Constrain.hs revision 93ee71ae78c3b7419930a8e4a06977ac7dbae6d0
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
constraint resolution
module HasCASL.Constrain where
import HasCASL.Unify
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.ClassAna
import HasCASL.TypeAna
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
data Constrain = Kinding Type Kind
| Subtyping Type Type
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance PrettyPrint Constrain where
printText0 ga c = case c of
Kinding ty k -> printText0 ga ty <+> colon
<+> printText0 ga k
Subtyping t1 t2 -> printText0 ga t1 <+> text lessS
<+> printText0 ga t2
instance PosItem Constrain where
get_pos c = Just $ case c of
Kinding ty _ -> posOfType ty
Subtyping t1 t2 -> firstPos [t1, t2] []
type Constraints = Set.Set Constrain
noC :: Constraints
noC = Set.empty
joinC :: Constraints -> Constraints -> Constraints
joinC = Set.union
substC :: Subst -> Constraints -> Constraints
substC s = Set.image (\ c -> case c of
Kinding ty k -> Kinding (subst s ty) k
Subtyping t1 t2 -> Subtyping (subst s t1) $ subst s t2)
inHnf :: Type -> Bool
inHnf ty =
case ty of
TypeName _ _ n -> n /= 0
TypeAppl t _ -> inHnf t
ExpandedType _ t -> inHnf t
_ -> False
toHnf :: Monad m => Env -> Constrain -> m Constraints
toHnf e c = case c of
Kinding ty _ -> if inHnf ty then return $ Set.single c
else do cs <- byInst c
pss <- mapM (toHnf e) $ Set.toList cs
return $ Set.unions pss
Subtyping _ _ -> return noC -- ignore
simplify :: TypeMap -> Constraints -> Constraints -> ([Diagnosis], Constraints)
simplify tm cs rs =
if Set.isEmpty rs then ([], cs)
else let (r, rt) = Set.deleteFindMin rs
Result ds m = entail tm (Set.union cs rt) r
addDs (a, b) = (ds ++ a, b)
in case m of
Just _ -> addDs $ simplify tm cs rt
Nothing -> addDs $ simplify tm (Set.insert r cs) rt
entail :: Monad m => TypeMap -> Constraints -> Constrain -> m ()
entail tm ps p = if p `Set.member` ps then return ()
else do is <- byInst tm p
mapM_ (entail tm ps) $ Set.toList is
byInst :: Monad m => TypeMap -> Constrain -> m Constraints
byInst tm c = case c of
Kinding ty k -> case ty of
ExpandedType _ t -> byInst tm $ Kinding t k
_ -> case k of
Intersection l _ -> if null l then return noC else
do pss <- mapM (\ ik -> byInst tm (Kinding ty ik)) l
return $ Set.unions pss
ExtKind ek _ _ -> byInst tm (Kinding ty ek)
ClassKind _ _ -> let (topTy, args) = getTypeAppl tm ty in
case topTy of
TypeName _ kind _ -> if null args then
if lesserKind kind k then return noC
else fail $ expected k kind
else do
let ks = getKindAppl kind args
newKs <- dom k ks
return $ Set.fromList $ zipWith Kinding args newKs
_ -> error "byInst: unexpected Type"
_ -> error "byInst: unexpected Kind"
_ -> return noC
maxKind :: Kind -> Kind -> Maybe Kind
maxKind k1 k2 = if lesserKind k1 k2 then Just k1 else
if lesserKind k2 k1 then Just k2 else Nothing
maxKinds :: [Kind] -> Maybe Kind
maxKinds l = case l of
[] -> Nothing
[k] -> Just k
[k1, k2] -> maxKind k1 k2
k1 : k2 : ks -> case maxKind k1 k2 of
Just k -> maxKinds (k : ks)
Nothing -> do k <- maxKinds (k2 : ks)
maxKind k1 k
maxKindss :: [[Kind]] -> Maybe [Kind]
maxKindss l = let margs = map maxKinds $ transpose l in
if all isJust margs then Just $ map fromJust margs
else Nothing
dom :: Monad m => Kind -> [(Kind, [Kind])] -> m [Kind]
dom k ks = let fks = filter ( \ (rk, _) -> lesserKind rk k ) ks
margs = maxKindss $ map snd fks
in if null fks then fail ("class not found " ++
showPretty k "") else case margs of
Nothing -> fail "dom: maxKind"
Just args -> if any ((args ==) . snd) fks then return args
else fail "dom: not coregular"
getKindAppl :: Kind -> [a] -> [(Kind, [Kind])]
getKindAppl k args = if null args then [(k, [])] else
case k of
FunKind k1 k2 _ -> let ks = getKindAppl k2 (tail args)
in map ( \ (rk, kargs) -> (rk, k1 : kargs)) ks
Intersection l _ ->
concatMap (flip getKindAppl args) l
ExtKind ek _ _ -> getKindAppl ek args
ClassKind _ ck -> getKindAppl ck args
Downset _ _ dk _ -> getKindAppl dk args
_ -> error ("getKindAppl " ++ show k)
getTypeAppl :: TypeMap -> Type -> (Type, [Type])
getTypeAppl tm ty = let (t, args) = getTyAppl ty in
(t, reverse args) where
getTyAppl typ = case typ of
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> let (t, args) = getTyAppl t1 in (t, t2 : args)
ExpandedType _ t -> getTyAppl t
LazyType t _ -> getTyAppl t
KindedType t _ _ -> getTyAppl t
ProductType ts ps ->
let Result _ mk = getIdKind tm productId
in case mk of
Just k ->
let rk = toIntersection (map fst $ getKindAppl k [typ,typ]) ps
in case ts of
[t1,t2] -> (TypeName productId k 0, [t2, t1])
[] -> (TypeName productId rk 0, [])
[_] -> error "getTyAppl productType"
t:rt -> (TypeName productId k 0, [ProductType rt ps, t])
_ -> error "getTyAppl productId"
FunType t1 a t2 _ ->
let i = arrowId a
Result _ mk = getIdKind tm i in
case mk of
Just k -> (TypeName i k 0, [t2, t1])
_ -> error "getTyAppl arrowId"
_ -> (typ, [])