As.hs revision 0fc11f86ce494126a0038f6bff6917981de9bc39
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
abstract syntax for HasCASL
more liberal than Concrete-Syntax.txt
annotations are almost as for CASL
module HasCASL.As where
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import Common.AS_Annotation
import HasCASL.HToken
-- * abstract syntax entities
data BasicSpec = BasicSpec [Annoted BasicItem]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data BasicItem = SigItems SigItems
| ProgItems [Annoted ProgEq] [Pos]
-- pos "program", dots
| ClassItems Instance [Annoted ClassItem] [Pos]
-- pos "class", ";"s
| GenVarItems [GenVarDecl] [Pos]
-- pos "var", ";"s
| FreeDatatype [Annoted DatatypeDecl] [Pos]
-- pos "free", "type", ";"s
| GenItems [Annoted SigItems] [Pos]
-- pos "generated" "{", ";"s, "}"
-- or "generated" "type" ";"s
| AxiomItems [GenVarDecl] [Annoted Term] [Pos]
-- pos "forall" (if GenVarDecl not empty), dots
| Internal [Annoted BasicItem] [Pos]
-- pos "internal" "{", ";"s, "}"
deriving (Show, Eq)
data SigItems = TypeItems Instance [Annoted TypeItem] [Pos] -- including sort
-- pos "type", ";"s
| OpItems OpBrand [Annoted OpItem] [Pos]
-- pos "op", ";"s
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | indicator for predicate, operation or function
data OpBrand = Pred | Op | Fun deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | indicator in 'ClassItems' and 'TypeItems'
data Instance = Instance | Plain deriving (Show, Eq)
data ClassItem = ClassItem ClassDecl [Annoted BasicItem] [Pos]
-- pos "{", ";"s "}"
deriving (Show, Eq)
data ClassDecl = ClassDecl [ClassId] Kind [Pos]
-- pos ","s
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Variance = CoVar | ContraVar | InVar deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | kind or an extended kind
data Kind = Universe [Pos]
| MissingKind -- ^ initially missing information
| Downset (Maybe Token) Type Kind [Pos] -- ^ plus the derived kind
| ClassKind ClassId Kind -- ^ plus the declared kind
| Intersection [Kind] [Pos] -- ^ with equal raw kinds
| FunKind Kind Kind [Pos] -- ^ only argument may be an 'ExtKind'
-- pos "->"
| ExtKind Kind Variance [Pos] -- ^ no 'InVar'
-- pos "+" or "-"
deriving Show
-- | the 'Universe' raw kind
star :: Kind
star = Universe []
-- | the 'ExtKind' 'star' 'CoVar' (Type+)
starPlus :: Kind
starPlus = ExtKind star CoVar []
-- | the 'Kind' of the function type
funKind :: Kind
funKind = FunKind (ExtKind star ContraVar [])
(FunKind starPlus star []) []
-- | the 'Kind' of the pair product type
prodKind :: Kind
prodKind = FunKind starPlus (FunKind starPlus star []) []
data TypeItem = TypeDecl [TypePattern] Kind [Pos]
-- pos ","s
| SubtypeDecl [TypePattern] Type [Pos]
-- pos ","s, "<"
| IsoDecl [TypePattern] [Pos]
-- pos "="s
| SubtypeDefn TypePattern Vars Type (Annoted Term) [Pos]
-- pos "=", "{", ":", dot, "}"
| AliasType TypePattern (Maybe Kind) TypeScheme [Pos]
-- pos ":="
| Datatype DatatypeDecl
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | a tuple pattern for 'SubtypeDefn'
data Vars = Var Var | VarTuple [Vars] [Pos] deriving Show
data TypePattern = TypePattern TypeId [TypeArg] [Pos]
-- pos "("s, ")"s
| TypePatternToken Token
| MixfixTypePattern [TypePattern]
| BracketTypePattern BracketKind [TypePattern] [Pos]
-- pos brackets (no parenthesis)
| TypePatternArg TypeArg [Pos]
-- pos "(", ")"
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Type = TypeName TypeId Kind Int -- (Int == 0 means constructor)
| TypeAppl Type Type
| TypeToken Token
| BracketType BracketKind [Type] [Pos]
-- pos "," (between type arguments)
| KindedType Type Kind [Pos]
-- pos ":"
| MixfixType [Type]
| LazyType Type [Pos]
-- pos "?"
