GenericATPState.hs revision 1842453990fed8a1bd7a5ac792d7982c1d2bfcd5
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Help functions for GUI.GenericATP
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Rainer Grabbe, Uni Bremen 2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : ?
Data structures and initialising functions for Prover state and configurations.
Used by GUI.GenericATP.
module GUI.GenericATPState where
import Logic.Prover
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import Common.ProofUtils
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Data.List
import Data.Time (TimeOfDay,midnight)
import Control.Monad
import Text.Regex
-- * Data Structures
type ATPIdentifier = String
data GenericConfig proof_tree = GenericConfig {
-- | Time limit in seconds passed
-- to prover via extra option. Default will be used if Nothing.
timeLimit :: Maybe Int,
-- | True if timelimit exceeded during last prover run.
timeLimitExceeded :: Bool,
-- | Extra options passed verbatimely to prover.
-- -DocProof, -Stdin, and -TimeLimit will be overridden.
extraOpts :: [String],
-- | Represents the result of a prover run.
proof_status :: Proof_status proof_tree,
resultOutput :: [String],
-- | global time used in milliseconds
timeUsed :: TimeOfDay
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
{- |
Creates an empty GenericConfig with a given goal name.
Default time limit, no resultOutput and no extra options.
emptyConfig :: (Ord proof_tree) =>
String -- ^ name of the prover
-> String -- ^ name of the goal
-> proof_tree -- ^ initial empty proof_tree
-> GenericConfig proof_tree
emptyConfig prName n pt =
GenericConfig {timeLimit = Nothing,
timeLimitExceeded = False,
extraOpts = [],
proof_status = openProof_status n prName pt,
resultOutput = [],
timeUsed = midnight
{- |
Performs a lookup on the ConfigsMap. Returns the config for the goal or an
empty config if none is set yet.
getConfig :: (Ord proof_tree) =>
String -- ^ name of the prover
-> ATPIdentifier -- ^ name of the goal
-> proof_tree -- ^ initial empty proof_tree
-> GenericConfigsMap proof_tree
-> GenericConfig proof_tree
getConfig prName genid pt m = maybe (emptyConfig prName genid pt)
id lookupId
lookupId = Map.lookup genid m
{- |
We need to store one GenericConfig per goal.
type GenericConfigsMap proof_tree = Map.Map ATPIdentifier
(GenericConfig proof_tree)
{- |
New goal name mapped to old goal name
type GenericGoalNameMap = Map.Map String String
{- |
Represents the global state of the prover GUI.
data GenericState sign sentence proof_tree pst = GenericState {
-- | currently selected goal or Nothing
currentGoal :: Maybe ATPIdentifier,
-- | initial empty proof_tree
proof_tree :: proof_tree,
-- | stores the prover configurations for each goal
-- and the results retrieved by running prover for each goal
configsMap :: GenericConfigsMap proof_tree,
-- | stores a mapping from the ATP compliant
-- labels to the original labels for all goals
namesMap :: GenericGoalNameMap,
-- | list of all goals
goalsList :: [AS_Anno.Named sentence],
-- | logical part without theorems
proverState :: pst
{- |
Initialising the specific prover state containing logical part.
type InitialProverState sign sentence pst =
sign -> [AS_Anno.Named sentence] -> pst
type TransSenName = String -> String
{- |
Creates an initial GenericState around a Theory.
initialGenericState :: (Show sentence, Ord sentence, Ord proof_tree) =>
String -- ^ name of the prover
-> InitialProverState sign sentence pst
-> TransSenName
-> Theory sign sentence proof_tree
-> proof_tree -- ^ initial empty proof_tree
-> GenericState sign sentence proof_tree pst
initialGenericState prName ips trSenName th pt =
GenericState {currentGoal = Nothing,
proof_tree = pt,
configsMap = Map.fromList $
map (\ g ->
let gName = AS_Anno.senName g
ec = emptyConfig prName gName pt
in (gName, ec {proof_status =
updateTactic_script (proof_status ec) gName}))
namesMap = collectNameMapping nSens oSens',
goalsList = goals,
proverState = ips sign oSens'
where Theory sign oSens = th
-- Search in list of Proof_status for first occurence of an Open goal
-- with non-empty Tactic_script and update Tactic_script if found.
