Builtin.hs revision 27912d626bf179b82fcb337077e5cd9653bb71cf
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : maeder@tzi.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
HasCASL's builtin types and functions
module HasCASL.Builtin where
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Anno_Parser
import Common.AnalyseAnnos
import Common.Result
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.Le
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-- * buitln identifiers
trueId :: Id
trueId = mkId [mkSimpleId trueS]
falseId :: Id
falseId = mkId [mkSimpleId falseS]
ifThenElse :: Id
ifThenElse = mkId (map mkSimpleId [ifS, place, thenS, place, elseS, place])
whenElse :: Id
whenElse = mkId (map mkSimpleId [place, whenS, place, elseS, place])
infixIf :: Id
infixIf = mkInfix ifS
andId :: Id
andId = mkInfix lAnd
orId :: Id
orId = mkInfix lOr
implId :: Id
implId = mkInfix implS
eqvId :: Id
eqvId = mkInfix equivS
make these prefix identifier to allow "not def x" to be recognized
as "not (def x)" by giving def__ higher precedence then not__.
Simple identifiers usually have higher precedence then ____,
otherwise "def x" would be rejected. But with simple identifiers
"not def x" would be parsed as "(not def) x" because ____ is left
defId :: Id
defId = mkId [mkSimpleId defS, placeTok]
notId :: Id
notId = mkId [mkSimpleId notS, placeTok]
negId :: Id
negId = mkId [mkSimpleId negS, placeTok]
builtinRelIds :: Set.Set Id
builtinRelIds = Set.fromList [typeId, eqId, exEq, defId]
builtinLogIds :: Set.Set Id
builtinLogIds = Set.fromList
[andId, eqvId, implId, orId, infixIf, notId]
-- | add builtin identifiers
addBuiltins :: GlobalAnnos -> GlobalAnnos
addBuiltins ga =
let ass = assoc_annos ga
newAss = Map.union ass $ Map.fromList
[(applId, ALeft), (andId, ALeft), (orId, ALeft),
(implId, ARight), (infixIf, ALeft),
(whenElse, ARight)]
precs = prec_annos ga
pMap = Rel.toMap precs
opIds = Set.unions (Map.keysSet pMap : Map.elems pMap)
opIs = Set.toList ((((Set.filter isInfix opIds)
Set.\\ builtinRelIds) Set.\\ builtinLogIds)
Set.\\ Set.fromList [applId, whenElse])
logs = [(eqvId, implId), (implId, andId), (implId, orId),
(eqvId, infixIf), (infixIf, andId), (infixIf, orId),
(andId, notId), (orId, notId),
(andId, negId), (orId, negId)]
rels1 = map ( \ i -> (notId, i)) $ Set.toList builtinRelIds
rels1b = map ( \ i -> (negId, i)) $ Set.toList builtinRelIds
rels2 = map ( \ i -> (i, whenElse)) $ Set.toList builtinRelIds
ops1 = map ( \ i -> (whenElse, i)) (applId : opIs)
ops2 = map ( \ i -> (i, applId)) opIs
newPrecs = foldl (\ p (a, b) -> if Rel.path b a p then p else
Rel.insert a b p) precs $
concat [logs, rels1, rels1b, rels2, ops1, ops2]
in case addGlobalAnnos ga { assoc_annos = newAss
, prec_annos = Rel.transClosure newPrecs } $
map parseDAnno displayStrings of
Result _ (Just newGa) -> newGa
_ -> error "addBuiltins"
displayStrings :: [String]
displayStrings =
[ "%display __\\/__ %LATEX __\\vee__"
, "%display __/\\__ %LATEX __\\wedge__"
, "%display __=>__ %LATEX __\\Rightarrow__"
, "%display __<=>__ %LATEX __\\Leftrightarrow__"
, "%display not__ %LATEX \\neg__"
parseDAnno :: String -> Annotation
parseDAnno str = case parse annotationL "" str of
Left _ -> error "parseDAnno"
