GtkUtils.hs revision a18015595fd0b82e9315287abf98a9590f18522d
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Access to the .glade files stored as strings inside the binary
Copyright : (c) Thiemo Wiedemeyer, Uni Bremen 2008
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable
This module provides the ability to store xml stings in a temporary file to load
it with gtk2hs. This is needed, because gtk2hs needs glade files for input, but
we want to distribute them within the binary.
module GUI.GtkUtils
( getGladeXML
, startMainLoop
, stopMainLoop
, forkIO_
, forkIOWithPostProcessing
-- * Windows for use inside Gtk thread
, infoDialog
, errorDialog
, warningDialog
, questionDialog
, fileOpenDialog
, fileSaveDialog
, listChoiceAux
, listChoice
, progressBar
, pulseBar
, textView
, displayTheory
, displayTheoryWithWarning
-- * Windows for use in Gtk windows
, infoDialogExt
, errorDialogExt
, warningDialogExt
, questionDialogExt
, fileOpenDialogExt
, fileSaveDialogExt
, listChoiceExt
, progressBarExt
, pulseBarExt
, textViewExt
, displayTheoryExt
, displayTheoryWithWarningExt
-- * Frequently used functions inside Gtk thread
, setListData
, updateListData
, setListSelectorSingle
, setListSelectorMultiple
, selectFirst
, getSelectedSingle
, getSelectedMultiple
, selectAll
, selectNone
, selectInvert
, activate
, shortenLabel
-- * Datatypes and functions for prover
, Goal (..)
, GStatus (..)
, proofStatusToGStatus
, basicProofToGStatus
, genericConfigToGStatus
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Glade
import qualified GUI.Glade.Utils as Utils
import Static.GTheory
import Common.DocUtils (showDoc)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Monad (when)
import System.Directory ( removeFile, getTemporaryDirectory, doesFileExist
, canonicalizePath)
import System.FilePath (takeFileName, takeDirectory)
import System.IO (hFlush, hClose, hPutStr, openTempFile)
import Logic.Prover
import Interfaces.GenericATPState
-- | Returns a GladeXML Object of a xmlstring.
getGladeXML :: (String, String) -> IO GladeXML
getGladeXML (name, xmlstr) = do
temp <- getTemporaryDirectory
(filename, handle) <- openTempFile temp name
hPutStr handle xmlstr
hFlush handle
mxml <- xmlNew filename
hClose handle
removeFile filename
case mxml of
Just xml -> return xml
Nothing -> error "GtkUtils: Can't load xml string."
-- | Starts the gtk main event loop in a thread
startMainLoop :: IO ()
startMainLoop = forkIO_ $ do
stopMainLoop :: IO ()
stopMainLoop = postGUISync mainQuit
forkIO_ :: IO () -> IO ()
forkIO_ f = forkIO f >> return ()
forkIOWithPostProcessing :: IO a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forkIOWithPostProcessing action post = forkIO_ $ action >>= postGUIAsync . post
{- * Usefull windows and function.
!!! IMPORTANT for all following functions !!!
Functions for use outside of the Gtk thread have a "Ext" postfix.
