ProofManagement.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Goal management GUI.
Copyright : (c) Rene Wagner, Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : needs POSIX
Goal management GUI for the structured level similar to how 'SPASS.Prove'
works for SPASS.
- move populate list boxes calls towards the event section
after the last pack
module GUI.ProofManagement (proofManagementGUI,GUIMVar) where
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import qualified Common.Doc as Pretty
import qualified Common.Result as Result
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Conc
import HTk
import Separator
import Space
import XSelection
import GUI.HTkUtils
import GUI.ProofDetails
import Proofs.GUIState
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Prover
import qualified Comorphisms.KnownProvers as KnownProvers
import qualified Static.DevGraph as DevGraph
-- debugging
-- import Debug.Trace
-- * Proof Management GUI
-- ** some types
-- | Type for storing the proof management window
type GUIMVar = Conc.MVar (Maybe Toplevel)
-- ** Defining the view
{- |
Colors used by the GUI to indicate the status of a goal.
data ProverStatusColour
-- | Not running
= Black
-- | Running
| Blue
deriving (Bounded,Enum,Show)
data SelButtonFrame = SBF { selAllEv :: Event ()
, deselAllEv :: Event ()
, sbf_btns :: [Button]
, sbf_btnFrame :: Frame}
data SelAllListbox = SAL SelButtonFrame (ListBox String)
{- |
Generates a ('ProverStatusColour', 'String') tuple.
statusNotRunning :: (ProverStatusColour, String)
statusNotRunning = (Black, "No Prover Running")
{- |
Generates a ('ProverStatusColour', 'String') tuple.
statusRunning :: (ProverStatusColour, String)
statusRunning = (Blue, "Waiting for Prover")
{- | Converts a 'ProofGUIState' into a ('ProverStatusColour',
'String') tuple to be displayed by the GUI.
toGuiStatus :: ProofGUIState lid sentence
-> (ProverStatusColour, String)
toGuiStatus st = if proverRunning st
then statusRunning
else statusNotRunning
{- |
Generates a list of 'GUI.HTkUtils.LBGoalView' representations of all goals
from a 'SPASS.Prove.State'.
Uses a status indicator internally.
goalsView :: ProofGUIState lid sentence -- ^ current global state
-> [LBGoalView] -- ^ resulting ['LBGoalView'] list
goalsView = map toStatus . OMap.toList . goalMap
where toStatus (l,st) =
let tStatus = thmStatus st
showBP = show . snd
si = if seq (length (concatMap showBP tStatus) >= 0 ) $
null tStatus
then LBIndicatorOpen
else indicatorFromBasicProof
(maximum $ map snd $ tStatus)
in LBGoalView { statIndicator = si
, goalDescription = l}
-- ** GUI Implementation
-- *** Utility Functions
{- |
Populates the "Pick Theorem Prover" 'ListBox' with prover names (or possibly
paths to provers).
populatePathsListBox :: ListBox String
-> KnownProvers.KnownProversMap
-> IO ()
populatePathsListBox lb prvs = do
lb # HTk.value (Map.keys prvs)
return ()
populateAxiomsList ::
(Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1) =>
ListBox String
-> ProofGUIState lid1 sentence1
-> IO ()
populateAxiomsList lbAxs s =
do aM' <- axiomMap s
lbAxs # HTk.value (OMap.keys aM')
return ()
-- *** Callbacks
{- |
Updates the display of the status of the selected goals.
