WebInterface.hs revision c7ffd4daa474e87f7fb572e9747a976ef02e532e
-- translate to Haskell
fun mapstring s =
case s of
"0" => 0
| "1" => 1
| "2" => 2
| "3" => 3
| "4" => 4
| "5" => 5
| "6" => 6
| "7" => 7
| "8" => 8
| "9" => 9
|"a" => 10
|"b" => 11
|"c" => 12
|"d" => 13
|"e" => 14
|"f" => 15
|"A" => 10
|"B" => 11
|"C" => 12
|"D" => 13
|"E" => 14
|"F" => 15
| s => ord(s);
fun convert_cgi [] = []
| convert_cgi ("%"::"0"::"D"::s) = convert_cgi s
| convert_cgi ("%"::s1::s2::rest) = (chr( (mapstring s1) * 16 + mapstring s2)::convert_cgi rest)
| convert_cgi ("+"::s) = ((" "::(convert_cgi s)))
| convert_cgi (s::s1) = s::convert_cgi s1
fun convert_arg (_,("s"::"p"::"e"::"c"::"="::s)) =
implode (convert_cgi s)
| convert_arg (arg,_) = arg
-- translate to Haskell
webInterface :: String -> IO()
fun web_interface s =
let val args = scanwords (fn a => not (a="&")) (explode s@["&"])
val del_blank = implode o (filter_out is_blank) o explode
val args' = map del_blank args
-- the following line must be adapted, construct a value of type HetcatsOpts
val pars = ("tree=yes" mem args',"env=yes" mem args',"tex=yes" mem args')
val sp = foldl convert_arg ("",map explode args')
-- the following line must be adpated to Hets, see hets.hs or Static/AnalysisLibrary.hs
val res = parse_and_check (!basic_lib_env) (fn x => ()) true sp
handle exn => (empty_lib_env,empty_global_env,empty_lib_defn)
web_interface_aux1 pars res
and web_interface_aux1 (show_trees,show_env,latex) (_,genv,trees) =
if show_trees then
-- use showPretty instead of print
(print (print_heading true "Parse tree");
print (AT.mkA (trees)) )
else ()
handle exn => print ("Internal error #2. Please send us your specification");
if show_env then
(print (print_heading true "Global Environment");
print (format_text HTML_pre (StructuredPrint.print_global_env genv trees))
else ();
if latex then
(print (print_heading true "LaTeX code");
(*print (format_text HTML_pre (Makellos.mkTeX (true,genv,trees)) ) *)
print (format_text HTML_pre "Sorry, not LaTeX output yet. Use CATS 0.56")
else ()