AsToLe.hs revision 986e0e9cf8c2358f455460b3fc75ce7c5dcf0973
{- HetCATS/HasCASL/AsToLe.hs
Authors: Christian Maeder
Year: 2002
conversion of As.hs to Le.hs
module AsToLe where
import AS_Annotation
import As
import Le
import Id
import Monad
import MonadState
import FiniteMap
import Result
import List
import Maybe
import ParseTerm(isSimpleId)
-- FiniteMap stuff
lookUp :: (Ord a, MonadPlus m) => FiniteMap a (m b) -> a -> (m b)
lookUp ce = lookupWithDefaultFM ce mzero
showMap :: Ord a => (a -> ShowS) -> (b -> ShowS) -> FiniteMap a b -> ShowS
showMap showA showB m =
showSepList (showChar '\n') (\ (a, b) -> showA a . showString " -> " .
indent 2 (showB b))
(fmToList m)
indent :: Int -> ShowS -> ShowS
indent i s = showString $ concat $
intersperse ('\n' : replicate i ' ') (lines $ s "")
type ClassEnv = FiniteMap ClassName Le.ClassItem
-- transitiv super classes
-- PRE: all superclasses and defns must be defined in ClassEnv
-- and there must be no cycle!
allSuperClasses :: ClassEnv -> ClassName -> [ClassName]
allSuperClasses ce ci =
case lookupFM ce ci of
Just info -> nub $
ci: concatMap (allSuperClasses ce) (iclass $
classDefn info)
++ concatMap (allSuperClasses ce) (superClasses info)
Nothing -> error "allSuperClasses"
defCEntry :: ClassEnv -> ClassName -> [ClassName] -> Class -> ClassEnv
defCEntry ce cid sups defn = addToFM ce cid
(newClassItem cid) { superClasses = sups
, classDefn = defn }
-- assumptions
type Assumps = FiniteMap Id [TypeScheme]
type TypeKinds = FiniteMap TypeName Kind
-- local env
data Env = Env { classEnv :: ClassEnv
, typeKinds :: TypeKinds
, assumps :: Assumps
, envDiags :: [Diagnosis]
} deriving Show
initialEnv :: Env
initialEnv = Env emptyFM emptyFM emptyFM []
appendDiags :: [Diagnosis] -> State Env ()
appendDiags ds =
if null ds then return () else
do e <- get
put $ e {envDiags = ds ++ envDiags e}
getClassEnv :: State Env ClassEnv
getClassEnv = gets classEnv
putClassEnv :: ClassEnv -> State Env ()
putClassEnv ce = do { e <- get; put e { classEnv = ce } }
getTypeKinds :: State Env TypeKinds
getTypeKinds = gets typeKinds
putTypeKinds :: TypeKinds -> State Env ()
putTypeKinds tk = do { e <- get; put e { typeKinds = tk } }
getAssumps :: State Env Assumps
getAssumps = gets assumps
putAssumps :: Assumps -> State Env ()
putAssumps as = do { e <- get; put e { assumps = as } }
-- analysis
anaBasicSpec :: BasicSpec -> State Env ()
anaBasicSpec (BasicSpec l) = mapM_ anaAnnotedBasicItem l
anaAnnotedBasicItem :: Annoted BasicItem -> State Env ()
anaAnnotedBasicItem i = anaBasicItem $ item i
anaBasicItem :: BasicItem -> State Env ()
anaBasicItem (SigItems i) = anaSigItems i
anaBasicItem (ClassItems inst l _) = mapM_ (anaAnnotedClassItem inst) l
anaBasicItem (GenVarItems l _) = mapM_ anaGenVarDecl l
anaSigItems :: SigItems -> State Env ()
anaSigItems(TypeItems inst l _) = mapM_ (anaAnnotedTypeItem inst) l
-- GenVarDecl
anaGenVarDecl :: GenVarDecl -> State Env ()
anaGenVarDecl(GenVarDecl v) = optAnaVarDecl v
anaGenVarDecl(GenTypeVarDecl t) = anaTypeVarDecl t
convertTypeToClass :: Type -> State Env (Result Class)
convertTypeToClass (TypeToken t) =
do Result ds (Just cs) <- anaClassName False t
if null cs then return $ Result ds Nothing
else return $ Result ds (Just $ Intersection cs [])
convertTypeToClass (BracketType Parens ts ps) =
convertTypeListToClass ts ps
convertTypeToClass (TupleType ts ps) = convertTypeListToClass ts ps
convertTypeToClass _ = return $ Result [] Nothing
convertTypeListToClass :: [Type] -> [Pos] -> State Env (Result Class)
convertTypeListToClass ts ps =
do is <- mapM convertTypeToClass ts
let mis = map maybeResult is
ds = concatMap diags is
