GenericATP.hs revision 4e9e95ba35a68f3c767bc0b23ebf9e904e442517
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Generic Prover GUI.
Copyright : (c) Klaus Luettich, Rainer Grabbe, Uni Bremen 2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : needs POSIX
Generic GUI for automatic theorem provers. Based upon former SPASS Prover GUI.
module GUI.GenericATP (genericATPgui,guiDefaultTimeLimit) where
import Logic.Prover
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Utils (getEnvSave, readMaybe)
import Common.Result
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import qualified Common.Exception as Exception
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Conc
import HTk.Toplevel.HTk hiding (value)
import qualified HTk.Toplevel.HTk as HTk (value)
import HTk.Toolkit.SpinButton
import HTk.Toolkit.Separator
import HTk.Devices.XSelection
import HTk.Widgets.Space
import HTk.Widgets.ScrollBar
import HTk hiding (value)
import qualified HTk (value)
import SpinButton
import Separator
import XSelection
import Space
import ScrollBar
import GUI.Utils
import GUI.HTkUtils ( LBGoalView (..), LBStatusIndicator (..), EnableWid (..)
, populateGoalsListBox, indicatorFromProof_status
, enableWids, disableWids, enableWidsUponSelection)
import Interfaces.GenericATPState
import GUI.PrintUtils
import Proofs.BatchProcessing
-- debugging
import Debug.Trace
{- |
Utility function to set the time limit of a Config.
For values <= 0 a default value is used.
setTimeLimit :: Int -> GenericConfig proof_tree -> GenericConfig proof_tree
setTimeLimit n c = if n > 0 then c{timeLimit = Just n}
else c{timeLimit = Nothing}
{- |
Utility function to set the extra options of a Config.
setExtraOpts :: [String] -> GenericConfig proof_tree -> GenericConfig proof_tree
setExtraOpts opts c = c{extraOpts = opts}
-- ** Constants
{- |
Default time limit for the GUI mode prover in seconds.
guiDefaultTimeLimit :: Int
guiDefaultTimeLimit = 10
-- ** Defining the view
{- |
Colors used by the GUI to indicate the status of a goal.
data ProofStatusColour
-- | Proved
= Green
-- | Proved, but theory is inconsistent
| Brown
-- | Disproved
| Red
-- | Open
| Black
-- | Running
| Blue
deriving (Bounded,Enum,Show)
{- |
Generates a ('ProofStatusColour', 'String') tuple representing a Proved proof
statusProved :: (ProofStatusColour, String)
statusProved = (Green, "Proved")
{- |
Generates a ('ProofStatusColour', 'String') tuple representing a Proved
(but inconsistent) proof status.
statusProvedButInconsistent :: (ProofStatusColour, String)
statusProvedButInconsistent = (Brown, "Proved (Theory inconsistent!)")
{- |
Generates a ('ProofStatusColour', 'String') tuple representing a Disproved
proof status.
statusDisproved :: (ProofStatusColour, String)
statusDisproved = (Red, "Disproved")
{- |
Generates a ('ProofStatusColour', 'String') tuple representing an Open proof
statusOpen :: (ProofStatusColour, String)
statusOpen = (Black, "Open")
{- |
Generates a ('ProofStatusColour', 'String') tuple representing an Open proof
status in case the time limit has been exceeded.
statusOpenTExceeded :: (ProofStatusColour, String)
statusOpenTExceeded = (Black, "Open (Time is up!)")
{- |
Generates a ('ProofStatusColour', 'String') tuple representing a Running proof
statusRunning :: (ProofStatusColour, String)
statusRunning = (Blue, "Running")
{- |
Converts a 'Proof_status' into a ('ProofStatusColour', 'String') tuple to be
displayed by the GUI.
toGuiStatus :: GenericConfig proof_tree -- ^ current prover configuration
-> (Proof_status a) -- ^ status to convert
-> (ProofStatusColour, String)
toGuiStatus cf st = case goalStatus st of
Proved mc -> maybe (statusProved)
( \ c -> if c
then statusProved
else statusProvedButInconsistent)
Disproved -> statusDisproved
_ -> if timeLimitExceeded cf
then statusOpenTExceeded
else statusOpen
{- | stores widgets of an options frame and the frame itself -}
data OpFrame = OpFrame { of_Frame :: Frame
, of_timeSpinner :: SpinButton
, of_timeEntry :: Entry Int
, of_optionsEntry :: Entry String
{- |
Generates a list of 'GUI.HTkUtils.LBGoalView' representations of all goals
from a 'GenericATPState.GenericState'.
goalsView :: GenericState sign sentence proof_tree pst -- ^ current global
-- prover state
-> [LBGoalView] -- ^ resulting ['LBGoalView'] list
goalsView s = map (\ g ->
let cfg = Map.lookup g (configsMap s)
statind = maybe LBIndicatorOpen
(indicatorFromProof_status . proof_status)
LBGoalView {statIndicator = statind,
goalDescription = g})
(map AS_Anno.senAttr (goalsList s))
-- * GUI Implementation
-- ** Utility Functions
{- |
Retrieves the value of the time limit 'Entry'. Ignores invalid input.
