ShowLogicGraph.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang and Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (Logic)
display the logic graph
module GUI.ShowLogicGraph (showLogicGraph, showLG) where
import GUI.UDGUtils as UDG
import GUI.HTkUtils
-- data structure
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Comorphisms.HetLogicGraph
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Prover
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Data.Typeable
graphParms :: (GraphAllConfig graph graphParms node nodeType nodeTypeParms
arc arcType arcTypeParms)
=> (Graph graph graphParms node nodeType nodeTypeParms
arc arcType arcTypeParms)
-> String -- ^ title of graph
-> graphParms
graphParms _ title =
GraphTitle title $$
OptimiseLayout True $$
AllowClose (return True) $$
makeNodeMenu :: (GraphAllConfig graph graphParms node
nodeType nodeTypeParms
arc arcType arcTypeParms,
Typeable value)
=> (Graph graph graphParms node nodeType nodeTypeParms
arc arcType arcTypeParms)
-> (value -> IO String)
-- ^ display the value as a String
-> LocalMenu value
-> String -- ^ color of node
-> nodeTypeParms value
makeNodeMenu _ showMyValue logicNodeMenu color =
logicNodeMenu $$$
Ellipse $$$
ValueTitle showMyValue $$$
Color color $$$
stableColor, testingColor, unstableColor, experimentalColor,
proverColor :: String
stableColor = "#00FF00"
testingColor = "#88FF33"
unstableColor = "#CCFF66"
experimentalColor = "white"
proverColor = "lightsteelblue"
normalArcColor :: String
normalArcColor = "black"
inclusionArcColor :: String
inclusionArcColor = "blue"
-- | Test whether a comorphism is an ad-hoc inclusion
isInclComorphism :: AnyComorphism -> Bool
isInclComorphism (Comorphism cid) =
Logic (sourceLogic cid) == Logic (targetLogic cid) &&
isProperSublogic (G_sublogics (sourceLogic cid) (sourceSublogic cid))
(G_sublogics (targetLogic cid) (targetSublogic cid))
showLogicGraph ::
(GraphAllConfig graph graphParms node nodeType nodeTypeParms
arc arcType arcTypeParms)
=> (Graph graph graphParms node nodeType nodeTypeParms
arc arcType arcTypeParms)
-> IO ()
showLogicGraph displaySrt = do
-- disp s tD = debug (s ++ (show tD))
logicG <- newGraph displaySrt (GlobalMenu (UDG.Menu Nothing [
Button "Show detailed logic graph" showHSG ]) $$
graphParms displaySrt "Logic Graph"
let logicNodeMenu = LocalMenu(UDG.Menu (Just "Info")
[Button "Tools" (\lg -> createTextDisplay
("Parsers, Provers and Cons_Checker of "
++ show lg) (showTools lg) [size(80,25)]),
Button "Sublogic" (\lg -> createTextDisplay ("Sublogics of "
++ show lg) (showSublogic lg) [size(80,25)]),
Button "Sublogic Graph" showSubLogicGraph,
Button "Description" (\lg -> createTextDisplay
("Description of " ++ show lg) (showDescription lg)
makeLogicNodeMenu = makeNodeMenu displaySrt (return . show)
stableNodeType <- newNodeType logicG $ makeLogicNodeMenu stableColor
testingNodeType <- newNodeType logicG $ makeLogicNodeMenu testingColor
unstableNodeType <- newNodeType logicG $ makeLogicNodeMenu unstableColor
experimentalNodeType <- newNodeType logicG $
makeLogicNodeMenu experimentalColor
proverNodeType <-
newNodeType logicG $ makeLogicNodeMenu proverColor
let newNode' logic =
case logic of
Logic lid -> if null $ provers lid then let
nodeType = case stability lid of
Stable -> stableNodeType
Testing -> testingNodeType
Unstable -> unstableNodeType
Experimental -> experimentalNodeType
in newNode logicG nodeType logic
else newNode logicG proverNodeType logic
-- production of the nodes (in a list)
nodeList <- mapM newNode' (Map.elems(logics logicGraph))
-- build the map with the node's name and the node.