in if all isJust mis then return $ Result ds
(Just $ Intersection (concatMap (iclass . fromJust) mis) ps)
else return $ Result ds Nothing
optAnaVarDecl, anaVarDecl :: VarDecl -> State Env ()
optAnaVarDecl vd@(VarDecl v t _ _) =
if isSimpleId v then
do Result ds mc <- convertTypeToClass t
case mc of
Just c -> addTypeKind v (Kind [] c [])
Nothing -> anaVarDecl vd
else anaVarDecl vd
anaVarDecl(VarDecl v t _ p) =
do as <- getAssumps
let l = lookUp as v
ts = SimpleTypeScheme t in
if ts `elem` l then
("repeated variable '"
++ showId v "'") p ]
else putAssumps $ addToFM as v (ts:l)
anaTypeVarDecl :: TypeVarDecl -> State Env ()
anaTypeVarDecl(TypeVarDecl t k _ _) =
do nk <- anaKind k
addTypeKind t k
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- As.ClassItem
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
anaAnnotedClassItem :: Instance -> Annoted As.ClassItem -> State Env ()
anaAnnotedClassItem _ aci =
let As.ClassItem d l _ = item aci in
do anaClassDecls d
mapM_ anaAnnotedBasicItem l
anaClassDecls :: ClassDecl -> State Env ()
anaClassDecls (ClassDecl cls _) =
mapM_ (anaClassDecl [] universe) cls
anaClassDecls (SubclassDecl cls supcl _) =
do Intersection scls _ <- anaSuperClass supcl
mapM_ (anaClassDecl scls universe) cls
anaClassDecls (ClassDefn ci syncl _) =
do scls@(Intersection icls _) <- anaClassAppl syncl
anaClassDecl [] scls ci
anaClassDecls (DownsetDefn ci tv _ _) =
do anaClassDecl [] universe ci
appendDiags [Warning "definition currently ignored" (tokPos tv)]
anaClassName :: Bool -> ClassName -> State Env (Result [ClassName])
-- True: declare the class
anaClassName b ci =
do ce <- getClassEnv
if isJust $ lookupFM ce ci then return $ return [ci]
else if b then
do putClassEnv $ defCEntry ce ci [] universe
return $ return [ci]
return $ non_fatal_error []
("undeclared class '" ++ tokStr ci ++ "'")
(tokPos ci)
anaClass :: Bool -> Class -> State Env (Result Class)
anaClass b c@(As.Intersection cs ps) =
if null cs
then if null ps then return $ return c -- no warning
else return $ warning c "redundant universe class" (head ps)
do newCs <- mapM (anaClassName (b && null (tail cs))) cs
return $ Result (concatMap diags newCs)
(Just $ Intersection
(nub $ concatMap (fromJust . maybeResult) newCs) ps)
anaClass _ (Downset _) = error "anaClass for Downset"
anaSuperClass :: Class -> State Env Class
anaSuperClass c =
do Result ds (Just ca) <- anaClass True c
appendDiags ds
return ca
anaClassAppl :: Class -> State Env Class
anaClassAppl c =
do Result ds (Just ca) <- anaClass False c
appendDiags ds
return ca
anaClassDecl :: [ClassName] -> Class -> ClassName -> State Env ()
anaClassDecl cs cdef@(Intersection is ps) ci =
if tokStr ci == "Type" then
appendDiags [Error "illegal universe class declaration" (tokPos ci)]
do ce <- getClassEnv
case lookupFM ce ci of
Nothing -> putClassEnv $ defCEntry ce ci
cs cdef
Just info ->
let getSups = allSuperClasses ce
checkCycle = (ci `elem`) . fst
scs = zip (map getSups cs) cs
(scycs, sOk) = partition checkCycle scs
oldCs = superClasses info
iss = zip (map getSups is) is
(icycs, iOk) = partition checkCycle iss
Intersection oldIs qs = classDefn info
defCs = map snd sOk
newCs = nub $ defCs ++ oldCs
defIs = map snd iOk
newIs = Intersection (nub $ defIs ++ oldIs)
(ps ++ qs)
cycles = map snd $ scycs ++ icycs
in do appendDiags [Warning ("repeated class '"
++ tokStr ci ++ "'")
$ tokPos ci]
if not $ null cycles then
("cyclic class relation via '"
++ showClassList cycles "'")
$ tokPos (head cycles)]
else return ()
putClassEnv $ addToFM ce ci
(info { superClasses = newCs,
classDefn = newIs })
let ds = filter (`elem` oldCs) defCs in
