GtkDisprove.hs revision e9458b1a7a19a63aa4c179f9ab20f4d50681c168
{- |
Module : ./GUI/GtkDisprove.hs
Description : Gtk Module to enable disproving Theorems
Copyright : (c) Simon Ulbricht, Uni Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
This module provides a disproving module that checks consistency of inverted
module GUI.GtkDisprove (disproveAtNode) where
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Glade
import GUI.GtkUtils
import qualified GUI.Glade.NodeChecker as ConsistencyChecker
import GUI.GraphTypes
import GUI.GraphLogic hiding (openProofStatus)
import GUI.GtkConsistencyChecker
import Proofs.ConsistencyCheck
import Interfaces.GenericATPState (guiDefaultTimeLimit)
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.Utils (updateNodeProof)
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Prover
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory
import Static.ComputeTheory
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.LibName (LibName)
import Common.Result
import Common.ExtSign
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (LNode)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
{- | this method holds the functionality to convert the nodes goals to the
FNode datatype from GUI.GtkConsistencyChecker. The goals are being negated
by negate_th and this theory is stored in FNodes DGNodeLab local and global
theory. -}
showDisproveGUI :: GInfo -> LibEnv -> DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab -> IO ()
showDisproveGUI gi le dg (i, lbl) = case globalTheory lbl of
Nothing -> error "GtkDisprove.showDisproveGUI(no global theory found)"
Just gt@(G_theory _ _ _ _ sens _) -> let
fg g th = let
l = lbl { dgn_theory = th }
l' = l { globalTheory = computeLabelTheory le dg (i, l) }
no_cs = ConsistencyStatus CSUnchecked ""
stat = case OMap.lookup g sens of
Nothing -> no_cs
Just tm -> case thmStatus tm of
[] -> no_cs
ts -> basicProofToConStatus $ maximum $ map snd ts
in FNode { name = g, node = (i, l'), sublogic = sublogicOfTh th,
cStatus = stat }
fgoals = foldr (\ (g, _) t -> case negate_th gt g of
Nothing -> t
Just nt -> fg g nt : t) []
$ getThGoals gt
in if null fgoals
errorDialogExt "Error (disprove)" "found no goals suitable for disprove function"
else do
wait <- newEmptyMVar
showDisproveWindow wait (libName gi) le dg gt fgoals
res <- takeMVar wait
runDisproveAtNode gi (i, lbl) res
{- | negates a single sentence within a G_theory and returns a theory
containing all axioms in addition to the one negated sentence. -}
negate_th :: G_theory -> String -> Maybe G_theory
negate_th g_th goal = case g_th of
G_theory lid1 syn (ExtSign sign symb) i1 sens _ ->
case OMap.lookup goal sens of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just sen ->
case negation lid1 $ sentence sen of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just sen' -> let
negSen = sen { sentence = sen', isAxiom = True }
sens' = OMap.insert goal negSen $ OMap.filter isAxiom sens
in Just $ G_theory lid1 syn (ExtSign sign symb) i1 sens' startThId
{- | this function is being called from outside and manages the locking-
mechanism of the node being called upon. -}
disproveAtNode :: GInfo -> Int -> DGraph -> IO ()
disproveAtNode gInfo descr dgraph = do
lockedEnv <- ensureLockAtNode gInfo descr dgraph
case lockedEnv of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (dg, lbl, le) -> do
acquired <- tryLockLocal lbl
if acquired then do
showDisproveGUI gInfo le dg (descr, lbl)
unlockLocal lbl
else errorDialogExt "Error" "Proof or disproof window already open"
{- | after results have been collected, this function is called to store
the results for this node within the dgraphs history. -}
runDisproveAtNode :: GInfo -> LNode DGNodeLab -> Result G_theory -> IO ()
runDisproveAtNode gInfo (v, dgnode) (Result ds mres) = case mres of
Just rTh ->
let oldTh = dgn_theory dgnode in
unless (rTh == oldTh) $ do
showDiagMessAux 2 ds
lockGlobal gInfo
let ln = libName gInfo
iSt = intState gInfo
ost <- readIORef iSt
let (ost', hist) = updateNodeProof ln ost (v, dgnode) rTh
case i_state ost' of
Nothing -> return ()
Just _ -> do
writeIORef iSt ost'
runAndLock gInfo $ updateGraph gInfo hist
unlockGlobal gInfo
_ -> return ()
{- | Displays a GUI to set TimeoutLimit and select the ConsistencyChecker
and holds the functionality to call the ConsistencyChecker for the
(previously negated) selected Theorems. -}
showDisproveWindow :: MVar (Result G_theory) -> LibName -> LibEnv
-> DGraph -> G_theory -> [FNode] -> IO ()
showDisproveWindow res ln le dg g_th fgoals = postGUIAsync $ do
xml <- getGladeXML ConsistencyChecker.get
-- get objects
window <- xmlGetWidget xml castToWindow "NodeChecker"
btnClose <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnClose"
btnResults <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnResults"
-- get goals view and buttons
trvGoals <- xmlGetWidget xml castToTreeView "trvNodes"
btnNodesAll <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnNodesAll"
