GraphLogic.hs revision 4c8d3c5a9e938633f6147b5a595b9b93bfca99e6
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Logic for manipulating the graph in the Central GUI
Copyright : (c) Jorina Freya Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic)
This module provides functions for all the menus in the Hets GUI.
These are then assembled to the GUI in "GUI.GraphMenu".
module GUI.GraphLogic
( undo
, reload
, performProofAction
, openProofStatus
, saveProofStatus
, nodeErr
, proofMenu
, showReferencedLibrary
, getTheoryOfNode
, translateTheoryOfNode
, displaySubsortGraph
, displayConceptGraph
, lookupTheoryOfNode
, showProofStatusOfNode
, proveAtNode
, showNodeInfo
, showEdgeInfo
, checkconservativityOfEdge
, convert
, hideNodes
, getLibDeps
, hideShowNames
, showNodes
, translateGraph
, showLibGraph
, runAndLock
, saveUDGraph
, focusNode
, applyChanges
) where
import Logic.Logic(conservativityCheck,map_sen, comp)
import Logic.Coerce(coerceSign, coerceMorphism)
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Prover
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph(logicGraph)
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.PrintDevGraph
import Static.DGTranslation(libEnv_translation)
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.InferBasic(basicInferenceNode)
import Proofs.StatusUtils(lookupHistory, removeContraryChanges)
import Proofs.TheoremHideShift
import GUI.Utils (listBox, createTextSaveDisplay)
import GUI.Taxonomy (displayConceptGraph,displaySubsortGraph)
import GUI.DGTranslation(getDGLogic)
import GUI.GraphTypes
import qualified GUI.GraphAbstraction as GA
import qualified GUI.HTkUtils (displayTheoryWithWarning,
import GraphConfigure
import TextDisplay(createTextDisplay)
import InfoBus(encapsulateWaitTermAct)
import DialogWin (useHTk)
import Messages(warningMess, errorMess)
import qualified HTk
import Configuration(size)
import FileDialog(newFileDialogStr)
import Common.DocUtils (showDoc)
import Common.AS_Annotation (isAxiom)
import Common.Consistency
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result as Res
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Driver.Options
import Driver.WriteLibDefn(writeShATermFile)
import Driver.ReadFn(libNameToFile, readVerbose)
import Driver.AnaLib(anaLibExt, anaLib)
import System.Directory(getModificationTime)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Char(toLower)
import Data.List(partition)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (Node, LEdge, LNode)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad(foldM, filterM)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-- | Locks the global lock and runs function
runAndLock :: GInfo -> IO () -> IO ()
runAndLock (GInfo { functionLock = lock
, gi_GraphInfo = actGraphInfo
}) function = do
locked <- tryPutMVar lock ()
case locked of
True -> do
GA.deactivateGraphWindow actGraphInfo
takeMVar lock
GA.redisplay actGraphInfo
GA.layoutImproveAll actGraphInfo
GA.activateGraphWindow actGraphInfo
False ->
GA.showTemporaryMessage actGraphInfo
$ "an other function is still working ... please wait ..."
-- | negate change
negateChange :: DGChange -> DGChange
negateChange change = case change of
InsertNode x -> DeleteNode x
DeleteNode x -> InsertNode x
InsertEdge x -> DeleteEdge x
DeleteEdge x -> InsertEdge x
SetNodeLab old (node, new) -> SetNodeLab new (node, old)
-- | Undo one step of the History
undo :: GInfo -> Bool -> IO ()
undo gInfo@(GInfo { globalHist = gHist
, gi_GraphInfo = actGraph
}) isUndo = do
(guHist, grHist) <- takeMVar gHist
case if isUndo then guHist else grHist of
[] -> do
GA.showTemporaryMessage actGraph "History is empty..."
putMVar gHist (guHist, grHist)
(lns:gHist') -> do
undoDGraphs gInfo isUndo lns
putMVar gHist $ if isUndo then (gHist', reverse lns : grHist)
else (reverse lns : guHist, gHist')
undoDGraphs :: GInfo -> Bool -> [LIB_NAME] -> IO ()
undoDGraphs _ _ [] = return ()
undoDGraphs g u (ln:r) = do
undoDGraph g u ln
undoDGraphs g u r
undoDGraph :: GInfo -> Bool -> LIB_NAME -> IO ()
undoDGraph gInfo@(GInfo { libEnvIORef = ioRefProofStatus
, gi_GraphInfo = actGraph
}) isUndo ln = do
GA.showTemporaryMessage actGraph $
(if isUndo then "Un" else "Re") ++ "do last change to "
++ show ln ++ "..."