All other functions must be called from inside the Gtk thread. -}
-- | Dialog for different typed messages
dialog :: MessageType -- ^ Dialogtype
-> String -- ^ Title
-> String -- ^ Message
-> IO Bool
dialog messageType title message = do
dlg <- case messageType of
MessageInfo ->
messageDialogNew Nothing [] messageType ButtonsOk message
MessageWarning ->
messageDialogNew Nothing [] messageType ButtonsYesNo message
MessageQuestion ->
messageDialogNew Nothing [] messageType ButtonsYesNo message
_ ->
messageDialogNew Nothing [] messageType ButtonsOk message
windowSetTitle dlg title
response <- dialogRun dlg
widgetDestroy dlg
case response of
ResponseOk -> return True
ResponseYes -> return True
_ -> return False
-- | create a window which displays a given text
infoDialog :: String -- ^ Title
-> String -- ^ Message
-> IO ()
infoDialog title message = do
dialog MessageInfo title message
return ()
-- | create a window which displays a given text
infoDialogExt :: String -- ^ Title
-> String -- ^ Message
-> IO ()
infoDialogExt title = postGUISync . infoDialog title
-- | create a window which displays a given error
errorDialog :: String -- ^ Title
-> String -- ^ Message
-> IO ()
errorDialog title message = do
dialog MessageError title message
return ()
-- | create a window which displays a given error
errorDialogExt :: String -- ^ Title
-> String -- ^ Message
-> IO ()
errorDialogExt title = postGUISync . errorDialog title
-- | create a window which displays a given warning and ask for continue
warningDialog :: String -- ^ Title
-> String -- ^ Message
-> IO Bool
warningDialog = dialog MessageWarning
-- | create a window which displays a given warning and ask for continue
warningDialogExt :: String -- ^ Title
-> String -- ^ Message
-> IO Bool
warningDialogExt title = postGUISync . warningDialog title
-- | create a window which displays a given question
questionDialog :: String -- ^ Title
-> String -- ^ Message
-> IO Bool
questionDialog = dialog MessageQuestion
-- | create a window which displays a given question
questionDialogExt :: String -- ^ Title
-> String -- ^ Message
-> IO Bool
questionDialogExt title = postGUISync . questionDialog title
-- | Filedialog for opening and saving
fileDialog :: FileChooserAction -- ^ Action
-> FilePath -- ^ Defaultname for file
-> [(String, [String])] -- ^ Filter (name, pattern list)
-> Maybe (FilePath -> IO ()) -- ^ Action on open
-> IO (Maybe FilePath)
fileDialog fAction fname' filters mAction = do
fname <- canonicalizePath fname'
dlg <- case fAction of
FileChooserActionOpen -> do
dlg' <-fileChooserDialogNew Nothing Nothing FileChooserActionOpen
[ (stockCancel, ResponseCancel)
, (stockOpen, ResponseAccept)]
fileChooserSetCurrentFolder dlg' $ takeDirectory fname
fileChooserSetFilename dlg' $ takeFileName fname
return dlg'
FileChooserActionSave -> do
dlg' <- fileChooserDialogNew Nothing Nothing FileChooserActionSave
[ (stockCancel, ResponseCancel)
, (stockSave, ResponseAccept)]
fileChooserSetCurrentFolder dlg' $ takeDirectory fname
fileChooserSetCurrentName dlg' $ takeFileName fname
return dlg'
_ -> error "FileDialog: Wrong Type"
mapM_ (\ (name, pattern) -> do
fileFilter <- fileFilterNew
mapM_ (fileFilterAddPattern fileFilter) pattern
fileFilterSetName fileFilter name
fileChooserAddFilter dlg fileFilter
) filters
response <- dialogRun dlg
ret <- case response of
ResponseCancel -> return Nothing
ResponseAccept -> do
mpath <- fileChooserGetFilename dlg
case mpath of
Just path -> do
exist <- doesFileExist path
answer <- if exist then questionDialog "File already exist"
"Are you sure to overwrite existing file?"
else return True
if answer then
case mAction of
Just action -> do
action path
return mpath
Nothing -> return mpath
else return Nothing
Nothing -> return Nothing
_ -> return Nothing
widgetDestroy dlg
return ret
fileOpenDialog :: FilePath -- ^ Defaultname for file
-> [(String, [String])] -- ^ Filter (name, pattern list)
-> Maybe (FilePath -> IO ()) -- ^ Action on open
-> IO (Maybe FilePath)
fileOpenDialog = fileDialog FileChooserActionOpen
fileOpenDialogExt :: FilePath -- ^ Defaultname for file
-> [(String, [String])] -- ^ Filter (name, pattern list)
-> Maybe (FilePath -> IO ()) -- ^ Action on open
-> IO (Maybe FilePath)
fileOpenDialogExt p f = postGUISync . fileOpenDialog p f
fileSaveDialog :: FilePath -- ^ Defaultname for file
-> [(String, [String])] -- ^ Filter (name, pattern list)
-> Maybe (FilePath -> IO ()) -- ^ Action on save
-> IO (Maybe FilePath)
fileSaveDialog = fileDialog FileChooserActionSave
