displayDependencyGraph.hs revision 124c859ba4741d5e36d5d98634886b430b7af093
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : create a slightly faked dependency graph of the hets directories
Copyright : (c) jianchun wang and Uni Bremen 2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : wjch868@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
in order to generate the graph, hets needs to be created with
-ddump-minimal-imports first. Start the GUI\/displayDependencyGraph
binary that reads in the .imports files in the top-level directory and
save the graph as postscript possibly after moving some edges and
nodes. Suitably convert the postscript file to a .png file and upload
If the graph contains cycles exclude suitable modules in 'exclude'.
* File, Print..., Page Size A3, Fit to Page, Send to: File
* convert -rotate 90 graph.ps graph.png
module Main where
-- for graph display
import DaVinciGraph
import GraphDisp
import GraphConfigure
-- for windows display
import TextDisplay
import Configuration (size)
import Events (sync)
import Destructible (destroy, destroyed)
import qualified HTk
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import System.Directory
import Data.List
main :: IO ()
main = do
fs <- getDirectoryContents "."
let suf = ".imports"
fn = filter (isSuffixOf suf) fs
ffn = map ( \ s -> take (length s - length suf) s) fn
ffnn = filter exclude $ filter (elem '.') ffn
fln = map (fst . break (== '.')) ffnn
fln' = nub fln
lfs <- mapM (readFile . (++ suf)) ffnn
let ss = map (filter (isPrefixOf "import") . lines) lfs
sss = getContent6 ss
ssss' = map (filter exclude) sss
ssss = map (map $ fst . break (== '.')) ssss'
sss' = map nub ssss
graphParms = GraphTitle "Dependency Graph" $$
OptimiseLayout True $$
AllowClose (return True) $$
wishInst <- HTk.initHTk [HTk.withdrawMainWin]
depG <- newGraph daVinciSort graphParms
let flln = nub $ fln' ++ concat sss'
subNodeMenu = LocalMenu (Menu (Just "Info") [
Button "Contents" (\lg -> createTextDisplay
("Contents of " ++ lg)
(showCon lg) [size(80,25)])])
showCon lg = unlines (filter (isPrefixOf (lg++".")) ffnn)
subNodeTypeParms =
subNodeMenu $$$
Ellipse $$$
ValueTitle return $$$
Color "yellow" $$$
subNodeType <- newNodeType depG subNodeTypeParms
subNodeList <- mapM (newNode depG subNodeType) flln
let slAndNodes = Map.fromList $ zip flln subNodeList
lookup' g_sl = Map.findWithDefault
(error "lookup': node not found")
g_sl slAndNodes
subArcMenu = LocalMenu( Menu Nothing [])
subArcTypeParms = subArcMenu $$$
ValueTitle id $$$
Color "green" $$$
subArcType <- newArcType depG subArcTypeParms
let insertSubArc = \ (node1, node2) ->
newArc depG subArcType (return "")
(lookup' node1)
(lookup' node2)
mapM_ insertSubArc $
Rel.toList $ Rel.intransKernel $ Rel.transClosure $
$ isIn3 $ concat $ zipWith getContent2 fln sss'
redraw depG
sync(destroyed depG)
destroy wishInst
exclude :: String -> Bool
exclude s = not $
isPrefixOf "ATC." s || isPrefixOf ".ATC_" (dropWhile (/= '.') s)
|| Set.member s (Set.fromList
[ "Isabelle.CreateTheories"
, "OWL.StructureAnalysis", "OWL.OWLAnalysis"
, "OWL.ProvePellet"
, "Haskell.Haskell2DG", "Haskell.CreateModules"
, "Comorphisms.KnownProvers", "Interfaces.GenericATPState", "CMDL.Utils"
, "GUI.Utils", "GUI.ProofManagement" -- Proofs
, "Proofs.Automatic", "Driver.Options" -- Static
, "Proofs.EdgeUtils", "Proofs.StatusUtils" -- Driver
, "Proofs.BatchProcessing", "Interfaces.GenericATPState"
, "GUI.GenericATP", "SoftFOL.CreateDFGDoc"
, "SoftFOL.MathServMapping", "SoftFOL.ProveMathServ"
, "SoftFOL.ProveDarwin", "SoftFOL.ProveSPASS"
, "SoftFOL.ProveVampire", "SoftFOL.ProverState"
, "Taxonomy.MMiSSOntologyGraph"
, "Propositional.Prop2CNF", "Propositional.Prop2CASLHelpers"
, "Propositional.Prove"
, "Modifications.ModalEmbedding"
, "Static.AnalysisLibrary"
, "OMDoc.OMDocDefs", "OMDoc.OMDocOutput"
, "OMDoc.OMDocInput", "OMDoc.HetsDefs", "Debug.Trace"
getContent2 :: String -> [String] -> [(String, String)]
getContent2 x = map (\ m -> (x, m))
getContent4 :: [String] -> [String]
getContent4 s = map ((!! 1) . words) s
getContent5 :: [String] -> [String]
getContent5 = map $ fst . break (== '(')
getContent6 :: [[String]] ->[[String]]
getContent6 = map $ (filter (elem '.')) . getContent5 . getContent4
isIn3 :: (Eq a)=> [(a, a)] -> [(a, a)]
isIn3 = filter (\(x,y) -> x /= y)