ShowLibGraph.hs revision f39c70229e74147a02d15bd45c05a0b1b325532d
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2003-2007
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : unstable
Portability : non-portable
This Modul provides a function to display a Library Dependency Graph.
module GUI.ShowLibGraph (showLibGraph, mShowGraph) where
import Driver.Options (HetcatsOpts(outtypes), putIfVerbose)
import Driver.ReadFn
import Driver.AnaLib
import Static.DevGraph
import GUI.UDGUtils as UDG
import GUI.Utils
import GUI.GraphTypes
import GUI.GraphLogic(translateGraph)
import GUI.GraphDisplay
import qualified GUI.GraphAbstraction as GA
import Common.LibName
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad (when)
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.Utils
type NodeEdgeList = ([DaVinciNode LibName],[DaVinciArc (IO String)])
{- | Creates a new uDrawGraph Window and shows the Library Dependency Graph of
the given LibEnv.-}
showLibGraph :: LibFunc
showLibGraph gInfo@(GInfo { windowCount = wc
, libGraphLock = lock}) = do
isEmpty <- isEmptyMVar lock
when isEmpty $ do
putMVar lock ()
count <- takeMVar wc
putMVar wc $ count + 1
graph <- newIORef daVinciSort
nodesEdges <- newIORef (([],[])::NodeEdgeList)
globalMenu =
GlobalMenu (UDG.Menu Nothing
[ Button "Reload Library" $ reloadLibGraph gInfo graph nodesEdges
, Button "Translate Library" $ translate gInfo
graphParms = globalMenu $$
GraphTitle "Library Graph" $$
OptimiseLayout True $$
AllowClose (close gInfo) $$
FileMenuAct ExitMenuOption (Just (exit gInfo)) $$
graph' <- newGraph daVinciSort graphParms
addNodesAndEdges gInfo graph' nodesEdges
writeIORef graph graph'
redraw graph'
-- | Reloads all Libraries and the Library Dependency Graph
reloadLibGraph :: GInfo -> IORef DaVinciGraphTypeSyn -> IORef NodeEdgeList
-> IO ()
reloadLibGraph gInfo graph nodesEdges = do
warningDialog "Reload library" warnTxt
$ Just $ reloadLibGraph' gInfo graph nodesEdges
return ()
warnTxt :: String
warnTxt = unlines
[ "Are you sure to recreate Library?"
, "All development graph windows will be closed and proofs will be lost."
, "", "This operation can not be undone." ]
-- | Reloads all Libraries and the Library Dependency Graph
reloadLibGraph' :: GInfo -> IORef DaVinciGraphTypeSyn -> IORef NodeEdgeList
-> IO ()
reloadLibGraph' gInfo@(GInfo { hetcatsOpts = opts
, libName = ln }) graph nodesEdges = do
graph' <- readIORef graph
(nodes, edges) <- readIORef nodesEdges
let libfile = libNameToFile ln
m <- anaLib opts { outtypes = [] } libfile
case m of
Nothing -> errorDialog "Error" $ "Error when reloading file '"
++ libfile ++ "'"
Just (_, le) -> do
closeOpenWindows gInfo
mapM_ (deleteArc graph') edges
mapM_ (deleteNode graph') nodes
addNodesAndEdges gInfo graph' nodesEdges
writeIORef graph graph'
redraw graph'
let ost = emptyIntState
nwst = case i_state ost of
Nothing -> ost
Just ist -> ost{ i_state = Just $ ist { i_libEnv = le
, i_ln = ln}
, filename = libfile}
writeIORef (intState gInfo) nwst
mShowGraph gInfo ln
-- | Translate Graph
translate :: GInfo -> IO ()
translate gInfo = do
warningDialog "Translate library" warnTxt $ Just $ translate' gInfo
return ()
-- | Translate Graph
translate' :: GInfo -> IO ()
translate' gInfo@(GInfo { libName = ln }) = do
mle <- translateGraph gInfo
case mle of
Just le -> do
closeOpenWindows gInfo
let ost = emptyIntState
nwst = case i_state ost of
Nothing -> ost
Just ist -> ost{ i_state = Just $ ist { i_libEnv = le
, i_ln = ln}
, filename = libNameToFile ln}
writeIORef (intState gInfo) nwst
mShowGraph gInfo ln
Nothing -> return ()
-- | Reloads the open graphs
closeOpenWindows :: GInfo -> IO ()
closeOpenWindows (GInfo { openGraphs = iorOpenGrpahs
, windowCount = wCount }) = do
oGrpahs <- readIORef iorOpenGrpahs
mapM (GA.closeGraphWindow . graphInfo) $ Map.elems oGrpahs
writeIORef iorOpenGrpahs Map.empty
takeMVar wCount
putMVar wCount 1
-- | Adds the Librarys and the Dependencies to the Graph
addNodesAndEdges :: GInfo -> DaVinciGraphTypeSyn -> IORef NodeEdgeList -> IO ()
addNodesAndEdges gInfo@(GInfo { hetcatsOpts = opts}) graph nodesEdges = do
ost <- readIORef $ intState gInfo
case i_state ost of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ist -> do
le = i_libEnv ist
lookup' x y = Map.findWithDefault (error "lookup': node not found") y x
keys = Map.keys le
subNodeMenu = LocalMenu(UDG.Menu Nothing [
Button "Show Graph" $ mShowGraph gInfo,
Button "Show spec/View Names" $ showSpec le])
subNodeTypeParms = subNodeMenu $$$
Box $$$
ValueTitle (return . show) $$$
Color (getColor opts Green True True) $$$
subNodeType <- newNodeType graph subNodeTypeParms
subNodeList <- mapM (newNode graph subNodeType) keys
nodes' = Map.fromList $ zip keys subNodeList
subArcMenu = LocalMenu(UDG.Menu Nothing [])
subArcTypeParms = subArcMenu $$$
ValueTitle id $$$
Color (getColor opts Black False False) $$$
subArcType <- newArcType graph subArcTypeParms
let insertSubArc (node1, node2) = newArc graph subArcType (return "")
(lookup' nodes' node1)
(lookup' nodes' node2)
subArcList <- mapM insertSubArc $ getLibDeps le
writeIORef nodesEdges (subNodeList, subArcList)
-- | Creates a list of all LibName pairs, which have a dependency
getLibDeps :: LibEnv -> [(LibName, LibName)]
getLibDeps = Rel.toList . Rel.intransKernel . getLibDepRel
mShowGraph :: GInfo -> LibName -> IO ()
mShowGraph gInfo@(GInfo {hetcatsOpts = opts}) ln = do
putIfVerbose opts 3 "Converting Graph"
gInfo' <- copyGInfo gInfo ln
convertGraph gInfo' "Development Graph" showLibGraph
let gi = graphInfo gInfo'
GA.showTemporaryMessage gi "Development Graph initialized."
return ()
-- | Displays the Specs of a Library in a Textwindow
showSpec :: LibEnv -> LibName -> IO()
showSpec le ln =
createTextDisplay ("Contents of " ++ show ln)
$ unlines . map show . Map.keys . globalEnv
$ lookupDGraph ln le
close :: GInfo -> IO Bool
close (GInfo { exitMVar = exit'
, windowCount = wc
, libGraphLock = lock
}) = do
count <- takeMVar wc
if count <= 1
then putMVar exit' ()
else do
putMVar wc $ count - 1
takeMVar lock
return True
exit :: GInfo -> IO ()
exit (GInfo {exitMVar = exit'}) = putMVar exit' ()