Constrain.hs revision 7ff1eb5756da8554a5676f3dc3c1225fc15c3682
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann{- |
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannModule : $Header$
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannCopyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003-2005
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannMaintainer :
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannStability : experimental
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannPortability : portable
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannconstraint resolution
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-}
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannmodule HasCASL.Constrain where
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport HasCASL.Unify
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport HasCASL.As
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport HasCASL.AsUtils
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport HasCASL.Le
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport HasCASL.TypeAna
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport HasCASL.ClassAna
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Common.Lib.State
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Common.Id
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Common.Result
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Common.Doc
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Control.Exception(assert)
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Data.List
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Data.Maybe
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmanndata Constrain = Kinding Type Kind
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann | Subtyping Type Type
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmanninstance Pretty Constrain where
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann pretty c = case c of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Kinding ty k -> fsep [pretty ty, colon, pretty k]
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Subtyping t1 t2 -> fsep [pretty t1, less, pretty t2]
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmanninstance PosItem Constrain where
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann getRange c = case c of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Kinding ty _ -> getRange ty
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Subtyping t1 t2 -> getRange t1 `appRange` getRange t2
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmanntype Constraints = Set.Set Constrain
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannnoC :: Constraints
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannnoC = Set.empty
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannjoinC :: Constraints -> Constraints -> Constraints
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannjoinC = Set.union
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmanninsertC :: Constrain -> Constraints -> Constraints
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmanninsertC c = case c of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Subtyping t1 t2 -> if t1 == t2 then id else Set.insert c
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Kinding _ k -> if k == universe then id else Set.insert c
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannsubstC :: Subst -> Constraints -> Constraints
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannsubstC s = Set.fold (insertC . ( \ c -> case c of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Kinding ty k -> Kinding (subst s ty) k
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Subtyping t1 t2 -> Subtyping (subst s t1) $ subst s t2)) noC
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannsimplify :: TypeEnv -> Constraints -> ([Diagnosis], Constraints)
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannsimplify te rs =
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann if Set.null rs then ([], noC)
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann else let (r, rt) = Set.deleteFindMin rs
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Result ds m = entail te r
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann (es, cs) = simplify te rt
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann in (ds ++ es, case m of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Just _ -> cs
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Nothing -> insertC r cs)
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannentail :: Monad m => TypeEnv -> Constrain -> m ()
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannentail te p =
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann do is <- byInst te p
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann mapM_ (entail te) $ Set.toList is
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannbyInst :: Monad m => TypeEnv -> Constrain -> m Constraints
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannbyInst te c = let cm = classMap te in case c of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Kinding ty k -> if k == universe then
