ClassDecl.hs revision 75a6279dbae159d018ef812185416cf6df386c10
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
analyse class decls
module HasCASL.ClassDecl where
import HasCASL.As
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.Id
import HasCASL.Le
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Common.Lib.State
import Common.Result
import HasCASL.ClassAna
import HasCASL.TypeAna
import HasCASL.Merge
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- analyse class decls
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
anaClassDecls :: ClassDecl -> State Env ClassDecl
anaClassDecls (ClassDecl cls k ps) =
do ak <- anaKind k
mapM_ (addClassDecl ak Set.empty Nothing) cls
return $ ClassDecl cls ak ps
anaClassDecls (SubclassDecl _ _ (Downset _) _) = error "anaClassDecl"
anaClassDecls (SubclassDecl cls k sc@(Intersection supcls ps) qs) =
do ak <- anaKind k
if Set.isEmpty supcls then
do addDiags [Diag Warning
"redundant universe class"
$ headPos (ps ++ qs)]
mapM_ (addClassDecl ak supcls Nothing) cls
return $ SubclassDecl cls ak sc qs
else let (hd, tl) = Set.deleteFindMin supcls in
if Set.isEmpty tl then
do e <- get
mk <- anaClassId hd
case mk of
Nothing -> do
put e
addClassDecl ak tl Nothing hd
addDiags [mkDiag Warning
"implicit declaration of superclass" hd]
Just sk -> checkKinds hd sk ak
mapM_ (addClassDecl ak (Set.single hd) Nothing) cls
return $ SubclassDecl cls ak sc qs
else do (sk, newSc@(Intersection newSups _)) <- anaClass sc
checkKinds hd sk ak
mapM_ (addClassDecl ak newSups Nothing) cls
return $ SubclassDecl cls ak newSc qs
anaClassDecls (ClassDefn ci k ic ps) =
do ak <- anaKind k
(dk, newIc) <- anaClass ic
checkKinds ci dk ak
(newKind, _, mDefn) <- addClassDecl ak Set.empty (Just newIc) ci
return $ case mDefn of
Nothing -> ClassDecl [ci] newKind ps
Just newDefn -> ClassDefn ci newKind newDefn ps
anaClassDecls (DownsetDefn ci v t ps) =
do mt <- anaStarType t
(newKind, _, mDefn) <- addClassDecl star Set.empty (fmap Downset mt) ci
return $ case mDefn of
Nothing -> ClassDecl [ci] newKind ps
Just newDefn -> case newDefn of
Downset newT -> DownsetDefn ci v newT ps
_ -> ClassDefn ci newKind newDefn ps
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- store class decls
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | store a class map
putClassMap :: ClassMap -> State Env ()
putClassMap ce = do { e <- get; put e { classMap = ce } }
-- | store a class
addClassDecl :: Kind -> Set.Set ClassId -> Maybe Class
-> ClassId -> State Env (Kind, Set.Set ClassId, Maybe Class)
-- check with merge
addClassDecl kind sups defn ci =
if showId ci "" == "Type" then
do addDiags [mkDiag Error
"illegal universe class declaration" ci]
return (kind, Set.empty, Nothing)
else do
cMap <- gets classMap
case Map.lookup ci cMap of
Nothing -> do putClassMap $ Map.insert ci
newClassInfo { classKind = kind
, superClasses = sups
, classDefn = defn } cMap
return (kind, sups, defn)
Just info -> do
addDiags [mkDiag Warning "redeclared class" ci]
let oldDefn = classDefn info
oldSups = superClasses info
oldKind = classKind info
(ds, newDefn) = case (oldDefn, defn) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> ([], Nothing)
(Just _, Nothing) ->
([mkDiag Error
"alias class cannot become a real class" ci]
, oldDefn)
(Nothing, Just _) ->
([mkDiag Error
"class cannot become an alias class" ci]
, Nothing)
(Just d1, Just d2) ->
let Result es _ = merge d1 d2 in
(map (improveDiag ci) es, oldDefn)
checkKinds ci kind oldKind
addDiags ds
possSups <- getLegalSuperClasses ci oldSups sups
let newSups = case newDefn of Just _ -> Set.empty
Nothing -> possSups
putClassMap $ Map.insert ci info
{ superClasses = newSups
, classDefn = newDefn } cMap
return (oldKind, newSups, newDefn)
getLegalSuperClasses :: ClassId -> Set.Set ClassId
getLegalSuperClasses ci oldCs ses =
do ce <- gets classMap
let cs = Set.toList ses
scs = zip (map (allSuperClasses ce) cs) cs
(scycs, sOk) = partition ((ci `Set.member`) . fst) scs
defCs = map snd sOk
newCs = Set.fromList defCs `Set.union` oldCs
cycles = map snd scycs
dubs = filter (`Set.member` allSuperClasses ce ci) defCs
myDiag k s l = Diag k (s ++ " '" ++ showClassList l "'")
$ posOfId $ head l
in do if null cycles then return ()
else addDiags [myDiag Error
"cyclic class relation via" cycles]
if null dubs then return ()
else addDiags [myDiag Warning
"already known as super class" dubs]
return newCs
showClassList :: [ClassId] -> ShowS
showClassList is = showParen (not $ isSingle is)
$ showSepList ("," ++) showId is
-- check with merge
mergeDefns :: ClassId -> Class -> Class -> [Diagnosis]
mergeDefns ci (Downset oldT) (Downset t) =
if oldT == t then [] else wrongClassDecl ci
mergeDefns ci (Intersection oldIs _) (Intersection is _) =
if oldIs == is then []
else wrongClassDecl ci
mergeDefns ci _ _ = wrongClassDecl ci
wrongClassDecl :: ClassId -> [Diagnosis]
wrongClassDecl ci =
[Diag Error
("inconsistent redefinition of '" ++ showId ci "'")
$ posOfId ci]