As.der.hs revision c58a94c44b76b072ace930f2126c889c0b64cb2a
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski{- |
0095c7efbddd0ffeed6aaf8ec015346be161d819Till MossakowskiModule : $Header$
0095c7efbddd0ffeed6aaf8ec015346be161d819Till MossakowskiCopyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003-2005
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till MossakowskiLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill MossakowskiMaintainer :
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill MossakowskiStability : experimental
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill MossakowskiPortability : portable
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiabstract syntax for HasCASL,
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski more liberal than Concrete-Syntax.txt,
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski annotations are almost as for CASL
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski-}
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskimodule HasCASL.As where
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiimport Common.Id
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiimport Common.Keywords
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiimport Common.AS_Annotation
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiimport HasCASL.HToken
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski-- * abstract syntax entities
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski{-! global: UpPos !-}
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski-- | annotated basic items
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskidata BasicSpec = BasicSpec [Annoted BasicItem]
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski deriving (Show, Eq)
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski-- | the possible items
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowskidata BasicItem = SigItems SigItems
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski | ProgItems [Annoted ProgEq] [Pos]
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski -- pos "program", dots
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski | ClassItems Instance [Annoted ClassItem] [Pos]
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski -- pos "class", ";"s
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski | GenVarItems [GenVarDecl] [Pos]
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski -- pos "var", ";"s
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski | FreeDatatype [Annoted DatatypeDecl] [Pos]
7474388b4c2236f8ab2327289555000268c7901aTill Mossakowski -- pos "free", "type", ";"s
7474388b4c2236f8ab2327289555000268c7901aTill Mossakowski | GenItems [Annoted SigItems] [Pos]
7474388b4c2236f8ab2327289555000268c7901aTill Mossakowski -- pos "generated" "{", ";"s, "}"
7474388b4c2236f8ab2327289555000268c7901aTill Mossakowski -- or "generated" "type" ";"s
7474388b4c2236f8ab2327289555000268c7901aTill Mossakowski | AxiomItems [GenVarDecl] [Annoted Term] [Pos]
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski -- pos "forall" (if GenVarDecl not empty), dots
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski | Internal [Annoted BasicItem] [Pos]
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski -- pos "internal" "{", ";"s, "}"
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski deriving (Show, Eq)
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski-- | signature items are types or functions
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowskidata SigItems = TypeItems Instance [Annoted TypeItem] [Pos] -- including sort
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski -- pos "type", ";"s
4918e2f622cfb96f9a57b7617cd18ca7e4f8b5d4Christian Maeder | OpItems OpBrand [Annoted OpItem] [Pos]
-- pos "op", ";"s
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | indicator for predicate, operation or function
data OpBrand = Pred | Op | Fun deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show OpBrand where
show b = case b of
Pred -> predS
Op -> opS
Fun -> functS
-- | test if the function was declared as predicate
isPred :: OpBrand -> Bool
isPred b = case b of Pred -> True
_ -> False
-- | indicator in 'ClassItems' and 'TypeItems'
data Instance = Instance | Plain deriving Eq
instance Show Instance where
show i = case i of
