AsToLe.hs revision 02b62afbc463450900c5285569e9ab6dc2f9a014
649fdc0d0502d62d160c150684356fef2c273484Eugen Kuksa
649fdc0d0502d62d160c150684356fef2c273484Eugen Kuksa{- HetCATS/HasCASL/AsToLe.hs
649fdc0d0502d62d160c150684356fef2c273484Eugen Kuksa $Id$
649fdc0d0502d62d160c150684356fef2c273484Eugen Kuksa Authors: Christian Maeder
649fdc0d0502d62d160c150684356fef2c273484Eugen Kuksa Year: 2002
649fdc0d0502d62d160c150684356fef2c273484Eugen Kuksa
649fdc0d0502d62d160c150684356fef2c273484Eugen Kuksa conversion of As.hs to Le.hs
649fdc0d0502d62d160c150684356fef2c273484Eugen Kuksa-}
649fdc0d0502d62d160c150684356fef2c273484Eugen Kuksa
649fdc0d0502d62d160c150684356fef2c273484Eugen Kuksamodule AsToLe where
import AS_Annotation
import As
import AsUtils
import ClassDecl
import Le
import Id
import Monad
import MonadState
import FiniteMap
import Result
import Maybe
import ParseTerm(isSimpleId)
import MixfixParser(getTokenList, expandPos)
import Parsec
import ParsecPos
import ParsecError
import TypeAna
-- analysis
anaBasicSpec :: BasicSpec -> State Env ()
anaBasicSpec (BasicSpec l) = mapM_ anaAnnotedBasicItem l
anaAnnotedBasicItem :: Annoted BasicItem -> State Env ()
anaAnnotedBasicItem i = anaBasicItem $ item i
anaBasicItem :: BasicItem -> State Env ()
anaBasicItem (SigItems i) = anaSigItems i
anaBasicItem (ClassItems inst l _) = mapM_ (anaAnnotedClassItem inst) l
anaBasicItem (GenVarItems l _) = mapM_ anaGenVarDecl l
anaSigItems :: SigItems -> State Env ()
anaSigItems(TypeItems inst l _) = mapM_ (anaAnnotedTypeItem inst) l
-- GenVarDecl
anaGenVarDecl :: GenVarDecl -> State Env ()
anaGenVarDecl(GenVarDecl v) = optAnaVarDecl v
anaGenVarDecl(GenTypeVarDecl t) = anaTypeVarDecl t
convertTypeToClass :: ClassMap -> Type -> Result Class
convertTypeToClass cMap (TypeToken t) =
if tokStr t == "Type" then Result [] (Just $ universe) else
let ci = simpleIdToId t
ds = anaClassId cMap ci
in if null ds then
Result [] (Just $ Intersection [ci] [])
else Result ds Nothing
convertTypeToClass cMap (BracketType Parens ts ps) =
let is = map (convertTypeToClass cMap) ts
mis = map maybeResult is
ds = concatMap diags is
in if all isJust mis then Result ds
(Just $ Intersection (concatMap (iclass . fromJust) mis) ps)
else Result ds Nothing
convertTypeToClass _ _ = Result [] Nothing
optAnaVarDecl, anaVarDecl :: VarDecl -> State Env ()
optAnaVarDecl vd@(VarDecl v t s q) =
if isSimpleId v then
do cMap <- getClassMap
let Result _ mc = convertTypeToClass cMap t
in case mc of
Just c -> anaTypeVarDecl(TypeVarDecl v (Kind [] c []) s q)
Nothing -> anaVarDecl vd
else anaVarDecl vd
anaVarDecl(VarDecl v oldT _ p) =
do t <- anaType oldT
as <- getAssumps
let l = lookupWithDefaultFM as [] v
ts = SimpleTypeScheme t in
if ts `elem` l then
[Diag Warning
("repeated variable '"
++ showId v "'") p ]
else putAssumps $ addToFM as v (ts:l)
anaTypeVarDecl :: TypeVarDecl -> State Env ()
anaTypeVarDecl(TypeVarDecl t k _ _) =
do nk <- anaKind k
addTypeKind t k
addTypeVar t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClassItem
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
anaAnnotedClassItem :: Instance -> Annoted ClassItem -> State Env ()
anaAnnotedClassItem _ aci =
let ClassItem d l _ = item aci in
do anaClassDecls d
mapM_ anaAnnotedBasicItem l
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TypeItem
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
anaAnnotedTypeItem :: Instance -> Annoted TypeItem -> State Env ()
anaAnnotedTypeItem inst i = anaTypeItem inst $ item i
anaTypeItem :: Instance -> TypeItem -> State Env ()
anaTypeItem inst (TypeDecl pats kind _) =
do k <- anaKind kind
mapM_ (anaTypePattern inst k) pats
