GtkGenericATP.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Gtk Generic Prover GUI.
Copyright : (c) Thiemo Wiedemeyer, Uni Bremen 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : needs POSIX
Generic Gtk GUI for automatic theorem provers.
module GUI.GtkGenericATP ( genericATPgui ) where
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Glade
import GUI.GtkUtils
import qualified GUI.Glade.GenericATP as GenericATP
import Interfaces.GenericATPState
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread, yield)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import Common.GtkGoal
import Common.Result
import Common.Utils (getEnvSave, readMaybe)
import Proofs.BatchProcessing
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Logic.Prover
genericATPgui :: (Ord proof_tree, Ord sentence)
=> ATPFunctions sign sentence mor proof_tree pst
-- ^ prover specific functions
-> Bool -- ^ prover supports extra options
-> String -- ^ prover name
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> Theory sign sentence proof_tree {- ^ theory consisting of a
signature and a list of Named sentence -}
-> [FreeDefMorphism sentence mor] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> proof_tree -- ^ initial empty proof_tree
-> IO [ProofStatus proof_tree] -- ^ proof status for each goal
genericATPgui atpFun hasEOptions prName thName th freedefs pt = do
result <- newEmptyMVar
postGUIAsync $ do
xml <- getGladeXML GenericATP.get
-- get objects
window <- xmlGetWidget xml castToWindow "GenericATP"
-- buttons at buttom
btnClose <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnClose"
btnHelp <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnHelp"
btnSaveConfig <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnSaveConfig"
-- goal list
trvGoals <- xmlGetWidget xml castToTreeView "trvGoals"
-- options area
sbTimeout <- xmlGetWidget xml castToSpinButton "sbTimeout"
entryOptions <- xmlGetWidget xml castToEntry "entryOptions"
cbIncludeProven <- xmlGetWidget xml castToCheckButton "cbIncludeProven"
cbSaveBatch <- xmlGetWidget xml castToCheckButton "cbSaveBatch"
-- prove buttons
btnStop <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnStop"
btnProveSelected <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnProveSelected"
btnProveAll <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnProveAll"
-- status and axioms
lblStatus <- xmlGetWidget xml castToLabel "lblStatus"
trvAxioms <- xmlGetWidget xml castToTreeView "trvAxioms"
-- info and save buttons
btnSaveProblem <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnSaveProblem"
btnShowDetails <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnShowDetails"
windowSetTitle window $ prName ++ ": " ++ thName
let widgets = [toWidget entryOptions | hasEOptions] ++
[ toWidget btnClose , toWidget btnShowDetails
, toWidget btnHelp , toWidget btnSaveConfig
, toWidget sbTimeout
, toWidget cbIncludeProven , toWidget btnProveSelected
, toWidget btnProveSelected, toWidget btnProveAll
, toWidget lblStatus , toWidget btnSaveProblem ]
switch = activate widgets
switchAll b = do
activate widgets b
widgetSetSensitive btnStop $ not b
-- setting up state
initState = initialGenericState prName (initialProverState atpFun)
(atpTransSenName atpFun) th freedefs pt
initGoals = goalsList initState
stateMVar <- newMVar initState
threadId <- newEmptyMVar
finished <- newEmptyMVar
-- setting up lists
listGoals <- setListData trvGoals showGoal $ toGoals initState
listAxioms <- setListData trvAxioms id []
-- short update function
let update' s = update s trvGoals listGoals listAxioms lblStatus sbTimeout
save s = saveConfigCurrent s pt prName sbTimeout entryOptions
-- set list selector and action
setListSelectorSingle trvAxioms $ return ()
setListSelectorSingle trvGoals $ do
s'' <- takeMVar stateMVar
-- saving options for previous selected goal
s' <- save s''
-- setting new selected goal
mSelected <- getSelectedSingle trvGoals listGoals
let s = maybe s' (\ (_, Goal { gName = n }) -> s' { currentGoal = Just n})
putMVar stateMVar s
update' s
-- setting options
spinButtonSetValue sbTimeout $ fromIntegral guiDefaultTimeLimit
widgetSetSensitive entryOptions hasEOptions
widgetSetSensitive btnStop False
enableSaveBatch <- getEnvSave False "HETS_ENABLE_BATCH_SAVE" readMaybe
widgetSetSensitive cbSaveBatch enableSaveBatch
-- setting save button name
let ext = case problemOutput $ fileExtensions atpFun of
e@('.' : _) -> e
e -> '.' : e
buttonSetLabel btnSaveProblem $ "Save " ++ tail ext ++ " File"
-- bindings
onClicked btnHelp $
textView (prName ++ " Help") (proverHelpText atpFun) Nothing
-- save config
onClicked btnSaveConfig $ do
state <- readMVar stateMVar
-- save actual config
s <- save state
let cfgText = show $ printCfgText $ configsMap s
textView (prName ++ " Configuration for Theory " ++ thName) cfgText
$ Just $ thName ++ theoryConfiguration (fileExtensions atpFun)
-- save problem output
onClicked btnSaveProblem $ do
state <- readMVar stateMVar
-- save actual config
s <- save state
maybe (return ()) (\ g -> do
inclProven <- toggleButtonGetActive cbIncludeProven
let (nGoal, lp') = prepareLP (proverState s) s g inclProven
prob <- goalOutput atpFun lp' nGoal $ createProverOptions atpFun
$ getConfig prName g pt $ configsMap s
textView (prName ++ " Problem for Goal " ++ g) prob
$ Just (thName ++ '_' : g ++ ext)
) $ currentGoal s
-- show details of selected goal
onClicked btnShowDetails $ do
s <- readMVar stateMVar
case currentGoal s of
Nothing -> errorDialog "Error" "Please select a goal first."
