Ast.hs revision 03b3c9dc9de5716538a9b04ae9bd8f36e22660e3
module Ast where
import Id
import Lexer
import Maybe
import Parsec
import ParseType
import ParseTerm
import Type
import Term
import Token
type SortId = Id
type OpId = Id
type VarId = Id
barChar = '|'
sortStr = "sort"
type Axiom = Term
data BasicItems = SigItems SigItems
| FreeDatatypeItems [DatatypeDecl]
| SortGen [SigItems]
| VarItems [VarDecl]
| LocalVarDecl [VarDecl] [Axiom]
| Axioms [Axiom]
data SigItems = SortItems Keyword [SortItem]
| OpItems Keyword [OpItem]
| DatatypeItems [DatatypeDecl]
deriving (Show)
data SortItem = SubsortDecl [SortId] (Maybe Type)
| IsoDecl [SortId]
| SubsortDefn SortId VarId Type Term
| AnnotatedSortItem SortItem [Anno]
showSortItem (SubsortDecl l Nothing) = showCommaList l
showSortItem (SubsortDecl l (Just t)) =
showCommaList l . showSignStr lessStr . showSign t
showSortItem (IsoDecl l) =
showSepList (showSignStr equalStr) showSign l
showSortItem (AnnotatedSortItem s _) = shows s
showSortItem (SubsortDefn s _ _ e) =
shows s. showSignStr equalStr . shows e
instance Show SortItem where
showsPrec _ = showSortItem
assocStr = "assoc"
commStr = "comm"
idemStr = "idem"
unitStr = "unit"
data OpAttr = AssocOpAttr | CommOpAttr | IdemOpAttr | UnitOpAttr Term
instance Show OpAttr where
showsPrec _ AssocOpAttr = showString assocStr
showsPrec _ CommOpAttr = showString commStr
showsPrec _ IdemOpAttr = showString idemStr
showsPrec _ (UnitOpAttr t) = showSignStr unitStr . shows t
showList = showString . concat . map (\a -> ',' : show a)
data OpItem = OpItem [OpId] Type [OpAttr] (Maybe Term) [Anno]
deriving (Show)
data Component = Component Decl deriving (Show)
-- full function type (in Decl) of constructor
data Alternative = Construct Decl [Component]
| Subsorts [SortId]
deriving (Show)
data DatatypeDecl = DatatypeDecl SortId [Alternative] deriving (Show)
class Annotatable a where
annotate :: a -> [Anno] -> a
instance Annotatable OpItem where
annotate (OpItem os t as def _) l = OpItem os t as def l
instance Annotatable SortItem where
annotate (AnnotatedSortItem s _) l = AnnotatedSortItem s l
annotate s l = AnnotatedSortItem s l
commaSortDecl :: SortId -> Parser SortItem
commaSortDecl s = do { l <- comma >> (sortId `sepBy1` comma)
; let l' = s : l in
subSortDecl l'
<|> return (SubsortDecl l' Nothing)
isoDecl :: SortId -> Parser SortItem
isoDecl s = do { e <- equal
; subSortDefn s
(do { l <- sortId `sepBy1` equal
; return (IsoDecl (s:l))
subSortDefn :: SortId -> Parser SortItem
subSortDefn s = do { o <- oBrace
; v <- varId
; t <- colon >>= funType
; dot <|> bar
; e <- parseTerm
; cBrace
; let f = Binding SupersortVar [Decl (Symb [v] t) o []] e
in return (SubsortDefn s v t f)
subSortDecl :: [SortId] -> Parser SortItem
subSortDecl l = do { s <- lessSign >>= funType
; return (SubsortDecl l (Just s))
sortItem :: Parser SortItem
sortItem = do { s <- sortId
; subSortDecl [s]
commaSortDecl s
isoDecl s
return (SubsortDecl [s] Nothing)
sortItems = do { key <- pluralKeyword sortStr
; l <- itemAux sortItem
; return (SortItems key l)
pluralKeyword s = makeToken (string s <++> option "" (string "s"))
optSemi = bind (\ x y -> (x, y)) (option Nothing (fmap Just semi)) ann
dot = toKey [dotChar] <|> toKey middleDotStr <?> "dot"
bar = toKey [barChar]
equal = toKey equalStr
isStartKeyword s = s `elem` [dotChar]:middleDotStr:casl_reserved_words
lookAheadItemKeyword :: a -> Parser a
lookAheadItemKeyword a =
do { c <- lookAhead (many (oneOf (['0'..'9'] ++ "'" ++ caslLetters))
<|> many (oneOf signChars))
; if isStartKeyword c then return a else unexpected c
itemAux :: Annotatable a => (Parser a) -> Parser [a]
itemAux itemParser =
do { i <- itemParser
; (m, an) <- optSemi
; let i' = if null an then i else annotate i an
in case m of Nothing -> return [i']
Just _ -> try (lookAheadItemKeyword [i'])
do { l <- itemAux itemParser
; return (i':l)