lockGlobal gInfo
le <- readIORef ioRefProofStatus
dg = lookupDGraph ln le
hist = (proofHistory dg, redoHistory dg)
swap (a, b) = (b, a)
(phist, rhist) = (if isUndo then id else swap) hist
(cl@(rs, cs), newHist) = case phist of
hd : tl -> (hd, (tl, hd : rhist))
_ -> error "undoDGraph"
(newPHist, newRHist) = (if isUndo then id else swap) newHist
change = if isUndo then (reverse rs, reverse $ map negateChange cs)
else cl
dg' = (changesDG dg $ snd change)
{ proofHistory = newPHist
, redoHistory = newRHist }
writeIORef ioRefProofStatus $ Map.insert ln dg' le
case openlock dg' of
Nothing -> return ()
Just lock -> do
mvar <- tryTakeMVar lock
case mvar of
Nothing -> return ()
Just applyHist -> do
applyHist [change]
putMVar lock applyHist
unlockGlobal gInfo
-- | reloads the Library of the DevGraph
reload :: GInfo -> IO()
reload gInfo@(GInfo { libEnvIORef = ioRefProofStatus
, gi_LIB_NAME = ln
, gi_hetcatsOpts = opts
, gi_GraphInfo = actGraphInfo
}) = do
lockGlobal gInfo
oldle <- readIORef ioRefProofStatus
libdeps = Rel.toList $ Rel.intransKernel $ Rel.transClosure $ Rel.fromList
$ getLibDeps oldle
ioruplibs <- newIORef ([] :: [LIB_NAME])
writeIORef ioruplibs []
reloadLibs ioRefProofStatus opts libdeps ioruplibs ln
unlockGlobal gInfo
libs <- readIORef ioruplibs
case libs of
[] -> GA.showTemporaryMessage actGraphInfo "Reload not needed!"
_ -> remakeGraph gInfo
-- | Creates a list of all LIB_NAME pairs, which have a dependency
getLibDeps :: LibEnv -> [(LIB_NAME, LIB_NAME)]
getLibDeps le =
concat $ map (\ ln -> getDep ln le) $ Map.keys le
-- | Creates a list of LIB_NAME pairs for the fist argument
getDep :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> [(LIB_NAME, LIB_NAME)]
getDep ln le = map (\ (_, x) -> (ln, dgn_libname x)) $
filter (isDGRef . snd) $ labNodesDG $ lookupDGraph ln le
-- | Reloads a library
reloadLib :: IORef LibEnv -> HetcatsOpts -> IORef [LIB_NAME] -> LIB_NAME
-> IO ()
reloadLib iorle opts ioruplibs ln = do
mfile <- existsAnSource opts {intype = GuessIn}
$ rmSuffix $ libNameToFile opts ln
case mfile of
Nothing -> return ()
Just file -> do
le <- readIORef iorle
mFunc <- case openlock $ lookupDGraph ln le of
Just lock -> tryTakeMVar lock
Nothing -> return Nothing
le' = Map.delete ln le
mres <- anaLibExt opts file le'
case mres of
Just (_, newle) -> do
uplibs <- readIORef ioruplibs
writeIORef ioruplibs $ ln:uplibs
case mFunc of
Just func -> case openlock $ lookupDGraph ln newle of
Just lock -> putMVar lock func
Nothing -> errorMess "Reload: Can't set openlock in DevGraph"
Nothing -> return ()
writeIORef iorle $ newle
Nothing ->
errorMess $ "Could not read original development graph from "
++ show file
-- | Reloads libraries if nessesary
reloadLibs :: IORef LibEnv -> HetcatsOpts -> [(LIB_NAME, LIB_NAME)]
-> IORef [LIB_NAME] -> LIB_NAME -> IO Bool
reloadLibs iorle opts deps ioruplibs ln = do
uplibs <- readIORef ioruplibs
case elem ln uplibs of
True -> return True
False -> do
deps' = map (snd) $ filter (\ (ln',_) -> ln == ln') deps
res <- mapM (reloadLibs iorle opts deps ioruplibs) deps'
libupdate = foldl (\ u r -> if r then True else u) False res
case libupdate of
True -> do
reloadLib iorle opts ioruplibs ln
return True
False -> do
le <- readIORef iorle
newln:_ = filter (ln ==) $ Map.keys le
mfile <- existsAnSource opts $ rmSuffix $ libNameToFile opts ln
case mfile of
Nothing -> return False
Just file -> do
newmt <- getModificationTime file
libupdate' = (getModTime $ getLIB_ID newln) < newmt
case libupdate' of
False -> return False
True -> do
reloadLib iorle opts ioruplibs ln
return True
-- | Deletes the old edges and nodes of the Graph and makes new ones
remakeGraph :: GInfo -> IO ()
remakeGraph gInfo@(GInfo { libEnvIORef = ioRefProofStatus
, gi_LIB_NAME = ln
, gi_GraphInfo = actGraphInfo
}) = do
le <- readIORef ioRefProofStatus
dgraph = lookupDGraph ln le
showNodes gInfo
GA.clear actGraphInfo
convert actGraphInfo dgraph
hideNodes gInfo
-- | Toggles to display internal node names
hideShowNames :: GInfo -> Bool -> IO ()
hideShowNames (GInfo { internalNamesIORef = showInternalNames
}) toggle = do
(intrn::InternalNames) <- readIORef showInternalNames
let showThem = if toggle then not $ showNames intrn else showNames intrn
showItrn s = if showThem then s else ""
mapM_ (\(s,upd) -> upd (\_ -> showItrn s)) $ updater intrn
writeIORef showInternalNames $ intrn {showNames = showThem}
-- | shows all hidden nodes and edges
showNodes :: GInfo -> IO ()
showNodes gInfo@(GInfo { gi_GraphInfo = actGraphInfo
}) = do
hhn <- GA.hasHiddenNodes actGraphInfo
case hhn of
True -> do
GA.showTemporaryMessage actGraphInfo "Revealing hidden nodes ..."
GA.showAll actGraphInfo
hideShowNames gInfo False
False -> do
GA.showTemporaryMessage actGraphInfo "No hidden nodes found ..."
