hets_cgi.hs revision 60e6795dd310e10194e12bb660575aadf941328b
{- |
Module : ./GUI/hets_cgi.hs
Copyright : (c) Uni Magdeburg 2004-2017
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : till@iks.cs.ovgu.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(imports Logic.Logic)
Interface for web page with WASH/CGI
module Main where
import WASH.CGI.CGI as CGI
import Driver.Options
import Driver.WriteLibDefn
import Driver.ReadLibDefn
import Driver.Version
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Result as CRes
import Common.Doc (renderText)
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.LibName
import Common.ResultT
import Common.PrintLaTeX
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Static.AnalysisLibrary
import Static.DevGraph
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Syntax.Print_AS_Structured
import Syntax.ToXml
import Text.XML.Light
import System.Random
import System.IO
import System.Time
import System.Process
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Posix.Process
import Control.Monad
-- ---- Configuration section -------------------------
-- - site specific configuration
-- a valid email address for the contact field / link
contactUrl :: String
contactUrl = "mailto:" ++ contactText
-- the text displayed with the previous link
contactText :: String
contactText = "hets-devel@informatik.uni-bremen.de"
{- a directory which must be accessable and exposed by the web server,
where all the generated files are stored. This string must end with
a slash! -}
baseDirGenerated :: String
baseDirGenerated = "/home/www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/cofi/hets-tmp/"
-- path to the log file
logFile :: String
logFile = baseDirGenerated ++ "hets.log"
-- the url pointing to the above specified directory
baseUrlGenerated :: String
baseUrlGenerated = "http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/cofi/hets-tmp/"
{- the directory where the Hets-lib repository is checked out. Must be
accessable by the cgi script -}
caslLibDir :: String
caslLibDir = "/home/cofi/Hets-lib"
-- where is the pdflatex command for the generation of PDF-files
pdflatexCmd :: String
pdflatexCmd = "/opt/csw/bin/pdflatex"
-- - site independant configuration
cofiUrl :: String
cofiUrl =
-- link to the homepage of hetcasl
hetcaslUrl :: String
hetcaslUrl = "http://dol-omg.org/"
hetsUrl :: String
hetsUrl = "http://hets.eu/"
-- link to the manual of Hets
hetsManualUrl :: String
hetsManualUrl = hetsUrl ++ "UserGuide.pdf"
-- link to the hetcasl.sty file
hetcaslStyUrl :: String
hetcaslStyUrl = hetsUrl ++ "hetcasl.sty"
-- ---- End of Configuration section ------------------
webOpts :: HetcatsOpts
webOpts = defaultHetcatsOpts
{ outputToStdout = False
, libdirs = [caslLibDir]
, verbose = 0 }
data SelectedBoxes = SB
{ outputTree :: Bool
, outputTxt :: Bool
, outputTex :: Bool
, archive :: Bool
} deriving Show
data Output = OP
{ asciiTxt :: String
, parseTree :: String }
defaultOutput :: Output
defaultOutput = OP "" ""
newtype RESL = RESL (CRes.Result Output)
instance Read RESL where
readsPrec _ _ = error "Read for \"RESL\" not implemented!!"
instance Show RESL where
showsPrec _ _ _ = error "Show for \"RESL\" not implemented!!"
main :: IO ()
main = run mainCGI
mainCGI :: CGI ()
mainCGI = ask $ html $ do
CGI.head $ title $ text "Hets Web Interface"
CGI.body $ makeForm $ page1 hetsVersion
page1 :: String -> WithHTML x CGI ()
page1 title1 = do
h1 $ text title1
p $ do
text "You may also want to try out our experimental "
hlink (URL "http://rest.hets.eu/")
$ text "Hets Server"
p $ do
text "Enter a "
hlink (URL hetcaslUrl) $ text "CASL or DOL"
" specification or library in the input zone, then press SUBMIT:"
-- Input field
input <- p $ makeTextarea "" (attr "rows" "22" ## attr "cols" "68")
-- check box
selectTxt <- checkboxInputField (attr "valus" "yes")
text "output pretty print ASCII"
selectTex <- checkboxInputField (attr "valus" "yes")
text "output pretty print LaTeX"
selectTree <- checkboxInputField (attr "valus" "yes")
text "output xml tree"
selectAchiv <- p $ b $ checkboxInputField (attr "checked" "checked") ##
text "If this checkbox is selected, your input will be logged!"
