HTkUtils.hs revision 88b4f404b2ce8179a40e308abc984028889d16fa
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) K. Luettich, Rene Wagner, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports HTk)
Utilities on top of HTk
module GUI.HTkUtils
( LBGoalView (..)
, LBStatusIndicator (..)
, EnableWid (..)
, listBox
, errorMess
, confirmMess
, messageMess
, askFileNameAndSave
, createTextSaveDisplay
, newFileDialogStr
, fileDialogStr
, displayTheory
, displayTheoryWithWarning
, populateGoalsListBox
, indicatorFromProof_status
, indicatorFromBasicProof
, indicatorString
, enableWids
, disableWids
, enableWidsUponSelection
, module HTk
, module ScrollBox
, module SimpleForm
, module TextDisplay
) where
import System.Directory
import Util.Messages
import HTk.Toplevel.HTk as HTk hiding (x, y)
import HTk.Toolkit.ScrollBox as ScrollBox
import HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm as SimpleForm
import HTk.Toolkit.TextDisplay as TextDisplay
import HTk.Toolkit.FileDialog
import Messages
import HTk hiding (x, y)
import ScrollBox
import SimpleForm
import TextDisplay
import FileDialog
import Logic.Prover
import Static.GTheory
import Common.DocUtils
-- | create a window with title and list of options, return selected option
listBox :: String -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Int)
listBox title entries =
main <- createToplevel [text title]
lb <- newListBox main [value entries, bg "white", size (100, 39)] ::
IO (ListBox String)
pack lb [Side AtLeft, Expand On, Fill Both]
scb <- newScrollBar main []
pack scb [Side AtRight, Fill Y]
lb # scrollbar Vertical scb
(press, _) <- bindSimple lb (ButtonPress (Just 1))
(closeWindow,_) <- bindSimple main Destroy
sync ( (press >>> do
sel <- getSelection lb
destroy main
return (case sel of
Just [i] -> Just i
_ -> Nothing) )
+> (closeWindow >>> do
destroy main
return Nothing ))
-- |
-- Display some (longish) text in an uneditable, scrollable editor.
-- Returns immediately-- the display is forked off to separate thread.
createTextSaveDisplayExt :: String -- ^ title of the window
-> String -- ^ default filename for saving the text
-> String -- ^ text to be displayed
-> [Config Editor] -- ^ configuration options for
-- the text editor
-> IO() -- ^ action to be executed when
-- the window is closed
-> IO (Toplevel,Editor) -- ^ the window in which
-- the text is displayed
createTextSaveDisplayExt title fname txt conf upost =
do win <- createToplevel [text title]
b <- newFrame win [relief Groove, borderwidth (cm 0.05)]
t <- newLabel b [text title, font (Helvetica, Roman, 18::Int)]
q <- newButton b [text "Close", width 12]
s <- newButton b [text "Save", width 12]
(sb, ed) <- newScrollBox b (\p-> newEditor p conf) []
ed # state Disabled
pack b [Side AtTop, Fill Both,Expand On]
pack t [Side AtTop, Expand Off, PadY 10]
pack sb [Side AtTop, Expand On,Fill Both]
pack ed [Side AtTop, Expand On, Fill Both]
pack q [Side AtRight, PadX 8, PadY 5]
pack s [Side AtLeft, PadX 5, PadY 5]
ed # state Normal
ed # value txt
ed # state Disabled
forceFocus ed
(editClicked, _) <- bindSimple ed (ButtonPress (Just 1))
quit <- clicked q
save <- clicked s
spawnEvent (forever (quit >>> do destroy win; upost
save >>> do disableButs q s
askFileNameAndSave fname txt
enableButs q s
editClicked >>> forceFocus ed))
return (win, ed)
where disableButs b1 b2 = do disable b1
disable b2
enableButs b1 b2 = do enable b1
enable b2
-- |
-- Display some (longish) text in an uneditable, scrollable editor.