-- | hides all unnamed internal nodes that are proven
hideNodes :: GInfo -> IO ()
hideNodes (GInfo { libEnvIORef = ioRefProofStatus
, gi_LIB_NAME = ln
, gi_GraphInfo = actGraphInfo
}) = do
hhn <- GA.hasHiddenNodes actGraphInfo
case hhn of
True ->
GA.showTemporaryMessage actGraphInfo "Nodes already hidden ..."
False -> do
GA.showTemporaryMessage actGraphInfo "Hiding unnamed nodes..."
le <- readIORef ioRefProofStatus
let dg = lookupDGraph ln le
nodes = selectNodesByType dg [LocallyEmptyProvenConsInternal]
edges = getCompressedEdges dg nodes
GA.hideNodes actGraphInfo nodes edges
-- | selects all nodes of a type with outgoing edges
selectNodesByType :: DGraph -> [DGNodeType] -> [Node]
selectNodesByType dg types =
filter (\ n -> outDG dg n /= []) $ map fst
$ filter (\ (_, n) -> elem (getRealDGNodeType n) types) $ labNodesDG dg
-- | compresses a list of types to the highest one
compressTypes :: [DGEdgeType] -> DGEdgeType
compressTypes [] = error "compressTypes: wrong usage"
compressTypes (t:[]) = t
compressTypes (t1:t2:r) = case t1 > t2 of
True -> compressTypes (t1:r)
False -> compressTypes (t2:r)
-- | returns a list of compressed edges
getCompressedEdges :: DGraph -> [Node] -> [(Node,Node,DGEdgeType)]
getCompressedEdges dg hidden =
filterDuplicates $ getShortPaths $ concat
$ map (\ e@(_,t,_) -> map (e:) $ getPaths dg t hidden [])
inEdges = filter (\ (_,t,_) -> elem t hidden)
$ concat $ map (outDG dg)
$ foldr (\ n i -> if elem n hidden
|| elem n i then i else n:i) []
$ map (\ (s,_,_) -> s) $ concat $ map (innDG dg) hidden
-- | filter duplicate paths
filterDuplicates :: [(Node,Node,DGEdgeType)]
-> [(Node,Node,DGEdgeType)]
filterDuplicates [] = []
filterDuplicates ((s,t,et):r) = edge:filterDuplicates others
(same,others) = partition (\ (s',t',_) -> s == s' && t == t') r
edge = (s,t,compressTypes $ et:map (\ (_,_,et') -> et') same)
-- | returns the pahts of a given node through hidden nodes
getPaths :: DGraph -> Node -> [Node] -> [Node] -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getPaths dg node hidden seen' = case elem node hidden of
True -> case edges /= [] of
True -> concat $ map (\ e@(_,t,_) -> map (e:) $ getPaths dg t hidden seen)
False -> []
False -> [[]]
seen = node:seen'
edges = filter (\ (_,t,_) -> notElem t seen) $ outDG dg node
-- | returns source and target node of a path with the compressed type
getShortPaths :: [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
-> [(Node,Node,DGEdgeType)]
getShortPaths [] = []
getShortPaths (p:r) =
((s,t,compressTypes $ map (\ (_,_,e) -> getRealDGLinkType e) p))
: getShortPaths r
(s,_,_) = head p
(_,t,_) = last p
-- | Let the user select a Node to focus
focusNode :: GInfo -> IO ()
focusNode GInfo { libEnvIORef = ioRefProofStatus
, gi_LIB_NAME = ln
, gi_GraphInfo = grInfo } = do
le <- readIORef ioRefProofStatus
idsnodes <- filterM (fmap not . GA.isHiddenNode grInfo . fst)
$ labNodesDG $ lookupDGraph ln le
selection <- listBox "Select a node to focus"
$ map (\ (n, l) -> shows n " " ++ getDGNodeName l) idsnodes
case selection of
Just idx -> GA.focusNode grInfo $ fst $ idsnodes !! idx
Nothing -> return ()
translateGraph :: GInfo -> ConvFunc -> LibFunc -> IO ()
translateGraph (GInfo {libEnvIORef = ioRefProofStatus,
gi_LIB_NAME = ln,
gi_hetcatsOpts = opts
}) convGraph showLib = do
le <- readIORef ioRefProofStatus
openTranslateGraph le ln opts (getDGLogic le) convGraph showLib
showLibGraph :: GInfo -> LibFunc -> IO ()
showLibGraph gInfo showLib = do
showLib gInfo
return ()
{- | it tries to perform the given action to the given graph.