fileSaveDialogExt :: FilePath -- ^ Defaultname for file
-> [(String, [String])] -- ^ Filter (name, pattern list)
-> Maybe (FilePath -> IO ()) -- ^ Action on save
-> IO (Maybe FilePath)
fileSaveDialogExt p f = postGUISync . fileSaveDialog p f
-- | create a window with title and list of options, return selected option
listChoiceAux :: String -- ^ Title
-> (a -> String) -- ^ Name of element
-> [a] -- ^ Rows to display
-> IO (Maybe (Int,a)) -- ^ Selected row
listChoiceAux title showF items = do
xml <- getGladeXML Utils.get
-- get objects
dlg <- xmlGetWidget xml castToDialog "ListView"
trvList <- xmlGetWidget xml castToTreeView "trvList"
windowSetTitle dlg title
store <- setListData trvList showF items
selector <- treeViewGetSelection trvList
setListSelectorSingle trvList (return ())
mIter <- treeModelGetIterFirst store
case mIter of
Just iter -> treeSelectionSelectIter selector iter
Nothing -> return ()
dialogAddButton dlg stockCancel ResponseCancel
dialogAddButton dlg stockOk ResponseOk
response <- dialogRun dlg
ret <- case response of
ResponseCancel -> return Nothing
ResponseOk -> getSelectedSingle trvList store
_ -> return Nothing
widgetDestroy dlg
return ret
-- | create a window with title and list of options, return selected option
listChoice :: String -- ^ Title
-> [String] -- ^ Rows to display
-> IO (Maybe Int) -- ^ Selected row
listChoice title items = do
ret <- listChoiceAux title id items
return $ maybe Nothing (\ (i,_) -> Just i) ret
-- | create a window with title and list of options, return selected option
listChoiceExt :: String -- ^ Title
-> [String] -- ^ Rows to display
-> IO (Maybe Int) -- ^ Selected row
listChoiceExt title = postGUISync . listChoice title
-- | Progress/Pulse bar window
progressBarAux :: Bool -- ^ Percent or pulse
-> String -- ^ Title
-> String -- ^ Description
-> IO (Double -> String -> IO (), IO ())
progressBarAux isProgress title description = do
xml <- getGladeXML Utils.get
-- get window
window <- xmlGetWidget xml castToWindow "ProgressBar"
-- get progress bar
bar <- xmlGetWidget xml castToProgressBar "pbProgress"
windowSetTitle window title
progressBarSetText bar description
progressBarSetPulseStep bar 0.05
windowSetPosition window WinPosCenter
windowSetTypeHint window WindowTypeHintUtility
exit <- if isProgress then return (widgetDestroy window) else do
h <- timeoutAdd (do
progressBarPulse bar
return True
) 75
return (do timeoutRemove h; widgetDestroy window)
widgetShow window
let update p d = do
progressBarSetText bar d
when isProgress $ progressBarSetFraction bar p
return (update, exit)
progressBar :: String -- ^ Title
-> String -- ^ Description
-> IO (Double -> String -> IO (), IO ())
progressBar = progressBarAux True
progressBarExt :: String -- ^ Title
-> String -- ^ Description
-> IO (Double -> String -> IO (), IO ())
progressBarExt title description = do
(update, exit) <- postGUISync $ progressBar title description
return (\ a -> postGUISync . update a, postGUISync exit)
pulseBar :: String -- ^ Title
-> String -- ^ Description
-> IO (String -> IO (), IO ())
pulseBar title description = do
(update, exit) <- progressBarAux False title description
let update' = update 0
return (update', exit)
pulseBarExt :: String -- ^ Title
-> String -- ^ Description
-> IO (String -> IO (), IO ())
pulseBarExt title description = do
(update, exit) <- postGUISync $ pulseBar title description
return (postGUISync . update, postGUISync exit)
-- | Display text in an uneditable, scrollable editor. Not blocking!
textView :: String -- ^ Title
-> String -- ^ Message
-> Maybe (FilePath) -- ^ Filename
-> IO ()
textView title message mfile = do
xml <- getGladeXML Utils.get
-- get objects
dlg <- xmlGetWidget xml castToDialog "TextView"
tvText <- xmlGetWidget xml castToTextView "tvText"
windowSetTitle dlg title
buffer <- textViewGetBuffer tvText
textBufferInsertAtCursor buffer message
tagTable <- textBufferGetTagTable buffer
font <- textTagNew Nothing
set font [ textTagFont := "FreeMono" ]
textTagTableAdd tagTable font
start <- textBufferGetStartIter buffer
end <- textBufferGetEndIter buffer
textBufferApplyTag buffer font start end
case mfile of
Just file -> do
btnSave <- dialogAddButton dlg stockSave ResponseNone
onClicked btnSave $ do
fileDialog FileChooserActionSave file
[("Nothing", ["*"]), ("Text", ["*.txt"])]
$ Just (flip writeFile message)
return ()
return ()
Nothing -> return ()
btnClose <- dialogAddButton dlg stockClose ResponseNone
onClicked btnClose $ widgetDestroy dlg
widgetShow dlg
return ()
-- | Display text in an uneditable, scrollable editor. Not blocking!