updateDisplay :: ProofGUIState lid sentence -- ^ current global state
-> Bool
-- ^ set to 'True' if you want the 'ListBox' to be updated
-> ListBox String
-- ^ 'ListBox' displaying the status of all goals (see 'goalsView')
-> ListBox String
-- ^ 'ListBox' displaying possible morphism paths to prover logics
-> Label
-- ^ 'Label' displaying the status of the currently selected goal(s)
-> IO ()
updateDisplay st updateLb goalsLb pathsLb statusLabel = do
-- update goals listbox
when updateLb
(populateGoalsListBox goalsLb (goalsView st))
-- set selected Prover
let ind = if (isJust $ selectedProver st)
then findIndex (==(fromJust $ selectedProver st))
$ Map.keys (proversMap st)
else Nothing
maybe (return ()) (\i -> selection i pathsLb >> return ()) ind
-- update status label
let (color, label) = toGuiStatus st
statusLabel # text label
statusLabel # foreground (show color)
return ()
updateStateGetSelectedGoals ::
(Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1) =>
ProofGUIState lid1 sentence1
-> ListBox String
-> IO (ProofGUIState lid1 sentence1)
updateStateGetSelectedGoals s lb =
do sel <- (getSelection lb) :: IO (Maybe [Int])
return (s {selectedGoals =
maybe [] (map ((OMap.keys (goalMap s))!!)) sel})
updateStateGetSelectedSens ::
(Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1) =>
ProofGUIState lid1 sentence1
-> ListBox String -- ^ axioms listbox
-> ListBox String -- ^ theorems listbox
-> IO (ProofGUIState lid1 sentence1)
updateStateGetSelectedSens s lbAxs lbThs =
do aM <- axiomMap s
selA <- (getSelection lbAxs) :: IO (Maybe [Int])
selT <- (getSelection lbThs) :: IO (Maybe [Int])
return (s { includedAxioms = maybe [] (fil aM) selA
, includedTheorems = maybe [] (fil (goalMap s)) selT })
where fil str = map ((OMap.keys str)!!)
{- |
Depending on the first argument all entries in a ListBox are selected
or deselected
doSelectAllEntries :: Bool -- ^ indicates wether all entries should be selected
-- or deselected
-> ListBox a
-> IO ()
doSelectAllEntries selectAll lb =
if selectAll
then selectionRange (0::Int) EndOfText lb
>> return ()
else clearSelection lb
{- |
Called whenever the button "Display" is clicked.
doDisplayGoals ::
(Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1) =>
ProofGUIState lid1 sentence1
-> IO ()
doDisplayGoals s@(ProofGUIState { theoryName = thName
, theory=DevGraph.G_theory lid1 sig1 _ _ _}) =
do sens' <- DevGraph.coerceThSens (logicId s) lid1 "" sens
createTextSaveDisplay ("Selected Goals from Theory " ++ thName)
(thName ++ "-goals.txt") (goalsText sens')
where goalsText s' = show $
Pretty.vsep (map (print_named lid1
. AS_Anno.mapNamed (simplify_sen lid1 sig1))
$ toNamedList s')
sens = selectedGoalMap s
{- |
Called whenever a prover is selected from the "Pick Theorem Prover" ListBox.
doSelectProverPath :: ProofGUIState lid sentence
-> ListBox String
-> IO (ProofGUIState lid sentence)
doSelectProverPath s lb =
do selected <- (getSelection lb) :: IO (Maybe [Int])
return (s {selectedProver =
maybe Nothing
(\ (index:_) ->
Just (Map.keys (proversMap s) !! index))
newSelectButtonsFrame :: (Container par) =>
par -> IO SelButtonFrame
newSelectButtonsFrame b3 =
selFrame <- newFrame b3 []
pack selFrame [Expand Off, Fill None, Anchor South]
selHBox <- newHBox selFrame []
pack selHBox [Expand Off, Fill None]
selectAllButton <- newButton selHBox [text "Select all"]
pack selectAllButton [Expand Off, Fill None]
deselectAllButton <- newButton selHBox [text "Deselect all"]
pack deselectAllButton [Expand Off, Fill None]
-- events
selectAll <- clicked selectAllButton
deselectAll <- clicked deselectAllButton
return (SBF { selAllEv = selectAll
, deselAllEv = deselectAll
, sbf_btns = [deselectAllButton,selectAllButton]
, sbf_btnFrame = selFrame })
newExtSelListBoxFrame :: (Container par) =>
par -> String -> Distance
-> IO SelAllListbox
newExtSelListBoxFrame b2 title hValue =
left <- newFrame b2 []
pack left [Expand On, Fill Both]
b3 <- newVBox left []
pack b3 [Expand On, Fill Both]
l0 <- newLabel b3 [text title]
pack l0 [Anchor NorthWest]
lbFrame <- newFrame b3 []
pack lbFrame [Expand On, Fill Both]
lb <- newListBox lbFrame [bg "white",exportSelection False,
selectMode Multiple,
height hValue] :: IO (ListBox String)
pack lb [Expand On, Side AtLeft, Fill Both]
sb <- newScrollBar lbFrame []
pack sb [Expand On, Side AtRight, Fill Y]
lb # scrollbar Vertical sb
-- buttons for goal selection
sbf <- newSelectButtonsFrame b3
return (SAL sbf lb)
-- *** Main GUI
{- |
Invokes the GUI.