Just g -> do
let res = Map.lookup g $ configsMap s
output = maybe ["This goal hasn't been run through the prover."]
resultOutput res
detailsText = concatMap ('\n' :) output
textView (prName ++ " Output for Goal " ++ g)
(seq (length detailsText) detailsText) $ Just $ g ++ ext
-- show details of selected goal
onClicked btnStop $ do
tryTakeMVar threadId >>= maybe (error "MVar 'tId' not set") killThread
putMVar finished ()
-- show details of selected goal
onClicked btnProveSelected $ do
state <- takeMVar stateMVar
-- save actual config
s <- save state
case currentGoal s of
Nothing -> error "No goal selected."
Just g -> do
(_, exit) <- pulseBar "Proving" g
inclProven <- toggleButtonGetActive cbIncludeProven
let (nGoal, lp') = prepareLP (proverState s) s g inclProven
cfg = configsMap s
switch False
(runProver atpFun lp' (getConfig prName g pt cfg) False thName nGoal)
$ \ (retval, cfg') -> do
case retval of
ATPError m -> errorDialog "Error" m
_ -> return ()
let s' = s { configsMap = adjustOrSetConfig (\ c -> c
{ timeLimitExceeded = isTimeLimitExceeded retval
, proofStatus = (proofStatus cfg')
{ usedTime = timeUsed cfg' }
, resultOutput = resultOutput cfg'
, timeUsed = timeUsed cfg' }) prName g pt cfg }
putMVar stateMVar s'
updateGoals s' trvGoals listGoals
switch True
-- show details of selected goal
onClicked btnProveAll $ do
state <- readMVar stateMVar
-- save actual config
s <- save state
let openGoalsMap = filterOpenGoals $ configsMap s
numGoals = Map.size openGoalsMap
if Map.null openGoalsMap then
infoDialog "No open goals" "No open goals, nothing to do."
else do
timeout <- spinButtonGetValueAsInt sbTimeout
opts' <- entryGetText entryOptions
saveBatch <- toggleButtonGetActive cbSaveBatch
inclProven <- toggleButtonGetActive cbIncludeProven
(updat, exit) <- progressBar "Proving" "please wait..."
let firstGoalName = head $ filter (`Map.member` openGoalsMap)
$ map AS_Anno.senAttr $ goalsList s
opts = words opts'
afterEachProofAttempt gPSF nSen nextSen cfg@(retval, _) = do
cont <- goalProcessed stateMVar timeout opts numGoals prName
gPSF nSen False cfg
postGUISync $ do
case retval of
ATPError m -> errorDialog "Error" m
_ -> return ()
s' <- readMVar stateMVar
updateGoals s' trvGoals listGoals
let progress = fromIntegral gPSF / fromIntegral numGoals
when cont $ updat progress $ AS_Anno.senAttr $ fromJust nextSen
return cont
updat 0 firstGoalName
tid <- forkIO $ do
genericProveBatch False timeout opts inclProven saveBatch
afterEachProofAttempt (atpInsertSentence atpFun) (runProver atpFun)
prName thName s Nothing
b <- isEmptyMVar threadId
unless b $ putMVar finished ()
b <- tryPutMVar threadId tid
unless b $ error "MVar 'threadId' already set"
switchAll False
forkIO_ $ do
takeMVar finished
tryTakeMVar threadId
postGUIAsync $ do
switchAll True
onClicked btnClose $ widgetDestroy window
-- read proofstate and store it in mvar
onDestroy window $ do
s <- takeMVar stateMVar
let Result _ prst = revertRenamingOfLabels s $
map ((\ g -> let res = Map.lookup g $ configsMap s
g' = Map.findWithDefault
(error $ "Lookup of name failed: (1) " ++
"should not happen \"" ++ g ++ "\"")
g $ namesMap s
in maybe (openProofStatus g' prName $ currentProofTree s)
proofStatus res) . AS_Anno.senAttr) (goalsList s)
putMVar result prst
if null initGoals then do
errorDialog "No goals available!" "No need to start prove window!"