textViewExt :: String -- ^ Title
-> String -- ^ Message
-> Maybe (FilePath) -- ^ Filename
-> IO ()
textViewExt title message = postGUIAsync . textView title message
-- | displays a theory in a window
displayTheory :: String -- ^ Kind of theory
-> String -- ^ Name of theory
-> G_theory -- ^ Theory
-> IO ()
displayTheory kind name gth =
textView ( kind ++ " of " ++ name) (showDoc gth "\n") $ Just $ name ++ ".het"
-- | displays a theory in a window
displayTheoryExt :: String -- ^ Kind of theory
-> String -- ^ Name of theory
-> G_theory -- ^ Theory
-> IO ()
displayTheoryExt kind name = postGUIAsync . displayTheory kind name
-- | displays a theory with warning in a window
displayTheoryWithWarning :: String -- ^ Kind of theory
-> String -- ^ Name of theory
-> String -- ^ Warning
-> G_theory -- ^ Theory
-> IO ()
displayTheoryWithWarning k n w t =
textView (k ++ " of " ++ n) (w ++ showDoc t "\n") $ Just $ n ++ ".het"
-- | displays a theory with warning in a window
displayTheoryWithWarningExt :: String -- ^ Kind of theory
-> String -- ^ Name of theory
-> String -- ^ Warning
-> G_theory -- ^ Theory
-> IO ()
displayTheoryWithWarningExt k n w =
postGUIAsync . displayTheoryWithWarning k n w
-- * Frequently used functions
-- | Setup list with single selection
setListSelectorSingle :: TreeView -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId TreeSelection)
setListSelectorSingle view action= do
selector <- treeViewGetSelection view
treeSelectionSetMode selector SelectionSingle
afterSelectionChanged selector action
-- | Setup list with multiple selection
setListSelectorMultiple :: TreeView -> Button -> Button -> Button -> IO ()
-> IO (ConnectId TreeSelection)
setListSelectorMultiple view btnAll btnNone btnInvert action = do
selector <- treeViewGetSelection view
treeSelectionSetMode selector SelectionMultiple
sh <- afterSelectionChanged selector action
-- setup buttons
onClicked btnAll $ selectAll view
onClicked btnNone $ selectNone view
onClicked btnInvert $ do selectInvert view sh; action
return sh
-- | Selects the first item if possible
selectFirst :: TreeView -> IO ()
selectFirst view = do
mModel <- treeViewGetModel view
case mModel of
Nothing -> return ()
Just model -> do
mIter <- treeModelGetIterFirst model
case mIter of
Nothing -> return ()
Just iter -> do
selector <- treeViewGetSelection view
treeSelectionSelectIter selector iter
-- | Select all rows
selectAll :: TreeView -> IO ()
selectAll view = treeViewGetSelection view >>= treeSelectionSelectAll
-- | Deselect all rows
selectNone :: TreeView -> IO ()
selectNone view = treeViewGetSelection view >>= treeSelectionUnselectAll
-- | Invert selection of list
selectInvert :: TreeView -> ConnectId TreeSelection -> IO ()
selectInvert view handle = do
signalBlock handle
sel <- treeViewGetSelection view
selected <- treeSelectionGetSelectedRows sel
treeSelectionSelectAll sel
rows <- treeSelectionGetSelectedRows sel
mapM_ (\ row -> (if elem row selected
then treeSelectionUnselectPath else treeSelectionSelectPath) sel row
) rows
signalUnblock handle
-- | Get selected item
getSelectedSingle :: TreeView -> ListStore a -> IO (Maybe (Int,a))
getSelectedSingle view list = do
mModel <- treeViewGetModel view
case mModel of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just model -> do
selector <- treeViewGetSelection view
mIter <- treeSelectionGetSelected selector
case mIter of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just iter -> do
path <- treeModelGetPath model iter
case path of
row:[] -> do
item <- listStoreGetValue list row
return $ Just (row, item)