| ProductType [Type] [Pos]
-- pos crosses
| FunType Type Arrow Type [Pos]
-- pos arrow
deriving (Show)
mkProductType :: [Type] -> [Pos] -> Type
mkProductType ts ps = if isSingle ts then head ts else ProductType ts ps
data Arrow = FunArr| PFunArr | ContFunArr | PContFunArr
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Arrow where
show FunArr = funS
show PFunArr = pFun
show ContFunArr = contFun
show PContFunArr = pContFun
arrowId :: Arrow -> Id
arrowId a = Id (map mkSimpleId [place, show a, place]) [] []
productId :: Id
productId = Id (map mkSimpleId [place, timesS, place]) [] []
data Pred = IsIn ClassId [Type]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Qual t = [Pred] :=> t
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- no curried notation for bound variables
data TypeScheme = TypeScheme [TypeArg] (Qual Type) [Pos]
-- pos "forall", ";"s, dot (singleton list)
-- pos "\" "("s, ")"s, dot for type aliases
deriving (Show)
simpleTypeScheme :: Type -> TypeScheme
simpleTypeScheme t = TypeScheme [] ([] :=> t) []
logicalType :: Type
logicalType = -- TypeName (simpleIdToId (mkSimpleId "Unit")) star 0
ProductType [] []
predTypeScheme :: TypeScheme -> TypeScheme
predTypeScheme (TypeScheme vs (qs :=> t) ps) =
TypeScheme vs (qs :=> predType t) ps
predType :: Type -> Type
predType t = FunType t PFunArr logicalType []
data Partiality = Partial | Total deriving (Show, Eq)
data OpItem = OpDecl [OpId] TypeScheme [OpAttr] [Pos]
-- pos ","s, ":", ","s, "assoc", "comm", "idem", "unit"
| OpDefn OpId [[VarDecl]] TypeScheme Partiality Term [Pos]
-- pos "("s, ";"s, ")"s, ":" or ":?", "="
deriving (Show, Eq)
data BinOpAttr = Assoc | Comm | Idem deriving (Show, Eq)
data OpAttr = BinOpAttr BinOpAttr [Pos]
| UnitOpAttr Term [Pos] deriving (Show)
data DatatypeDecl = DatatypeDecl
[Annoted Alternative]
-- pos "::=", "|"s, "deriving"
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Alternative = Constructor UninstOpId [[Component]] Partiality [Pos]
-- pos: "("s, ";"s, ")"s, "?"
| Subtype [Type] [Pos]
-- pos: "type", ","s
deriving (Show)
data Component = Selector UninstOpId Partiality Type SeparatorKind Pos
-- pos ",", ":" or ":?"
| NoSelector Type
deriving (Show)
data Quantifier = Universal | Existential | Unique
deriving (Show, Eq)
data TypeQual = OfType | AsType | InType deriving (Show, Eq)
data LetBrand = Let | Where deriving (Show, Eq)
data BracketKind = Parens | Squares | Braces deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
getBrackets :: BracketKind -> (String, String)
getBrackets b = case b of
Parens -> ("(", ")")
Squares -> ("[", "]")
Braces -> ("{", "}")
-- parse quantified formulae as terms first
-- eases also parsing of formulae in parenthesis
data Term = QualVar Var Type [Pos]
-- pos "(", "var", ":", ")"
| QualOp OpBrand InstOpId TypeScheme [Pos]
-- pos "(", "op", ":", ")"
| ResolvedMixTerm Id [Term] [Pos]
| ApplTerm Term Term [Pos] -- analysed
-- pos?
| TupleTerm [Term] [Pos]
-- pos "(", ","s, ")"
| TypedTerm Term TypeQual Type [Pos]
-- pos ":", "as" or "in"
| QuantifiedTerm Quantifier [GenVarDecl] Term [Pos]
-- pos quantifier, ";"s, dot
-- only "forall" may have a TypeVarDecl
| LambdaTerm [Pattern] Partiality Term [Pos]
-- pos "\", dot (plus "!")
