ClassAna.hs revision 15bb922b665fcd44c6230a1202785d0c7890e90c
faf8ae9e57aecf780f77f114de886af4c1a0f0ccChristian Maeder{- |
faf8ae9e57aecf780f77f114de886af4c1a0f0ccChristian MaederModule : $Header$
faf8ae9e57aecf780f77f114de886af4c1a0f0ccChristian MaederCopyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
faf8ae9e57aecf780f77f114de886af4c1a0f0ccChristian MaederLicence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
faf8ae9e57aecf780f77f114de886af4c1a0f0ccChristian Maeder
aa1c971871ba8f793a9e2e62189369cbfbbe0054Christian MaederMaintainer :
9db48b4604636bfdf03e60890fc094b7bec775dcChristian MaederStability : experimental
9db48b4604636bfdf03e60890fc094b7bec775dcChristian MaederPortability : portable
9db48b4604636bfdf03e60890fc094b7bec775dcChristian Maeder
faf8ae9e57aecf780f77f114de886af4c1a0f0ccChristian Maeder auxiliary functions for raw kinds
module HasCASL.ClassAna where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import Common.Id
import HasCASL.Le
import Common.PrettyPrint
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.Result
anaClassId :: ClassId -> ClassMap -> Result Kind
anaClassId ci cMap =
case Map.lookup ci cMap of
Nothing -> mkError "undeclared class" ci
Just (ClassInfo l) -> return $ ClassKind ci $ toIntersection l []
toIntersection :: [Kind] -> [Pos] -> Kind
toIntersection l ps = case Set.toList $ mkIntersection l of
[] -> Intersection [] ps
[h] -> h
is -> Intersection is ps
mkIntersection :: [Kind] -> Set.Set Kind
mkIntersection = Set.unions . map ( \ k -> case k of
Intersection lk _ -> mkIntersection lk
_ -> Set.single k)
rawKind :: Kind -> Kind
rawKind c =
case c of
MissingKind -> error "rawKind"
ClassKind _ rk -> rawKind rk
Downset _ _ rk _ -> rawKind rk
Intersection l _ -> if null l then c
else rawKind $ head l
FunKind e k ps -> FunKind (rawKind e) (rawKind k) ps
ExtKind k v ps -> ExtKind (rawKind k) v ps
checkIntersection :: Kind -> [Kind] -> [Diagnosis]
checkIntersection _ [] = []
checkIntersection k (f:r) =
case k == rawKind f of
False ->
Diag Error ("incompatible kind of: " ++ showPretty f ""
++ "\n for raw kind: " ++ showPretty k "")
(posOf [f]) : checkIntersection k r
True -> checkIntersection k r
diffKindDiag :: (PosItem a, PrettyPrint a) =>
a -> Kind -> Kind -> [Diagnosis]
diffKindDiag a k1 k2 =
[ Diag Error
("incompatible kind of: " ++ showPretty a "" ++ expected k1 k2)
$ posOf [a] ]
checkKinds :: (PosItem a, PrettyPrint a) =>
a -> Kind -> Kind -> [Diagnosis]
checkKinds p k1 k2 =
do let k3 = rawKind k1
k4 = rawKind k2
if k3 == k4 then []
else diffKindDiag p k1 k2
cyclicClassId :: ClassId -> Kind -> Bool
cyclicClassId ci k =
case k of
FunKind k1 k2 _ -> cyclicClassId ci k1 || cyclicClassId ci k2
ExtKind ek _ _ -> cyclicClassId ci ek
ClassKind cj ck -> cj == ci || cyclicClassId ci ck
Downset _ _ dk _ -> cyclicClassId ci dk
Intersection l _ -> any (cyclicClassId ci) l
_ -> False