ShowLibGraph.hs revision c63f1772f32f0fb74b388fc5be2d6a57c28b4247
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2003-2007
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : unstable
Portability : non-portable
This Modul provides a function to display a Library Dependency Graph. Just the ShowLibGraph function is exported.
module GUI.ShowLibGraph
import Driver.Options(HetcatsOpts(outtypes))
import Driver.ReadFn
import Syntax.AS_Library
import ATC.AS_Library()
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.AnalysisLibrary
-- for graph display
import DaVinciGraph
import GraphDisp
import GraphConfigure
-- for windows display
import TextDisplay
import Configuration
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Common.Lib.Graph as Tree
import Data.List
type DaVinciGraphTypeSyn = Graph DaVinciGraph
DaVinciGraphParms DaVinciNode DaVinciNodeType DaVinciNodeTypeParms
DaVinciArc DaVinciArcType DaVinciArcTypeParms
type NodeArcList = ([DaVinciNode LIB_NAME],[DaVinciArc (IO String)])
{- | Creates a new uDrawGraph Window and shows the Library Dependency Graph of
the given LibEnv.-}
showLibGraph :: HetcatsOpts -> LIB_NAME -> LibEnv
-> (String -> LIB_NAME -> IO()) -> IO ()
showLibGraph opts ln le showGraph =
depGRef <- newIORef daVinciSort
nodeArcRef <- newIORef (([],[])::NodeArcList)
globalMenu = GlobalMenu (Menu Nothing [
Button "Reload Libraries"
(reload opts ln showGraph depGRef nodeArcRef)
graphParms = globalMenu $$
GraphTitle "Library Graph" $$
OptimiseLayout True $$
AllowClose (return True) $$
depG <- newGraph daVinciSort graphParms
addNodesAndArcs le showGraph depG nodeArcRef
writeIORef depGRef depG
redraw depG
-- | Reloads all Libraries and the Library Dependency Graph
reload :: HetcatsOpts -> LIB_NAME -> (String -> LIB_NAME -> IO())
-> IORef DaVinciGraphTypeSyn -> IORef NodeArcList -> IO()
reload opts ln showGraph depGRef nodeArcRef =
depG <- readIORef depGRef
(nodes, arcs) <- readIORef nodeArcRef
libfile = libNameToFile opts ln
m <- anaLib opts { outtypes = [] } libfile
case m of
Nothing -> fail
$ "Could not read original development graph from '"
++ libfile ++ "'"
Just (_, le) -> do
mapM_ (deleteArc depG) arcs
mapM_ (deleteNode depG) nodes
addNodesAndArcs le showGraph depG nodeArcRef
writeIORef depGRef depG
redraw depG
-- | Adds the Librarys and the Dependencies to the Graph
addNodesAndArcs :: LibEnv -> (String -> LIB_NAME -> IO())
-> DaVinciGraphTypeSyn -> IORef NodeArcList -> IO ()
addNodesAndArcs le showGraph depG nodeArcRef =
lookup' x y = Map.findWithDefault
(error "lookup': node not found")
y x
keys = Map.keys le
subNodeMenu = LocalMenu( Menu Nothing [
Button "Show Graph" $
showGraph "Development Graph",
Button "Show spec/View Names" (showSpec le)])
subNodeTypeParms = subNodeMenu $$$
Box $$$
ValueTitle (\ x -> return (show x)) $$$
Color "green" $$$
subNodeType <- newNodeType depG subNodeTypeParms
subNodeList <- mapM (newNode depG subNodeType) keys
nodes = Map.fromList $ zip keys subNodeList
subArcMenu = LocalMenu( Menu Nothing [])
subArcTypeParms = subArcMenu $$$
ValueTitle id $$$
Color "black" $$$
subArcType <- newArcType depG subArcTypeParms
insertSubArc = \ (node1, node2) ->
newArc depG subArcType (return "")
(lookup' nodes node1)
(lookup' nodes node2)
subArcList <- mapM insertSubArc $
Rel.toList $ Rel.intransKernel $ Rel.transClosure $
Rel.fromList $ getLibDeps le
writeIORef nodeArcRef (subNodeList, subArcList)
-- | Displays the Specs of a Library in a Textwindow
showSpec :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> IO()
showSpec le ln =
ge = globalEnv $ lookupGlobalContext ln le
sp = unlines $ map show $ Map.keys $ ge
createTextDisplay ("Contents of " ++ (show ln)) sp [size(80,25)]
-- | Creates a list of all LIB_NAME pairs, which have a dependency
getLibDeps :: LibEnv -> [(LIB_NAME, LIB_NAME)]
getLibDeps le =
concat $ map (getDep) $ Map.keys le
-- | Creates a list of LIB_NAME pairs for the fist argument
getDep :: LIB_NAME -> [(LIB_NAME, LIB_NAME)]
getDep ln =
map (\ x -> (ln, x)) $ map (\ (_,x,_) -> dgn_libname x) $ IntMap.elems $
IntMap.filter (\ (_,x,_) -> isDGRef x) $ Tree.convertToMap $
devGraph $ lookupGlobalContext ln le