GtkDisprove.hs revision dff3a9487508aa2818afddb29bad1b3314e5e2a6
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Gtk Module to enable disproving Theorems
Copyright : (c) Simon Ulbricht, Uni Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
This module provides a disproving module that checks consistency of inverted
module GUI.GtkDisprove where
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Proofs.AbstractState
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import GUI.GtkUtils
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Coerce
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Data.List
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import System.Timeout
-- TODO use return value of consistencyCheck and mark node
-- TODO implement in GtkProverGui
showDisprove :: LNode DGNodeLab -> ProofState lid sentence -> String
-> IO (ProofState lid sentence)
showDisprove (i, lbl) state selGoal =
-- construct new G_theory containing the negated theorem
-- as well as a list of suitable ConsCheckers and Comorphisms
case globalTheory lbl of
Nothing -> error "GtkDisprove.showDisprove"
Just (G_theory lid1 (ExtSign sign symb) i1 sens i2) -> do
let axs = OMap.filter isAxiom sens
negSen = case OMap.lookup selGoal sens of
Nothing -> error "GtkDisprove.disproveThmSingle(1)"
Just sen ->
case negation lid1 $ sentence sen of
Nothing -> error "GtkDisprove.disproveThmSingle(2)"
Just sen' -> sen { sentence = sen', isAxiom = True }
sens' = OMap.insert selGoal negSen axs
g_th = G_theory lid1 (ExtSign sign symb) i1 sens' i2
subL = sublogicOfTh g_th
lcc = getConsCheckers $ findComorphismPaths logicGraph subL
-- new G_theory and ConsCheckers are passed on to the GUI
-- results, if any, will be stored in MVar as a sideeffect
wait <- newEmptyMVar
showDisproveWindow g_th state selGoal lcc wait
st' <- takeMVar wait
return $ Result [] $ Just st'
-- | Displays a GUI to set TimeoutLimit and select the ConsistencyChecker
-- and holds the functionality to call the ConsistencyChecker for the
-- single, previously selected Theorem.
-- TODO the NodeChecker GUI has been used to set the parameters, even though
-- it is not quite suitable for a single theorem only.
-- a new, simpler GUI should be designed, and the results should be displayed
-- instantly after the check
showDisproveWindow :: G_theory -> ProofState lid sentence -> String
-> [G_cons_checker, AnyComorphism]
-> MVar (ProofState lid sentence) -> IO ()
showProverWindow g_th st selGoal listCons res = postGUIAsync $ do
xml <- getGladeXML ConsistencyChecker.get
-- get objects
window <- xmlGetWidget xml castToWindow "NodeChecker"
btnClose <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnClose"
btnResults <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnResults"
-- get nodes view and buttons
trvNodes <- xmlGetWidget xml castToTreeView "trvNodes"
btnNodesAll <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnNodesAll"
btnNodesNone <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnNodesNone"
btnNodesInvert <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnNodesInvert"
btnNodesUnchecked <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnNodesUnchecked"
btnNodesTimeout <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnNodesTimeout"
cbInclThms <- xmlGetWidget xml castToCheckButton "cbInclThms"
-- get checker view and buttons
cbComorphism <- xmlGetWidget xml castToComboBox "cbComorphism"
lblSublogic <- xmlGetWidget xml castToLabel "lblSublogic"
sbTimeout <- xmlGetWidget xml castToSpinButton "sbTimeout"
btnCheck <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnCheck"
btnStop <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnStop"
-- btnFineGrained <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnFineGrained"
trvFinder <- xmlGetWidget xml castToTreeView "trvFinder"
windowSetTitle window "Disprove"
spinButtonSetValue sbTimeout $ fromIntegral guiDefaultTimeLimit
let widgets = [ toWidget sbTimeout
, toWidget cbComorphism
, toWidget lblSublogic ]
checkWidgets = widgets ++ [ toWidget btnClose
, toWidget btnNodesAll
, toWidget btnNodesNone
, toWidget btnNodesInvert
, toWidget btnNodesUnchecked
, toWidget btnNodesTimeout
, toWidget btnResults ]
switch b = do
widgetSetSensitive btnStop $ not b
widgetSetSensitive btnCheck b
toggleButtonSetActive cbInclThms False
widgetSetSensitive btnStop False
widgetSetSensitive btnCheck False
threadId <- newEmptyMVar
wait <- newEmptyMVar
mView <- newEmptyMVar
-- setup data
listNodes <- setListData trvNodes id [selGoal]
listFinder <- setListData trvFinder (getPName . fst) listCons
-- setup comorphism combobox
comboBoxSetModelText cbComorphism
shC <- after cbComorphism changed
$ setSelectedComorphism trvFinder listFinder cbComorphism
-- setup view selection actions
let update = do
mf <- getSelectedSingle trvFinder listFinder
updateComorphism trvFinder listFinder cbComorphism shC
widgetSetSensitive btnCheck $ isJust mf
setListSelectorSingle trvFinder update
onClicked btnClose $ widgetDestroy window
onClicked btnStop $ takeMVar threadId >>= killThread >>= putMVar wait
onClicked btnCheck $ do
t'' <- spinButtonGetValueAsInt sbTimeout
let (G_cons_checker lid4 cc, cm@(Comorphism cid)) =
getSelectedSingle trvFinder listFinder
-- when the comorphism is known, a TheoryMorphism can be created
-- and later be sent to the ConsistencyChecker
getTheoryMorphism =
case g_th of
G_theory lid1 (ExtSign sign symb) _ sens _ -> case do
let listsens = toNamedList sens
lidS = sourceLogic cid
lidT = targetLogic cid
bTh' <- coerceBasicTheory lid1 lidS "" (sign, listsens)
(sig2, sens2) <- wrapMapTheory cid bTh'
incl <- subsig_inclusion lidT (empty_signature lidT) sig2
return $ TheoryMorphism
{ tSource = emptyTheory lidT
, tTarget = Theory sig2 $ toThSens sens2
, tMorphism = incl } of
Result _ Nothing -> Nothing
Result _ (Just mor) -> Just mor
case getTheoryMorphism of
Nothing -> do
info "Error: could not construct TheoryMorphism"
return state -- node is not changed
Just mor -> do
let thName = getDGNodeName lbl
t' = t'' * 1000000
ts = TacticScript $ if ccNeedsTimer cc then "" else show t''
cc' <- coerceConsChecker lid4 lidT "" cc
ccS <- (if ccNeedsTimer cc' then timeout t' else ((return . Just) =<<))
(ccAutomatic cc' thName ts mor [])
case ccS of
Just ccStatus ->
case ccResult ccStatus of
Just b -> if b
then let ps' = openProofStatus selGoal
(ccName cc') (ccProofTree ccStatus)
ps = ps' { goalStatus = Disproved }
in do
info "Goal has been disproved!"