Right a -> a
aVar :: Id
aVar = simpleIdToId $ mkSimpleId "a"
aTypeWithKind :: Kind -> Type
aTypeWithKind k = TypeName aVar (toRaw k) (-1)
aType :: Type
aType = aTypeWithKind universe
lazyAType :: Type
lazyAType = mkLazyType aType
aBindWithKind :: Variance -> Kind -> TypeArg
aBindWithKind v k =
TypeArg aVar v (VarKind k) (toRaw k) (-1) Other nullRange
bindA :: Type -> TypeScheme
bindA t = TypeScheme [aBindWithKind InVar universe] t nullRange
lazyLog :: Type
lazyLog = mkLazyType unitType
aPredType :: Type
aPredType = TypeAbs (aBindWithKind ContraVar universe)
(mkFunArrType aType PFunArr unitType) nullRange
eqType, logType, notType, whenType, unitTypeScheme :: TypeScheme
eqType = bindA $ mkFunArrType (mkProductType [lazyAType, lazyAType])
PFunArr unitType
logType = simpleTypeScheme $
mkFunArrType (mkProductType [lazyLog, lazyLog]) PFunArr unitType
notType = simpleTypeScheme $ mkFunArrType lazyLog PFunArr unitType
whenType =
bindA $ mkFunArrType (mkProductType [lazyAType, lazyLog, lazyAType])
PFunArr aType
unitTypeScheme = simpleTypeScheme lazyLog
botId :: Id
botId = mkId [mkSimpleId "bottom"]
predTypeId :: Id
predTypeId = mkId [mkSimpleId "Pred"]
logId :: Id
logId = mkId [mkSimpleId "Logical"]
botType :: TypeScheme
botType = bindA $ lazyAType
defType :: TypeScheme
defType = bindA $ mkFunArrType lazyAType PFunArr unitType
bList :: [(Id, TypeScheme)]
bList = (botId, botType) : (defId, defType) : (notId, notType) :
(negId, notType) : (whenElse, whenType) :
(trueId, unitTypeScheme) : (falseId, unitTypeScheme) :
(eqId, eqType) : (exEq, eqType) :
map ( \ o -> (o, logType)) [andId, orId, eqvId, implId, infixIf]
funSupertypes :: [(Arrow, [Arrow])]
funSupertypes = [(PFunArr,[]), (FunArr, [PFunArr]), (PContFunArr, [PFunArr]),
(ContFunArr, [PContFunArr, FunArr])]
addUnit :: TypeMap -> TypeMap
addUnit tm = foldr ( \ (i, k, s, d) m ->
Map.insertWith ( \ _ old -> old) i
(TypeInfo (toRaw k) [k] (Set.fromList s) d) m) tm $
(unitTypeId, universe, [], NoTypeDefn)
: (predTypeId, FunKind ContraVar universe universe nullRange, [],
AliasTypeDefn aPredType)
: (lazyTypeId, lazyKind, [], NoTypeDefn)
: (logId, universe, [], AliasTypeDefn $ mkLazyType unitType)
: map ( \ n -> (productId n , prodKind n, [], NoTypeDefn))
[2 .. 5]
++ map ( \ (a, l) -> (arrowId a, funKind,
map ( \ b -> arrowId b) l,
addOps :: Assumps -> Assumps
addOps as = foldr ( \ (i, sc) m ->
Map.insertWith ( \ _ old -> old) i
(OpInfos [OpInfo sc [] (NoOpDefn Fun)]) m) as bList
mkQualOp :: Id -> TypeScheme -> Range -> Term
mkQualOp i sc ps = QualOp Fun (InstOpId i [] ps) sc ps
mkTerm :: Id -> TypeScheme -> Range -> Term -> Term
mkTerm i sc ps t = ApplTerm (mkQualOp i sc ps) t ps
mkBinTerm :: Id -> TypeScheme -> Range -> Term -> Term -> Term
mkBinTerm i sc ps t1 t2 = mkTerm i sc ps $ TupleTerm [t1, t2] ps
mkLogTerm :: Id -> Range -> Term -> Term -> Term
mkLogTerm i ps = mkBinTerm i logType ps
mkEqTerm :: Id -> Range -> Term -> Term -> Term
mkEqTerm i ps = mkBinTerm i eqType ps
unitTerm :: Id -> Range -> Term
unitTerm i ps = mkQualOp i unitTypeScheme ps
toBinJunctor :: Id -> [Term] -> Range -> Term
toBinJunctor i ts ps = case ts of
[] -> error "toBinJunctor"
[t] -> t
t:rs -> mkLogTerm i ps t
(toBinJunctor i rs ps)