| CaseTerm Term [ProgEq] [Pos]
-- pos "case", "of", "|"s
| LetTerm LetBrand [ProgEq] Term [Pos]
-- pos "where", ";"s
| TermToken Token
| MixInTerm Type [Pos]
| MixfixTerm [Term]
| BracketTerm BracketKind [Term] [Pos]
-- pos brackets, ","s
deriving (Show)
mkTupleTerm :: [Term] -> [Pos] -> Term
mkTupleTerm ts ps = if isSingle ts then head ts else TupleTerm ts ps
data Pattern = PatternVar VarDecl
-- pos ";"s
| PatternConstr InstOpId TypeScheme [Pos]
-- constructor or toplevel operation
-- pos "("s, ")"s
| ResolvedMixPattern Id [Pattern] [Pos]
| ApplPattern Pattern Pattern [Pos]
| TuplePattern [Pattern] [Pos]
-- pos "(", ","s, ")"
| TypedPattern Pattern Type [Pos] -- pos ":"
| AsPattern Pattern Pattern [Pos] -- pos "@"
| PatternToken Token
| BracketPattern BracketKind [Pattern] [Pos]
-- pos brackets, ","s
| MixfixPattern [Pattern]
deriving (Show)
mkTuplePattern :: [Pattern] -> [Pos] -> Pattern
mkTuplePattern ps qs = if isSingle ps then head ps else TuplePattern ps qs
data ProgEq = ProgEq Pattern Term Pos deriving (Show)
-- pos "=" (or "->" following case-of)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- (type) var decls
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
data SeparatorKind = Comma | Other deriving (Show)
data VarDecl = VarDecl Var Type SeparatorKind [Pos] deriving (Show)
-- pos "," or ":"
data TypeArg = TypeArg TypeId Kind SeparatorKind [Pos]
-- pos "," or ":" ("+" or "-" pos is moved to ExtClass)
deriving (Show)
data GenVarDecl = GenVarDecl VarDecl
| GenTypeVarDecl TypeArg
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- op names
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
data OpId = OpId UninstOpId [TypeArg] [Pos] deriving (Show, Eq)
-- pos "[", ";"s, "]"
data InstOpId = InstOpId UninstOpId [Type] [Pos] deriving (Show, Eq)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ids
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
type TypeId = Id
type UninstOpId = Id
type Var = Id
type ClassId = Id -- TOKEN-ID (one token with compound list, like CASL sorts)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- equality instances while ignoring positions
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Eq Kind where
Universe _ == Universe _= True
MissingKind == MissingKind = True
Downset _ t1 _ _ == Downset _ t2 _ _ = t1 == t2
ClassKind i1 _ == ClassKind i2 _ = i1 == i2
Intersection ks1 _ == Intersection ks2 _ = ks1 == ks2
FunKind p1 c1 _ == FunKind p2 c2 _ = (p1, c1) == (p2, c2)
ExtKind c1 v1 _ == ExtKind c2 v2 _ = (c1, v1) == (c2, v2)
_ == _ = False
instance Ord Kind where
Universe _ <= _ = True
MissingKind <= MissingKind = True
Downset _ t1 _ _ <= Downset _ t2 _ _ = t1 <= t2
ClassKind i1 _ <= ClassKind i2 _ = i1 <= i2
Intersection ks1 _ <= Intersection ks2 _ = ks1 <= ks2
FunKind p1 c1 _ <= FunKind p2 c2 _ = (p1, c1) <= (p2, c2)
ExtKind c1 v1 _ <= ExtKind c2 v2 _ = (c1, v1) <= (c2, v2)
_ <= Universe _ = False
MissingKind <= _ = True
_ <= MissingKind = False
Downset _ _ _ _ <= _ = True
_ <= Downset _ _ _ _ = False
ClassKind _ _ <= _ = True
_ <= ClassKind _ _ = False
Intersection _ _ <= _ = True
_ <= Intersection _ _ = False
ExtKind _ _ _ <= _ = True
_ <= ExtKind _ _ _ = False
instance Eq Type where
TypeName i1 k1 v1 == TypeName i2 k2 v2 = (i1, k1, v1) == (i2, k2, v2)
TypeAppl f1 a1 == TypeAppl f2 a2 = (f1, a1) == (f2, a2)
TypeToken t1 == TypeToken t2 = t1 == t2
BracketType b1 l1 _ == BracketType b2 l2 _ = (b1, l1) == (b2, l2)
KindedType t1 k1 _ == KindedType t2 k2 _ = (t1, k1) == (t2, k2)
MixfixType l1 == MixfixType l2 = l1 == l2
LazyType t1 _ == LazyType t2 _ = t1 == t2
ProductType l1 _ == ProductType l2 _ = l1 == l2
FunType f1 a1 g1 _ == FunType f2 a2 g2 _ = (f1, a1, g1) == (f2, a2, g2)
_ == _ = False
instance Ord Type where
TypeName i1 k1 v1 <= TypeName i2 k2 v2 = (i1, k1, v1) <= (i2, k2, v2)
TypeAppl f1 a1 <= TypeAppl f2 a2 = (f1, a1) <= (f2, a2)
TypeToken t1 <= TypeToken t2 = t1 <= t2
BracketType b1 l1 _ <= BracketType b2 l2 _ = (b1, l1) <= (b2, l2)
KindedType t1 k1 _ <= KindedType t2 k2 _ = (t1, k1) <= (t2, k2)
MixfixType l1 <= MixfixType l2 = l1 <= l2
LazyType t1 _ <= LazyType t2 _ = t1 <= t2
ProductType l1 _ <= ProductType l2 _ = l1 <= l2
FunType f1 a1 g1 _ <= FunType f2 a2 g2 _ = (f1, a1, g1) <= (f2, a2, g2)
TypeName _ _ _ <= _ = True
_ <= TypeName _ _ _ = False
TypeAppl _ _ <= _ = True
_ <= TypeAppl _ _ = False
TypeToken _ <= _ = True
_ <= TypeToken _ = False
BracketType _ _ _ <= _ = True
_ <= BracketType _ _ _ = False
KindedType _ _ _ <= _ = True
_ <= KindedType _ _ _ = False
MixfixType _ <= _ = True
_ <= MixfixType _ = False
LazyType _ _<= _ = True
_ <= LazyType _ _ = False
ProductType _ _<= _ = True
_ <= ProductType _ _ = False
instance Eq TypeArg where
TypeArg i1 k1 _ _ == TypeArg i2 k2 _ _ = (i1, k1) == (i2, k2)
-- this is strict syntactic equality
-- unification only captures analysed types and ignores lazy types!