anaTypePattern :: Instance -> Kind -> TypePattern -> State Env ()
-- type args not yet considered for kind construction
anaTypePattern _ kind t =
let Result ds mi = convertTypePattern t
in if typePatternArgs t == 0 ||
typePatternArgs t == kindArity kind then
case mi of
Just ti -> addTypeKind ti kind
Nothing -> appendDiags ds
else appendDiags [Diag Error "non-matching kind arity"
$ posOfTypePattern t]
convertTypePattern, makeMixTypeId :: TypePattern -> Result Id
convertTypePattern (TypePattern t _ _) = return t
convertTypePattern(TypePatternToken t) =
if isPlace t then fatal_error ("illegal type '__'") (tokPos t)
else return $ (simpleIdToId t)
convertTypePattern t =
if hasPlaces t && hasTypeArgs t then
fatal_error ( "illegal mix of '__' and '(...)'" )
(posOfTypePattern t)
else makeMixTypeId t
typePatternToTokens :: TypePattern -> [Token]
typePatternToTokens (TypePattern ti _ _) = getTokenList True ti
typePatternToTokens (TypePatternToken t) = [t]
typePatternToTokens (MixfixTypePattern ts) = concatMap typePatternToTokens ts
typePatternToTokens (BracketTypePattern pk ts ps) =
let tts = map typePatternToTokens ts
expand = expandPos (:[]) in
case pk of
Parens -> if length tts == 1 &&
length (head tts) == 1 then head tts
else concat $ expand "(" ")" tts ps
Squares -> concat $ expand "[" "]" tts ps
Braces -> concat $ expand "{" "}" tts ps
typePatternToTokens (TypePatternArgs as) =
map ( \ (TypeArg v _ _ _) -> Token "__" (tokPos v)) as
-- compound Ids not supported yet
getToken :: GenParser Token st Token
getToken = token tokStr (( \ (l, c) -> newPos "" l c) . tokPos) Just
parseTypePatternId :: GenParser Token st Id
parseTypePatternId =
do ts <- many1 getToken
return $ Id ts [] []
makeMixTypeId t =
case parse parseTypePatternId "" (typePatternToTokens t) of
Left err -> fatal_error (showErrorMessages "or" "unknown parse error"
"expecting" "unexpected" "end of input"
(errorMessages err))
(let p = errorPos err in (sourceLine p, sourceColumn p))
Right x -> return x
typePatternArgs :: TypePattern -> Int
typePatternArgs (TypePattern _ as _) = length as
typePatternArgs (TypePatternToken t) = if isPlace t then 1 else 0
typePatternArgs (MixfixTypePattern ts) = sum (map typePatternArgs ts)
typePatternArgs (BracketTypePattern _ ts _) = sum (map typePatternArgs ts)
typePatternArgs (TypePatternArgs as) = length as
hasPlaces, hasTypeArgs :: TypePattern -> Bool
hasPlaces (TypePattern _ _ _) = False
hasPlaces (TypePatternToken t) = isPlace t
hasPlaces (MixfixTypePattern ts) = any hasPlaces ts
hasPlaces (BracketTypePattern Parens _ _) = False
hasPlaces (BracketTypePattern _ ts _) = any hasPlaces ts
hasPlaces (TypePatternArgs _) = False
hasTypeArgs (TypePattern _ _ _) = True
hasTypeArgs (TypePatternToken _) = False
hasTypeArgs (MixfixTypePattern ts) = any hasTypeArgs ts
hasTypeArgs (BracketTypePattern Parens _ _) = True
hasTypeArgs (BracketTypePattern _ ts _) = any hasTypeArgs ts
hasTypeArgs (TypePatternArgs _) = True
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- addTypeKind
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
addTypeKind :: Id -> Kind -> State Env ()
addTypeKind t k =
do tk <- getTypeKinds
case lookupFM tk t of
Just ks -> do appendDiags [Diag Warning
("shadowing type '"
++ showId t "'")
$ posOfId t]
putTypeKinds $ addToFM tk t (k:ks)
_ -> putTypeKinds $ addToFM tk t [k]
-- add instances later on
let ce = classEnv e
mc = lookupFM ce ci
in case mc of
Nothing -> do appendDiags [Error ("undeclared class '"
++ tokStr c ++ "'")
$ tokPos c]
return star
Just info -> do put $ e { classEnv =
addToFM ce ci info
{ instances =
[] :=> (ci `IsIn` TCon (Tycon t k))
: instances info } }
return k