ShowRefTree.hs revision c208973c890b8f993297720fd0247bc7481d4304
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Mihai Codescu, DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (Logic)
display the logic graph
module GUI.ShowRefTree (showRefTree) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Tree
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import GUI.GraphTypes
import GUI.UDGUtils as UDG
import GUI.Utils
import GUI.GraphLogic
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.Command
import Common.Consistency
import Common.DocUtils
import Driver.Options(doDump)
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.PrintDevGraph
import Static.History
import qualified Data.Map as Map
showRefTree :: LibFunc
showRefTree gInfo = do
graph <- newIORef daVinciSort
nodesEdges <- newIORef (([], []) :: NodeEdgeListRef)
globalMenu =
GlobalMenu (UDG.Menu Nothing
graphParms = globalMenu $$
GraphTitle "Refinement Tree" $$
OptimiseLayout True $$
AllowClose (return True) $$
graph' <- newGraph daVinciSort graphParms
addNodesAndEdgesRef gInfo graph' nodesEdges
writeIORef graph graph'
redraw graph'
type NodeEdgeListRef = ([DaVinciNode Int], [DaVinciArc (IO RTLinkLab)])
type NodeEdgeListDep = ([DaVinciNode DiagNodeLab], [DaVinciArc (IO String)])
addNodesAndEdgesRef :: GInfo -> DaVinciGraphTypeSyn ->
IORef NodeEdgeListRef -> IO ()
addNodesAndEdgesRef gInfo@(GInfo { hetcatsOpts = opts}) graph nodesEdges = do
ost <- readIORef $ intState gInfo
case i_state ost of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ist -> do
le = i_libEnv ist
lookup' x y = Map.findWithDefault (error "lookup': node not found") y x
dg = lookup' le $ i_ln ist
rTree = refTree dg
vertexes = map fst $ Tree.labNodes rTree
arcs = Tree.labEdges rTree
subNodeMenu = LocalMenu (UDG.Menu Nothing [
Button "Show dependency diagram" $ showDiagram gInfo dg,
Button "Show spec" $ showSpec dg,
Button "Check consistency" $ checkCons gInfo])
subNodeTypeParms = subNodeMenu $$$
Ellipse $$$
ValueTitle (return . (\x -> rtn_name $
labRT dg x)) $$$
Color (getColor opts Green True True) $$$
subNodeType <- newNodeType graph subNodeTypeParms
subNodeList <- mapM (newNode graph subNodeType) vertexes
nodes' = Map.fromList $ zip (Tree.nodes rTree) subNodeList
subArcMenu = LocalMenu (UDG.Menu Nothing [])
subArcTypeParms = subArcMenu $$$
ValueTitle (return $ return "") $$$
Color (getColor opts Black False False) $$$
subArcTypeParmsT = subArcMenu $$$
ValueTitle (return $ return "") $$$
Color (getColor opts Blue False False) $$$
subArcTypeParmsR = subArcMenu $$$
ValueTitle (return $ return "") $$$
Color (getColor opts Coral False False) $$$
subArcType <- newArcType graph subArcTypeParms
let insertSubArc (n1, n2, e) = newArc graph subArcType
(return e)
(lookup' nodes' n1)
(lookup' nodes' n2)
subArcList <- mapM insertSubArc $
filter (\ (_, _, e) -> rtl_type e == RTComp) arcs
subArcTypeT <- newArcType graph subArcTypeParmsT
let insertSubArcT (n1, n2, e) = newArc graph subArcTypeT
(return e)
(lookup' nodes' n1)
(lookup' nodes' n2)
subArcListT <- mapM insertSubArcT $
filter (\ (_, _, _e) -> False) -- TODO: it was easier
subArcTypeR <- newArcType graph subArcTypeParmsR
let insertSubArcR (n1, n2, e) = newArc graph subArcTypeR
(return e)
(lookup' nodes' n1)
(lookup' nodes' n2)
subArcListR <- mapM insertSubArcR $
filter (\ (_, _, e) -> rtl_type e == RTRefine) arcs
writeIORef nodesEdges (subNodeList, subArcList ++ subArcListT
++ subArcListR)
checkCons :: GInfo -> Int-> IO()
checkCons gInfo n = do
lockGlobal gInfo
checkConsAux gInfo [n]
checkConsAux :: GInfo -> [Int] -> IO()
checkConsAux gInfo [] = unlockGlobal gInfo
checkConsAux gInfo (n:ns) = do
ost <- readIORef $ intState gInfo
case i_state ost of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ist -> do
le = i_libEnv ist
lookup' x y = Map.findWithDefault (error "lookup': node not found") y x