instance Eq TypeScheme where
TypeScheme v1 t1 _ == TypeScheme v2 t2 _ = (v1, t1) == (v2, t2)
instance Eq Vars where
Var v1 == Var v2 = v1 == v2
VarTuple l1 _ == VarTuple l2 _ = l1 == l2
_ == _ = False
instance Eq VarDecl where
VarDecl v1 t1 _ _ == VarDecl v2 t2 _ _ = (v1, t1) == (v2, t2)
instance Eq Term where
QualVar v1 t1 _ == QualVar v2 t2 _ = (v1, t1) == (v2, t2)
QualOp b1 i1 s1 _ == QualOp b2 i2 s2 _ = (b1, i1, s1) == (b2, i2, s2)
ResolvedMixTerm i1 t1 _ == ResolvedMixTerm i2 t2 _ = (i1, t1) == (i2, t2)
ApplTerm s1 t1 _ == ApplTerm s2 t2 _ = (s1, t1) == (s2, t2)
TupleTerm l1 _ == TupleTerm l2 _ = l1 == l2
TypedTerm s1 q1 t1 _ == TypedTerm s2 q2 t2 _ = (q1, t1, s1) == (q2, t2, s2)
QuantifiedTerm q1 v1 t1 _ == QuantifiedTerm q2 v2 t2 _ =
(q1, v1, t1) == (q2, v2, t2)
LambdaTerm v1 p1 t1 _ == LambdaTerm v2 p2 t2 _ =
(p1, v1, t1) == (p2, v2, t2)
CaseTerm t1 e1 _ == CaseTerm t2 e2 _ = (t1, e1) == (t2, e2)
LetTerm b1 e1 t1 _ == LetTerm b2 e2 t2 _ = (b1, t1, e1) == (b2, t2, e2)
TermToken t1 == TermToken t2 = t1 == t2
MixInTerm t1 _ == MixInTerm t2 _ = t1 == t2
MixfixTerm l1 == MixfixTerm l2 = l1 == l2
BracketTerm b1 l1 _ == BracketTerm b2 l2 _ = (b1, l1) == (b2, l2)
_ == _ = False
instance Eq Pattern where
PatternVar l1 == PatternVar l2 = l1 == l2
PatternConstr i1 t1 _ == PatternConstr i2 t2 _ =
(i1, t1) == (i2, t2)
ResolvedMixPattern i1 l1 _ == ResolvedMixPattern i2 l2 _ =
(i1, l1) == (i2, l2)
ApplPattern i1 t1 _ == ApplPattern i2 t2 _ =
(i1, t1) == (i2, t2)
TypedPattern p1 t1 _ == TypedPattern p2 t2 _ = (p1, t1) == (p2, t2)
AsPattern p1 q1 _ == AsPattern p2 q2 _ = (p1, q1) == (p2, q2)
PatternToken t1 == PatternToken t2 = t1 == t2
BracketPattern b1 l1 _ == BracketPattern b2 l2 _ = (b1, l1) == (b2, l2)
TuplePattern l1 _ == TuplePattern l2 _ = l1 == l2
MixfixPattern l1 == MixfixPattern l2 = l1 == l2
_ == _ = False
instance Eq ProgEq where
ProgEq p1 t1 _ == ProgEq p2 t2 _ = (p1, t1) == (p2, t2)
instance Eq OpAttr where
BinOpAttr b1 _ == BinOpAttr b2 _ = b1 == b2
UnitOpAttr t1 _ == UnitOpAttr t2 _= t1 == t2
_ == _ = False
instance Eq Alternative where
Constructor i1 l1 p1 _ == Constructor i2 l2 p2 _ =
(i1, l1, p1) == (i2, l2, p2)
Subtype t1 _ == Subtype t2 _ = t1 == t2
_ == _ = False
instance Eq Component where
Selector i1 p1 t1 _ _ == Selector i2 p2 t2 _ _ =
(i1, t1, p1) == (i2, t2, p2)
NoSelector t1 == NoSelector t2 = t1 == t2
_ == _ = False