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann assert (rawKindOfType ty == ClassKind ())
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann $ return noC else
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann let Result _ds mk = inferKinds (Just True) ty te in
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann case mk of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Nothing -> fail $ "constrain '" ++
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann showPretty c "' is unprovable"
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Just ((_, ks), _) -> if any ( \ j -> lesserKind cm j k) ks
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann then return noC
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann else fail $ "constrain '" ++
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann showPretty c "' is unprovable"
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann ++ "\n known kinds are: " ++
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann concat (intersperse ", " $
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann map (flip showPretty "") ks)
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Subtyping t1 t2 -> if lesserType te t1 t2 then return noC
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann else fail ("unable to prove: " ++ showPretty t1 " < "
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann ++ showPretty t2 "")
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannfreshTypeVarT :: Type -> State Int Type
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannfreshTypeVarT t =
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann do (var, c) <- freshVar $ getRange t
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann return $ TypeName var (rawKindOfType t) c
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannfreshVarsT :: [Type] -> State Int [Type]
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannfreshVarsT l = mapM freshTypeVarT l
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmanntoPairState :: State Int a -> State (Int, b) a
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmanntoPairState p =
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann do (a, b) <- get
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann let (r, c) = runState p a
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann put (c, b)
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann return r
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannaddSubst :: Subst -> State (Int, Subst) ()
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannaddSubst s = do
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann (c, o) <- get
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann put (c, compSubst o s)
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannswap :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannswap (a, b) = (b, a)
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannsubstPairList :: Subst -> [(Type, Type)] -> [(Type, Type)]
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannsubstPairList s = map ( \ (a, b) -> (subst s a, subst s b))
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- pre: shapeMatch succeeds
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannshapeMgu :: TypeEnv -> [(Type, Type)] -> State (Int, Subst) [(Type, Type)]
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannshapeMgu te cs =
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann let (atoms, structs) = partition ( \ p -> case p of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann (TypeName _ _ _, TypeName _ _ _) -> True
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> False) cs
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann in if null structs then return atoms else
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann let p@(t1, t2) = head structs
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann tl = tail structs
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann rest = tl ++ atoms
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann in case p of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann (ExpandedType _ t, _) -> shapeMgu te $ (t, t2) : rest
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann (_, ExpandedType _ t) -> shapeMgu te $ (t1, t) : rest
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann (TypeAppl (TypeName l _ _) t, _) | l == lazyTypeId ->
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann shapeMgu te $ (t, t2) : rest
(_, TypeAppl (TypeName l _ _) t) | l == lazyTypeId ->
shapeMgu te $ (t1, t) : rest
(KindedType t _ _, _) -> shapeMgu te $ (t, t2) : rest
(_, KindedType t _ _) -> shapeMgu te $ (t1, t) : rest
(TypeName _ _ v1, TypeAppl f a) -> if (v1 > 0) then do
vf <- toPairState $ freshTypeVarT f
va <- toPairState $ freshTypeVarT a
let s = Map.singleton v1 (TypeAppl vf va)
addSubst s
shapeMgu te $ (vf, f) : (case rawKindOfType vf of
FunKind CoVar _ _ _ -> [(va, a)]
FunKind ContraVar _ _ _ -> [(a, va)]
_ -> [(a, va), (va, a)]) ++ substPairList s rest
else error ("shapeMgu1: " ++ showPretty t1 " < " ++ showPretty t2 "")
(_, TypeName _ _ _) -> do ats <- shapeMgu te ((t2, t1) : map swap rest)