return $ markProved cm lidT [ps] state
else do
info "Goal could not be disproved(1)!"
return state
Nothing -> do
info "Goal could not be disproved(2)!"
return state
Nothing -> do
info "Goal could not be disproved(3)!"
return state
onDestroy window $ do
putMVar res
setSelectedComorphism :: TreeView -> ListStore (G_cons_checker, AnyComorphism)
-> ComboBox -> IO ()
setSelectedComorphism view list cbComorphism = do
mfinder <- getSelectedSingle view list
case mfinder of
Just (i, f) -> do
sel <- comboBoxGetActive cbComorphism
listStoreSetValue list i f { selected = sel }
Nothing -> return ()
disproveThmSingle :: Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
String -- ^ selected goal to disprove
-> String -- ^ selected prover
-> LNode DGNodeLab
-> ProofState lid sentence -- ^ nodes current ProofState
-> Int -- ^ timeout limit
-> IO (ProofState lid sentence) -- ^ ProofState containing the results
disproveThmSingle selGoal selPr (_, lbl) state t'' =
let info s = infoDialog ("Disprove " ++ selGoal) s in
case globalTheory lbl of
Nothing -> error "GtkDisprove.disproveThmSingle(0)"
Just (G_theory lid1 (ExtSign sign symb) i1 sens i2) -> do
let axs = OMap.filter isAxiom sens
negSen = case OMap.lookup selGoal sens of
Nothing -> error "GtkDisprove.disproveThmSingle(1)"
Just sen ->
case negation lid1 $ sentence sen of
Nothing -> error "GtkDisprove.disproveThmSingle(2)"
Just sen' -> sen { sentence = sen', isAxiom = True }
sens' = OMap.insert selGoal negSen axs
g_th = G_theory lid1 (ExtSign sign symb) i1 sens' i2
subL = sublogicOfTh g_th
lcc = getConsCheckers $ findComorphismPaths logicGraph subL
case selectConsChecker selPr lcc of
Nothing -> do
info "failed to find Consistency Checker for inverted theorem"
return state
Just (G_cons_checker lid4 cc, cm@(Comorphism cid)) -> do
let lidS = sourceLogic cid
lidT = targetLogic cid
case do
bTh'@(sig1, _) <- coerceBasicTheory lid1 lidS "" (sign, toNamedList sens')
(sig2, sens2) <- wrapMapTheory cid bTh'
incl <- subsig_inclusion lidT (empty_signature lidT) sig2
return (sig1, TheoryMorphism
{ tSource = emptyTheory lidT
, tTarget = Theory sig2 $ toThSens sens2
, tMorphism = incl }) of
Result _ Nothing -> do
info "Error: could not construct TheoryMorphism"
return state -- node is not changed
Result _ (Just (_, mor)) -> do
let thName = getDGNodeName lbl
t' = t'' * 1000000
ts = TacticScript $ if ccNeedsTimer cc then "" else show t''
cc' <- coerceConsChecker lid4 lidT "" cc
putStrLn $ "[Using ConsChecker:] " ++ ccName cc'
ccS <- (if ccNeedsTimer cc' then timeout t' else ((return . Just) =<<))
(ccAutomatic cc' thName ts mor [])
case ccS of
Just ccStatus ->
case ccResult ccStatus of
Just b -> if b
then let ps' = openProofStatus selGoal
(ccName cc') (ccProofTree ccStatus)
ps = ps' { goalStatus = Disproved }
in do
info "Goal has been disproved!"
return $ markProved cm lidT [ps] state
else do
info "Goal could not be disproved(1)!"
return state
Nothing -> do
info "Goal could not be disproved(2)!"
return state
Nothing -> do
info "Goal could not be disproved(3)!"
return state
selectConsChecker :: String -> [(G_cons_checker, AnyComorphism)]
-> Maybe (G_cons_checker, AnyComorphism)
selectConsChecker s cc = case cc of
[] -> Nothing
h : _ -> case find (\ (c,_) -> getPName c == s) cc of
Nothing -> Just h
Just c' -> Just c'