proofManagementGUI ::
(Logic lid sublogics1
proof_tree1) =>
-> ( ProofGUIState lid sentence
-> IO (Result.Result (ProofGUIState lid sentence)))
-- ^ called whenever the "Prove" button is clicked
-> ( ProofGUIState lid sentence
-> IO (Result.Result (ProofGUIState lid sentence)))
-- ^ called whenever the "More fine grained selection" button is clicked
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> DevGraph.G_theory -- ^ theory
-> KnownProvers.KnownProversMap -- ^ map of known provers
-> [(G_prover,AnyComorphism)] -- ^ list of suitable comorphisms to provers
-- for sublogic of G_theory
-> GUIMVar -- ^ allows only one Proof window per graph;
-- must be filled with Nothing and is filled with Nothing after closing the window; while the window is open it is filled with the Toplevel
-> IO (Result.Result DevGraph.G_theory)
proofManagementGUI lid proveF fineGrainedSelectionF
thName th
knownProvers comorphList guiMVar =
-- KnownProvers.showKnownProvers knownProvers
-- initial backing data structure
initState <- initialState lid thName th knownProvers comorphList
stateMVar <- Conc.newMVar initState
lockMVar <- Conc.newMVar ()
-- main window
main <- createToplevel [text $ thName ++ " - Select Goal(s) and Prove"]
Conc.tryTakeMVar guiMVar >>= (\ mmt ->
let err s = fail $ "ProofManagementGUI: ("++s++") MVar must be "++
"filled with Nothing when entering proofManagementGUI"
in do
maybe (err "not filled")
(maybe (Conc.putMVar guiMVar $ Just main)
(const $ err "filled with (Just x)"))
pack main [Expand On, Fill Both]
-- VBox for the whole window
b <- newVBox main []
pack b [Expand On, Fill Both]
-- HBox for the upper part (goals on the left, options/results on the right)
b2 <- newHBox b []
pack b2 [Expand On, Fill Both]
-- ListBox for goal selection
(SAL (SBF { selAllEv = selectAllGoals
, deselAllEv = deselectAllGoals
, sbf_btns = goalBtns
, sbf_btnFrame = goalsBtnFrame}) lb)
<- newExtSelListBoxFrame b2 "Goals:" 14
-- button to select only the open goals
selectOpenGoalsButton <- newButton goalsBtnFrame [text "Select open goals"]
pack selectOpenGoalsButton [Expand Off, Fill None, Side AtLeft]
-- right frame (options/results)
right <- newFrame b2 []
pack right [Expand On, Fill Both, Anchor NorthWest]
let hindent = " "
let vspacing = cm 0.2
rvb <- newVBox right []
pack rvb [Expand On, Fill Both]
l1 <- newLabel rvb [text "Selected Goal(s):"]
pack l1 [Anchor NorthWest]
rhb1 <- newHBox rvb []
pack rhb1 [Expand On, Fill Both]
hsp1 <- newLabel rhb1 [text hindent]
pack hsp1 []
displayGoalsButton <- newButton rhb1 [text "Display"]
pack displayGoalsButton []
proveButton <- newButton rhb1 [text "Prove"]
pack proveButton []
proofDetailsButton <- newButton rhb1 [text "Show proof details"]
pack proofDetailsButton []
vsp1 <- newSpace rvb vspacing []
pack vsp1 []
l2 <- newLabel rvb [text "Status:"]
pack l2 [Anchor NorthWest]
rhb2 <- newHBox rvb []
pack rhb2 [Expand On, Fill Both]
hsp2 <- newLabel rhb2 [text hindent]
pack hsp2 []
statusLabel <- newLabel rhb2 [text (snd statusNotRunning)]
pack statusLabel []
vsp2 <- newSpace rvb vspacing []
pack vsp2 []
l3 <- newLabel rvb [text "Pick Theorem Prover:"]
pack l3 [Anchor NorthWest]
rhb3 <- newHBox rvb []
pack rhb3 [Expand On, Fill Both]
hsp3 <- newLabel rhb3 [text hindent]
pack hsp3 []
pathsFrame <- newFrame rhb3 []
pack pathsFrame []
pathsLb <- newListBox pathsFrame [HTk.value $ ([]::[String]), bg "white",
selectMode Single, exportSelection False,
height 4, width 28] :: IO (ListBox String)
pack pathsLb [Expand On, Side AtLeft, Fill Both]
pathsSb <- newScrollBar pathsFrame []
pack pathsSb [Expand On, Side AtRight, Fill Y]
pathsLb # scrollbar Vertical pathsSb
moreButton <- newButton rvb [text "More fine grained selection..."]