Instance -> instanceS
Plain -> ""
-- | a class item
data ClassItem = ClassItem ClassDecl [Annoted BasicItem] [Pos]
-- pos "{", ";"s "}"
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | declaring class identifiers
data ClassDecl = ClassDecl [ClassId] Kind [Pos]
-- pos ","s
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | co- or contra- variance indicator
data Variance = CoVar | ContraVar deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Variance where
show v = case v of
CoVar -> plusS
ContraVar -> minusS
-- | (higher) kind or an extended kind (with a variance)
data Kind = ClassKind ClassId -- ^ plus the declared kind
| FunKind Kind Kind [Pos] -- ^ only argument may be an 'ExtKind'
-- pos "->"
| ExtKind Kind Variance [Pos]
-- pos "+" or "-"
deriving Show
-- | the string for the universe type
typeUniverseS :: String
typeUniverseS = "Type"
-- | the type universe
star :: Kind
star = ClassKind $ simpleIdToId $ mkSimpleId typeUniverseS
-- | the 'ExtKind' 'star' 'CoVar' (Type+)
starPlus :: Kind
starPlus = ExtKind star CoVar []
-- | the 'Kind' of the function type
funKind :: Kind
funKind = FunKind (ExtKind star ContraVar [])
(FunKind starPlus star []) []
-- | construct higher order kind from arguments and result kind
mkFunKind :: [Kind] -> Kind -> Kind
mkFunKind args res = foldr ( \ a k -> FunKind a k []) res args
-- | the 'Kind' of the product type
prodKind :: Int -> Kind
prodKind n = if n > 1 then mkFunKind (replicate n starPlus) star
else error "prodKind"
-- | the possible type items
data TypeItem = TypeDecl [TypePattern] Kind [Pos]
-- pos ","s
| SubtypeDecl [TypePattern] Type [Pos]
-- pos ","s, "<"
| IsoDecl [TypePattern] [Pos]
-- pos "="s
| SubtypeDefn TypePattern Vars Type (Annoted Term) [Pos]
-- pos "=", "{", ":", dot, "}"
| AliasType TypePattern (Maybe Kind) TypeScheme [Pos]
-- pos ":="
| Datatype DatatypeDecl
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | a tuple pattern for 'SubtypeDefn'
data Vars = Var Var | VarTuple [Vars] [Pos] deriving Show
-- | the lhs of most type items
data TypePattern = TypePattern TypeId [TypeArg] [Pos]
-- pos "("s, ")"s
| TypePatternToken Token
| MixfixTypePattern [TypePattern]
| BracketTypePattern BracketKind [TypePattern] [Pos]
-- pos brackets (no parenthesis)
| TypePatternArg TypeArg [Pos]
-- pos "(", ")"
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | a type synonym for raw kinds (just for readability)
type RawKind = Kind
-- | types based on variable or constructor names and applications
data Type = TypeName TypeId RawKind Int -- (Int == 0 means constructor,
-- negative are bound variables)
| TypeAppl Type Type
| ExpandedType Type Type -- an alias type with its expansion
-- only the following variants are parsed
| KindedType Type Kind [Pos]
| TypeToken Token
| BracketType BracketKind [Type] [Pos]
-- pos "," (between type arguments)
-- pos ":"
| MixfixType [Type]
-- the following variants should be convert to type applications
| LazyType Type [Pos]
-- pos "?"
| ProductType [Type] [Pos]
-- pos crosses
| FunType Type Arrow Type [Pos]
-- pos arrow
deriving Show
-- | through away the user's type alias
unalias :: Type -> Type
unalias ty = case ty of
ExpandedType _ t -> unalias t
_ -> ty
-- | construct a product type
mkProductType :: [Type] -> [Pos] -> Type
mkProductType ts ps = case ts of
[] -> unitType
[t] -> t
_ -> ProductType ts ps
-- | the builtin function arrows
data Arrow = FunArr| PFunArr | ContFunArr | PContFunArr
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Arrow where
show a = case a of
FunArr -> funS
PFunArr -> pFun
ContFunArr -> contFun
PContFunArr -> pContFun
-- | construct an infix identifier for a function arrow
arrowId :: Arrow -> Id
arrowId a = mkId $ map mkSimpleId [place, show a, place]
-- | construct a mixfix product identifier with n places
productId :: Int -> Id
productId n = if n > 1 then
mkId $ map mkSimpleId $ place : concat (replicate (n-1) [prodS, place])
else error "productId"
{- | a type with bound type variables. The bound variables within the
scheme should have negative numbers in the order given by the type
argument list. The type arguments store proper kinds (including
downsets) whereas the kind within the type names are only raw
kinds. -}
data TypeScheme = TypeScheme [TypeArg] Type [Pos]
-- pos "forall", ";"s, dot (singleton list)
-- pos "\" "("s, ")"s, dot for type aliases
deriving Show
