WebInterface.hs revision 43b4c41fbb07705c9df321221ab9cb9832460407
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable
Interface for web page
module GUI.WebInterface where
import Driver.Options
import Driver.WriteFn
import Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Char
import Static.AnalysisLibrary
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Static.DevGraph
import Maybe
-- import Debug.Trace
{- -}
mapString :: Char -> Int
mapString c = case c of
'0' -> 0
'1' -> 1
'2' -> 2
'3' -> 3
'4' -> 4
'5' -> 5
'6' -> 6
'7' -> 7
'8' -> 8
'9' -> 9
'a' -> 10
'b' -> 11
'c' -> 12
'd' -> 13
'e' -> 14
'f' -> 15
'A' -> 10
'B' -> 11
'C' -> 12
'D' -> 13
'E' -> 14
'F' -> 15
s -> ord s
{- -}
convert_cgi :: String -> String
convert_cgi "" = ""
convert_cgi (s0:rest) =
case s0 of
'%' -> if (take 2 rest == "0D") then convert_cgi $ drop 2 rest
case rest of
s1:s2:rest' ->
(chr((mapString s1)*16 + mapString s2)):(convert_cgi rest')
_ -> s0:(convert_cgi rest)
'+' -> ' ':(convert_cgi rest)
_ -> s0:(convert_cgi rest)
{- -}
convert_arg :: (String, String) -> String
convert_arg (arg, spec) =
case spec of
's':'p':'e':'c':'=':s -> convert_cgi s
_ -> arg
scanwords :: String -> [String]
scanwords str
| length str == 0 = []
| otherwise = let headStr = takeWhile (\x -> not (x == '&' || x == '\n')) str
in headStr:(scanwords $ drop ((length headStr) +1) str)
{- -}
webInterface :: String -> HetcatsOpts -> IO()
webInterface contents opt =
defl <- lookupLogic "logic from command line: " (defLogic opt) logicGraph
let args = scanwords contents
outputfile = head args
pars = ("tree=yes" `elem` args, "env=yes" `elem` args , "tex=yes" `elem` args)
sp = foldl (curry convert_arg) "" (tail args)
-- putStrLn $ show pars
-- putStrLn sp
-- putStrLn $ unwords args
putStrLn "<font face=\"Arial\" size=+2>"
res <- anaString logicGraph defl opt emptyLibEnv sp Nothing
putStrLn "...</font>"
web_interface_aux1 pars res outputfile
web_interface_aux1 (show_trees, show_env, show_latex) res outfile =
case res of
Just (libName, libDefn, _, libEnv) ->
let (globalAnnos, _, _) = fromJust $ Map.lookup libName libEnv
in do
if show_trees then
putStrLn "<H2>Parse tree:</H2>"
putStrLn $ show libDefn
-- globalContexttoShATerm outfile (globalAnnos, globalEnv, dGraph)
else return()
if show_env then
putStrLn "<H2>ASCII code:</H2>"
result <- write_casl_asc_stdout opt globalAnnos libDefn
putStrLn $ foldl (\x y -> x ++ "<br>" ++ y) "" (lines result)
else return ()
if show_latex then
putStrLn "<H2>LaTeX code:</H2>"
result <- write_casl_latex_stdout opt globalAnnos libDefn
write_casl_latex opt globalAnnos outfile libDefn
putStrLn result
write_HTML outfile
else return ()
Nothing -> return ()
write_HTML :: FilePath -> IO()
write_HTML downF =
putStrLn "<P><I>You can here <A HREF=\""
putStrLn "http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/cofi/hets-tmp/"
-- putStrLn ((takeWhile (\x->x /= '.') downF) ++ ".pdf")
putStrLn $ drop 24 downF
putStrLn "\">the LaTeX file</A> download. The file will be deleted after 30 minutes<br>"
putStrLn "For compiling the LaTeX output, you need <A HREF=\"http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/agbkb/forschung/formal_methods/CoFI/hets/hetcasl.sty\">hetcasl.sty.</I></P>"
{-where getName filepath =
let rest = dropWhile (\x -> not (x == '/')) (teil filepath)
in if length rest > 0 then getName rest
else filepath