GraphTypes.hs revision d9f20cf968e246ec283f0c09f60af4b47b174398
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Types for the Central GUI of Hets
Copyright : (c) Jorina Freya Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic)
module GUI.GraphTypes
( GInfo(..)
, InternalNames(..)
, ConvFunc
, LibFunc
, DaVinciGraphTypeSyn
, Colors(..)
, getColor
, emptyGInfo
, copyGInfo
, lockGlobal
, tryLockGlobal
, unlockGlobal
, mergeHistoryLast2Entries
import GUI.GraphAbstraction(GraphInfo, initgraphs)
import GUI.ProofManagement (GUIMVar)
-- import GUI.History(CommandHistory, emptyCommandHistory)
import GUI.UDGUtils
import Static.DevGraph
import Common.LibName
import Common.Id(nullRange)
import Driver.Options(HetcatsOpts(uncolored), defaultHetcatsOpts)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.Utils
data InternalNames = InternalNames
{ showNames :: Bool
, updater :: [(String,(String -> String) -> IO ())]
-- | Global datatype for all GUI functions
data GInfo = GInfo
{ -- Global
intState :: IORef IntState
, gi_hetcatsOpts :: HetcatsOpts
, windowCount :: MVar Integer
, exitMVar :: MVar ()
, globalLock :: MVar ()
, functionLock :: MVar ()
-- Local
, gi_GraphInfo :: GraphInfo
, internalNamesIORef :: IORef InternalNames
, proofGUIMVar :: GUIMVar
{- | Type of the convertGraph function. Used as type of a parameter of some
functions in GraphMenu and GraphLogic. -}
type ConvFunc = GInfo -> String -> LibFunc -> IO ()
type LibFunc = GInfo -> IO DaVinciGraphTypeSyn
type DaVinciGraphTypeSyn =
Graph DaVinciGraph
-- | Colors to use.
data Colors = Black
| Blue
| Coral
| Green
| Yellow
| Khaki
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Creates an empty GInfo
emptyGInfo :: IO GInfo
emptyGInfo = do
let ihist = IntHistory {
undoList = [],
redoList = [] }
istate = emptyIntIState emptyLibEnv $ Lib_id $ Indirect_link
"" nullRange "" noTime
st = IntState {
i_state = Just istate,
i_hist = ihist,
filename = []}
intSt <- newIORef st
graphInfo <- initgraphs
iorIN <- newIORef $ InternalNames False []
guiMVar <- newEmptyMVar
gl <- newEmptyMVar
fl <- newEmptyMVar
exit <- newEmptyMVar
wc <- newMVar 0
return $ GInfo {
intState = intSt
, gi_GraphInfo = graphInfo
, internalNamesIORef = iorIN
, gi_hetcatsOpts = defaultHetcatsOpts
, proofGUIMVar = guiMVar
, windowCount = wc
, exitMVar = exit
, globalLock = gl
, functionLock = fl
-- | Creates an empty GInfo
copyGInfo :: GInfo -> LIB_NAME -> IO GInfo
copyGInfo gInfo newLN = do
graphInfo <- initgraphs
iorIN <- newIORef $ InternalNames False []
guiMVar <- newEmptyMVar
intSt <- readIORef $ intState gInfo
let intSt' = intSt {
i_state = case i_state intSt of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just st -> Just $ st {
i_ln = newLN}
writeIORef (intState gInfo) $ intSt'
return $ gInfo { gi_GraphInfo = graphInfo
, internalNamesIORef = iorIN
, proofGUIMVar = guiMVar
{- | Acquire the global lock. If already locked it waits till it is unlocked
lockGlobal :: GInfo -> IO ()
lockGlobal (GInfo { globalLock = lock }) = putMVar lock ()
-- | Tries to acquire the global lock. Return False if already acquired.
tryLockGlobal :: GInfo -> IO Bool
tryLockGlobal (GInfo { globalLock = lock }) = tryPutMVar lock ()
-- | Releases the global lock.
unlockGlobal :: GInfo -> IO ()
unlockGlobal (GInfo { globalLock = lock }) = do
unlocked <- tryTakeMVar lock
case unlocked of
Just () -> return ()
Nothing -> error "Global lock wasn't locked."
-- | Generates the colortable
colors :: Map.Map (Colors, Bool, Bool) (String, String)
colors = Map.fromList
[ ((Black, False, False), ("gray0", "gray0" ))
, ((Black, False, True ), ("gray30", "gray5" ))
, ((Blue, False, False), ("RoyalBlue3", "gray20"))
, ((Blue, False, True ), ("RoyalBlue1", "gray23"))
, ((Blue, True, False), ("SteelBlue3", "gray27"))
, ((Blue, True, True ), ("SteelBlue1", "gray30"))
, ((Coral, False, False), ("coral3", "gray40"))
, ((Coral, False, True ), ("coral1", "gray43"))
, ((Coral, True, False), ("LightSalmon2", "gray47"))
, ((Coral, True, True ), ("LightSalmon", "gray50"))
, ((Green, False, False), ("MediumSeaGreen", "gray60"))
, ((Green, False, True ), ("PaleGreen3", "gray63"))
, ((Green, True, False), ("PaleGreen2", "gray67"))
, ((Green, True, True ), ("LightGreen", "gray70"))
, ((Yellow, False, False), ("gold2", "gray78"))
, ((Yellow, False, True ), ("gold", "gray81"))
, ((Khaki, False, False), ("LightGoldenrod3", "gray85"))
, ((Khaki, False, True ), ("LightGoldenrod", "gray88"))
-- | Converts colors to grayscale if needed
getColor :: HetcatsOpts
-> Colors -- ^ Colorname
-> Bool -- ^ Colorvariant
-> Bool -- ^ Lightvariant
-> String
getColor opts c v l = case Map.lookup (c, v, l) colors of
Just (cname, gname) -> if uncolored opts then gname else cname
Nothing -> error $ "Color not defined: "
++ (if v then "alternative " else "")
++ (if l then "light " else "")
++ show c
-- combine last two history entries into one entry (both steps are undone
-- in one call
mergeHistoryLast2Entries :: GInfo -> IO ()
mergeHistoryLast2Entries gInfo = do
ost <- readIORef $ intState gInfo
let ulst = undoList $ i_hist ost
case ulst of
x:y:m -> do
let z = Int_CmdHistoryDescription {
cmdName = (cmdName x) ++ "\n"++ (cmdName y),
cmdDescription = (cmdDescription x) ++
(cmdDescription y) }
nwst= ost {
i_hist = (i_hist ost) {
undoList = z:m
writeIORef (intState gInfo) nwst
return ()
_ -> return ()