HTkUtils.hs revision d1066b8fb69179973dcab47154858d77e72760a7
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) K. Luettich, Rene Wagner, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports HTk)
Utilities on top of HTk
module GUI.HTkUtils
( LBGoalView (..)
, LBStatusIndicator (..)
, EnableWid (..)
, listBox
, errorMess
, confirmMess
, messageMess
, askFileNameAndSave
, createTextDisplay
, createTextSaveDisplay
, newFileDialogStr
, fileDialogStr
, createInfoDisplayWithTwoButtons
, displayTheory
, displayTheoryWithWarning
, populateGoalsListBox
, indicatorFromProof_status
, indicatorFromBasicProof
, indicatorString
, enableWids
, disableWids
, enableWidsUponSelection
import System.Directory
import Messages(errorMess, confirmMess, messageMess)
import TextDisplay(createTextDisplay)
import HTk hiding (font)
import qualified HTk (font)
import ScrollBox
import FileDialog
import Logic.Prover
import Static.GTheory
import Common.DocUtils
-- | create a window with title and list of options, return selected option
listBox :: String -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Int)
listBox title entries =
main <- createToplevel [text title]
lb <- newListBox main [value entries, bg "white", size (100, 39)] ::
IO (ListBox String)
pack lb [Side AtLeft, Expand On, Fill Both]
scb <- newScrollBar main []
pack scb [Side AtRight, Fill Y]
lb # scrollbar Vertical scb
(press, _) <- bindSimple lb (ButtonPress (Just 1))
(closeWindow,_) <- bindSimple main Destroy
sync ( (press >>> do
sel <- getSelection lb
destroy main
return (case sel of
Just [i] -> Just i
_ -> Nothing) )
+> (closeWindow >>> do
destroy main
return Nothing ))
{- | it creates a window which displays the given text and provides two
buttons and passes the given action on if the button 2 is pressed,
or does nothing if the first one is pressed.
createInfoDisplayWithTwoButtons :: String -- ^ title of the window
-> String -- ^ text to be displayed
-> String -- ^ text to be shown on button 2
-> IO a -- ^ action to be performed if button 2 is clicked
-> IO ()
createInfoDisplayWithTwoButtons title txt bt_txt next =
win <- createToplevel [text title]
frame <- newFrame win [relief Groove, borderwidth (cm 0.05)]
label <- newLabel frame [text txt, HTk.font (Helvetica, Roman, 18::Int)]
closeButton <- newButton frame [text "Close", width 12]
goOnButton <- newButton frame [text bt_txt, width 12]
pack frame [Side AtTop, Fill Both, Expand On]
pack label [Side AtTop, Expand Off, PadY 10]
pack closeButton [Side AtTop, PadX 8, PadY 5]
pack goOnButton [Side AtTop, PadX 8, PadY 5]
quit <- clicked closeButton
goon <- clicked goOnButton
spawnEvent (forever ((quit >>> (do destroy win; return ()))
(goon >>> (do destroy win; next; return ()))))
return ()
-- |
-- Display some (longish) text in an uneditable, scrollable editor.
-- Returns immediately-- the display is forked off to separate thread.
createTextSaveDisplayExt :: String -- ^ title of the window
-> String -- ^ default filename for saving the text
-> String -- ^ text to be displayed
-> [Config Editor] -- ^ configuration options for
-- the text editor
-> IO() -- ^ action to be executed when
-- the window is closed
-> IO (Toplevel,Editor) -- ^ the window in which
-- the text is displayed
createTextSaveDisplayExt title fname txt conf upost =
do win <- createToplevel [text title]
b <- newFrame win [relief Groove, borderwidth (cm 0.05)]
t <- newLabel b [text title, HTk.font (Helvetica, Roman, 18::Int)]
q <- newButton b [text "Close", width 12]
s <- newButton b [text "Save", width 12]
(sb, ed) <- newScrollBox b (\p-> newEditor p conf) []
ed # state Disabled
pack b [Side AtTop, Fill Both,Expand On]
pack t [Side AtTop, Expand Off, PadY 10]
pack sb [Side AtTop, Expand On,Fill Both]
pack ed [Side AtTop, Expand On, Fill Both]
pack q [Side AtRight, PadX 8, PadY 5]
pack s [Side AtLeft, PadX 5, PadY 5]
ed # state Normal
ed # value txt
ed # state Disabled
forceFocus ed
(editClicked, _) <- bindSimple ed (ButtonPress (Just 1))
quit <- clicked q
save <- clicked s
spawnEvent (forever (quit >>> do destroy win; upost
save >>> do disableButs q s
askFileNameAndSave fname txt
enableButs q s
editClicked >>> forceFocus ed))
return (win, ed)
where disableButs b1 b2 = do disable b1
disable b2
enableButs b1 b2 = do enable b1
enable b2
-- |
-- Display some (longish) text in an uneditable, scrollable editor.
