GraphAbstraction.hs revision 8f31d51d47da96200437dd3af1d785cd88a46f71
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Interface for graph viewing and abstraction
Copyright : (c) Thiemo Wiedemeyer, T. Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2008
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (relies on Logic via DevGraph)
Interface for graph viewing and abstraction.
module GUI.GraphAbstraction
( -- * Types
, NodeValue
, EdgeValue
, GraphInfo
-- * Creation and display
, initGraph
, makeGraph
, redisplay
-- * Node interface
, isHiddenNode
, focusNode
-- * Edge interface
, hideSetOfEdgeTypes
, isHiddenEdge
-- * Conversion and update of graph
, applyChanges
, convert
-- * Direct manipulation of uDrawGraph
, layoutImproveAll
, showTemporaryMessage
, deactivateGraphWindow
, activateGraphWindow
, closeGraphWindow
) where
import GUI.UDGUtils
import qualified UDrawGraph.Types as DVT
import qualified UDrawGraph.Basic as DVB
import Events.Destructible as Destructible
import Reactor.BSem
import ATC.DevGraph ()
import Static.DevGraph
import Data.IORef
import Data.List (partition)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (LEdge)
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
-- | uDrawGraph graph
type OurGraph =
Graph DaVinciGraph
-- | Node id type
type NodeId = Int
-- | Node value
type NodeValue = (String, NodeId)
-- | Edge value
type EdgeValue = (String, EdgeId, Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab))
-- | Datastructure for changes, storing all needed information for change
data GAChange
-- Node changes
= AddNode NodeId DGNodeType String Bool
| DelNode NodeId
| ChangeNodeType NodeId DGNodeType
| ShowNode NodeId
| HideNode NodeId
-- Edge changes
| AddEdge EdgeId DGEdgeType NodeId NodeId String (Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab))
| DelEdge EdgeId
| ShowEdge EdgeId
| HideEdge EdgeId
-- Compressed edge changes
| AddCompEdge (NodeId, NodeId, DGEdgeType, Bool)
| DelCompEdge (NodeId, NodeId, DGEdgeType, Bool)
-- | Internal node
data GANode = GANode
{ udgNode :: Maybe (DaVinciNode NodeValue) -- ^ uDrawGraph node
, ganType :: DGNodeType -- ^ ID of nodetype
, ganValue :: NodeValue -- ^ Holds the nodevalue for uDrawGraph node
-- | Internal edge
data GAEdge = GAEdge
{ udgEdge :: Maybe (DaVinciArc EdgeValue) -- ^ uDrawGraph edge
, ganFrom :: NodeId -- ^ ID of source node
, ganTo :: NodeId -- ^ID of target node
, gaeType :: DGEdgeType -- ^ ID of edgetype
, gaeValue :: EdgeValue -- ^ Holds the edgevalue for uDrawGraph edge
-- | Internal node type
data GANodeType = GANodeType
{ udgNodeType :: DaVinciNodeType NodeValue
-- | Internal edge type
data GAEdgeType = GAEdgeType
{ udgEdgeType :: DaVinciArcType EdgeValue
, udgCompressed :: (DaVinciArcType EdgeValue, DaVinciArcType EdgeValue)
, gaeHidden :: Bool
{- | Main datastructure for carrying around the graph,
both internally (nodes as integers), and at the daVinci level -}
data AbstractionGraph = AbstractionGraph
{ theGraph :: OurGraph
, nodes :: Map.Map NodeId GANode
, edges :: Map.Map EdgeId GAEdge
, nodeTypes :: Map.Map DGNodeType GANodeType
, edgeTypes :: Map.Map DGEdgeType GAEdgeType
, compressedEdges :: Map.Map (NodeId, NodeId, DGEdgeType, Bool) GAEdge
-- | IORef for main datastructure
type GraphInfo = IORef AbstractionGraph
instance Eq (DaVinciNode NodeValue) where
(==) = eq1
instance Eq (DaVinciArc EdgeValue) where
(==) = eq1
-- | Wrapper for functions with read access
wrapperRead :: (AbstractionGraph -> IO ()) -- ^ Function to call
-> GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
-> IO ()
wrapperRead func gi = do
g <- readIORef gi
func g
