AsUtils.hs revision f3a94a197960e548ecd6520bb768cb0d547457bb
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
utility functions and computations of meaningful positions for
various data types of the abstract syntax
module HasCASL.AsUtils where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.PrintAs()
import Common.Id
import Common.PrettyPrint
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
-- | recursively substitute type names within a type
rename :: (TypeId -> Kind -> Int -> Type) -> Type -> Type
rename m t = case t of
TypeName i k n -> m i k n
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> TypeAppl (rename m t1) (rename m t2)
ExpandedType t1 t2 -> ExpandedType (rename m t1) (rename m t2)
TypeToken _ -> t
BracketType b l ps ->
BracketType b (map (rename m) l) ps
KindedType tk k ps ->
KindedType (rename m tk) k ps
MixfixType l -> MixfixType $ map (rename m) l
LazyType tl ps -> LazyType (rename m tl) ps
ProductType l ps -> ProductType (map (rename m) l) ps
FunType t1 a t2 ps -> FunType (rename m t1) a (rename m t2) ps
{- | decompose an 'ApplTerm' into an application of an operation and a
list of arguments -}
getAppl :: Term -> Maybe (Id, TypeScheme, [Term])
getAppl = thrdM reverse . getAppl2
thrdM :: (c -> c) -> Maybe (a, b, c) -> Maybe (a, b, c)
thrdM f = fmap ( \ (a, b, c) -> (a, b, f c))
getAppl2 :: Term -> Maybe (Id, TypeScheme, [Term])
getAppl2 t = case t of
TypedTerm trm q _ _ -> case q of
InType -> Nothing
_ -> getAppl2 trm
QualOp _ (InstOpId i _ _) sc _ -> Just (i, sc, [])
QualVar (VarDecl v ty _ _) -> Just (v, simpleTypeScheme ty, [])
ApplTerm t1 t2 _ -> thrdM (t2:) $ getAppl2 t1
_ -> Nothing
-- | extract bindings from an analysed pattern
extractVars :: Pattern -> [VarDecl]
extractVars pat =
case pat of
QualVar vd -> getVd vd
ApplTerm p1 p2 _ ->
extractVars p1 ++ extractVars p2
TupleTerm pats _ -> concatMap extractVars pats
TypedTerm p _ _ _ -> extractVars p
AsPattern v p2 _ -> getVd v ++ extractVars p2
ResolvedMixTerm _ pats _ -> concatMap extractVars pats
_ -> []
where getVd vd@(VarDecl v _ _ _) = if showId v "" == "_" then [] else [vd]
-- | construct term from id
mkOpTerm :: Id -> TypeScheme -> Term
mkOpTerm i sc = QualOp Op (InstOpId i [] []) sc []
-- | bind a term
mkForall :: [GenVarDecl] -> Term -> Term
mkForall vl f = if null vl then f else QuantifiedTerm Universal vl f []
-- | construct application with curried arguments
mkApplTerm :: Term -> [Term] -> Term
mkApplTerm trm args = if null args then trm
else mkApplTerm (ApplTerm trm (head args) []) $ tail args
-- | get the type of a constructor with given curried argument types
getConstrType :: DataPat -> Partiality -> [Type] -> Type
getConstrType dt p ts = (case p of
Total -> id
Partial -> addPartiality ts) $
foldr ( \ c r -> FunType c FunArr r [] )
(typeIdToType dt) ts
-- | make function arrow partial after some arguments
addPartiality :: [a] -> Type -> Type
addPartiality as t = case as of
[] -> LazyType t []
_ : rs -> case t of
FunType t1 a t2 ps -> if null rs then FunType t1 PFunArr t2 ps
else FunType t1 a (addPartiality rs t2) ps
_ -> error "addPartiality"