let namesAndNodes = Map.fromList (zip (Map.keys(logics logicGraph))
lookupLogi (Logic lid) =
Map.findWithDefault (error "lookupLogi: Logic not found")
(language_name lid)
{- each edge can also show the informations (the
description of comorphism and names of
source/target-Logic as well as the sublogics). -}
logicArcMenu =
LocalMenu(Button "Info"
(\c -> case c of
Comorphism cid ->
let ssid = G_sublogics (sourceLogic cid)
(sourceSublogic cid)
tsid = G_sublogics (targetLogic cid)
(targetSublogic cid)
in createTextDisplay (show c)
(showComoDescription c ++ "\n\n" ++
"source logic: " ++
language_name (sourceLogic cid) ++
"\n\n" ++
"target logic: " ++
language_name (targetLogic cid) ++
"\n" ++
"source sublogic: " ++ showSubTitle ssid ++
"\n" ++
"target sublogic: " ++ showSubTitle tsid)
normalArcTypeParms = logicArcMenu $$$ -- normal comorphism
Color normalArcColor $$$
ValueTitle (\c -> case c of
Comorphism cid ->
return $ language_name cid) $$$
inclArcTypeParms = logicArcMenu $$$ -- inclusion
Color inclusionArcColor $$$
normalArcType <- newArcType logicG normalArcTypeParms
inclArcType <- newArcType logicG inclArcTypeParms
let insertComo = -- for cormophism
(\c ->
case c of
Comorphism cid ->
let sid = Logic (sourceLogic cid)
tid = Logic (targetLogic cid)
in newArc logicG normalArcType c (lookupLogi sid)
(lookupLogi tid))
insertIncl = -- for inclusion
(\i ->
case i of
Comorphism cid ->
let sid = Logic (sourceLogic cid)
tid = Logic (targetLogic cid)
in newArc logicG inclArcType i (lookupLogi sid)
(lookupLogi tid))
mapM_ insertIncl inclusionList
mapM_ insertComo $ filter (flip notElem inclusionList) comorphismList
redraw logicG
showSublogic l =
case l of
Logic lid -> unlines (map sublogicName (all_sublogics lid))
showSubTitle gsl =
case gsl of
G_sublogics _ sls -> sublogicName sls
showDescription l =
case l of
Logic lid -> description lid ++
"\n\nStability: " ++ show (stability lid)
showComoDescription c =
case c of
Comorphism cid -> description cid
showTools lg =
case lg of
Logic lid -> showParse lid ++ "\nProvers: " ++ showProver lid
++ "\nConsistency checkers: " ++ showConsChecker lid
showProver lid = if null (provers lid) then "None"
else unlines $ map proverName (provers lid)
showConsChecker lid = if null (cons_checkers lid) then "None"
else unlines $ map ccName (cons_checkers lid)
showParse lid =
let s1 = case parse_basic_spec lid of
Just _ -> "Parser for basic specifications.\n"
Nothing -> ""
s2 = case parse_symb_items lid of
Just _ -> "Parser for symbol lists.\n"
Nothing -> ""
s3 = case parse_symb_map_items lid of
Just _ -> "Parser for symbol maps.\n"
Nothing -> ""
s4 = case parse_sentence lid of
Just _ -> "Parser for sentences.\n"
Nothing -> ""
s5 = case basic_analysis lid of
Just _ -> "Analysis of basic specifications.\n"
Nothing -> ""
s6 = case data_logic lid of
Just _ -> "is a process logic.\n"
Nothing -> ""
in (s1 ++ s2 ++ s3 ++ s4 ++ s5 ++ s6)
showSubLogicGraph subl =
case subl of
Logic sublid ->
do subLogicG <- newGraph displaySrt
(graphParms displaySrt "SubLogic Graph")
let listG_Sublogics = -- map (\sbl -> G_sublogics sublid sbl)
(all_sublogics sublid)
subNodeMenu = LocalMenu (UDG.Menu Nothing [])
subNodeTypeParms =
subNodeMenu $$$
Ellipse $$$
ValueTitle (return . sublogicName) $$$
Color "yellow" $$$
subNodeType <- newNodeType subLogicG subNodeTypeParms
subNodeList <- mapM (newNode subLogicG subNodeType)
let slAndNodes = Map.fromList $
zip listG_Sublogics subNodeList
lookupSublogic g_sl =
(error "lookupSublogic: node not found")
g_sl slAndNodes
subArcMenu = LocalMenu(UDG.Menu Nothing [])
subArcTypeParms = subArcMenu $$$
Color "green" $$$
subArcType <- newArcType subLogicG subArcTypeParms
let insertSubArc (node1, node2) =
newArc subLogicG subArcType ""
(lookupSublogic node1)
(lookupSublogic node2)
subl_nodes =
[ (g1, g2)
| g1 <- listG_Sublogics
, g2 <- listG_Sublogics
, g1 /= g2
, isSubElem g1 g2
mapM_ insertSubArc subl_nodes
redraw subLogicG
showHetSublogicGraph ::
(GraphAllConfig graph graphParms node nodeType nodeTypeParms
arc arcType arcTypeParms)
=> (Graph graph graphParms node nodeType nodeTypeParms
arc arcType arcTypeParms)
-> IO ()
showHetSublogicGraph displaySrt = do
logicG <- newGraph displaySrt (graphParms displaySrt
"Heterogeneous Sublogic Graph")
let logicNodeMenu = LocalMenu(UDG.Menu (Just "Info")
[Button "Tools" (\lg -> createTextDisplay
("Parsers, Provers and Cons_Checker of "
++ show lg) (showTools lg) [size(80,25)]),
Button "Sublogic" (\lg -> createTextDisplay ("Sublogics of "
++ show lg) (showSublogic lg) [size(80,25)]),
Button "Description" (\lg -> createTextDisplay
("Description of " ++ show lg) (showDescription lg)
makeLogicNodeMenu = makeNodeMenu displaySrt (return . show)
stableNodeType <- newNodeType logicG $ makeLogicNodeMenu stableColor
testingNodeType <- newNodeType logicG $ makeLogicNodeMenu testingColor
unstableNodeType <- newNodeType logicG $ makeLogicNodeMenu unstableColor
experimentalNodeType <-
newNodeType logicG $ makeLogicNodeMenu experimentalColor
proverNodeType <-
newNodeType logicG $ makeLogicNodeMenu proverColor
let newNode' gsl@(G_sublogics lid _) =
if not $ null $ provers lid
then newNode logicG proverNodeType gsl
else let nodeType = case stability lid of
Stable -> stableNodeType
Testing -> testingNodeType
Unstable -> unstableNodeType
Experimental -> experimentalNodeType
in newNode logicG nodeType gsl
-- production of the nodes (in a list)
nodeList <- mapM newNode' (Map.elems(sublogicNodes hetSublogicGraph))
-- build the map with the node's name and the node.