_ -> error "List type not supported"
-- | Get selected items and row number
getSelectedMultiple :: TreeView -> ListStore a -> IO [(Int,a)]
getSelectedMultiple view list = do
selector <- treeViewGetSelection view
rows' <- treeSelectionGetSelectedRows selector
let rows = map head rows'
items <- mapM (listStoreGetValue list) rows
return $ zip rows items
-- | Sets data of list
setListData :: TreeView -> (a -> String) -> [a] -> IO (ListStore a)
setListData view getT listData = do
store <- listStoreNew listData
treeViewSetModel view store
treeViewSetHeadersVisible view False
ren <- cellRendererTextNew
col <- treeViewColumnNew
treeViewColumnPackStart col ren True
cellLayoutSetAttributes col ren store
$ \i -> [ cellTextMarkup := Just $ getT i ]
treeViewAppendColumn view col
return store
-- | Updates data of list
updateListData :: ListStore a -> [a] -> IO ()
updateListData list listData = do
listStoreClear list
mapM_ (listStoreAppend list) listData
-- | Activates or deactivates a list of widgets
activate :: [Widget] -> Bool -> IO ()
activate widgets active = mapM_ (flip widgetSetSensitive active) widgets
-- | shortens a String to a given size and adds some dots
shortenLabel :: Int -> String -> String
shortenLabel i s = if length s <= i then s else take (i - 3) s ++ "..."
-- * Datatypes and functions for prover
data Goal = Goal { gName :: String
, gStatus :: GStatus }
instance Show Goal where
show (Goal { gName = n, gStatus = s }) = spanString s $ statusToPrefix s ++ n
instance Eq Goal where
(==) g1 g2 = compare g1 g2 == EQ
instance Ord Goal where
compare (Goal { gName = n1, gStatus = s1 })
(Goal { gName = n2, gStatus = s2 }) = case compare s1 s2 of
EQ -> compare n1 n2
c -> c
data GStatus = GOpen
| GTimeout
| GDisproved
| GInconsistent
| GProved
| GGuessed
| GConjectured
| GHandwritten
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show GStatus where
show GProved = spanString GProved "Proved"
show GInconsistent = spanString GInconsistent "Inconsistent"
show GDisproved = spanString GDisproved "Disproved"
show GOpen = spanString GOpen "Open"
show GTimeout = spanString GTimeout "Open (Timeout!)"
show GGuessed = spanString GGuessed "Guessed"
show GConjectured = spanString GConjectured "Conjectured"
show GHandwritten = spanString GHandwritten "Handwritten"
statusToColor :: GStatus -> String
statusToColor s = case s of
GOpen -> "black"
GProved -> "green"
GDisproved -> "red"
GTimeout -> "blue"
GInconsistent -> "orange"
GGuessed -> "darkgreen"
GConjectured -> "darkgreen"
GHandwritten -> "darkgreen"
statusToPrefix :: GStatus -> String
statusToPrefix s = case s of
GOpen -> "[ ] "
GProved -> "[+] "
GDisproved -> "[-] "
GTimeout -> "[t] "
GInconsistent -> "[*] "
GGuessed -> "[.] "
GConjectured -> "[:] "
GHandwritten -> "[/] "
spanString :: GStatus -> String -> String
spanString s m = "<span color=\"" ++ statusToColor s ++ "\">" ++ m ++ "</span>"
-- | Converts a ProofStatus into a GStatus
proofStatusToGStatus :: forall a . ProofStatus a -> GStatus
proofStatusToGStatus p = case goalStatus p of
Proved False -> GInconsistent
Proved True -> GProved
Disproved -> GDisproved
Open _ -> GOpen
-- | Converts a BasicProof into a GStatus
basicProofToGStatus :: BasicProof -> GStatus
basicProofToGStatus p = case p of
BasicProof _ st -> proofStatusToGStatus st
Guessed -> GGuessed
Conjectured -> GConjectured
Handwritten -> GHandwritten
-- | Converts a GenericConfig into a GStatus
genericConfigToGStatus :: GenericConfig a -> GStatus
genericConfigToGStatus cfg = case proofStatusToGStatus $ proofStatus cfg of
GOpen -> if timeLimitExceeded cfg then GTimeout else GOpen
s -> s