-- | convert a type with unbound variables to a scheme
simpleTypeScheme :: Type -> TypeScheme
simpleTypeScheme t = TypeScheme [] t []
-- | the name for the Unit (or empty product) type
unitTypeS :: String
unitTypeS = "Unit"
-- | the identifier for the Unit type
unitTypeId :: Id
unitTypeId = simpleIdToId $ mkSimpleId unitTypeS
-- | the Unit type (name)
unitType :: Type
unitType = TypeName unitTypeId star 0
-- | add an additional Unit type argument to a type
liftType :: Type -> [Pos] -> Type
liftType t qs = FunType unitType PFunArr t qs
{- | add the Unit type as result type or convert a parsed empty tuple
to the unit type -}
predType :: Type -> Type
predType t = case t of
BracketType Parens [] _ -> unitType
_ -> FunType t PFunArr unitType []
-- | change the type within a scheme
mapTypeOfScheme :: (Type -> Type) -> TypeScheme -> TypeScheme
mapTypeOfScheme f (TypeScheme args t ps) =
TypeScheme args (f t) ps
-- | change the type of the scheme to a 'predType'
predTypeScheme :: TypeScheme -> TypeScheme
predTypeScheme = mapTypeOfScheme predType
-- | indicator for partial or total functions
data Partiality = Partial | Total deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Partiality where
show p = case p of
Partial -> quMark
Total -> exMark
-- | function declarations or definitions
data OpItem = OpDecl [OpId] TypeScheme [OpAttr] [Pos]
-- pos ","s, ":", ","s, "assoc", "comm", "idem", "unit"
| OpDefn OpId [[VarDecl]] TypeScheme Partiality Term [Pos]
-- pos "("s, ";"s, ")"s, ":" or ":?", "="
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | attributes without arguments for binary functions
data BinOpAttr = Assoc | Comm | Idem deriving Eq
instance Show BinOpAttr where
show a = case a of
Assoc -> assocS
Comm -> commS
Idem -> idemS
-- | possible function attributes (including a term as a unit element)
data OpAttr = BinOpAttr BinOpAttr [Pos]
| UnitOpAttr Term [Pos] deriving Show
-- | a polymorphic data type declaration with a deriving clause
data DatatypeDecl = DatatypeDecl
[Annoted Alternative]
-- pos "::=", "|"s, "deriving"
deriving (Show, Eq)
{- | Alternatives are subtypes or a constructor with a list of
(curried) tuples as arguments. Only the components of the first tuple
can be addressed by the places of the mixfix constructor. -}
data Alternative = Constructor UninstOpId [[Component]] Partiality [Pos]
-- pos: "("s, ";"s, ")"s, "?"
| Subtype [Type] [Pos]
-- pos: "type", ","s
deriving Show
{- | A component is a type with on optional (only pre- or postfix)
selector function. -}
data Component = Selector UninstOpId Partiality Type SeparatorKind [Pos]
-- pos ",", ":" or ":?"
| NoSelector Type
deriving Show
-- | the possible quantifiers
data Quantifier = Universal | Existential | Unique
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Quantifier where
show q = case q of
Universal -> forallS
Existential -> existsS
Unique -> existsS ++ exMark
-- | the possibly type annotations of terms
data TypeQual = OfType | AsType | InType | Inferred deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show TypeQual where
show q = case q of
OfType -> colonS
AsType -> asS
InType -> inS
Inferred -> colonS
-- | an indicator of (otherwise equivalent) let or where equations
data LetBrand = Let | Where | Program deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | the possible kinds of brackets (that should match when parsed)
data BracketKind = Parens | Squares | Braces deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | the brackets as strings for printing
getBrackets :: BracketKind -> (String, String)
getBrackets b = case b of
Parens -> ("(", ")")
Squares -> ("[", "]")
Braces -> ("{", "}")
{- | The possible terms and patterns. Formulas are also kept as terms. Local variables and constants are kept separatetly. The variant 'ResolvedMixTerm' is an intermediate representation for type checking only. -}
data Term = QualVar VarDecl
-- pos "(", "var", ":", ")"
| QualOp OpBrand InstOpId TypeScheme [Pos]
-- pos "(", "op", ":", ")"
| ApplTerm Term Term [Pos] -- analysed
-- pos?
| TupleTerm [Term] [Pos] -- special application
-- pos "(", ","s, ")"
| TypedTerm Term TypeQual Type [Pos]
-- pos ":", "as" or "in"
| AsPattern VarDecl Pattern [Pos]
-- pos "@"
| QuantifiedTerm Quantifier [GenVarDecl] Term [Pos]
-- pos quantifier, ";"s, dot
-- only "forall" may have a TypeVarDecl
| LambdaTerm [Pattern] Partiality Term [Pos]
-- pos "\", dot (plus "!")