-- | Wrapper for functions with read and write access
wrapperWrite :: (AbstractionGraph -> IO AbstractionGraph) -- ^ Function to call
-> GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
-> IO ()
wrapperWrite func gi = do
g <- readIORef gi
g' <- func g
writeIORef gi g'
-- | Wrapper for functions returning a boolean
wrapperBool :: (AbstractionGraph -> Bool) -- ^ Function to call
-> GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
-> IO Bool -- ^ Return value
wrapperBool func gi = do
g <- readIORef gi
return $ func g
-- | Forces a redraw of the uDrawGraph and wait an amount of time
redisplay' :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> IO ()
redisplay' g = do
redraw (theGraph g)
threadDelay 300000
redisplay :: GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
-> IO ()
redisplay = wrapperRead redisplay'
-- | Creates an empty graph structure
graphtool :: OurGraph -- ^ uDrawGraph graph
graphtool = daVinciSort
-- | Creates the empty AbstractionGraph
initGraph :: IO GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
initGraph = do
let g = AbstractionGraph
{ theGraph = graphtool
, nodes = Map.empty
, edges = Map.empty
, nodeTypes = Map.empty
, edgeTypes = Map.empty
, compressedEdges = Map.empty
newIORef g
-- | Creates the uDrawGraph graph
makeGraph :: GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
-> String -- ^ Title
-> Maybe (IO ()) -- ^ FileOpen menu
-> Maybe (IO ()) -- ^ FileSave menu
-> Maybe (IO ()) -- ^ FileSaveAs menu
-> IO Bool -- ^ FileClose menu
-> Maybe (IO ()) -- ^ FileExit menu
-> [GlobalMenu] -- ^ Edit menu
-> [(DGNodeType,DaVinciNodeTypeParms NodeValue)] -- ^ Node types
-> [(DGEdgeType,DaVinciArcTypeParms EdgeValue)] -- ^ Edge types
-> String -- ^ Compressed edge color
-> IO () -- ^ Expand menu action
-> IO ()
makeGraph gi title open save saveAs close exit menus nTypeParms eTypeParms
color expand' = do
let graphParms =
foldr ($$) (GraphTitle title $$
OptimiseLayout False $$
AllowClose close $$
FileMenuAct OpenMenuOption open $$
FileMenuAct SaveMenuOption save $$
FileMenuAct SaveAsMenuOption saveAs $$
FileMenuAct ExitMenuOption exit $$
(nTypeNames,nTypeParms') = unzip nTypeParms
(eTypeNames,eTypeParms') = unzip eTypeParms
expand = (LocalMenu (Button "Expand" (\ _ -> expand')) $$$)
eTypeParmsCO = map expand eTypeParms'
eTypeParmsCP = map expand $ map (Color color $$$) eTypeParms'
graph <- newGraph graphtool graphParms
nTypes <- mapM (newNodeType graph) nTypeParms'
eTypes <- mapM (newArcType graph) eTypeParms'
cTypesO <- mapM (newArcType graph) eTypeParmsCO
cTypesP <- mapM (newArcType graph) eTypeParmsCP
writeIORef gi $ AbstractionGraph
{ theGraph = graph
, nodes = Map.empty
, edges = Map.empty
, nodeTypes = Map.fromList $ zip nTypeNames
$ map (\ nt -> GANodeType { udgNodeType = nt }) nTypes
, edgeTypes = Map.fromList $ zip eTypeNames
$ map (\ (et,ctO,ctP) -> GAEdgeType { udgEdgeType = et
, udgCompressed = (ctO,ctP)
, gaeHidden = False })
$ zip3 eTypes cTypesO cTypesP
, compressedEdges = Map.empty
{- | similar to lookup (for Map), but returns just the value if lookup was
successful otherwise an error is raised. -}
get :: (Show k, Ord k) => k -> Map.Map k a -> a
get key = Map.findWithDefault (error $ "get: id unknown: " ++ show key) key
{- Functions for adding, deleting, changing and hidding nodes.-}
-- | Adds a node (type id)
addNode :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> NodeId -- ^ ID of the node
-> DGNodeType -- ^ ID of the nodetype
-> String -- ^ Name of the node
-> Bool -- ^ Hidden
-> IO AbstractionGraph
addNode g nId nType nName hidden = if Map.member nId $ nodes g
then error $ "addNode: Node with id " ++ show nId ++ " already exist!"
