GtkConsistencyChecker.hs revision 80c2d23821d095b55d9a547f48fc3fcdc27df405
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Gtk GUI for the consistency checker
Copyright : (c) Thiemo Wiedemeyer, Uni Bremen 2008
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
This module provides a GUI for the consistency checker.
module GUI.GtkConsistencyChecker
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Glade
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView as MV
import GUI.GtkUtils
import qualified GUI.Glade.ConsistencyChecker as ConsistencyChecker
import GUI.GraphTypes
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Logic.Logic (Language(language_name))
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Comorphism (AnyComorphism(..))
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph (logicGraph)
import Common.LibName (LibName)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad (foldM, join, mapM_)
import Proofs.AbstractState
import Proofs.InferBasic (consistencyCheck, ConsistencyStatus (..))
import Data.IORef
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (LNode)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (findIndex)
import Data.Maybe
data Finder = Finder { fname :: String
, finder :: G_cons_checker
, comorphs :: [AnyComorphism]
, selected :: Int }
data FNode = FNode { name :: String
, node :: LNode DGNodeLab
, sublogic :: G_sublogics
, status :: ConsistencyStatus }
instance Show ConsistencyStatus where
show CSUnchecked = "Unchecked"
show (CSConsistent s) = s
show (CSInconsistent s) = s
show (CSTimeout s) = s
show (CSError s) = s
instance Eq ConsistencyStatus where
(==) CSUnchecked CSUnchecked = True
(==) (CSConsistent _) (CSConsistent _) = True
(==) (CSInconsistent _) (CSInconsistent _) = True
(==) (CSTimeout _) (CSTimeout _) = True
(==) (CSError _) (CSError _) = True
(==) _ _ = False
-- | Displays the consistency checker window
showConsistencyChecker :: GInfo -> IO ()
showConsistencyChecker gInfo@(GInfo { libName = ln }) = postGUIAsync $ do
xml <- getGladeXML ConsistencyChecker.get
-- get objects
window <- xmlGetWidget xml castToWindow "ConsistencyChecker"
btnClose <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnClose"
btnResults <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnResults"
-- get nodes view and buttons
trvNodes <- xmlGetWidget xml castToTreeView "trvNodes"
btnNodesAll <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnNodesAll"
btnNodesNone <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnNodesNone"
btnNodesInvert <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnNodesInvert"
btnNodesUnchecked <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnNodesUnchecked"
btnNodesTimeout <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnNodesTimeout"
-- get checker view and buttons
lblComorphism <- xmlGetWidget xml castToLabel "lblComorphism"
lblSublogic <- xmlGetWidget xml castToLabel "lblSublogic"
sbTimeout <- xmlGetWidget xml castToSpinButton "sbTimeout"
btnCheck <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnCheck"
btnStop <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnStop"
btnFineGrained <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnFineGrained"
trvFinder <- xmlGetWidget xml castToTreeView "trvFinder"
windowSetTitle window "Consistency Checker"
let widgets = [ toWidget trvFinder
, toWidget btnFineGrained
, toWidget sbTimeout
, toWidget lblComorphism
, toWidget lblSublogic
checkWidgets = widgets ++ [ toWidget btnClose
, toWidget trvNodes
, toWidget btnNodesAll
, toWidget btnNodesNone
, toWidget btnNodesInvert
, toWidget btnNodesUnchecked
, toWidget btnNodesTimeout
, toWidget btnResults
switch b = do
widgetSetSensitive btnStop $ not b
widgetSetSensitive btnCheck b
widgetSetSensitive btnStop False
widgetSetSensitive btnCheck False
widgetSetSensitive btnResults False
stop <- newEmptyMVar
mView <- newEmptyMVar
-- get nodes
(le, dg, nodes) <- do
ost <- readIORef $ intState gInfo
case i_state ost of
Nothing -> error "No state given."