| CaseTerm Term [ProgEq] [Pos]
-- pos "case", "of", "|"s
| LetTerm LetBrand [ProgEq] Term [Pos]
-- pos "where", ";"s
| ResolvedMixTerm Id [Term] [Pos]
| TermToken Token
| MixTypeTerm TypeQual Type [Pos]
| MixfixTerm [Term]
| BracketTerm BracketKind [Term] [Pos]
-- pos brackets, ","s
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | patterns are terms constructed by the first six variants
type Pattern = Term
-- | construct a tuple from non-singleton lists
mkTupleTerm :: [Term] -> [Pos] -> Term
mkTupleTerm ts ps = if isSingle ts then head ts else TupleTerm ts ps
-- | an equation or a case as pair of a pattern and a term
data ProgEq = ProgEq Pattern Term [Pos] deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- pos "=" (or "->" following case-of)
{- | an indicator if variables were separated by commas or by separate
declarations -}
data SeparatorKind = Comma | Other deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | a variable with its type
data VarDecl = VarDecl Var Type SeparatorKind [Pos] deriving Show
-- pos "," or ":"
-- | the kind of a type variable (or a type argument in schemes)
data VarKind = VarKind Kind | Downset Type | MissingKind
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | a (simple) type variable with its kind (or supertype)
data TypeArg = TypeArg TypeId VarKind SeparatorKind [Pos]
-- pos "," or ":" ("+" or "-" pos is moved to ExtClass)
deriving Show
-- | a value or type variable
data GenVarDecl = GenVarDecl VarDecl
| GenTypeVarDecl TypeArg
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | a polymorphic function identifier with type arguments
data OpId = OpId UninstOpId [TypeArg] [Pos] deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- pos "[", ";"s, "]"
-- | an instantiated function identifiers
data InstOpId = InstOpId UninstOpId [Type] [Pos] deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- * synonyms for identifiers
{- | type variable are expected to be simple whereas type constructors may be
mixfix- and compound identifiers -}
type TypeId = Id
type UninstOpId = Id
{- | variables are non-compound identifiers but may be mixfix if their
types permit -}
type Var = Id
-- | class identifier are simple but may be compound (like CASL sorts)
type ClassId = Id
-- * symbol data types
-- | symbols
data SymbItems = SymbItems SymbKind [Symb] [Annotation] [Pos]
-- pos: kind, commas
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | mapped symbols
data SymbMapItems = SymbMapItems SymbKind [SymbOrMap] [Annotation] [Pos]
-- pos: kind commas
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | kind of symbols
data SymbKind = Implicit | SK_type | SK_sort | SK_fun | SK_op | SK_pred
| SK_class
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | type annotated symbols
data Symb = Symb Id (Maybe SymbType) [Pos]
-- pos: colon (or empty)
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | type for symbols
data SymbType = SymbType TypeScheme
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | mapped symbol
data SymbOrMap = SymbOrMap Symb (Maybe Symb) [Pos]
-- pos: "|->" (or empty)
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- equality instances ignoring positions
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Eq Kind where
ClassKind i1 == ClassKind i2 = i1 == i2
FunKind p1 c1 _ == FunKind p2 c2 _ = (p1, c1) == (p2, c2)