-- Simplified version of createTextSaveDisplayExt
createTextSaveDisplay :: String -- ^ title of the window
-> String -- ^ default filename for saving the text
-> String -- ^ text to be displayed
-> IO()
createTextSaveDisplay t f txt =
do createTextSaveDisplayExt t f txt [size(100,44)] done; done
--- added by KL
-- |
-- opens a FileDialog and saves to the selected file if OK is clicked
-- otherwise nothing happens
askFileNameAndSave :: String -- ^ default filename for saving the text
-> String -- ^ text to be saved
-> IO ()
askFileNameAndSave defFN txt =
do curDir <- getCurrentDirectory
selev <- newFileDialogStr "Save file" (curDir++'/':defFN)
mfile <- sync selev
maybe done saveFile mfile
where saveFile fp = writeFile fp txt
-- | displays a theory in a window
displayTheory :: String -- ^ kind of theory
-> String -- ^ name of theory
-> G_theory -> IO ()
displayTheory kind thname gth =
let str = showDoc gth "\n"
title = kind ++ " of " ++ thname
in createTextSaveDisplay title (thname++".het") str
{- | returns a window displaying the given theory and the given
warning text.
displayTheoryWithWarning :: String -- ^ kind of theory
-> String -- ^ name of theory
-> String -- ^ warning text
-> G_theory -- ^ to be shown theory
-> IO ()
displayTheoryWithWarning kind thname warningTxt gth =
let str = warningTxt ++ (showDoc gth "\n")
title = kind ++ " of " ++ thname
in createTextSaveDisplay title (thname++".het") str
--- added by RW
{- |
Represents the state of a goal in a 'ListBox' that uses 'populateGoalsListBox'
data LBStatusIndicator = LBIndicatorProved
| LBIndicatorProvedInconsistent
| LBIndicatorDisproved
| LBIndicatorOpen
| LBIndicatorGuessed
| LBIndicatorConjectured
| LBIndicatorHandwritten
-- |
-- Converts a 'LBStatusIndicator' into a short 'String' representing it in
-- a 'ListBox'
indicatorString :: LBStatusIndicator
-> String
indicatorString i = case i of
LBIndicatorProved -> "[+]"
LBIndicatorProvedInconsistent -> "[\215]" -- maybe \177 (�) is nicer
LBIndicatorDisproved -> "[-]"
LBIndicatorOpen -> "[ ]"
LBIndicatorGuessed -> "[.]"
LBIndicatorConjectured -> "[:]"
LBIndicatorHandwritten -> "[/]"
-- |
-- Represents a goal in a 'ListBox' that uses 'populateGoalsListBox'
data LBGoalView = LBGoalView { -- | status indicator
statIndicator :: LBStatusIndicator,
-- | description
goalDescription :: String
-- |
-- Populates a 'ListBox' with goals. After the initial call to this function
-- the number of goals is assumed to remain constant in ensuing calls.
populateGoalsListBox :: ListBox String -- ^ listbox
-> [LBGoalView] -- ^ list of goals
-- length must remain constant after the first call
-> IO ()
populateGoalsListBox lb v = do
selectedOld <- (getSelection lb) :: IO (Maybe [Int])
lb # value (toString v)
maybe (return ()) (mapM_ (\n -> selection n lb)) selectedOld
toString = map (\ LBGoalView {statIndicator = i, goalDescription = d} ->
(indicatorString i) ++ (' ' : d))
-- | Converts a 'Logic.Prover.Proof_status' into a 'LBStatusIndicator'
indicatorFromProof_status :: Proof_status a
-> LBStatusIndicator
indicatorFromProof_status st = case goalStatus st of
Proved mc -> maybe LBIndicatorProved
(\ c -> if c then LBIndicatorProved
else LBIndicatorProvedInconsistent)
Disproved -> LBIndicatorDisproved
Open _ -> LBIndicatorOpen
-- | Converts a 'BasicProof' into a 'LBStatusIndicator'
indicatorFromBasicProof :: BasicProof
-> LBStatusIndicator
indicatorFromBasicProof p = case p of
BasicProof _ st -> indicatorFromProof_status st
Guessed -> LBIndicatorGuessed
Conjectured -> LBIndicatorConjectured
Handwritten -> LBIndicatorHandwritten
-- | existential type for widgets that can be enabled and disabled
data EnableWid = forall wid . HasEnable wid => EnW wid
enableWids :: [EnableWid] -> IO ()
enableWids = mapM_ ( \ ew -> case ew of EnW w -> enable w >> return ())
disableWids :: [EnableWid] -> IO ()
disableWids = mapM_ ( \ ew -> case ew of EnW w -> disable w >> return ())
-- | enables widgets only if at least one entry is selected in the listbox,
-- otherwise the widgets are disabled
enableWidsUponSelection :: ListBox String -> [EnableWid] -> IO ()
enableWidsUponSelection lb goalSpecificWids =
do sel <- (getSelection lb) :: IO (Maybe [Int])
maybe (disableWids goalSpecificWids)
(const $ enableWids goalSpecificWids)