-- submit/reset botton
p $ do
submit (F5 input selectTree selectTxt selectTex selectAchiv)
handle (fieldVALUE "Submit")
submit0 mainCGI (fieldVALUE "reset")
hr_S CGI.empty
p $ do
text "Contact address: "
hlink (URL contactUrl) $ text contactText
-- handle of the submit botton
handle :: HasValue i => F5 (i String) (i Bool) (i Bool) (i Bool) (i Bool) VALID
-> CGI ()
handle (F5 input box1 box2 box3 box4) = do
random1 <- io $ getStdRandom $ randomR (100000, 999999)
processID <- io getProcessID
let outputfile = baseDirGenerated ++ "result" ++ show processID
++ show (random1 :: Int)
str = CGI.value input
selectedBoxes = SB
{ outputTree = CGI.value box1
, outputTxt = CGI.value box2
, outputTex = CGI.value box3
, archive = CGI.value box4 }
RESL res <- io $ fmap RESL $ anaInput str selectedBoxes outputfile
ask $ html $ do
CGI.head $ title $ text "HETS results"
CGI.body $ printR str res selectedBoxes outputfile
-- Analyze the input
anaInput :: String -> SelectedBoxes -> FilePath
-> IO (CRes.Result Output)
anaInput contents selectedBoxes outputfiles = do
CRes.Result _ (Just (ast : _)) <- runResultT
$ readLibDefn logicGraph webOpts Nothing "<stdin>" "<stdin>" contents
CRes.Result ds mres <- runResultT
$ anaLibDefn logicGraph webOpts Set.empty emptyLibEnv emptyDG ast ""
let ds1 = filter diagFilter ds
if CRes.hasErrors ds1 then return $ CRes.Result ds1 Nothing else
maybe (return $ CRes.Result ds1 Nothing)
(\ res -> do
saveLog (archive selectedBoxes)
process_result ds1 res outputfiles selectedBoxes)
diagFilter d = case CRes.diagKind d of
CRes.Hint -> False
CRes.Debug -> False
_ -> True
process_result :: [CRes.Diagnosis]
-> (LibName, LIB_DEFN, GlobalAnnos, LibEnv)
-> FilePath
-> SelectedBoxes
-> IO (CRes.Result Output)
process_result ds (_, libDefn, gannos, _) outputfile conf = do
let fMode = foldl unionFileModes nullFileMode
[ownerReadMode, ownerWriteMode,
groupReadMode, groupWriteMode,
when (outputTex conf) $ do
let pptexFile = outputfile ++ ".pp.tex"
latexFile = outputfile ++ ".tex"
pdfFile = outputfile ++ ".pdf"
tmpFile = outputfile ++ ".tmp"
writeLibDefnLatex logicGraph False gannos pptexFile libDefn
writeFile latexFile (latexHeader ++
"\\input{" ++ pptexFile ++
"}\n \\end{document}\n")
setFileMode pptexFile fMode
setFileMode latexFile fMode
system ("(cd " ++ baseDirGenerated ++ " ; ls -lh " ++
pdflatexCmd ++ " ; " ++ pdflatexCmd ++ " " ++
latexFile ++ ") > " ++ tmpFile)
setFileMode pdfFile fMode
when (outputTxt conf) $ do
let txtFile = outputfile ++ ".txt"
writeFile txtFile $ show (renderText gannos $
prettyLG logicGraph libDefn) ++ "\n"
setFileMode txtFile fMode
when (outputTree conf) $ do
let txtFile = outputfile ++ ".pp.xml"
writeFile txtFile . ppTopElement
$ xmlLibDefn logicGraph gannos libDefn
setFileMode txtFile fMode
return (CRes.Result ds $ Just $ selectOut conf libDefn gannos)
selectOut :: SelectedBoxes -> LIB_DEFN -> GlobalAnnos -> Output
selectOut conf ld ga = defaultOutput
{ asciiTxt = if outputTxt conf
then show $ renderText ga $ prettyLG logicGraph ld else ""
, parseTree = if outputTree conf
then ppElement $ xmlLibDefn logicGraph ga ld else "" }
-- log file
saveLog :: Bool -> IO ()
saveLog willSave = when willSave $ do
fd <- openFd logFile ReadWrite Nothing
defaultFileFlags {append = True}
fSize <- sizeof fd
let filelock = (WriteLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, fSize)
fileunlock = (Unlock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, fSize)
aktTime <- timeStamp
setLock fd filelock
fdWrite fd (aktTime ++ "\n" ++ contents ++ "\n\n")
setLock fd fileunlock
closeFd fd
timeStamp :: IO String
timeStamp = do
t <- getClockTime
ct <- toCalendarTime t
return $ calendarTimeToString ct
sizeof :: Fd -> IO FileOffset
sizeof fd = do
fstatus <- getFdStatus fd
return $ fileSize fstatus
-- Print the result
printR :: String -> CRes.Result Output -> SelectedBoxes
-> FilePath
-> WithHTML x CGI ()
printR str (CRes.Result ds mres) conf outputFile =
do h3 $ text "You have submitted the CASL or DOL library:"
mapM_ (\ l -> text l >> br CGI.empty) $ lines str
h3 $ text "Diagnostic messages of parsing and static analysis:"
mapM_ (\ l -> text (show l) >> br CGI.empty) ds
maybe CGI.empty printRes mres
hr_S CGI.empty
p $ do
text "Not the result you expected? Please check the "
hlink (read hetsManualUrl) $ text "Hets Manual"
text "."
hr_S CGI.empty
p $ do
text "Contact address: "
hlink (read contactUrl) $ text contactText
adjustOutfile ext = baseUrlGenerated ++
drop (length baseDirGenerated) (outputFile ++ ext)
printRes res = do
when (outputTxt conf) $ do
heading3 "Pretty printed text:"
formatTxt (asciiTxt res)
p $ i $ do
text "You can download the "
hlink (read $ adjustOutfile ".txt") $ text "text file"
text " here. The file will be deleted after 30 minutes.\n"
when (outputTex conf) $ do
heading3 "LaTeX code:"
p $ i $ do
text "You can download the "
hlink (read $ adjustOutfile ".pp.tex") $ text "LaTeX file"
text " here. For compiling the LaTeX output, you need "
hlink (read hetcaslStyUrl) $ text "hetcasl.sty"
text "."
p $ i $ do
text "You can also download the "
hlink (read $ adjustOutfile ".pdf") $ text "PDF file"
text ". All files will be deleted after 30 minutes.\n"
when (outputTree conf) $ do
heading3 "XML parse tree:"
formatTxt (parseTree res)
p $ i $ do
text "You can download the "
hlink (read $ adjustOutfile ".pp.xml") $ text "XML file"
text " here. The file will be deleted after 30 minutes.\n"
formatTxt = p . mapM_ (\ l -> text l >> br CGI.empty) . lines
heading3 = h3 . text