widgetDestroy window
else do
selectFirst trvGoals
widgetShow window
-- waiting for results
res <- takeMVar result
maybe (fail "reverse translation of names failed") return res
prepareLP prS s g' inclProven =
let goals = goalsList s
cfg = configsMap s
idx = fromMaybe (error "Goal not found!")
$ findIndex ((== g') . AS_Anno.senAttr) goals
(beforeThis, afterThis) = splitAt idx goals
g = head afterThis -- Why use head and not goal?
proved = filter (checkGoal cfg . AS_Anno.senAttr) beforeThis
in if inclProven
then (g, foldl (\ lp provedGoal -> atpInsertSentence atpFun lp
(provedGoal { AS_Anno.isAxiom = True }))
prS $ reverse proved)
else (g, prS)
saveConfigCurrent :: (Ord proof_tree)
=> GenericState sign sentence proof_tree pst -> proof_tree
-> String -> SpinButton -> Entry
-> IO (GenericState sign sentence proof_tree pst)
saveConfigCurrent s pt prName sbTimeout entryOptions = do
-- saving options for previous selected goal
timeout <- spinButtonGetValueAsInt sbTimeout
opts <- entryGetText entryOptions
let mn = currentGoal s
cfg = maybe (configsMap s) (\ g ->
adjustOrSetConfig (setExtraOpts $ words opts) prName g pt
$ adjustOrSetConfig (setTimeLimit timeout) prName g pt
$ configsMap s) mn
return $ s { configsMap = cfg }
updateGoals :: GenericState sign sentence proof_tree pst -> TreeView
-> ListStore Goal -> IO ()
updateGoals s trvGoals listGoals = do
let ng = toGoals s
selected <- getSelectedSingle trvGoals listGoals
updateListData listGoals ng
case selected of
Just (_, Goal { gName = n }) -> do
selector <- treeViewGetSelection trvGoals
treeSelectionSelectPath selector
[fromMaybe (error "Goal not found!") $ findIndex ((n ==) . gName) ng]
Nothing -> return ()
-- | Updates the display of the status of the current goal.
update :: GenericState sign sentence proof_tree pst -> TreeView
-> ListStore Goal -> ListStore String -> Label -> SpinButton -> Entry
-> IO ()
update s trvGoals listGoals listAxioms lblStatus sbTimeout entryOptions = do
-- update status and axioms
selected <- getSelectedSingle trvGoals listGoals
case selected of
Just (_, Goal { gName = n, gStatus = stat }) -> do
let cfg = Map.findWithDefault (error "GUI.GenericATP.updateDisplay") n
$ configsMap s
spinButtonSetValue sbTimeout $ fromIntegral
$ fromMaybe guiDefaultTimeLimit $ timeLimit cfg
entrySetText entryOptions $ unwords $ extraOpts cfg
labelSetLabel lblStatus $ show stat
updateListData listAxioms $ usedAxioms $ proofStatus cfg
Nothing -> return ()
-- | Utility function to set the time limit of a Config.
setTimeLimit :: Int -> GenericConfig proof_tree -> GenericConfig proof_tree
setTimeLimit n c = c { timeLimit = if n > 0 then Just n else Nothing }
-- | Utility function to set the extra options of a Config.
setExtraOpts :: [String] -> GenericConfig proof_tree -> GenericConfig proof_tree
setExtraOpts opts c = c { extraOpts = opts }
toGoals :: GenericState sign sentence proof_tree pst -> [Goal]
toGoals s = sort $ map (\ g ->
let n = AS_Anno.senAttr g
c = Map.findWithDefault (error "Config not found!") n $ configsMap s
in Goal { gName = n, gStatus = genericConfigToGStatus c }) $ goalsList s