pack moreButton [Anchor SouthEast]
-- separator
sp1 <- newSpace b (cm 0.15) []
pack sp1 [Expand Off, Fill X, Side AtBottom]
newHSeparator b
sp2 <- newSpace b (cm 0.15) []
pack sp2 [Expand Off, Fill X, Side AtBottom]
-- theory composer frame (toggled with button)
composer <- newFrame b []
pack composer [Expand On, Fill Both]
compBox <- newVBox composer []
pack compBox [Expand On, Fill Both]
newLabel compBox [text "Fine grained composition of theory:"] >>=
(\ lab -> pack lab [])
icomp <- newFrame compBox []
pack icomp [Expand On, Fill Both]
icBox <- newHBox icomp []
pack icBox [Expand On, Fill Both]
(SAL (SBF { selAllEv = selectAllAxs
, deselAllEv = deselectAllAxs
, sbf_btns = axsBtns}) lbAxs)
<- newExtSelListBoxFrame icBox "Axioms to include:" 10
(SAL (SBF { selAllEv = selectAllThs
, deselAllEv = deselectAllThs
, sbf_btns = thsBtns}) lbThs)
<- newExtSelListBoxFrame icBox "Theorems to include if proven:" 10
-- separator
spac1 <- newSpace b (cm 0.15) []
pack spac1 [Expand Off, Fill X, Side AtBottom]
newHSeparator b
spac2 <- newSpace b (cm 0.15) []
pack spac2 [Expand Off, Fill X, Side AtBottom]
-- bottom frame (close button)
bottom <- newFrame b []
pack bottom [Expand Off, Fill Both]
showThButton <- newButton bottom [text "Show theory"]
pack showThButton [Expand Off, Fill None, Side AtLeft]
closeButton <- newButton bottom [text "Close"]
pack closeButton [Expand Off, Fill None, Side AtRight,PadX (pp 13)]
-- put the labels in the listboxes
populateGoalsListBox lb (goalsView initState)
populatePathsListBox pathsLb knownProvers
populateAxiomsList lbAxs initState
lbThs # HTk.value (OMap.keys (goalMap initState))
doSelectAllEntries True lbAxs
doSelectAllEntries True lbThs
updateDisplay initState False lb pathsLb statusLabel
let goalSpecificWids = map EnW [displayGoalsButton,proveButton,
wids = [EnW pathsLb,EnW lbThs,EnW lb,EnW lbAxs] ++
map EnW (selectOpenGoalsButton : closeButton :showThButton:
axsBtns++goalBtns++thsBtns) ++
disableWids goalSpecificWids
putWinOnTop main
-- events
(selectProverPath, _) <- bindSimple pathsLb (ButtonPress (Just 1))
(selectGoals, _) <- bindSimple lb (ButtonPress (Just 1))
selectOpenGoals <- clicked selectOpenGoalsButton
displayGoals <- clicked displayGoalsButton
moreProverPaths <- clicked moreButton
doProve <- clicked proveButton
showProofDetails <- clicked proofDetailsButton
close <- clicked closeButton
showTh <- clicked showThButton
(closeWindow,_) <- bindSimple main Destroy
-- event handlers
( (selectGoals >>> do
enableWidsUponSelection lb goalSpecificWids
+> (selectOpenGoals >>> do
s <- Conc.readMVar stateMVar
clearSelection lb
let isOpenGoal (_,st) =
let thst = thmStatus st
in if null thst
then True
else case maximum $ map snd $ thst of
DevGraph.BasicProof _ pst ->
case goalStatus pst of
Open -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False
mapM_ (\ i -> selection i lb)
(findIndices isOpenGoal $ OMap.toList $ goalMap s )
enableWidsUponSelection lb goalSpecificWids
+> (deselectAllGoals >>> do
