GtkAddSentence.hs revision e9458b1a7a19a63aa4c179f9ab20f4d50681c168
{- |
Module : ./GUI/GtkAddSentence.hs
Description : Gtk GUI for adding a sentence
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports existential types)
This module provides a GUI to add a sentence
module GUI.GtkAddSentence where
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Glade
import GUI.GtkUtils
import qualified GUI.Glade.TextField as TextField
import GUI.GraphTypes
import GUI.GraphLogic
import Interfaces.Utils
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory
import Static.FromXmlUtils (BasicExtResponse (..), extendByBasicSpec)
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
gtkAddSentence :: GInfo -> Int -> DGraph -> IO ()
gtkAddSentence gi n dg = postGUIAsync $ do
xml <- getGladeXML TextField.get
-- get objects
window <- xmlGetWidget xml castToWindow "TextField"
btnAbort <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "abort"
btnAdd <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "add"
entry <- xmlGetWidget xml castToEntry "entry"
let lbl = labDG dg n
name = getDGNodeName lbl
windowSetTitle window $ "Add sentence to " ++ name
onClicked btnAbort $ widgetDestroy window
onClicked btnAdd $ do
sen <- entryGetText entry
abort <- anaSentence gi (globalAnnos dg) n lbl sen
when abort $ widgetDestroy window
widgetShow window
errorFeedback :: Bool -> String -> IO Bool
errorFeedback abort msg =
errorDialog "Error" msg >> return abort
anaSentence :: GInfo -> GlobalAnnos -> Int -> DGNodeLab -> String -> IO Bool
anaSentence gi ga n lbl sen = case extendByBasicSpec ga sen $ dgn_theory lbl of
(Success gTh num _ sameSig, str)
| not sameSig -> errorFeedback False $ "signature must not change\n" ++ str
| num < 1 -> errorFeedback False "no sentence recognized"
| num > 1 -> errorFeedback False $ "multiple sentences recognized\n" ++ str
| otherwise -> do
addSentence gi n lbl gTh
return True
(Failure b, str) -> errorFeedback b str
addSentence :: GInfo -> Int -> DGNodeLab -> G_theory -> IO ()
addSentence gi n lbl th = do
let ln = libName gi
iSt = intState gi
ost <- readIORef iSt
let (ost', hist) = updateNodeProof ln ost (n, lbl) th
writeIORef iSt ost'
runAndLock gi $ updateGraph gi hist