If part of the given graph is not hidden, then the action can
be performed directly; otherwise the graph will be shown completely
firstly, and then the action will be performed, and after that the graph
will be hidden again.
performProofAction :: GInfo -> IO () -> IO ()
performProofAction gInfo@(GInfo { gi_GraphInfo = actGraphInfo
}) proofAction = do
let actionWithMessage = do
GA.showTemporaryMessage actGraphInfo
"Applying development graph calculus proof rule..."
hhn <- GA.hasHiddenNodes actGraphInfo
case hhn of
True -> do
showNodes gInfo
hideNodes gInfo
False -> actionWithMessage
GA.showTemporaryMessage actGraphInfo
"Development graph calculus proof rule finished."
saveProofStatus :: GInfo -> FilePath -> IO ()
saveProofStatus (GInfo { libEnvIORef = ioRefProofStatus
, gi_LIB_NAME = ln
, gi_hetcatsOpts = opts
}) file = encapsulateWaitTermAct $ do
proofStatus <- readIORef ioRefProofStatus
writeShATermFile file (ln, lookupHistory ln proofStatus)
putIfVerbose opts 2 $ "Wrote " ++ file
-- | implementation of open menu, read in a proof status
openProofStatus :: GInfo -> FilePath -> ConvFunc -> LibFunc
-> IO ()
openProofStatus gInfo@(GInfo { libEnvIORef = ioRefProofStatus
, gi_LIB_NAME = ln
, gi_hetcatsOpts = opts
}) file convGraph showLib = do
mh <- readVerbose opts ln file
case mh of
Nothing -> errorMess $ "Could not read proof status from file '"
++ file ++ "'"
Just h -> do
let libfile = libNameToFile opts ln
m <- anaLib opts { outtypes = [] } libfile
case m of
Nothing -> errorMess $ "Could not read original development graph"
++ " from '" ++ libfile ++ "'"
Just (_, libEnv) -> case Map.lookup ln libEnv of
Nothing -> errorMess $ "Could not get original development"
++ " graph for '" ++ showDoc ln "'"
Just dg -> do
lockGlobal gInfo
oldEnv <- readIORef ioRefProofStatus
let proofStatus = Map.insert ln
(applyProofHistory h dg) oldEnv
writeIORef ioRefProofStatus proofStatus
unlockGlobal gInfo
gInfo' <- copyGInfo gInfo ln
convGraph gInfo' "Proof Status " showLib
let actGraphInfo = gi_GraphInfo gInfo
GA.deactivateGraphWindow actGraphInfo
GA.redisplay actGraphInfo
GA.layoutImproveAll actGraphInfo
GA.activateGraphWindow actGraphInfo
-- | apply a rule of the development graph calculus
proofMenu :: GInfo
-> (LibEnv -> IO (Res.Result LibEnv))
-> IO ()
proofMenu gInfo@(GInfo { libEnvIORef = ioRefProofStatus
, gi_LIB_NAME = ln
, gi_GraphInfo = actGraphInfo
, gi_hetcatsOpts = hOpts
, proofGUIMVar = guiMVar
, globalHist = gHist
}) proofFun = do
filled <- tryPutMVar guiMVar Nothing
if not filled
then readMVar guiMVar >>=
(maybe (putIfVerbose hOpts 0 "proofMenu: ignored Nothing")
(\ w -> do
putIfVerbose hOpts 4 $
"proofMenu: Ignored Proof command; " ++
"maybe a proof window is still open?"
HTk.putWinOnTop w))
else do
lockGlobal gInfo
proofStatus <- readIORef ioRefProofStatus
putIfVerbose hOpts 4 "Proof started via \"Proofs\" menu"
Res.Result ds res <- proofFun proofStatus
putIfVerbose hOpts 4 "Analyzing result of proof"
case res of
Nothing -> do
unlockGlobal gInfo
printDiags 2 ds
Just newProofStatus -> do
let newGr = lookupDGraph ln newProofStatus
history = proofHistory newGr
(guHist, grHist) <- takeMVar gHist
doDump hOpts "PrintHistory" $ do
putStrLn "History"
print $ prettyHistory history
putMVar gHist
(calcGlobalHistory proofStatus newProofStatus : guHist, grHist)
applyChanges actGraphInfo history
writeIORef ioRefProofStatus newProofStatus
unlockGlobal gInfo
hideShowNames gInfo False
mGUIMVar <- tryTakeMVar guiMVar
maybe (fail $ "should be filled with Nothing after proof attempt")
(const $ return ())
calcGlobalHistory :: LibEnv -> LibEnv -> [LIB_NAME]
calcGlobalHistory old new = let
pHist = (\ ln le -> proofHistory $ lookupDGraph ln le)
length' = (\ ln le -> length $ pHist ln le)
changes = filter (\ ln -> pHist ln old /= pHist ln new) $ Map.keys old
in concatMap (\ ln -> replicate (length' ln new - length' ln old) ln) changes
nodeErr :: Int -> IO ()
nodeErr descr = error $ "node with descriptor " ++ show descr
++ " has no corresponding node in the development graph"
showNodeInfo :: Int -> DGraph -> IO ()
showNodeInfo descr dgraph = do
let dgnode = labDG dgraph descr
title = (if isDGRef dgnode then ("reference " ++) else
if isInternalNode dgnode then ("internal " ++) else id)
"node " ++ getDGNodeName dgnode ++ " " ++ show descr
createTextDisplay title (title ++ "\n" ++ showDoc dgnode "")
[HTk.size(70, 30)]
{- |
fetches the theory from a node inside the IO Monad
(added by KL based on code in getTheoryOfNode) -}
lookupTheoryOfNode :: IORef LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> Int
-> IO (Res.Result (LibEnv, Node, G_theory))