doSelectAllEntries False lb
disableWids goalSpecificWids
+> (selectAllGoals >>> do
doSelectAllEntries True lb
enableWids goalSpecificWids
+> (selectAllAxs >>> do
doSelectAllEntries True lbAxs
+> (selectAllThs >>> do
doSelectAllEntries True lbThs
+> (deselectAllAxs >>> do
doSelectAllEntries False lbAxs
+> (deselectAllThs >>> do
doSelectAllEntries False lbThs
+> (displayGoals >>> do
s <- Conc.readMVar stateMVar
s' <- updateStateGetSelectedGoals s lb
doDisplayGoals s'
+> (selectProverPath>>> do
Conc.modifyMVar_ stateMVar (\ s ->
doSelectProverPath s pathsLb)
+> (moreProverPaths >>> do
s <- Conc.readMVar stateMVar
let s' = s{proverRunning = True}
updateDisplay s' True lb pathsLb statusLabel
disableWids wids
prState <- (updateStateGetSelectedSens s' lbAxs lbThs >>=
(\ si -> updateStateGetSelectedGoals si lb))
-- writeIORef stateRef prState
Result.Result ds ms'' <- fineGrainedSelectionF prState
s'' <- case ms'' of
Nothing -> fail "fineGrainedSelection returned Nothing"
Just res -> return res
let s''' = s'' { proverRunning = False
, accDiags = accDiags s'' ++ ds }
enableWids wids
updateDisplay s''' True lb pathsLb statusLabel
putWinOnTop main
Conc.tryTakeMVar stateMVar -- ensure that MVar is empty
Conc.putMVar stateMVar s'''
+> (doProve >>> do
s <- Conc.readMVar stateMVar
let s' = s{proverRunning = True}
updateDisplay s' True lb pathsLb statusLabel
disableWids wids
prState <- (updateStateGetSelectedSens s' lbAxs lbThs >>=
(\ si -> updateStateGetSelectedGoals si lb))
-- putStrLn (show (includedAxioms prState)++
-- ' ':show (includedTheorems prState))
Result.Result ds ms'' <- proveF prState
Conc.takeMVar stateMVar
s'' <- case ms'' of
Nothing -> fail "proveF returned Nothing"
Just res -> return res
let s''' = s''{proverRunning = False,
accDiags = accDiags s'' ++ ds}
seq (length $ show $ goalMap s''') $
Conc.putMVar stateMVar s'''
mv <- Conc.tryTakeMVar lockMVar
case mv of
Nothing -> done
Just _ -> do
enable lb
updateDisplay s''' True lb pathsLb statusLabel
enableWids wids
putWinOnTop main
Conc.tryPutMVar lockMVar ()
+> (showProofDetails >>> do
s <- Conc.readMVar stateMVar
s' <- updateStateGetSelectedGoals s lb
doShowProofDetails s'
+> (showTh >>> do
displayTheory "Theory" thName th
sync ( (close >>> destroy main)
+> (closeWindow >>> Conc.takeMVar lockMVar)
-- clean up locking of window
Conc.tryTakeMVar guiMVar >>= (\ mmt ->
let err s = fail $ "ProofManagementGUI: ("++s++") MVar must be "++
"filled with Nothing when entering proofManagementGUI"
in do
maybe (err "not filled")
(maybe (err "filled with Nothing")
(const $ Conc.putMVar guiMVar Nothing))
-- read the global state back in
s <- Conc.takeMVar stateMVar
case theory s of
DevGraph.G_theory lidT sigT indT sensT _ ->
do gMap <- DevGraph.coerceThSens (logicId s) lidT
"ProofManagement last coerce" (goalMap s)
return (Result.Result {Result.diags = accDiags s,
Result.maybeResult =
Just (DevGraph.G_theory lidT sigT indT
(Map.union sensT gMap) 0)
-- TODO: do something with the resulting G_theory before returning it?