-- | get the partiality from a constructor type
-- with a given number of curried arguments
getPartiality :: [a] -> Type -> Partiality
getPartiality as t = case t of
KindedType ty _ _ -> getPartiality as ty
FunType _ a t2 _ -> case as of
[] -> Total
[_] -> case a of
PFunArr -> Partial
PContFunArr -> Partial
_ -> Total
_:rs -> getPartiality rs t2
LazyType _ _ -> if null as then Partial else error "getPartiality"
_ -> Total
type DataPat = (Id, [TypeArg], Kind)
-- | compute the type given by the input
typeIdToType :: DataPat -> Type
typeIdToType (i, nAs, k) = let
fullKind = typeArgsListToKind nAs k
ti = TypeName i fullKind 0
mkType _ ty [] = ty
mkType n ty ((TypeArg ai ak _ _): rest) =
mkType (n-1) (TypeAppl ty (TypeName ai ak n)) rest
in mkType (-1) ti nAs
-- | extent a kind to expect further type arguments
typeArgsListToKind :: [TypeArg] -> Kind -> Kind
typeArgsListToKind tArgs k =
if null tArgs then k
else typeArgsListToKind (init tArgs)
(FunKind (( \ (TypeArg _ xk _ _) -> xk) $ last tArgs) k [])
-- | generate a comparison string
expected :: PrettyPrint a => a -> a -> String
expected a b =
"\n expected: " ++ showPretty a
"\n found: " ++ showPretty b "\n"
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
posOfKind :: Kind -> [Pos]
posOfKind k = case k of
MissingKind -> []
ClassKind c _ -> posOfId c
_ -> get_pos k
posOfVars :: Vars -> [Pos]
posOfVars vr =
case vr of
Var v -> posOfId v
VarTuple _ ps -> ps
posOfTypeArg :: TypeArg -> [Pos]
posOfTypeArg (TypeArg t _ _ ps) = firstPos [t] ps
posOfTypePattern :: TypePattern -> [Pos]
posOfTypePattern pat =
case pat of
TypePattern t _ _ -> posOfId t
TypePatternToken t -> tokPos t
MixfixTypePattern ts -> posOf ts
BracketTypePattern _ ts ps -> firstPos ts ps
TypePatternArg (TypeArg t _ _ _) _ -> posOfId t
posOfType :: Type -> [Pos]
posOfType ty =
case ty of
TypeName i _ _ -> posOfId i
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> posOf [t1, t2]
ExpandedType t1 t2 -> posOf [t1, t2]
TypeToken t -> tokPos t
BracketType _ ts ps -> firstPos ts ps
KindedType t _ ps -> firstPos [t] ps
MixfixType ts -> posOf ts
LazyType t ps -> firstPos [t] ps
ProductType ts ps -> firstPos ts ps
FunType t1 _ t2 ps -> firstPos [t1,t2] ps
posOfTerm :: Term -> [Pos]
posOfTerm trm =
case trm of
QualVar v -> posOfVarDecl v
QualOp _ (InstOpId i _ ps) _ qs -> firstPos [i] (ps++qs)
ResolvedMixTerm i _ _ -> posOfId i
ApplTerm t1 t2 ps -> firstPos [t1, t2] ps
TupleTerm ts ps -> firstPos ts ps
TypedTerm t _ _ ps -> firstPos [t] ps
QuantifiedTerm _ _ t ps -> firstPos [t] ps
LambdaTerm _ _ t ps -> firstPos [t] ps
CaseTerm t _ ps -> firstPos [t] ps
LetTerm _ _ t ps -> firstPos [t] ps
TermToken t -> tokPos t
MixTypeTerm _ t ps -> firstPos [t] ps
MixfixTerm ts -> posOf ts
BracketTerm _ ts ps -> firstPos ts ps
AsPattern v _ ps -> firstPos [v] ps
posOfVarDecl :: VarDecl -> [Pos]
posOfVarDecl (VarDecl v _ _ ps) = firstPos [v] ps
instance PosItem a => PosItem [a] where
get_pos = concatMap get_pos
instance PosItem a => PosItem (a, b) where
get_pos (a, _) = get_pos a
instance PosItem a => PosItem (Set.Set a) where
get_pos = get_pos . Set.toList