else do
node' <- if hidden then return Nothing else do
node'' <- newNode (theGraph g) (udgNodeType $ get nType $ nodeTypes g)
return $ Just node''
let node = GANode { udgNode = node'
, ganType = nType
, ganValue = (nName, nId)
return g { nodes = Map.insert nId node $ nodes g }
-- | Deletes a node
delNode :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> NodeId -- ^ ID of the node
-> IO AbstractionGraph
delNode g nId = do
case udgNode $ get nId $ nodes g of
Just node -> deleteNode (theGraph g) node
Nothing -> return ()
return g { nodes = Map.delete nId $ nodes g }
-- | Hides a node
hideNode :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> NodeId -- ^ ID of the node
-> IO AbstractionGraph
hideNode g nId = do
let node = get nId $ nodes g
case udgNode node of
Nothing -> return g
Just node' -> do
deleteNode (theGraph g) node'
return g { nodes = Map.insert nId node {udgNode = Nothing} $ nodes g }
-- | Checks whether a node is hidden or not
isHiddenNode' :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> NodeId -- ^ ID of the node
-> Bool
isHiddenNode' g nId = isNothing $ udgNode $ get nId $ nodes g
-- | Checks whether a node is hidden or not
isHiddenNode :: GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
-> NodeId -- ^ ID of the node
-> IO Bool -- ^ Is hidden
isHiddenNode gi nId = wrapperBool (\ g -> isHiddenNode' g nId) gi
-- | Shows a hidden node again
showNode :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> NodeId -- ^ ID of the node
-> IO AbstractionGraph
showNode g nId = do
let node = get nId $ nodes g
case udgNode node of
Just _ -> return g
Nothing -> do
node' <- newNode (theGraph g)
(udgNodeType $ get (ganType node) $ nodeTypes g)
$ ganValue node
g { nodes = Map.insert nId node { udgNode = Just node' } $ nodes g }
-- | Change the node type of the given node
changeNodeType :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> NodeId -- ^ ID of the node
-> DGNodeType -- ^ ID of the nodetype
-> IO AbstractionGraph
changeNodeType g nId nType = do
let node = get nId $ nodes g
case udgNode $ node of
Just node' -> setNodeType (theGraph g) node' $ udgNodeType $ get nType
$ nodeTypes g
Nothing -> return ()
return g { nodes = Map.insert nId node { ganType = nType } $ nodes g }
-- | Focus a node
focusNode' :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> NodeId -- ^ ID of the node
-> IO ()
focusNode' g nId = do
case udgNode $ get nId $ nodes g of
Nothing -> error "focusNode: node is hidden!"
Just node -> setNodeFocus (theGraph g) node
-- | Focus a node
focusNode :: GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
-> NodeId -- ^ ID of the node
-> IO ()
focusNode gi nId = wrapperRead (\ g -> focusNode' g nId) gi
{- Functions for adding, deleting, changing and hidding edges.-}
-- | Adds an edge (type id)
addEdge :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> EdgeId -- ^ ID of the edge
-> DGEdgeType -- ^ ID of the edgetype
-> NodeId -- ^ ID of source node
-> NodeId -- ^ ID of target node
-> String -- ^ Name of the edge
-> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab) -- ^ Label of the edge
-> Bool -- ^ Hidden
-> IO AbstractionGraph
addEdge g eId eType nIdFrom nIdTo eName eLabel hidden =
if Map.member eId $ edges g
then error $ "addEdge: Edge with id " ++ show eId ++ " already exist!"