updateTactic_script prStat gn =
maybe prStat
(\senSt ->
let validThmStatus = filter (\tStatus ->
(goalStatus tStatus == Open) &&
(not $ tacticScript tStatus == Tactic_script ""))
$ thmStatus senSt
in if null validThmStatus
then prStat
else prStat { tacticScript = tacticScript
$ head validThmStatus })
$ OMap.lookup gn oSens
oSens' = toNamedList oSens
nSens = disambiguateSens Set.empty $ prepareSenNames trSenName oSens'
goals = filter (not . AS_Anno.isAxiom) nSens
{- | applies the recorded name mapping (in the state) of prover
specific names to the original names to the list of Proof_status
(the name of the goal and the names of used axioms are translated);
additionally the axioms generated from typing information are
removed and warnings are generated. -}
revertRenamingOfLabels :: (Show sentence, Ord sentence, Ord proof_tree) =>
GenericState sign sentence proof_tree pst
-> [Proof_status proof_tree]
-> Result [Proof_status proof_tree]
revertRenamingOfLabels st = foldM transNames []
where trN x' = Map.findWithDefault
(error ("GenericATPState: Lookup of name failed: (2) "++
"should not happen \""++x'++"\""))
x' (namesMap st)
transNames tr_pStats pStat =
do uAxs <- foldM fil [] $ reverse $ usedAxioms pStat
return ((pStat { goalName = trN $ goalName pStat
, usedAxioms = uAxs }):tr_pStats)
where fil axs ax =
maybe (appendDiags [Diag Warning
("by interface to "++
proverName pStat++
": unknown axiom \""++ax++
"\" omitted from list of used "++
"axioms of goal \""++
trN (goalName pStat)++"\"")
>> return axs)
(\ tAx -> return (tAx:axs) )
(Map.lookup ax (namesMap st))
{- |
Represents the general return value of a prover run.
data ATPRetval
-- | prover completed successfully
= ATPSuccess
-- | prover did not terminate before the time limit exceeded
| ATPTLimitExceeded
-- | an error occured while running the prover
| ATPError String
-- | ATP batch mode was stopped with killthread
| ATPBatchStopped
deriving (Eq, Show)
type RunProver sentence proof_tree pst =
pst -- ^ prover state containing logical part
-> GenericConfig proof_tree -- ^ configuration to use
-> Bool -- ^ True means save problem file
-> String -- ^ name of the theory in the DevGraph
-> AS_Anno.Named sentence -- ^ goal to prove
-> IO (ATPRetval, GenericConfig proof_tree) -- ^ (retval, configuration with proof_status and complete output)
{- |
Prover specific functions
data ATPFunctions sign sentence proof_tree pst = ATPFunctions {
-- | initial prover specific state
initialProverState :: InitialProverState sign sentence pst,
-- | prover specific translation of goal name
atpTransSenName :: TransSenName,
-- | inserts a goal into prover state
atpInsertSentence :: pst -> AS_Anno.Named sentence -> pst,
-- | output of a goal in a prover specific format
goalOutput :: pst -> AS_Anno.Named sentence-> [String] -> IO String,
-- | help text
proverHelpText :: String,
-- | environment variable containing time limit for batch time
batchTimeEnv :: String,
-- | file extensions for all output formats
fileExtensions :: FileExtensions,
-- | runs the prover
runProver :: RunProver sentence proof_tree pst,
-- | list of all options the prover finally runs with
createProverOptions :: GenericConfig proof_tree -> [String]
{- |
File extensions for all prover specific output formats.
Given extensions should begin with a dot.
data FileExtensions = FileExtensions {
-- | file extension for saving problem
problemOutput :: String,
-- | file extension for saving prover output
proverOutput :: String,
-- | file extension for saving theory configuration
theoryConfiguration :: String
{- |
Tactic script implementation for ATPs. Read and show functions are provided.
data ATPTactic_script = ATPTactic_script
{ ts_timeLimit :: Int, -- ^ used time limit
ts_extraOpts :: [String] -- ^ used extra options (if any)
} deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show ATPTactic_script where
show ts = "Time limit: " ++ (show $ ts_timeLimit ts)
++ "\nExtra options: " ++ (show $ ts_extraOpts ts)
instance Read ATPTactic_script where
readsPrec _ ts =
let re_atp = mkRegex "Time limit: +([0-9]+).*\nExtra options: +(.*) *"
readMatch = matchRegex re_atp ts
in maybe []
(\sl -> [(ATPTactic_script {
ts_timeLimit = (read $ sl !! 0) :: Int,
ts_extraOpts = (read $ sl !! 1) :: [String]}
, "")])