -> False) tps
ts <- mapM convertToToks (hd : toks)
(is, ps) <- if null comps then return ([], nullRange)
else convertToIds $ head comps
pls <- if null comps then return []
else mapM convertToPlace $ tail comps
return $ Id (concat ts ++ pls) is ps
_ -> do
ts <- convertToToks tp
return $ Id ts [] nullRange
convertToIds :: TypePattern -> Result ([Id], Range)
convertToIds tp = case tp of
BracketTypePattern Squares tps@(_ : _) ps -> do
is <- mapM convertToId tps
return (is, ps)
_ -> illegalTypeId tp
convertToToks :: TypePattern -> Result [Token]
convertToToks tp = case tp of
TypePatternToken t -> return [t]
BracketTypePattern bk [stp] ps -> case bk of
Parens -> illegalTypeId stp
_ -> let [o, c] = mkBracketToken bk ps in do
ts <- convertToToks tp
return (o : ts ++ [c])
MixfixTypePattern tps -> do
ts <- mapM convertToToks tps
return $ concat ts
_ -> illegalTypeId tp
convertToPlace :: TypePattern -> Result Token
convertToPlace tp = case tp of
TypePatternToken t -> if isPlace t then return t else illegalTypeId tp
_ -> illegalTypeId tp