Just ist -> do
let le = i_libEnv ist
dg = lookupDGraph ln le
return (le, dg, labNodesDG dg)
let sls = map sublogicOfTh $ mapMaybe (globalTheory . snd) nodes
-- setup data
listNodes <- setListData trvNodes getFNodeName
$ map (\ (n@(_,l),s) -> FNode (getDGNodeName l) n s CSUnchecked)
$ zip nodes sls
listFinder <- setListData trvFinder fname []
-- setup view selection actions
let update = do mf <- getSelectedSingle trvFinder listFinder
case mf of
Just (_,f) -> do
case comorphs f !! selected f of
Comorphism cid ->
let cName = language_name cid
dName = drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= ';') cName
in labelSetLabel lblComorphism
$ if null dName then "identity" else dName
widgetSetSensitive btnCheck True
Nothing -> do
labelSetLabel lblComorphism "No path selected"
widgetSetSensitive btnCheck False
setListSelectorSingle trvFinder update
selection <- setListSelectorMultiple trvNodes btnNodesAll btnNodesNone
btnNodesInvert $ updateNodes trvNodes listNodes
(\ s -> do
labelSetLabel lblSublogic $ show s
updateFinder trvFinder listFinder s)
(do labelSetLabel lblSublogic "No sublogic"
listStoreClear listFinder
activate widgets False
widgetSetSensitive btnCheck False)
(do activate widgets True
widgetSetSensitive btnCheck False)
-- bindings
let selectWith f = do
mModel <- treeViewGetModel trvNodes
case mModel of
Nothing -> return ()
Just m -> do
writeIORef selection []
selector <- treeViewGetSelection trvNodes
treeModelForeach m $ \ iter -> do
path@(row:[]) <- treeModelGetPath m iter
(FNode { status = s }) <- listStoreGetValue listNodes row
if f s then do
treeSelectionSelectIter selector iter
modifyIORef selection (path:)
else treeSelectionUnselectIter selector iter
return False
onClicked btnNodesUnchecked $ selectWith (== CSUnchecked)
onClicked btnNodesTimeout $ selectWith (== CSTimeout "")
onClicked btnResults $ showModelView mView "Models" listNodes
onClicked btnClose $ widgetDestroy window
onClicked btnFineGrained $ fineGrainedSelection trvFinder listFinder update
onClicked btnStop $ do
mStopF <- tryTakeMVar stop
case mStopF of
Nothing -> return ()
Just stopF -> stopF
onClicked btnCheck $ do
activate checkWidgets False
timeout <- spinButtonGetValueAsInt sbTimeout
(updat, exit) <- progressBar "Checking consistency" "please wait..."
nodes' <- getSelectedMultiple trvNodes listNodes
mf <- getSelectedSingle trvFinder listFinder
f <- case mf of
Nothing -> error "Consistency checker: internal error"
Just (_,f) -> return f
switch False
(check ln le dg f timeout updat nodes' stop)
$ \ res -> do
widgetSetSensitive btnStop False
mapM_ (uncurry (listStoreSetValue listNodes)) res
tryTakeMVar stop
switch True
showModelView mView "Results of consistency check" listNodes
activate checkWidgets True
widgetShow window
statusToColor :: ConsistencyStatus -> String
statusToColor s = case s of
CSUnchecked -> "black"
CSConsistent _ -> "green"
CSInconsistent _ -> "red"
CSTimeout _ -> "blue"
CSError _ -> "darkred"
statusToPrefix :: ConsistencyStatus -> String
statusToPrefix s = case s of
CSUnchecked -> "[?] "
CSConsistent _ -> "[+] "
CSInconsistent _ -> "[-] "
CSTimeout _ -> "[t] "
CSError _ -> "[f] "
-- | Get a markup string containing name and color
getFNodeName :: FNode -> String
getFNodeName (FNode { name = n, status = s }) =
"<span color=\"" ++ statusToColor s ++ "\">" ++ statusToPrefix s ++ n ++
-- | Called when node selection is changed. Updates finder list
updateNodes :: TreeView -> ListStore FNode -> (G_sublogics -> IO ())
-> IO () -> IO () -> IO ()
updateNodes view listNodes update lock unlock = do
nodes <- getSelectedMultiple view listNodes
if null nodes then lock
else let sls = map (sublogic . snd) nodes in
maybe lock (\ sl -> do unlock; update sl)
$ foldl (\ ma b -> case ma of
Just a -> joinSublogics b a
Nothing -> Nothing) (Just $ head sls) $ tail sls
-- | Update the list of finder
updateFinder :: TreeView -> ListStore Finder -> G_sublogics -> IO ()
updateFinder view list sl = do
(update, exit) <- pulseBar "Calculating paths" "please wait..."