if null ds then return ()
else appendDiags
("repeated superclass '"
++ showClassList ds "'")
$ tokPos (head ds)]
if null oldIs then return ()
else appendDiags
("merged definition '"
++ showClassList defIs "'")
$ tokPos (head defIs)]
anaClassDecl _ (Downset _) _ = error "anaClassDecl for Downset"
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TypeItem
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
anaAnnotedTypeItem :: Instance -> Annoted As.TypeItem -> State Env ()
anaAnnotedTypeItem inst i = anaTypeItem inst $ item i
anaTypeItem :: Instance -> As.TypeItem -> State Env ()
anaTypeItem inst (TypeDecl pats kind _) =
do k <- anaKind kind
mapM_ (anaTypePattern inst k) pats
anaTypePattern :: Instance -> Kind -> TypePattern -> State Env ()
anaTypePattern _ kind (TypePatternToken t) =
addTypeKind (simpleIdToId t) kind
convertTypePattern :: TypePattern -> Result TypePattern
convertTypePattern t@(TypePattern _ _ _) = return t
convertTypePattern(TypePatternToken t) =
if isPlace t then fatal_error ("illegal type '__'") (tokPos t)
else return $ TypePattern (simpleIdToId t) [] []
convertTypePattern t =
if hasPlaces t && hasTypeArgs t then
fatal_error ( "illegal mix of '__' and '(...)'" )
(posOfTypePattern t)
else error "nyi" -- makeMixTypeId t
posOfTypePattern :: TypePattern -> Pos
posOfTypePattern (TypePattern t _ _) = posOfId t
posOfTypePattern (TypePatternToken t) = tokPos t
posOfTypePattern (MixfixTypePattern ts) =
if null ts then nullPos else posOfTypePattern $ head ts
posOfTypePattern (BracketTypePattern _ ts ps) =
if null ps then
if null ts then nullPos
else posOfTypePattern $ head ts
else head ps
posOfTypePattern (TypePatternArgs as) =
if null as then nullPos else
let TypeArg t _ _ _ = head as in tokPos t
hasPlaces, hasTypeArgs :: TypePattern -> Bool
hasPlaces (TypePattern _ _ _) = False
hasPlaces (TypePatternToken t) = isPlace t
hasPlaces (MixfixTypePattern ts) = any hasPlaces ts
hasPlaces (BracketTypePattern Parens _ _) = False
hasPlaces (BracketTypePattern _ ts _) = any hasPlaces ts
hasPlaces (TypePatternArgs _) = False
hasTypeArgs (TypePattern _ _ _) = True
hasTypeArgs (TypePatternToken _) = False
hasTypeArgs (MixfixTypePattern ts) = any hasTypeArgs ts
hasTypeArgs (BracketTypePattern Parens _ _) = True
hasTypeArgs (BracketTypePattern _ ts _) = any hasTypeArgs ts
hasTypeArgs (TypePatternArgs _) = True
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- addTypeKind
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
addTypeKind :: Id -> Kind -> State Env ()
addTypeKind t k =
do tk <- getTypeKinds
case lookupFM tk t of
Just _ -> appendDiags [Warning
("shadowing type '"
++ showId t "'")
$ posOfId t]
_ -> return ()
putTypeKinds $ addToFM tk t k
-- add instances later on
let ce = classEnv e
mc = lookupFM ce ci
in case mc of
Nothing -> do appendDiags [Error ("undeclared class '"
++ tokStr c ++ "'")
$ tokPos c]
return star
Just info -> do put $ e { classEnv =
addToFM ce ci info
{ instances =
[] :=> (ci `IsIn` TCon (Tycon t k))
: instances info } }
return k
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Kind
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
anaKind :: Kind -> State Env Kind
anaKind (KindAppl k1 k2) =
do n1 <- anaKind k1
n2 <- anaKind k2
return $ KindAppl n1 n2
anaKind (Kind args c p) =
do ca <- anaClassAppl c
newArgs <- mapM anaProdClass args
return $ Kind newArgs ca p
anaExtClass :: ExtClass -> State Env ExtClass
anaExtClass (ExtClass c v p) =
do ca <- anaClassAppl c
return $ ExtClass ca v p
anaProdClass :: ProdClass -> State Env ProdClass
anaProdClass (ProdClass l p) =
do cs <- mapM anaExtClass l
return $ ProdClass cs p