let namesAndNodes =
Map.fromList (zip (Map.keys (sublogicNodes hetSublogicGraph))
lookupLogi gslStr =
Map.findWithDefault (error "lookupLogi: Logic not found")
{- each edge can also show the informations (the
description of comorphism and names of
source/target-Logic as well as the sublogics). -}
logicArcMenu =
LocalMenu(Button "Info"
(\ c -> case c of
Comorphism cid ->
let ssid = G_sublogics (sourceLogic cid)
(sourceSublogic cid)
tsid = G_sublogics (targetLogic cid)
(targetSublogic cid)
in createTextDisplay (show c)
(showComoDescription c ++ "\n\n" ++
"source logic: " ++
language_name (sourceLogic cid) ++
"\n\n" ++
"target logic: " ++
language_name (targetLogic cid) ++
"\n" ++
"source sublogic: " ++ showSubTitle ssid ++
"\n" ++
"target sublogic: " ++ showSubTitle tsid)
acmName = (\ (Comorphism cid) -> return $ language_name cid)
normalArcTypeParms = logicArcMenu $$$ -- normal comorphism
Color normalArcColor $$$
ValueTitle acmName $$$
inclArcTypeParms = logicArcMenu $$$ -- inclusion
Color inclusionArcColor $$$
ValueTitle acmName $$$
adhocInclArcTypeParms =
Color inclusionArcColor $$$ -- ad-hoc inclusion
normalArcType <- newArcType logicG normalArcTypeParms
inclArcType <- newArcType logicG inclArcTypeParms
adhocInclArcType <- newArcType logicG adhocInclArcTypeParms
let insertArcType tp =
(\ ((src, trg), acm) ->
newArc logicG tp acm (lookupLogi src)
(lookupLogi trg))
(inclCom, notInclCom) =
partition ((`elem` inclusionList) . snd) $
concatMap (\ (x, ys) -> zip (repeat x) ys) $
Map.toList -- [((String,String),[AnyComorphism])]
(comorphismEdges hetSublogicGraph)
(adhocCom, normalCom) =
partition (isInclComorphism . snd) notInclCom
mapM_ (insertArcType inclArcType) inclCom
mapM_ (insertArcType adhocInclArcType) adhocCom
mapM_ (insertArcType normalArcType) normalCom
redraw logicG
showSublogic (G_sublogics lid _) =
unlines (map sublogicName (all_sublogics lid))
showSubTitle gsl =
case gsl of
G_sublogics _ sls -> sublogicName sls
showDescription (G_sublogics lid _) =
description lid ++ "\n\nStability: " ++ show (stability lid)
showComoDescription c =
case c of
Comorphism cid -> description cid
showTools (G_sublogics lid _) =
showParse lid ++ "\nProvers: " ++ showProver lid
++ "\nConsistency checkers: " ++ showConsChecker lid
showProver li = case provers li of
[] -> "None"
ls -> unlines $ map proverName ls
showConsChecker li = case cons_checkers li of
[] -> "None"
ls -> unlines $ map ccName ls
showParse li =
let s1 = case parse_basic_spec li of
Just _ -> "Parser for basic specifications.\n"
Nothing -> ""
s2 = case parse_symb_items li of
Just _ -> "Parser for symbol lists.\n"
Nothing -> ""
s3 = case parse_symb_map_items li of
Just _ -> "Parser for symbol maps.\n"
Nothing -> ""
s4 = case parse_sentence li of
Just _ -> "Parser for sentences.\n"
Nothing -> ""
s5 = case basic_analysis li of
Just _ -> "Analysis of basic specifications.\n"
Nothing -> ""
s6 = case data_logic li of
Just _ -> "is a process logic.\n"
Nothing -> ""
in (s1 ++ s2 ++ s3 ++ s4 ++ s5 ++ s6)
showHSG :: IO ()
showHSG = showHetSublogicGraph daVinciSort
showLG :: IO ()
showLG = showLogicGraph daVinciSort