listStoreClear list
(return $ Map.elems $ foldr
(\ (cc, c) m ->
let n = getPName cc
f = Map.findWithDefault (Finder n cc [] 0) n m in
Map.insert n (f { comorphs = c : comorphs f}) m
) Map.empty
$ getConsCheckers $ findComorphismPaths logicGraph sl)
$ \ res -> do
mapM_ (listStoreAppend list) res
update "finished"
selectFirst view
activate :: [Widget] -> Bool -> IO ()
activate widgets active = mapM_ (\ w -> widgetSetSensitive w active) widgets
check :: LibName -> LibEnv -> DGraph -> Finder -> Int
-> (Double -> String -> IO ()) -> [(Int,FNode)] -> MVar (IO ())
-> IO [(Int, FNode)]
check ln le dg (Finder { finder = cc, comorphs = cs, selected = i}) timeout
update nodes stop = do
stop' <- newEmptyMVar
putMVar stop $ putMVar stop' ()
let count' = fromIntegral $ length nodes
c = cs !! i
(_,r) <- foldM (\ (count, r) (row, fn@(FNode { name = n', node = n })) -> do
run <- isEmptyMVar stop'
r' <- if run then do
postGUISync $ update (count / count') n'
res <- consistencyCheck cc c ln le dg n timeout
return $ (row, fn { status = res }):r
else return r
return (count+1, r')) (0,[]) nodes
return r
fineGrainedSelection :: TreeView -> ListStore Finder -> IO () -> IO ()
fineGrainedSelection view list unlock = do
paths <- listStoreToList list
selector <- treeViewGetSelection view
if null paths then error "Cant make selection without sublogic!"
else do
ret <- listChoiceAux "Choose a translation"
(\ (n,_,c) -> n ++ ": " ++ show c) $ concatMap expand paths
case ret of
Just (_,(n,_,c)) -> case findIndex ((n ==) . fname) paths of
Just i -> let f = paths !! i in case findIndex (c ==) $ comorphs f of
Just i' -> do
listStoreSetValue list i $ f { selected = i' }
treeSelectionSelectPath selector [i]
Nothing -> return ()
Nothing -> return ()
Nothing -> return ()
expand :: Finder -> [(String, G_cons_checker, AnyComorphism)]
expand (Finder { fname = n, finder = cc, comorphs = cs }) =
map (\ c -> (n,cc,c)) cs
-- | Displays the model view window
showModelViewAux :: MVar (IO ()) -> String -> ListStore FNode -> IO ()
showModelViewAux lock title list = do
xml <- getGladeXML ConsistencyChecker.get
-- get objects
window <- xmlGetWidget xml castToWindow "ModelView"
btnClose <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnResClose"
frNodes <- xmlGetWidget xml castToFrame "frResNodes"
trvNodes <- xmlGetWidget xml castToTreeView "trvResNodes"
tvModel <- xmlGetWidget xml castToTextView "tvResModel"
windowSetTitle window title
-- setup text view
buffer <- textViewGetBuffer tvModel
textBufferInsertAtCursor buffer ""
tagTable <- textBufferGetTagTable buffer
font <- textTagNew Nothing
set font [ textTagFont := "FreeMono" ]
textTagTableAdd tagTable font
start <- textBufferGetStartIter buffer
end <- textBufferGetEndIter buffer
textBufferApplyTag buffer font start end
-- setup list view
let filterNodes = filter ((/= CSUnchecked) . status)
nodes <- listStoreToList list
listNodes <- setListData trvNodes getFNodeName $ filterNodes nodes
setListSelectorSingle trvNodes $ do
mn <- getSelectedSingle trvNodes listNodes
case mn of
Nothing -> textBufferSetText buffer ""
Just (_,n) -> textBufferSetText buffer $ show $ status n
-- setup actions
onClicked btnClose $ widgetDestroy window
onDestroy window $ do takeMVar lock; return ()
putMVar lock $ do
nodes' <- listStoreToList list
updateListData listNodes $ filterNodes nodes'
widgetSetSizeRequest window 800 600
widgetSetSizeRequest frNodes 250 (-1)
widgetShow window
-- | Displays the model view window
showModelView :: MVar (IO ()) -> String -> ListStore FNode -> IO ()
showModelView lock title list = do
isNotOpen <- isEmptyMVar lock
if isNotOpen then showModelViewAux lock title list
else join (readMVar lock)