AsToLe.hs revision f71a8dcf94fd9eb3c9800e16dcdc5e5ff74e5c22
{- HetCATS/HasCASL/AsToLe.hs
Authors: Christian Maeder
Year: 2002
conversion of As.hs to Le.hs
module HasCASL.AsToLe where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.ClassAna
import HasCASL.ClassDecl
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.Id
import HasCASL.Le
import Common.Lexer
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import HasCASL.OpDecl
import Common.Result
import HasCASL.PrintAs
import HasCASL.TypeAna
import HasCASL.TypeDecl
-- analysis
anaBasicSpec :: BasicSpec -> State Env ()
anaBasicSpec (BasicSpec l) = mapM_ anaBasicItem $ map item l
anaBasicItem :: BasicItem -> State Env ()
anaBasicItem (SigItems i) = anaSigItems Loose i
anaBasicItem (ClassItems inst l _) = mapM_ (anaAnnotedClassItem inst) l
anaBasicItem (GenVarItems l _) = mapM_ anaGenVarDecl l
anaBasicItem t@(ProgItems _ p) = missingAna t p
anaBasicItem (FreeDatatype l _) = mapM_ (anaDatatype Free Plain) $ map item l
anaBasicItem (GenItems l _) = mapM_ (anaSigItems Generated) $ map item l
anaBasicItem t@(AxiomItems _ _ p) = missingAna t p
anaSigItems :: GenKind -> SigItems -> State Env ()
anaSigItems gk (TypeItems inst l _) = mapM_ (anaTypeItem gk inst) $ map item l
anaSigItems _ (OpItems l _) = mapM_ anaOpItem $ map item l
anaSigItems _ l@(PredItems _ p) = missingAna l p
-- GenVarDecl
anaGenVarDecl :: GenVarDecl -> State Env ()
anaGenVarDecl(GenVarDecl v) = optAnaVarDecl v
anaGenVarDecl(GenTypeVarDecl t) = anaTypeVarDecl t
isSimpleId :: Id -> Bool
isSimpleId (Id ts _ _) = null (tail ts) && head (tokStr (head ts))
`elem` caslLetters
convertTypeToClass :: ClassMap -> Type -> Result Class
convertTypeToClass cMap (TypeToken t) =
if tokStr t == "Type" then Result [] (Just $ universe) else
let ci = simpleIdToId t
ds = anaClassId cMap ci
in if null ds then
Result [] (Just $ Intersection [ci] [])
else Result [mkDiag Hint "not a class" ci] Nothing
convertTypeToClass cMap (BracketType Parens ts ps) =
do cs <- mapM (convertTypeToClass cMap) ts
return $ Intersection (concatMap iclass cs) ps
convertTypeToClass _ t = Result [mkDiag Hint "not a class" t] Nothing
convertTypeToKind :: ClassMap -> Type -> Result Kind
convertTypeToKind cMap (ProductType ts ps) =
do ks <- mapM (convertTypeToKind cMap) ts
return $ ProdClass ks ps
convertTypeToKind cMap (FunType t1 FunArr t2 ps) =
do k1 <- convertTypeToKind cMap t1
k2 <- convertTypeToKind cMap t2
return $ KindAppl k1 k2 ps
convertTypeToKind cMap (BracketType Parens [t] _) =
do k <- convertTypeToKind cMap t
return $ k
convertTypeToKind cMap (MixfixType [t1, TypeToken t]) =
let s = tokStr t
v = case s of
"+" -> CoVar
"-" -> ContraVar
_ -> InVar
in case v of
InVar -> Result [] Nothing
_ -> do k1 <- convertTypeToKind cMap t1
return $ ExtClass k1 v [tokPos t]
convertTypeToKind cMap t = convertTypeToClass cMap t >>= (return . PlainClass)
optAnaVarDecl, anaVarDecl :: VarDecl -> State Env ()
optAnaVarDecl vd@(VarDecl v t s q) =
if isSimpleId v then
do cMap <- getClassMap
let Result ds mc = convertTypeToKind cMap t
case mc of
Just c -> anaTypeVarDecl(TypeArg v c s q)
Nothing -> anaVarDecl vd
appendDiags ds
else anaVarDecl vd
anaVarDecl(VarDecl v oldT _ _) =
do (mk, t) <- anaType oldT
case mk of
Nothing -> return ()
Just k -> if eqKind Compatible k star
then return ()
else addDiag $
mkDiag Error
("wrong kind '" ++ showPretty k
"' of type for variable") v
as <- getAssumps
let l = Map.findWithDefault [] v as
ts = simpleTypeScheme t in
if ts `elem` l then
addDiag $ mkDiag Warning
"repeated variable '" v
else putAssumps $ Map.insert v (ts:l) as
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ClassItem
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
anaAnnotedClassItem :: Instance -> Annoted ClassItem -> State Env ()
anaAnnotedClassItem _ aci =
let ClassItem d l _ = item aci in
do anaClassDecls d
mapM_ anaBasicItem $ map item l