lookupTheoryOfNode proofStatusRef ln descr = do
libEnv <- readIORef proofStatusRef
return $ do
(libEnv', gth) <- computeTheory True libEnv ln descr
return (libEnv', descr, gth)
showDiagMess :: HetcatsOpts -> [Diagnosis] -> IO ()
showDiagMess opts ds = let es = Res.filterDiags (verbose opts) ds in
if null es then return () else
(if hasErrors es then errorMess else warningMess) $ unlines $ map show es
{- | outputs the theory of a node in a window;
used by the node menu defined in initializeGraph-}
getTheoryOfNode :: GInfo -> Int -> DGraph -> IO ()
getTheoryOfNode gInfo@(GInfo { gi_LIB_NAME = ln
, gi_GraphInfo = actGraphInfo
, libEnvIORef = le
}) descr dgraph = do
r <- lookupTheoryOfNode le ln descr
case r of
Res.Result ds res -> do
showDiagMess (gi_hetcatsOpts gInfo) ds
case res of
(Just (le', n, gth)) -> do
lockGlobal gInfo
"Theory" (getNameOfNode n dgraph)
(addHasInHidingWarning dgraph n)
let newGr = lookupDGraph ln le'
newHistory = proofHistory newGr
libEnv <- readIORef le
let oldHistory = proofHistory $ lookupDGraph ln libEnv
history = take (length newHistory - length oldHistory) newHistory
applyChanges actGraphInfo history
writeIORef le le'
unlockGlobal gInfo
_ -> return ()
{- | translate the theory of a node in a window;
used by the node menu defined in initializeGraph-}
translateTheoryOfNode :: GInfo -> Int -> DGraph -> IO ()
gInfo@(GInfo {gi_hetcatsOpts = opts, libEnvIORef = le}) node dgraph = do
libEnv <- readIORef le
let Res.Result ds mEnv = computeTheory False libEnv (gi_LIB_NAME gInfo) node
case mEnv of
Just (_, th@(G_theory lid sign _ sens _)) -> do
-- find all comorphism paths starting from lid
let paths = findComorphismPaths logicGraph (sublogicOfTh th)
-- let the user choose one
sel <- listBox "Choose a node logic translation" $ map show paths
case sel of
Nothing -> warningMess "no node logic translation chosen"
Just i -> do
Comorphism cid <- return (paths!!i)
-- adjust lid's
let lidS = sourceLogic cid
lidT = targetLogic cid
sign' <- coerceSign lid lidS "" sign
sens' <- coerceThSens lid lidS "" sens
-- translate theory along chosen comorphism
let Result es mTh = wrapMapTheory cid
(plainSign sign', toNamedList sens')
case mTh of
Nothing -> showDiagMess opts es
Just (sign'', sens1) -> GUI.HTkUtils.displayTheoryWithWarning
"Translated Theory" (getNameOfNode node dgraph)
(addHasInHidingWarning dgraph node)
(G_theory lidT (mkExtSign sign'') startSigId
(toThSens sens1) startThId)
Nothing -> showDiagMess opts ds
-- | Show proof status of a node
showProofStatusOfNode :: GInfo -> Int -> DGraph -> IO ()
showProofStatusOfNode _ descr dgraph = do
let dgnode = labDG dgraph descr
stat = showStatusAux dgnode
title = "Proof status of node "++showName (dgn_name dgnode)
createTextDisplay title stat [HTk.size(105,55)]
showStatusAux :: DGNodeLab -> String
showStatusAux dgnode =
case dgn_theory dgnode of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _ ->
let goals = OMap.filter (not . isAxiom) sens
(proven,open) = OMap.partition isProvenSenStatus goals
consGoal = "\nconservativity of this node"
in "Proven proof goals:\n"
++ showDoc proven ""
++ if not $ hasOpenConsStatus True dgnode
then consGoal
else ""
++ "\nOpen proof goals:\n"
++ showDoc open ""
++ if hasOpenConsStatus False dgnode
then consGoal
else ""
-- | start local theorem proving or consistency checking at a node
proveAtNode :: Bool -> GInfo -> Int -> DGraph -> IO ()
proveAtNode checkCons gInfo@(GInfo { libEnvIORef = ioRefProofStatus
, gi_LIB_NAME = ln
, commandHist = ch }) descr dgraph = do
let dgn = labDG dgraph descr
libNode = (ln,descr)
(dgraph',dgn') <- case hasLock dgn of
True -> return (dgraph, dgn)
False -> do
lockGlobal gInfo
le <- readIORef ioRefProofStatus
(dgraph',dgn') <- initLocking (lookupDGraph ln le) (descr, dgn)
writeIORef ioRefProofStatus $ Map.insert ln dgraph' le
unlockGlobal gInfo
return (dgraph',dgn')
locked <- tryLockLocal dgn'
case locked of
False -> do
createTextDisplay "Error" "Proofwindow already open" [HTk.size(30,10)]
True -> do
let action = do
le <- readIORef ioRefProofStatus
guiMVar <- newMVar Nothing
res <- basicInferenceNode checkCons logicGraph libNode ln
guiMVar le ch
runProveAtNode gInfo (descr, dgn') res
case checkCons || not (hasIncomingHidingEdge dgraph' $ snd libNode) of
True -> action
False -> GUI.HTkUtils.createInfoDisplayWithTwoButtons "Warning"
"This node has incoming hiding links!!!" "Prove anyway"
unlockLocal dgn'
runProveAtNode :: GInfo -> LNode DGNodeLab
-> Res.Result (LibEnv, Res.Result G_theory) -> IO ()
runProveAtNode gInfo (v, dgnode) res = case maybeResult res of
Just (le, tres) -> do
case maybeResult tres of
Just gth -> createTextSaveDisplay
