HTkUtils.hs revision e5b79e9fe9606fd386dc840ea9f1514e7b9b32b9
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski and Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic)
Utilities on top of HTk
module GUI.HTkUtils where
import System.Directory
import HTk
import Core
import ScrollBox
import TextDisplay
import FileDialog
-- only to avoid problematic ghc 6.2.1 compilation order
import Common.Lib.Rel()
-- | create a window with title and list of options, return selected option
listBox :: String -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Int)
listBox title entries =
main <- createToplevel [text title]
lb <- newListBox main [value entries, bg "white", size (100, 50)] ::
IO (ListBox String)
pack lb [Side AtLeft,
Expand On, Fill Both]
scb <- newScrollBar main []
pack scb [Side AtRight, Fill Y]
lb # scrollbar Vertical scb
(press, _) <- bindSimple lb (ButtonPress (Just 1))
sync press
sel <- getSelection lb
destroy main
return (case sel of
Just [i] -> Just i
_ -> Nothing)
-- |
-- Display some (longish) text in an uneditable, scrollable editor.
-- Returns immediately-- the display is forked off to separate thread.
createTextSaveDisplayExt :: String -- ^ title of the window
-> String -- ^ default filename for saving the text
-> String -- ^ text to be displayed
-> [Config Editor] -- ^ configuration options for
-- the text editor
-> IO() -- ^ action to be executed when
-- the window is closed
-> IO (Toplevel,Editor) -- ^ the window in which
-- the text is displayed
createTextSaveDisplayExt title filename txt conf unpost =
do win <- createToplevel [text title]
b <- newFrame win [relief Groove, borderwidth (cm 0.05)]
t <- newLabel b [text title, HTk.font (Helvetica, Roman, 18::Int)]
q <- newButton b [text "Close", width 12]
s <- newButton b [text "Save", width 12]
(sb, ed) <- newScrollBox b (\p-> newEditor p (state Normal:conf)) []
pack b [Side AtTop, Fill X, Expand On]
pack t [Side AtTop, Expand Off, PadY 10]
pack sb [Side AtTop, Expand On]
pack ed [Side AtTop, Expand On, Fill X]
pack q [Side AtRight, PadX 5, PadY 5]
pack s [Side AtLeft, PadX 5, PadY 5]
ed # value txt
ed # state Disabled
quit <- clicked q
save <- clicked s
spawnEvent (forever (quit >>> do destroy win; unpost
save >>> do disableButs q s
askFileNameAndSave filename txt
enableButs q s
return (win, ed)
where disableButs b1 b2 = do disable b1
disable b2
enableButs b1 b2 = do enable b1
enable b2
-- |
-- Display some (longish) text in an uneditable, scrollable editor.
-- Simplified version of createTextSaveDisplayExt
createTextSaveDisplay :: String -- ^ title of the window
-> String -- ^ default filename for saving the text
-> String -- ^ text to be displayed
-> IO()
createTextSaveDisplay t f txt =
do createTextSaveDisplayExt t f txt [size(100,50)] done; done
--- added by KL
-- |
-- opens a FileDialog and saves to the selected file if OK is clicked
-- otherwise nothing happens
askFileNameAndSave :: String -- ^ default filename for saving the text
-> String -- ^ text to be saved
-> IO ()
askFileNameAndSave defFN txt =
do curDir <- getCurrentDirectory
selev <- newFileDialogStr "Save file" (curDir++'/':defFN)
mfile <- sync selev
maybe done saveFile mfile
where saveFile fp = writeFile fp txt