btnNodesNone <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnNodesNone"
btnNodesInvert <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnNodesInvert"
btnNodesUnchecked <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnNodesUnchecked"
btnNodesTimeout <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnNodesTimeout"
cbInclThms <- xmlGetWidget xml castToCheckButton "cbInclThms"
-- get checker view and buttons
cbComorphism <- xmlGetWidget xml castToComboBox "cbComorphism"
lblSublogic <- xmlGetWidget xml castToLabel "lblSublogic"
sbTimeout <- xmlGetWidget xml castToSpinButton "sbTimeout"
btnCheck <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnCheck"
btnStop <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnStop"
trvFinder <- xmlGetWidget xml castToTreeView "trvFinder"
toolLabel <- xmlGetWidget xml castToLabel "label1"
labelSetLabel toolLabel "Pick disprover"
windowSetTitle window "Disprove"
spinButtonSetValue sbTimeout $ fromIntegral guiDefaultTimeLimit
let widgets = [ toWidget sbTimeout
, toWidget cbComorphism
, toWidget lblSublogic ]
checkWidgets = widgets ++ [ toWidget btnClose
, toWidget btnNodesAll
, toWidget btnNodesNone
, toWidget btnNodesInvert
, toWidget btnNodesUnchecked
, toWidget btnNodesTimeout
, toWidget btnResults ]
switch b = do
widgetSetSensitive btnStop $ not b
widgetSetSensitive btnCheck b
widgetSetSensitive btnStop False
widgetSetSensitive btnCheck False
threadId <- newEmptyMVar
wait <- newEmptyMVar
mView <- newEmptyMVar
-- setup data
listGoals <- setListData trvGoals show $ sort fgoals
listFinder <- setListData trvFinder fName []
-- setup comorphism combobox
comboBoxSetModelText cbComorphism
shC <- after cbComorphism changed
$ setSelectedComorphism trvFinder listFinder cbComorphism
-- setup view selection actions
let update = do
mf <- getSelectedSingle trvFinder listFinder
updateComorphism trvFinder listFinder cbComorphism shC
widgetSetSensitive btnCheck $ isJust mf
setListSelectorSingle trvFinder update
let upd = updateNodes trvGoals listGoals
(\ b s -> do
labelSetLabel lblSublogic $ show s
updateFinder trvFinder listFinder b s)
labelSetLabel lblSublogic "No sublogic"
listStoreClear listFinder
activate widgets False
widgetSetSensitive btnCheck False)
(activate widgets True >> widgetSetSensitive btnCheck True)
shN <- setListSelectorMultiple trvGoals btnNodesAll btnNodesNone
btnNodesInvert upd
-- bindings
let selectWithAux f u = do
signalBlock shN
sel <- treeViewGetSelection trvGoals
treeSelectionSelectAll sel
rs <- treeSelectionGetSelectedRows sel
mapM_ ( \ ~p@(row : []) -> do
fn <- listStoreGetValue listGoals row
(if f fn then treeSelectionSelectPath else treeSelectionUnselectPath)
sel p) rs
signalUnblock shN
selectWith f = selectWithAux $ f . cStatus
onClicked btnNodesUnchecked
$ selectWith (== ConsistencyStatus CSUnchecked "") upd
onClicked btnNodesTimeout $ selectWith (== ConsistencyStatus CSTimeout "") upd
onClicked btnResults $ showModelView mView "Models" listGoals []
onClicked btnClose $ widgetDestroy window
onClicked btnStop $ takeMVar threadId >>= killThread >>= putMVar wait
onClicked btnCheck $ do
activate checkWidgets False
timeout <- spinButtonGetValueAsInt sbTimeout
inclThms <- toggleButtonGetActive cbInclThms
(updat, pexit) <- progressBar "Checking consistency" "please wait..."
goals' <- getSelectedMultiple trvGoals listGoals
mf <- getSelectedSingle trvFinder listFinder
f <- case mf of
Nothing -> error "Disprove: internal error"
Just (_, f) -> return f
switch False
tid <- forkIO $ do
{- call the check function from GUI.GtkConsistencyChecker.
first argument means disprove-mode and leads the ConsistencyChecker
to mark consistent sentences as disproved (since consistent with
negated sentence) -}
check True inclThms ln le dg f timeout listGoals updat goals'
putMVar wait ()
putMVar threadId tid
forkIO_ $ do
takeMVar wait
postGUIAsync $ do
switch True
tryTakeMVar threadId
showModelView mView "Results of disproving" listGoals []
signalBlock shN
sortNodes trvGoals listGoals
signalUnblock shN
activate checkWidgets True
{- after window closes a new G_theory is created containing the results.
only successful disprove attempts are returned; for each one, a new
BasicProof is created and set to disproved. -}
onDestroy window $ do
fnodes' <- listStoreToList listGoals
maybe_F <- getSelectedSingle trvFinder listFinder
case maybe_F of
Just (_, f) -> case g_th of
G_theory lid syn sig i1 sens _ -> let
sens' = foldr (\ fg t -> if (sType . cStatus) fg == CSInconsistent
then let
n' = name fg
es = Map.findWithDefault (error
"GtkDisprove.showDisproveWindow") n' t
s = OMap.ele es
ps = openProofStatus n' (fName f) (empty_proof_tree lid)
bp = BasicProof lid ps { goalStatus = Disproved }
c = comorphism f !! selected f
s' = s { senAttr = ThmStatus $ (c, bp) : thmStatus s } in
Map.insert n' es { OMap.ele = s' } t
else t ) sens fnodes'
in putMVar res $ return (G_theory lid syn sig i1 sens' startThId)
_ -> putMVar res $ return g_th
selectWith (== ConsistencyStatus CSUnchecked "") upd
widgetShow window