("Model for " ++ getDGNodeName dgnode ++ " node: " ++ show v)
"model.log" $ showDoc gth ""
Nothing -> case diags tres of
[] -> return ()
ds ->
createTextDisplay "Error" (showRelDiags 2 ds) [HTk.size(50,10)]
proofMenu gInfo $ mergeDGNodeLab gInfo
(v, labDG (lookupDGraph (gi_LIB_NAME gInfo) le) v)
Nothing -> return ()
mergeDGNodeLab :: GInfo -> LNode DGNodeLab -> LibEnv -> IO (Res.Result LibEnv)
mergeDGNodeLab (GInfo{gi_LIB_NAME = ln}) (v, new_dgn) le = do
let dg = lookupDGraph ln le
old_dgn = labDG dg v
return $ do
theory <- joinG_sentences (dgn_theory old_dgn) $ dgn_theory new_dgn
let new_dgn' = old_dgn { dgn_theory = theory }
(dg', _) = labelNodeDG (v, new_dgn') dg
dg'' = addToProofHistoryDG ([], [SetNodeLab old_dgn (v, new_dgn')]) dg'
return $ Map.insert ln dg'' le
-- | print the id, origin, type, proof-status and morphism of the edge
showEdgeInfo :: Int -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab) -> IO ()
showEdgeInfo descr me = case me of
Just e@(_, _, l) -> let estr = showLEdge e in
createTextDisplay ("Info of " ++ estr)
(estr ++ "\n" ++ showDoc l "") [HTk.size(70,30)]
Nothing -> createTextDisplay "Error"
("edge " ++ show descr ++ " has no corresponding edge"
++ "in the development graph") [HTk.size(50,10)]
-- | check conservativity of the edge
checkconservativityOfEdge :: Int -> GInfo -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab) -> IO ()
checkconservativityOfEdge _ gInfo@(GInfo{gi_LIB_NAME = ln,
gi_GraphInfo = actGraphInfo,
libEnvIORef = le})
(Just (source,target,linklab)) = do
lockGlobal gInfo
libEnv <- readIORef $ libEnvIORef gInfo
let libEnv' = case convertToNf ln libEnv target of
Result _ (Just lE) -> lE
_ -> error "checkconservativityOfEdge: convertToNf"
let (_, thTar) =
case computeTheory True libEnv' ln target of
Res.Result _ (Just th1) -> th1
_ -> error "checkconservativityOfEdge: computeTheory"
G_theory lid _sign _ sensTar _ <- return thTar
GMorphism cid _ _ morphism2 _ <- return $ dgl_morphism linklab
Just (GMorphism cid' _ _ morphism3 _) <- return $
dgn_sigma $ labDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv') target
morphism2' <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid) lid
"checkconservativityOfEdge" morphism2
morphism3' <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid') lid
"checkconservativityOfEdge" morphism3
let compMor = case comp morphism2' morphism3' of
Res.Result _ (Just phi) -> phi
_ -> error "checkconservativtiyOfEdge: comp"
let (_le', thSrc) =
case computeTheory False libEnv' (gi_LIB_NAME gInfo) source of
Res.Result _ (Just th1) -> th1
_ -> error "checkconservativityOfEdge: computeTheory"
G_theory lid1 sign1 _ sensSrc1 _ <- return thSrc
sign2 <- coerceSign lid1 lid "checkconservativityOfEdge.coerceSign" sign1
sensSrc2 <- coerceThSens lid1 lid "" sensSrc1
let transSensSrc =
mapThSensValue (propagateErrors . map_sen lid compMor) sensSrc2
let Res.Result ds res =
conservativityCheck lid
(plainSign sign2, toNamedList sensSrc2)
compMor $ toNamedList (sensTar `OMap.difference` transSensSrc)
showObls [] = ""
showObls obls = ", provided that the following proof obligations "
++"can be discharged:\n"
++ concatMap ((++"\n").flip showDoc "") obls
showRes = case res of
Just (Just (Inconsistent,obls)) ->
"The link is not conservative"++showObls obls
Just (Just (Conservative,obls)) ->
"The link is conservative"++showObls obls
Just (Just (Monomorphic,obls)) ->
"The link is monomorphic"++showObls obls
Just (Just (Definitional,obls)) ->
"The link is definitional"++showObls obls
_ -> "Could not determine whether link is conservative"
myDiags = showRelDiags 2 ds
createTextDisplay "Result of conservativity check"
(showRes ++ "\n" ++ myDiags) [HTk.size(50,50)]
let newGr = lookupDGraph ln libEnv'
newHistory = proofHistory newGr
oldHistory = proofHistory $ lookupDGraph ln libEnv
history = take (length newHistory - length oldHistory) newHistory
applyChanges actGraphInfo history
writeIORef le libEnv'
unlockGlobal gInfo
checkconservativityOfEdge descr _ Nothing =
createTextDisplay "Error"
("edge " ++ show descr ++ " has no corresponding edge "
++ "in the development graph") [HTk.size(30,10)]
-- | converts a DGraph
convert :: GA.GraphInfo -> DGraph -> IO ()
convert ginfo dgraph = do
convertNodes ginfo dgraph
convertEdges ginfo dgraph
{- | converts the nodes of the development graph, if it has any,
and returns the resulting conversion maps
if the graph is empty the conversion maps are returned unchanged-}
convertNodes :: GA.GraphInfo -> DGraph -> IO ()
convertNodes ginfo = mapM_ (convertNodesAux ginfo) .labNodesDG
{- | auxiliary function for convertNodes if the given list of nodes is