else do
let gaeV = (eName, eId, eLabel)
edge' <- if hidden then return Nothing else
case getEdgeAux g nIdFrom nIdTo eType of
Just (nFrom, nTo, gaeT) ->
fmap Just $ newArc (theGraph g) (udgEdgeType gaeT) gaeV nFrom nTo
Nothing -> return Nothing
let edge = GAEdge { udgEdge = edge'
, gaeType = eType
, ganFrom = nIdFrom
, ganTo = nIdTo
, gaeValue = gaeV }
return g { edges = Map.insert eId edge $ edges g }
-- | Gets uDrawGraph source and target node, edge type
getEdgeAux :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> NodeId -- ^ ID of source node
-> NodeId -- ^ ID of target node
-> DGEdgeType -- ^ ID of the edgetype
-> Maybe (DaVinciNode NodeValue, DaVinciNode NodeValue, GAEdgeType)
-- ^ uDrawGraph source and target node, edge type
getEdgeAux g nIdFrom nIdTo eType =
let ns = nodes g
gaeT = get eType $ edgeTypes g
in case (udgNode $ get nIdFrom ns, udgNode $ get nIdTo ns) of
(Just nFrom, Just nTo) | f gaeT nIdFrom nIdTo -> Just (nFrom, nTo, gaeT)
_ -> Nothing
where f = (\et nf nt -> not (gaeHidden et || isHiddenNode' g nf
|| isHiddenNode' g nt))
-- | Deletes an edge
delEdge :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> EdgeId -- ^ ID of the node
-> IO AbstractionGraph
delEdge g eId = do
case udgEdge $ get eId $ edges g of
Just edge -> deleteArc (theGraph g) edge
Nothing -> return ()
return g { edges = Map.delete eId $ edges g }
-- | Adds an compressed edge
addCompressedEdge :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> (NodeId, NodeId, DGEdgeType, Bool) -- ^ Compressed edge id
-> IO AbstractionGraph
addCompressedEdge g ce@(nIdFrom, nIdTo, eType, orig) = do
let gaeV = ("", EdgeId 0, Nothing)
edge' <- case getEdgeAux g nIdFrom nIdTo eType of
Just (nFrom, nTo, gaeT) ->
fmap Just $ newArc (theGraph g)
((if orig then fst else snd) $ udgCompressed gaeT)
gaeV nFrom nTo
Nothing -> return Nothing
let edge = GAEdge { udgEdge = edge'
, gaeType = eType
, ganFrom = nIdFrom
, ganTo = nIdTo
, gaeValue = gaeV }
return g { compressedEdges = Map.insert ce edge $ compressedEdges g }
-- | Deletes an compressed edge
delCompressedEdge :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> (NodeId, NodeId, DGEdgeType, Bool) -- ^ Compressed edge id
-> IO AbstractionGraph
delCompressedEdge g ce = do
case udgEdge $ get ce $ compressedEdges g of
Just edge -> deleteArc (theGraph g) edge
Nothing -> return ()
return g { compressedEdges = Map.delete ce $ compressedEdges g }
-- | Hides an edge
hideEdge :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> EdgeId -- ^ ID of the edge
-> IO AbstractionGraph
hideEdge g eId = do
let edge = get eId $ edges g
case udgEdge edge of
Nothing -> return g
Just edge' -> do
deleteArc (theGraph g) edge'
return g { edges = Map.insert eId edge { udgEdge = Nothing } $ edges g }
-- | Hides a set of edgetypes (type ids)
hideSetOfEdgeTypes' :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> [DGEdgeType] -- ^ IDs of the edgetypes to hide
-> IO AbstractionGraph
hideSetOfEdgeTypes' g eTypes = do
let (hEdges, sEdges) = Map.foldWithKey (\ eid e (he, se) ->
if elem (gaeType e) eTypes then (eid : he, se) else (he, eid : se))
([], []) $ edges g'
g' = g { edgeTypes = Map.mapWithKey
(\ etId et -> et { gaeHidden = elem etId eTypes }) $ edgeTypes g }
g'' <- foldM hideEdge g' hEdges
foldM showEdge g'' sEdges
-- | Hides a set of edgetypes (type ids)
hideSetOfEdgeTypes :: GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
-> [DGEdgeType] -- ^ IDs of the edgetypes to hide
-> IO ()
hideSetOfEdgeTypes gi eT = wrapperWrite (\g -> hideSetOfEdgeTypes' g eT) gi
-- | Checks whether an edge is hidden or not
isHiddenEdge' :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> EdgeId -- ^ ID of the edge
-> Bool -- ^ Is edge hidden
isHiddenEdge' g eId = isNothing $ udgEdge $ get eId $ edges g
-- | Checks whether an edge is hidden or not
isHiddenEdge :: GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
-> EdgeId -- ^ ID of the edge
-> IO Bool -- ^ Is edge hidden
isHiddenEdge gi eId = wrapperBool (\ g -> isHiddenEdge' g eId) gi
-- | Shows a hidden edge again
showEdge :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> EdgeId -- ^ ID of the edge
-> IO AbstractionGraph
showEdge g eId = do
let es = edges g