-- Simplified version of createTextSaveDisplayExt
createTextSaveDisplay :: String -- ^ title of the window
-> String -- ^ default filename for saving the text
-> String -- ^ text to be displayed
-> IO()
createTextSaveDisplay t f txt =
do createTextSaveDisplayExt t f txt [size(100,44)] done; done
--- added by KL
-- |
-- opens a FileDialog and saves to the selected file if OK is clicked
-- otherwise nothing happens
askFileNameAndSave :: String -- ^ default filename for saving the text
-> String -- ^ text to be saved
-> IO ()
askFileNameAndSave defFN txt =
do curDir <- getCurrentDirectory
selev <- newFileDialogStr "Save file" (curDir++'/':defFN)
mfile <- sync selev
maybe done saveFile mfile
where saveFile fp = writeFile fp txt
-- | displays a theory in a window
displayTheory :: String -- ^ kind of theory
-> String -- ^ name of theory
-> G_theory -> IO ()
displayTheory kind thname gth =
let str = showDoc gth "\n"
title = kind ++ " of " ++ thname
in createTextSaveDisplay title (thname++".het") str
{- | returns a window displaying the given theory and the given
warning text.
displayTheoryWithWarning :: String -- ^ kind of theory
-> String -- ^ name of theory
-> String -- ^ warning text
-> G_theory -- ^ to be shown theory
-> IO ()
displayTheoryWithWarning kind thname warningTxt gth =
let str = warningTxt ++ (showDoc gth "\n")
title = kind ++ " of " ++ thname
in createTextSaveDisplay title (thname++".het") str
--- added by RW
{- |
Represents the state of a goal in a 'ListBox' that uses 'populateGoalsListBox'
data LBStatusIndicator = LBIndicatorProved
| LBIndicatorProvedInconsistent
| LBIndicatorDisproved
| LBIndicatorOpen
| LBIndicatorGuessed
| LBIndicatorConjectured
| LBIndicatorHandwritten
-- |
-- Converts a 'LBStatusIndicator' into a short 'String' representing it in
-- a 'ListBox'
indicatorString :: LBStatusIndicator
-> String
indicatorString i = case i of
LBIndicatorProved -> "[+]"
LBIndicatorProvedInconsistent -> "[\215]" -- maybe \177 (�) is nicer
LBIndicatorDisproved -> "[-]"
LBIndicatorOpen -> "[ ]"
LBIndicatorGuessed -> "[.]"
LBIndicatorConjectured -> "[:]"
LBIndicatorHandwritten -> "[/]"
-- |
-- Represents a goal in a 'ListBox' that uses 'populateGoalsListBox'
data LBGoalView = LBGoalView { -- | status indicator
statIndicator :: LBStatusIndicator,
-- | description
goalDescription :: String
-- |
-- Populates a 'ListBox' with goals. After the initial call to this function
-- the number of goals is assumed to remain constant in ensuing calls.
populateGoalsListBox :: ListBox String -- ^ listbox
-> [LBGoalView] -- ^ list of goals
-- length must remain constant after the first call
-> IO ()
populateGoalsListBox lb v = do
selectedOld <- (getSelection lb) :: IO (Maybe [Int])
lb # value (toString v)
maybe (return ()) (mapM_ (\n -> selection n lb)) selectedOld
toString = map (\ LBGoalView {statIndicator = i, goalDescription = d} ->
(indicatorString i) ++ (' ' : d))
-- | Converts a 'Logic.Prover.Proof_status' into a 'LBStatusIndicator'
indicatorFromProof_status :: Proof_status a
-> LBStatusIndicator
indicatorFromProof_status st = case goalStatus st of
Proved mc -> maybe LBIndicatorProved
(\ c -> if c then LBIndicatorProved
else LBIndicatorProvedInconsistent)
Disproved -> LBIndicatorDisproved
Open _ -> LBIndicatorOpen
-- | Converts a 'BasicProof' into a 'LBStatusIndicator'
indicatorFromBasicProof :: BasicProof
-> LBStatusIndicator
indicatorFromBasicProof p = case p of
BasicProof _ st -> indicatorFromProof_status st
Guessed -> LBIndicatorGuessed
Conjectured -> LBIndicatorConjectured
Handwritten -> LBIndicatorHandwritten
-- | existential type for widgets that can be enabled and disabled
data EnableWid = forall wid . HasEnable wid => EnW wid
enableWids :: [EnableWid] -> IO ()
enableWids = mapM_ ( \ ew -> case ew of EnW w -> enable w >> return ())
disableWids :: [EnableWid] -> IO ()
disableWids = mapM_ ( \ ew -> case ew of EnW w -> disable w >> return ())
-- | enables widgets only if at least one entry is selected in the listbox,
-- otherwise the widgets are disabled
enableWidsUponSelection :: ListBox String -> [EnableWid] -> IO ()
enableWidsUponSelection lb goalSpecificWids =
do sel <- (getSelection lb) :: IO (Maybe [Int])
maybe (disableWids goalSpecificWids)
(const $ enableWids goalSpecificWids)