AsToLe.hs revision ce5ff829db5f0bb4f16ad4de150eed4401d6acd5
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : All rights reserved.
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
conversion from As to Le
module HasCASL.AsToLe where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.ClassAna
import HasCASL.ClassDecl
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import HasCASL.Le
import Data.Maybe
import Common.Lib.State
import Common.Named
import Common.Result
import Common.PrettyPrint
import HasCASL.OpDecl
import HasCASL.TypeDecl
import HasCASL.MixAna
import HasCASL.Reader
-- analysis
missingAna :: PrettyPrint a => a -> [Pos] -> State Env ()
missingAna t ps = appendDiags [Diag FatalError
("no analysis yet for: " ++ showPretty t "")
$ if null ps then nullPos else head ps]
anaBasicSpec :: GlobalAnnos -> BasicSpec -> State Env ()
anaBasicSpec ga (BasicSpec l) = mapM_ (anaBasicItem ga) $ map item l
anaBasicItem :: GlobalAnnos -> BasicItem -> State Env ()
anaBasicItem ga (SigItems i) = anaSigItems ga Loose i
anaBasicItem ga (ClassItems inst l _) = mapM_ (anaAnnotedClassItem ga inst) l
anaBasicItem _ (GenVarItems l _) = mapM_ anaGenVarDecl l
anaBasicItem ga (ProgItems l _) = mapM_ (anaProgEq ga) $ map item l
anaBasicItem _ (FreeDatatype l _) = mapM_ (anaDatatype Free Plain) $ map item l
anaBasicItem ga (GenItems l _) = mapM_ (anaSigItems ga Generated) $ map item l
anaBasicItem ga (AxiomItems decls fs _) =
do tm <- gets typeMap -- save type map
as <- gets assumps -- save vars
mapM_ anaGenVarDecl decls
ds <- mapM (( \ (TermFormula t) ->
toRResultState $ resolveTerm ga logicalType t ) . item) fs
putTypeMap tm -- restore
putAssumps as -- restore
appendDiags $ concatMap diags ds
let sens = concat $ zipWith ( \ r f ->
case maybeResult r of
Just t -> [NamedSen (getRLabel f) $ TermFormula t]
Nothing -> [] ) ds fs
appendSentences sens
appendSentences :: [Named Formula] -> State Env ()
appendSentences fs =
if null fs then return () else
do e <- get
put $ e {sentences = sentences e ++ fs}
anaSigItems :: GlobalAnnos -> GenKind -> SigItems -> State Env ()
anaSigItems _ gk (TypeItems inst l _) =
mapM_ (anaTypeItem gk inst) $ map item l
anaSigItems ga _ (OpItems l _) = mapM_ (anaOpItem ga) $ map item l
-- GenVarDecl
anaGenVarDecl :: GenVarDecl -> State Env ()
anaGenVarDecl(GenVarDecl v) = optAnaVarDecl v
anaGenVarDecl(GenTypeVarDecl t) = anaTypeVarDecl t
convertTypeToClass :: Type -> ReadR ClassMap Class
convertTypeToClass (TypeToken t) =
if tokStr t == "Type" then return universe else do
let ci = simpleIdToId t
mapReadR ( \ (Result _ m) ->
case m of
Just _ -> Result [] (Just $ Intersection
(Set.single ci) [])
Nothing -> Result
[mkDiag Hint "not a class" ci] Nothing )
$ anaClassId ci
convertTypeToClass (BracketType Parens ts ps) =
do cs <- mapM convertTypeToClass ts
return $ Intersection (Set.unions $ map iclass cs) ps
convertTypeToClass t = lift $ Result [mkDiag Hint "not a class" t] Nothing
convertTypeToKind :: Type -> ReadR ClassMap Kind
convertTypeToKind (FunType t1 FunArr t2 ps) =
do k1 <- convertTypeToKind t1
k2 <- convertTypeToKind t2
return $ KindAppl k1 k2 ps
convertTypeToKind (BracketType Parens [t] _) =
do k <- convertTypeToKind t
return $ k
convertTypeToKind (MixfixType [t1, TypeToken t]) =
let s = tokStr t
v = case s of
"+" -> CoVar
"-" -> ContraVar
_ -> InVar
in case v of
InVar -> lift $ Result [] Nothing
_ -> do k1 <- convertTypeToClass t1
return $ ExtClass k1 v [tokPos t]
convertTypeToKind t =
do c <- convertTypeToClass t
return $ ExtClass c InVar []
optAnaVarDecl, anaVarDecl :: VarDecl -> State Env ()
optAnaVarDecl vd@(VarDecl v t s q) =
if isSimpleId v then
do mc <- toMaybeState classMap $ convertTypeToKind t
case mc of
Just c -> anaTypeVarDecl(TypeArg v c s q)
Nothing -> anaVarDecl vd
else anaVarDecl vd
anaVarDecl(VarDecl v oldT _ _) =
do (k, t) <- anaTypeS (star, oldT)
checkKindsS v star k
addOpId v (simpleTypeScheme t) [] VarDefn
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ClassItem
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
anaAnnotedClassItem :: GlobalAnnos -> Instance -> Annoted ClassItem
-> State Env ()
anaAnnotedClassItem ga _ aci =
let ClassItem d l _ = item aci in
do anaClassDecls d
mapM_ (anaBasicItem ga) $ map item l
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ProgEq
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
anaProgEq :: GlobalAnnos -> ProgEq -> State Env ()
anaProgEq ga (ProgEq pat trm _) =
do Result es mp <- resolvePattern ga pat
appendDiags es
case mp of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (ty, newPat) -> do
let bs = extractBindings newPat
e <- get
mapM_ anaVarDecl bs
Result ts mt <- toRResultState $ resolveTerm ga ty trm
put e
appendDiags ts
case mt of
Nothing -> return ()
Just newTerm ->
case removeResultType newPat of
PatternConstr (InstOpId i _tys _) sc args ps ->
addOpId i sc [] $ Definition $
if null args then newTerm
else LambdaTerm args Partial newTerm ps
_ -> appendDiags $ [mkDiag Error
"no toplevel pattern" newPat]
where removeResultType p =
case p of
TypedPattern tp _ _ ->
removeResultType tp
_ -> p