ExtKind c1 v1 _ == ExtKind c2 v2 _ = (c1, v1) == (c2, v2)
_ == _ = False
instance Ord Kind where
ClassKind i1 <= ClassKind i2 = i1 <= i2
FunKind p1 c1 _ <= FunKind p2 c2 _ = (p1, c1) <= (p2, c2)
ExtKind c1 v1 _ <= ExtKind c2 v2 _ = (c1, v1) <= (c2, v2)
ClassKind _ <= _ = True
_ <= ClassKind _ = False
ExtKind _ _ _ <= _ = True
_ <= ExtKind _ _ _ = False
instance Eq Type where
TypeName i1 k1 v1 == TypeName i2 k2 v2 =
if v1 == 0 && v2 == 0 then (i1, k1) == (i2, k2)
else (v1, k1) == (v2, k2)
TypeAppl f1 a1 == TypeAppl f2 a2 = (f1, a1) == (f2, a2)
TypeToken t1 == TypeToken t2 = t1 == t2
BracketType b1 l1 _ == BracketType b2 l2 _ = (b1, l1) == (b2, l2)
KindedType t1 k1 _ == KindedType t2 k2 _ = (t1, k1) == (t2, k2)
MixfixType l1 == MixfixType l2 = l1 == l2
LazyType t1 _ == LazyType t2 _ = t1 == t2
ProductType l1 _ == ProductType l2 _ = l1 == l2
FunType f1 a1 g1 _ == FunType f2 a2 g2 _ = (f1, a1, g1) == (f2, a2, g2)
ExpandedType _ t1 == t2 = t1 == t2
t1 == ExpandedType _ t2 = t1 == t2
_ == _ = False
instance Ord Type where
TypeName i1 k1 v1 <= TypeName i2 k2 v2 =
if v1 == 0 && v2 == 0 then (i1, k1) <= (i2, k2)
else (v1, k1) <= (v2, k2)
TypeAppl f1 a1 <= TypeAppl f2 a2 = (f1, a1) <= (f2, a2)
TypeToken t1 <= TypeToken t2 = t1 <= t2
BracketType b1 l1 _ <= BracketType b2 l2 _ = (b1, l1) <= (b2, l2)
KindedType t1 k1 _ <= KindedType t2 k2 _ = (t1, k1) <= (t2, k2)
MixfixType l1 <= MixfixType l2 = l1 <= l2
LazyType t1 _ <= LazyType t2 _ = t1 <= t2
ProductType l1 _ <= ProductType l2 _ = l1 <= l2
FunType f1 a1 g1 _ <= FunType f2 a2 g2 _ = (f1, a1, g1) <= (f2, a2, g2)
ExpandedType _ t1 <= t2 = t1 <= t2
t1 <= ExpandedType _ t2 = t1 <= t2
TypeName _ _ _ <= _ = True
_ <= TypeName _ _ _ = False
TypeAppl _ _ <= _ = True
_ <= TypeAppl _ _ = False
TypeToken _ <= _ = True
_ <= TypeToken _ = False
BracketType _ _ _ <= _ = True
_ <= BracketType _ _ _ = False
KindedType _ _ _ <= _ = True
_ <= KindedType _ _ _ = False
MixfixType _ <= _ = True
_ <= MixfixType _ = False
LazyType _ _<= _ = True
_ <= LazyType _ _ = False
ProductType _ _<= _ = True
_ <= ProductType _ _ = False
-- is this equality only needed for the equality of schemes?
instance Eq TypeArg where
TypeArg i1 k1 _ _ == TypeArg i2 k2 _ _ = (i1, k1) == (i2, k2)
instance Ord TypeArg where
TypeArg i1 k1 _ _ <= TypeArg i2 k2 _ _ = (i1, k1) <= (i2, k2)
-- when are analyzed schemes equal? The name of variables should not matter
instance Eq TypeScheme where
TypeScheme v1 t1 _ == TypeScheme v2 t2 _ = (v1, t1) == (v2, t2)
instance Ord TypeScheme where
TypeScheme v1 t1 _ <= TypeScheme v2 t2 _ = (v1, t1) <= (v2, t2)
instance Eq Vars where
Var v1 == Var v2 = v1 == v2
VarTuple l1 _ == VarTuple l2 _ = l1 == l2
_ == _ = False
instance Eq VarDecl where
VarDecl v1 t1 _ _ == VarDecl v2 t2 _ _ = (v1, t1) == (v2, t2)
instance Ord VarDecl where
VarDecl v1 t1 _ _ <= VarDecl v2 t2 _ _ = (v1, t1) <= (v2, t2)
instance Eq OpAttr where
BinOpAttr b1 _ == BinOpAttr b2 _ = b1 == b2
UnitOpAttr t1 _ == UnitOpAttr t2 _= t1 == t2
_ == _ = False
instance Eq Alternative where
Constructor i1 l1 p1 _ == Constructor i2 l2 p2 _ =
(i1, l1, p1) == (i2, l2, p2)
Subtype t1 _ == Subtype t2 _ = t1 == t2
_ == _ = False
instance Eq Component where
Selector i1 p1 t1 _ _ == Selector i2 p2 t2 _ _ =
(i1, t1, p1) == (i2, t2, p2)
NoSelector t1 == NoSelector t2 = t1 == t2
_ == _ = False