edge = get eId es
case udgEdge edge of
Just _ -> return g
Nothing -> case getEdgeAux g (ganFrom edge) (ganTo edge) (gaeType edge) of
Just (nFrom, nTo, gaeT) -> do
edge' <- newArc (theGraph g) (udgEdgeType gaeT) (gaeValue edge) nFrom
return g { edges = Map.insert eId edge { udgEdge = Just edge' } es }
Nothing -> return g
-- * Conversion and update of graph
-- | Apply changes to the uDrawGraph graph
applyChanges' :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> [DGChange] -- ^ List of changes
-> [NodeId] -- ^ IDs of the nodes to hide
-> [EdgeId] -- ^ IDs of the edges to hide
-> [(NodeId, NodeId, DGEdgeType, Bool)] -- ^ A list of new edges
-> IO AbstractionGraph
applyChanges' g dgchanges hnIds heIds' ce = do
-- split and convert changes
(an',dn,cnt',ae',de) = convertChanges dgchanges ([],[],[],[],[])
-- get Ids
anIds = map (\(AddNode nId _ _ _) -> nId) an'
dnIds = map (\(DelNode nId) -> nId) dn
aeIds = map (\(AddEdge eId _ _ _ _ _ _) -> eId) ae'
deIds = map (\(DelEdge eId) -> eId) de
heIds = heIds' ++ (map fst $ filter (\ (eId,e) -> notElem eId deIds &&
notElem eId heIds' && (elem (ganTo e) hnIds || elem (ganFrom e) hnIds))
$ Map.toList $ edges g)
-- filter multiple changes and changes for deleted and new nodes
(cnt, new) = partition (\(ChangeNodeType nId _) -> notElem nId anIds)
$ filter (\(ChangeNodeType nId _) -> notElem nId dnIds) $ fst
$ foldl (\(cs, nIds) c@(ChangeNodeType nId _) -> if elem nId nIds
then (cs, nIds) else (c:cs, nId:nIds)) ([],[]) $ reverse cnt'
-- fuction for geting new nt if node type change is submitted for node
nnT = \ nId nT -> foldl (\nT' (ChangeNodeType nId' nT'') ->
if nId == nId' then nT'' else nT') nT new
-- update node type and mark as hidden if they would be hidden afterwards
an = map (\(AddNode nId nT nN _) -> AddNode nId (nnT nId nT) nN
$ elem nId hnIds) an'
-- old compressed edges
oce = Map.keys $ compressedEdges g
-- delete compressed edges not needed anymore
dce = foldl (\es e -> if elem e ce then es else DelCompEdge e:es) [] oce
-- get hidden nodes that are not hidden after update
sn = map (\n -> ShowNode n) $ filter
(\n -> isHiddenNode' g n && notElem n hnIds && notElem n dnIds)
$ Map.keys $ nodes g
-- edges to hide
he = map (\e -> HideEdge e) $ filter
(\eId -> notElem eId aeIds && (not $ isHiddenEdge' g eId)) heIds
-- mark as hidden if they would be hidden afterwards
ae = map (\(AddEdge eId eT nIdF nIdT eN eL _) ->
AddEdge eId eT nIdF nIdT eN eL $ elem nIdF hnIds || elem nIdT hnIds ||
elem eId heIds) ae'
-- nodes to hide
hn = map (\n -> HideNode n) $ filter
(\nId -> notElem nId anIds && (not $ isHiddenNode' g nId)) hnIds
-- edges to show
se = map (\e -> ShowEdge e)
$ filter (\ e -> isHiddenEdge' g e && notElem e heIds && notElem e deIds)
$ Map.keys $ edges g
-- get compressed edges to add
ace = foldl (\es e -> if elem e oce then es else AddCompEdge e:es) [] ce
-- concat changes
changes = de ++ dce ++ dn ++ cnt ++ sn ++ an ++ he ++ hn ++ se ++ ae ++ ace
foldM applyChange g changes
-- | Apply changes to the uDrawGraph graph
applyChanges :: GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
-> [DGChange] -- ^ List of changes
-> [NodeId] -- ^ IDs of the nodes to hide
-> [EdgeId] -- ^ IDs of the edges to hide
-> [(NodeId, NodeId, DGEdgeType, Bool)] -- ^ A list of new edges
-> IO ()
applyChanges gi changes nIds eIds compedges =
wrapperWrite (\ g -> applyChanges' g changes nIds eIds compedges) gi
-- | Converts and splits DGChanges to GAChanges
convertChanges :: [DGChange] -- ^ Development graph changes
-> ([GAChange], [GAChange], [GAChange], [GAChange], [GAChange])
-- ^ Graph abstraction changes
-> ([GAChange], [GAChange], [GAChange], [GAChange], [GAChange])
-- ^ Graph abstraction changes
convertChanges [] changes = changes
convertChanges (c:r) (an, dn, cnt, ae, de) = case change of
AddNode _ _ _ _ -> convertChanges r (change : an, dn, cnt, ae, de)
DelNode _ -> convertChanges r (an, change : dn, cnt, ae, de)
ChangeNodeType _ _ -> convertChanges r (an, dn, change : cnt, ae, de)
AddEdge _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> convertChanges r (an, dn, cnt, change : ae, de)
DelEdge _ -> convertChanges r (an, dn, cnt, ae, change : de)
_ -> error "convertChanges: internal error!"