emtpy, it returns the conversion maps unchanged otherwise it adds the
converted first node to the abstract graph and to the affected
conversion maps and afterwards calls itself with the remaining node
list -}
convertNodesAux :: GA.GraphInfo -> LNode DGNodeLab -> IO ()
convertNodesAux ginfo (node, dgnode) =
GA.addNode ginfo node (getRealDGNodeType dgnode) $ getDGNodeName dgnode
{- | converts the edges of the development graph
works the same way as convertNods does-}
convertEdges :: GA.GraphInfo -> DGraph -> IO ()
convertEdges ginfo = mapM_ (convertEdgesAux ginfo) . labEdgesDG
-- | auxiliary function for convertEges
convertEdgesAux :: GA.GraphInfo -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> IO ()
convertEdgesAux ginfo e@(src, tar, lbl) =
GA.addEdge ginfo (dgl_id lbl) (getRealDGLinkType lbl) src tar "" $ Just e
-- | show library referened by a DGRef node (=node drawn as a box)
showReferencedLibrary :: Int -> GInfo -> ConvFunc -> LibFunc -> IO ()
showReferencedLibrary descr gInfo@(GInfo { libEnvIORef = ioRefProofStatus
, gi_LIB_NAME = ln })
convGraph showLib = do
le <- readIORef ioRefProofStatus
let refNode = labDG (lookupDGraph ln le) descr
refLibname = if isDGRef refNode then dgn_libname refNode
else error "showReferencedLibrary"
case Map.lookup refLibname le of
Just _ -> do
gInfo' <- copyGInfo gInfo refLibname
convGraph gInfo' "development graph" showLib
let gv = gi_GraphInfo gInfo'
GA.deactivateGraphWindow gv
hideNodes gInfo'
GA.redisplay gv
GA.layoutImproveAll gv
GA.showTemporaryMessage gv "Development Graph initialized."
GA.activateGraphWindow gv
return ()
Nothing -> error $ "The referenced library (" ++ show refLibname
++ ") is unknown"
-- | apply the changes of first history item (computed by proof rules,
-- see folder Proofs) to the displayed development graph
applyChanges :: GA.GraphInfo -> ProofHistory -> IO ()
applyChanges _ [] = return ()
applyChanges ginfo ((_, hElem) : _) = mapM_ (applyChangesAux ginfo)
$ removeContraryChanges hElem
-- | auxiliary function for applyChanges
applyChangesAux :: GA.GraphInfo -> DGChange -> IO ()
applyChangesAux ginfo change =
case change of
SetNodeLab _ (node, newLab) ->
GA.changeNodeType ginfo node $ getRealDGNodeType newLab
InsertNode (node, nodelab) ->
GA.addNode ginfo node (getRealDGNodeType nodelab) $ getDGNodeName nodelab
DeleteNode (node, _) ->
GA.delNode ginfo node
InsertEdge e@(src, tgt, lbl) ->
GA.addEdge ginfo (dgl_id lbl) (getRealDGLinkType lbl) src tgt "" $ Just e
DeleteEdge (_, _, lbl) ->
GA.delEdge ginfo $ dgl_id lbl
-- | display a window of translated graph with maximal sublogic.
openTranslateGraph :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> HetcatsOpts
-> Res.Result G_sublogics -> ConvFunc -> LibFunc -> IO ()
openTranslateGraph libEnv ln opts (Res.Result diagsSl mSublogic) convGraph
showLib =
-- if an error existed by the search of maximal sublogicn
-- (see GUI.DGTranslation.getDGLogic), the process need not to go on.
let myErrMess = showDiagMess opts in
if hasErrors diagsSl then myErrMess diagsSl else case mSublogic of
Nothing -> errorMess "the maximal sublogic is not found."
Just sublogic -> do
let paths = findComorphismPaths logicGraph sublogic
if null paths then
errorMess "This graph has no comorphism to translation."
else do
-- the user choose one
sel <- listBox "Choose a logic translation"
$ map show paths
case sel of
Nothing -> warningMess "no logic translation chosen"
Just j -> do
-- graph translation.
let Res.Result diagsTrans mLEnv =
libEnv_translation libEnv $ paths !! j
case mLEnv of
Just newLibEnv -> do
showDiagMess opts $ diagsSl ++ diagsTrans
(\gI@(GInfo{libEnvIORef = iorLE}) -> do
writeIORef iorLE newLibEnv
convGraph (gI{ gi_LIB_NAME = ln
, gi_hetcatsOpts = opts})
"translation Graph" showLib)
Nothing -> myErrMess $ diagsSl ++ diagsTrans
dg_showGraphAux :: (GInfo -> IO ()) -> IO ()
dg_showGraphAux convFct = do
useHTk -- All messages are displayed in TK dialog windows
-- from this point on
gInfo <- emptyGInfo
convFct gInfo
let actGraphInfo = gi_GraphInfo gInfo
GA.deactivateGraphWindow actGraphInfo
GA.redisplay actGraphInfo
GA.layoutImproveAll actGraphInfo
GA.activateGraphWindow actGraphInfo
-- DaVinciGraph to String
-- Functions to convert a DaVinciGraph to a String to store as a .udg file
-- | saves the uDrawGraph graph to a file
saveUDGraph :: GInfo -> Map.Map DGNodeType (Shape value, String)
-> Map.Map DGEdgeType (EdgePattern GA.EdgeValue, String) -> IO ()
saveUDGraph gInfo@(GInfo { gi_GraphInfo = graphInfo
, gi_LIB_NAME = ln
, gi_hetcatsOpts = opts
}) nodemap linkmap = do
evnt <- newFileDialogStr "Save as..."