dg = lookup' le $ i_ln ist
rtlab = labRT dg n
rt = refTree dg
changeConsStatus x = let
oldLab = labDG dg x
oldNInfo = nodeInfo oldLab
newLab = oldLab{nodeInfo = case oldNInfo of
DGNode o _ -> DGNode o $ mkConsStatus Cons
_ -> oldNInfo}
in [SetNodeLab oldLab (x, newLab)]
consLinks (s, t, l) = let
l' = l{dgl_type = case dgl_type l of
ScopedLink a b _ ->
ScopedLink a b $ mkConsStatus Cons
dt -> dt}
in [DeleteEdge (s,t,l), InsertEdge (s,t,l')]
updateDG changes = do
let dg' = changesDGH dg changes
history = snd $ splitHistory dg dg'
le' = Map.insert (i_ln ist) dg' le
lln = map DgCommandChange $ calcGlobalHistory le le'
nst = add2history (HelpCmd) ost lln
nwst = nst { i_state = Just ist { i_libEnv = le'}}
doDump (hetcatsOpts gInfo) "PrintHistory" $ do
putStrLn "History"
print $ prettyHistory history
writeIORef (intState gInfo) nwst
updateGraph gInfo (reverse $ flatHistory history)
case rtn_type rtlab of
RTRef n' -> checkConsAux gInfo $ n':ns
RTPlain usig ->
let units = map (\(_,x,_) -> x) $
filter (\(_ss, _tt, ll) -> rtl_type ll == RTComp)$ out rt n
in case units of
[] -> -- n is itself a unit, insert obligation
case usig of
UnitSig [] nsig _ -> do -- non-parametric unit, change node
let gn = getNode nsig
changes = changeConsStatus gn
updateDG changes
checkConsAux gInfo ns
UnitSig _ _ Nothing -> error "consCheck2"
UnitSig _nsigs nsig (Just usig') -> do
let ss = getNode usig'
tt = getNode nsig
lEdges = filter (\(x,y,_) -> x == ss && y == tt)
$ labEdges $ dgBody dg
ll = if null lEdges then
error "consCheck1"
else head lEdges -- parametric unit, change edge
changes = consLinks ll
updateDG changes
checkConsAux gInfo ns
_ -> checkConsAux gInfo $ units ++ ns
showSpec :: DGraph -> Int -> IO()
showSpec dg n =
createTextDisplay "" (show $ labRT dg n)
showDiagram :: GInfo -> DGraph -> Int -> IO ()
showDiagram gInfo dg n = do
let asDiags = archSpecDiags dg
rtlab = labRT dg n
name = rtn_name rtlab
when (name `elem` Map.keys asDiags) $ do
graph <- newIORef daVinciSort
nodesEdges <- newIORef (([], []) :: NodeEdgeListDep)
globalMenu =
GlobalMenu (UDG.Menu Nothing
graphParms = globalMenu $$
GraphTitle ("Dependency Diagram for " ++ name) $$
OptimiseLayout True $$
AllowClose (return True) $$
graph' <- newGraph daVinciSort graphParms
addNodesAndEdgesDeps dg (Map.findWithDefault (error "showDiagram")
name asDiags)
graph' gInfo nodesEdges
writeIORef graph graph'
redraw graph'
showDiagSpec :: DGraph -> DiagNodeLab -> IO()
showDiagSpec dg l = do
let NodeSig n _ = dn_sig l
nlab = labDG dg n
g1 = fromMaybe (dgn_theory nlab) $ globalTheory nlab
createTextDisplay ""
("Desc:\n" ++ (dn_desc l) ++ "\n" ++
"Sig:\n" ++ (showDoc g1 "")
addNodesAndEdgesDeps :: DGraph -> Diag -> DaVinciGraphTypeSyn -> GInfo ->
IORef NodeEdgeListDep -> IO ()
addNodesAndEdgesDeps dg diag graph gi nodesEdges = do
opts = hetcatsOpts gi
lookup' x y = Map.findWithDefault (error "lookup': node not found") y x
vertexes = map snd $ Tree.labNodes $ diagGraph diag
arcs = Tree.labEdges $ diagGraph diag
subNodeMenu = LocalMenu (UDG.Menu Nothing [Button "Show desc and sig" $
showDiagSpec dg ])
subNodeTypeParms = subNodeMenu $$$
Ellipse $$$
ValueTitle (return . (\ x ->
take 20 (dn_desc x) ++ "..." )) $$$
Color (getColor opts Green True True) $$$
subNodeType <- newNodeType graph subNodeTypeParms
subNodeList <- mapM (newNode graph subNodeType) vertexes
nodes' = Map.fromList $ zip (Tree.nodes $ diagGraph diag) subNodeList
subArcMenu = LocalMenu (UDG.Menu Nothing [])
subArcTypeParms = subArcMenu $$$
ValueTitle (return $ return "") $$$
Color (getColor opts Black False False) $$$
subArcType <- newArcType graph subArcTypeParms
let insertSubArc (n1, n2, _e) = newArc graph subArcType
(return "")
(lookup' nodes' n1)
(lookup' nodes' n2)
subArcList <- mapM insertSubArc arcs
writeIORef nodesEdges (subNodeList, subArcList)