return $ map swap ats
(TypeAppl f1 a1, TypeAppl f2 a2) ->
shapeMgu te $ (f1, f2) : case (rawKindOfType f1, rawKindOfType f2) of
(FunKind CoVar _ _ _,
FunKind CoVar _ _ _) -> (a1, a2) : rest
(FunKind ContraVar _ _ _,
FunKind ContraVar _ _ _) -> (a2, a1) : rest
_ -> (a1, a2) : (a2, a1) : rest
_ -> error ("shapeMgu2: " ++ showPretty t1 " < " ++ showPretty t2 "")
shapeUnify :: TypeEnv -> [(Type, Type)] -> State Int (Subst, [(Type, Type)])
shapeUnify te l = do
c <- get
let (r, (n, s)) = runState (shapeMgu te l) (c, eps)
put n
return (s, r)
-- input an atomized constraint list
collapser :: Rel.Rel Type -> Result Subst
collapser r =
let t = Rel.sccOfClosure r
ks = map (Set.partition ( \ e -> case e of
TypeName _ _ n -> n==0
_ -> error "collapser")) t
ws = filter (\ p -> Set.compareSize 1 (fst p) == LT) ks
in if null ws then
return $ foldr ( \ (cs, vs) s ->
if Set.null cs then
extendSubst s $ Set.deleteFindMin vs
else extendSubst s (Set.findMin cs, vs)) eps ks
else Result
(map ( \ (cs, _) ->
let (c1, rs) = Set.deleteFindMin cs
c2 = Set.findMin rs
in Diag Hint ("contradicting type inclusions for '"
++ showPretty c1 "' and '"
++ showPretty c2 "'") nullRange) ws) Nothing
extendSubst :: Subst -> (Type, Set.Set Type) -> Subst
extendSubst s (t, vs) = Set.fold ( \ (TypeName _ _ n) ->
Map.insert n t) s vs
-- | partition into qualification and subtyping constraints
partitionC :: Constraints -> (Constraints, Constraints)
partitionC = Set.partition ( \ c -> case c of
Kinding _ _ -> True
Subtyping _ _ -> False)
-- | convert subtypings constrains to a pair list
toListC :: Constraints -> [(Type, Type)]
toListC l = [ (t1, t2) | Subtyping t1 t2 <- Set.toList l ]
shapeMatchPairList :: TypeMap -> [(Type, Type)] -> Result Subst
shapeMatchPairList tm l = case l of
[] -> return eps
(t1, t2) : rt -> do
s1 <- shapeMatch tm t1 t2
s2 <- shapeMatchPairList tm $ substPairList s1 rt
return $ compSubst s1 s2
shapeRel :: TypeEnv -> Constraints
-> State Int (Result (Subst, Constraints, Rel.Rel Type))
shapeRel te cs =
let (qs, subS) = partitionC cs
subL = toListC subS
in case shapeMatchPairList (typeMap te) subL of
Result ds Nothing -> return $ Result ds Nothing
_ -> do (s1, atoms) <- shapeUnify te subL
let r = Rel.transClosure $ Rel.fromList atoms
es = Map.foldWithKey ( \ t1 st l1 ->
case t1 of
TypeName _ _ 0 -> Set.fold ( \ t2 l2 ->
case t2 of
TypeName _ _ 0 -> if lesserType te t1 t2
then l2 else (t1, t2) : l2
_ -> l2) l1 st
_ -> l1) [] $ Rel.toMap r
return $ if null es then
case collapser r of
Result ds Nothing -> Result ds Nothing
Result _ (Just s2) ->
let s = compSubst s1 s2
in return (s, substC s qs,
Rel.fromList $ substPairList s2 atoms)
else Result (map ( \ (t1, t2) ->
mkDiag Hint "rejected" $
Subtyping t1 t2) es) Nothing
-- | compute monotonicity of a type variable
monotonic :: TypeEnv -> Int -> Type -> (Bool, Bool)
monotonic te v t =
case t of
TypeName _ _ i -> (True, i /= v)
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> let
(a1, a2) = monotonic te v t2
(f1, f2) = monotonic te v t1
in case rawKindOfType t1 of
FunKind CoVar _ _ _ -> (f1 && a1, f2 && a2)
FunKind ContraVar _ _ _ -> (f1 && a2, f2 && a1)
_ -> (f1 && a1 && a2, f2 && a1 && a2)
_ -> monotonic te v (stripType t)
-- | find monotonicity based instantiation
monoSubst :: TypeEnv -> Rel.Rel Type -> Type -> Subst
monoSubst te r t =
let varSet = Set.fromList . leaves (> 0)
vs = Set.toList $ Set.union (varSet t) $ Set.unions $ map varSet
$ Set.toList $ Rel.nodes r
monos = filter ( \ (i, (n, rk)) -> case monotonic te i t of
(True, _) -> Set.isSingleton
(Rel.predecessors r $
TypeName n rk i)
_ -> False) vs
antis = filter ( \ (i, (n, rk)) -> case monotonic te i t of
(_, True) -> Set.isSingleton
(Rel.succs r $
TypeName n rk i)
_ -> False) vs
resta = filter ( \ (i, (n, rk)) -> case monotonic te i t of
(True, True) -> Set.compareSize 1
(Rel.succs r $
TypeName n rk i) == LT
_ -> False) vs
restb = filter ( \ (i, (n, rk)) -> case monotonic te i t of
(True, True) -> Set.compareSize 1
(Rel.predecessors r $
TypeName n rk i) == LT
_ -> False) vs
in if null antis then
if null monos then
if null resta then
if null restb then eps else
let (i, (n, rk)) = head restb
tn = TypeName n rk i
s = Rel.predecessors r tn
sl = Set.delete tn $ foldl1 Set.intersection
$ map (Rel.succs r)
$ Set.toList s
in Map.singleton i $ Set.findMin $ if Set.null sl then s
else sl
else let (i, (n, rk)) = head resta
tn = TypeName n rk i
s = Rel.succs r tn
sl = Set.delete tn $ foldl1 Set.intersection
$ map (Rel.predecessors r)
$ Set.toList s
in Map.singleton i $ Set.findMin $ if Set.null sl then s
else sl
else Map.fromDistinctAscList $ map ( \ (i, (n, rk)) ->
(i, Set.findMin $ Rel.predecessors r $
TypeName n rk i)) monos
else Map.fromDistinctAscList $ map ( \ (i, (n, rk)) ->
(i, Set.findMin $ Rel.succs r $
TypeName n rk i)) antis
monoSubsts :: TypeEnv -> Rel.Rel Type -> Type -> Subst
monoSubsts te r t =
let s = monoSubst te (Rel.transReduce $ Rel.irreflex r) t in
if Map.null s then s else
compSubst s $
monoSubsts te (Rel.transClosure $ (subst s) r)
$ subst s t
fromTypeMap :: TypeMap -> Rel.Rel Type
fromTypeMap = Map.foldWithKey (\ t ti r -> let k = typeKind ti in
Set.fold ( \ j -> Rel.insert (TypeName t k 0)
$ TypeName j k 0) r
$ superTypes ti) Rel.empty