change = convertChange c
-- | Converts a DGChange to a GAChange
convertChange :: DGChange -- ^ Development graph change
-> GAChange -- ^ Graph abstraction change
convertChange change = case change of
InsertNode (node, nodelab) ->
AddNode node (getRealDGNodeType nodelab) (getDGNodeName nodelab) False
DeleteNode (node, _) ->
DelNode node
SetNodeLab _ (node, newLab) ->
ChangeNodeType node $ getRealDGNodeType newLab
InsertEdge e@(src, tgt, lbl) ->
AddEdge (dgl_id lbl) (getRealDGLinkType lbl) src tgt "" (Just e) False
DeleteEdge (_, _, lbl) ->
DelEdge $ dgl_id lbl
-- | Applies a change to the graph
applyChange :: AbstractionGraph -- ^ The graph
-> GAChange -- ^ Change to apply
-> IO AbstractionGraph
applyChange g change = case change of
AddNode nId nT nN nH -> addNode g nId nT nN nH
DelNode nId -> delNode g nId
ChangeNodeType nId nT -> changeNodeType g nId nT
ShowNode nId -> showNode g nId
HideNode nId -> hideNode g nId
AddEdge eId eT nIdF nIdT eN eL eH -> addEdge g eId eT nIdF nIdT eN eL eH
DelEdge eId -> delEdge g eId
ShowEdge eId -> showEdge g eId
HideEdge eId -> hideEdge g eId
AddCompEdge ceId -> addCompressedEdge g ceId
DelCompEdge ceId -> delCompressedEdge g ceId
-- | Converts a DGraph to a list of changes
convert :: DGraph -- ^ The development graph
-> [DGChange] -- ^ List of changes
convert dg = (map (\n -> InsertNode n) $ labNodesDG dg)
++ (map (\n -> InsertEdge n) $ labEdgesDG dg)
-- * direct manipulation of uDrawGraph
-- | execute in the context of the given graph
doInGraphContext :: DVT.DaVinciCmd -- ^ uDrawGraph command
-> GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
-> IO ()
doInGraphContext cmd gi = do
g <- readIORef gi
let Graph dg = theGraph g
synchronize (pendingChangesLock dg) $ doInContext cmd
$ getDaVinciGraphContext dg
-- | Improve the layout of a graph like calling \"Layout->Improve All\"
layoutImproveAll :: GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
-> IO ()
layoutImproveAll = doInGraphContext (DVT.Menu $ DVT.Layout $ DVT.ImproveAll)
-- | Display a message in a uDrawGraph window controlled by AbstractGraphView
showTemporaryMessage :: GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
-> String -- ^ message to be displayed
-> IO ()
showTemporaryMessage gi message =
doInGraphContext (DVT.Window $ DVT.ShowMessage message) gi
-- | Deactivate the input of all uDrawGraph windows;
-- Warning: every deactivate event must be paired an activate event
deactivateGraphWindow :: GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
-> IO ()
deactivateGraphWindow = doInGraphContext (DVT.Window DVT.Deactivate)
-- | Activate the input of a uDrawGraph display
activateGraphWindow :: GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
-> IO ()
activateGraphWindow = doInGraphContext (DVT.Window DVT.Activate)
-- | Closes the Window
closeGraphWindow :: GraphInfo -- ^ The graph
-> IO ()
closeGraphWindow gi = readIORef gi >>= destroyGraph . theGraph
-- | destroy graph
destroyGraph :: OurGraph -- ^ uDrawGraph graph
-> IO ()
destroyGraph (Graph dg) = destroy $ getDaVinciGraphContext dg