HasCASL.hs revision c63ebf815c8a874525cf18670ad74847f7fc7b26
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Module : $Id$
Description : folder description
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable (except HasCASL.Logic_HasCASL)
This folder contains the files for HasCASL basic specs
* "HasCASL.As" abstract syntax with derived position access
* "HasCASL.AsToLe" convert abstract syntax to local environment
* "HasCASL.AsUtils" utilities to access the abstract syntax
* "HasCASL.ATC_HasCASL" generated ATerm conversions
* "HasCASL.Builtin" predefined HasCASL identifiers
* "HasCASL.ClassAna" analyse class identifiers and declarations
* "HasCASL.Constrain" kind and subtype constraints for type checking
* "HasCASL.DataAna" analyse data types
* "HasCASL.FoldTerm" folding over terms
* "HasCASL.HToken" extended lexical HasCASL tokens
* "HasCASL.Le" the local environment, i.e. signature
* "HasCASL.Logic_HasCASL" the instance for "Logic.Logic"
* "HasCASL.MapTerm" mapping terms according to a morphism
* "HasCASL.Merge" merging repeated declarations
* "HasCASL.MinType" choose a term with minimal type
* "HasCASL.MixAna" mixfix analysis
* "HasCASL.Morphism" morphisms (without class translations)
* "HasCASL.OpDecl" analyse operation declarations
* "HasCASL.ParseItem" parse any items except terms
* "HasCASL.ParseTerm" parse terms and formulas
* "HasCASL.PrintAs" pretty print instances for "HasCASL.As"
* "HasCASL.PrintLe" pretty print instances for "HasCASL.Le"
* "HasCASL.ProgEq" interpret special formulas as programs
* "HasCASL.RawSym" raw, i.e. only parsed, symbols and maps
* "HasCASL.RunMixfixParser" test utility for mixfix terms
* "HasCASL.RunStaticAna" test utility for the whole static analysis
* "HasCASL.SimplifyTerm" simplifying terms
* "HasCASL.Sublogic" sublogic stuff
* "HasCASL.SubtypeDecl" analyse subtype declarations
* "HasCASL.SymbItem" syntactic symbols and symbol maps
* "HasCASL.Symbol" semantic, i.e. analysed, symbols
* "HasCASL.SymbolMapAnalysis" see "CASL.SymbolMapAnalysis"
* "HasCASL.TypeAna" kind analysis of type terms
* "HasCASL.TypeCheck" type inference of terms
* "HasCASL.TypeDecl" analyse type declarations
* "HasCASL.TypeMixAna" mixfix analysis for types
* "HasCASL.Unify" unification algorithm for types
* "HasCASL.VarDecl" analyse declarations of variables
module HasCASL where