$ (rmSuffix $ libNameToFile opts ln) ++ ".udg"
maybeFilePath <- HTk.sync evnt
case maybeFilePath of
Just filepath -> do
GA.showTemporaryMessage graphInfo "Converting graph..."
nstring <- nodes2String gInfo nodemap linkmap
writeFile filepath nstring
GA.showTemporaryMessage graphInfo $ "Graph stored to " ++ filepath ++ "!"
Nothing -> GA.showTemporaryMessage graphInfo $ "Aborted!"
-- | Converts the nodes of the graph to String representation
nodes2String :: GInfo -> Map.Map DGNodeType (Shape value, String)
-> Map.Map DGEdgeType (EdgePattern GA.EdgeValue, String)
-> IO String
nodes2String gInfo@(GInfo { gi_GraphInfo = graphInfo
, gi_LIB_NAME = ln
, libEnvIORef = ioRefProofStatus
}) nodemap linkmap = do
le <- readIORef ioRefProofStatus
nodes <- filterM (\(n,_) -> do b <- GA.isHiddenNode graphInfo n
return $ not b)
$ labNodesDG $ lookupDGraph ln le
nstring <- foldM (\s node -> do
s' <- (node2String gInfo nodemap linkmap node)
return $ s ++ (if s /= "" then ",\n " else "") ++ s')
"" nodes
return $ "[" ++ nstring ++ "]"
-- | Converts a node to String representation
node2String :: GInfo -> Map.Map DGNodeType (Shape value, String)
-> Map.Map DGEdgeType (EdgePattern GA.EdgeValue, String)
-> LNode DGNodeLab -> IO String
node2String gInfo nodemap linkmap (nid, dgnode) = do
label <- getNodeLabel gInfo dgnode
let ntype = getRealDGNodeType dgnode
(shape, color) <- case Map.lookup ntype nodemap of
Nothing -> error $ "SaveGraph: can't lookup nodetype: " ++ show ntype
Just (s, c) -> return (s, c)
object = "a(\"OBJECT\",\"" ++ label ++ "\"),"
color' = "a(\"COLOR\",\"" ++ color ++ "\"),"
shape' = "a(\"_GO\",\"" ++ (map toLower $ show shape) ++ "\")"
links <- links2String gInfo linkmap nid
return $ "l(\"" ++ (show nid) ++ "\",n(\"" ++ show ntype ++ "\","
++ "[" ++ object ++ color' ++ shape' ++ "],"
++ "\n [" ++ links ++ "]))"
-- | Converts all links of a node to String representation
links2String :: GInfo -> Map.Map DGEdgeType (EdgePattern GA.EdgeValue, String)
-> Int -> IO String
links2String (GInfo { gi_GraphInfo = graphInfo
, gi_LIB_NAME = ln
, libEnvIORef = ioRefProofStatus
}) linkmap nodeid = do
le <- readIORef ioRefProofStatus
edges <- filterM (\(src,_,edge) -> do
let eid = dgl_id edge
b <- GA.isHiddenEdge graphInfo eid
return $ (not b) && src == nodeid)
$ labEdgesDG $ lookupDGraph ln le
foldM (\s edge -> do
s' <- link2String linkmap edge
return $ s ++ (if s /= "" then ",\n " else "") ++ s') "" edges
-- | Converts a link to String representation
link2String :: Map.Map DGEdgeType (EdgePattern GA.EdgeValue, String)
-> LEdge DGLinkLab -> IO String
link2String linkmap (nodeid1, nodeid2, edge) = do
let (EdgeId linkid) = dgl_id edge
ltype = getRealDGLinkType edge
(line, color) <- case Map.lookup ltype linkmap of
Nothing -> error $ "SaveGraph: can't lookup linktype: " ++ show ltype
Just (l, c) -> return (l, c)
name = "\"" ++ (show linkid) ++ ":" ++ (show nodeid1) ++ "->"
++ (show nodeid2) ++ "\""
color' = "a(\"EDGECOLOR\",\"" ++ color ++ "\"),"
line' = "a(\"EDGEPATTERN\",\"" ++ (map toLower $ show line) ++ "\")"
return $ "l(" ++ name ++ ",e(\"" ++ show ltype ++ "\","
++ "[" ++ color' ++ line' ++"],"
++ "r(\"" ++ (show nodeid2) ++ "\")))"
-- | Returns the name of the Node
getNodeLabel :: GInfo -> DGNodeLab -> IO String
getNodeLabel (GInfo {internalNamesIORef = ioRefInternal}) dgnode = do
internal <- readIORef ioRefInternal
let ntype = getDGNodeType dgnode
return $ if (not $ showNames internal) &&
elem ntype ["open_cons__internal"
, "proven_cons__internal"
, "locallyEmpty__open_cons__internal"
, "locallyEmpty__proven_cons__internal"]
then "" else getDGNodeName dgnode