getValueSafe :: Int -- ^ default time limt
-> Entry Int -- ^ time limit 'Entry'
-> IO Int -- ^ user-requested time limit or default in case of a
-- parse error
getValueSafe defaultTimeLimit timeEntry =
Exception.catchJust Exception.userErrors ((getValue timeEntry) :: IO Int)
(\ s -> trace ("Warning: Error "++show s++" was ignored")
(return defaultTimeLimit))
{- |
reads passed ENV-variable and if it exists and has an Int-value this value is
returned otherwise the value of 'batchTimeLimit' is returned.
getBatchTimeLimit :: String -- ^ ENV-variable containing batch time limit
-> IO Int
getBatchTimeLimit env =
getEnvSave batchTimeLimit env readMaybe
{- |
Text displayed by the batch mode window.
batchInfoText :: Int -- ^ batch time limt
-> Int -- ^ total number of goals
-> Int -- ^ number of that have been processed
-> String
batchInfoText tl gTotal gDone =
let totalSecs = (gTotal - gDone) * tl
(remMins,secs) = divMod totalSecs 60
(hours,mins) = divMod remMins 60
"Batch mode running.\n"++
show gDone ++ "/" ++ show gTotal ++ " goals processed.\n" ++
"At most "++show hours++"h "++show mins++"m "++show secs++"s remaining."
-- ** Callbacks
{- |
Updates the display of the status of the current goal.
updateDisplay :: GenericState sign sentence proof_tree pst
-- ^ current global prover state
-> Bool -- ^ set to 'True' if you want the 'ListBox' to be
-- updated
-> ListBox String -- ^ 'ListBox' displaying the status of all
-- goals (see 'goalsView')
-> Scrollbar -- ^ 'ScrollBar' containing the current scrollbar
-- status of upper 'ListBox'.
-> Label -- ^ 'Label' displaying the status of the currently
-- selected goal (see 'toGuiStatus')
-> Entry Int -- ^ 'Entry' containing the time limit of the current
-- goal
-> Entry String -- ^ 'Entry' containing the extra options
-> ListBox String -- ^ 'ListBox' displaying all axioms used to
-- prove a goal (if any)
-> IO ()
updateDisplay st updateLb goalsLb statusLabel timeEntry optionsEntry axiomsLb =
{- the code in comments only works with an updated uni version that
will be installed when switching to ghc-6.6.1 -}
when updateLb (do
(offScreen,_) <- view Vertical goalsLb
populateGoalsListBox goalsLb (goalsView st)
moveto Vertical goalsLb offScreen
maybe (return ())
(\ go ->
let mprfst = Map.lookup go (configsMap st)
cf = Map.findWithDefault
(error "GUI.GenericATP.updateDisplay")
go (configsMap st)
t' = maybe guiDefaultTimeLimit id (timeLimit cf)
opts' = unwords (extraOpts cf)
(color, label) = maybe statusOpen
((toGuiStatus cf) . proof_status)
usedAxs = maybe [] (usedAxioms . proof_status) mprfst
in do
statusLabel # text label
statusLabel # foreground (show color)
timeEntry # HTk.value t'
optionsEntry # HTk.value opts'
axiomsLb # HTk.value (usedAxs::[String])
return ())
(currentGoal st)
newOptionsFrame :: Container par =>
par -- ^ the parent container
-> (Entry Int -> Spin -> IO a)
-- ^ Function called by pressing one spin button
-> Bool -- ^ extra options input line
-> IO OpFrame
newOptionsFrame con updateFn isExtraOps = do
right <- newFrame con []
-- contents of newOptionsFrame
l1 <- newLabel right [text "Options:"]
pack l1 [Anchor NorthWest]
opFrame <- newFrame right []
pack opFrame [Expand On, Fill X, Anchor North]
spacer <- newLabel opFrame [text " "]
pack spacer [Side AtLeft]
opFrame2 <- newVBox opFrame []
pack opFrame2 [Expand On, Fill X, Anchor NorthWest]
timeLimitFrame <- newFrame opFrame2 []
pack timeLimitFrame [Expand On, Fill X, Anchor West]
l2 <- newLabel timeLimitFrame [text "TimeLimit"]
pack l2 [Side AtLeft]
-- extra HBox for time limit display
timeLimitLine <- newHBox timeLimitFrame []
pack timeLimitLine [Expand On, Side AtRight, Anchor East]
(timeEntry :: Entry Int) <- newEntry timeLimitLine [width 18,
HTk.value guiDefaultTimeLimit]
pack timeEntry []
timeSpinner <- newSpinButton timeLimitLine (updateFn timeEntry) []
pack timeSpinner []
l3 <- newLabel opFrame2 [text "Extra Options:"]
when isExtraOps $
pack l3 [Anchor West]
(optionsEntry :: Entry String) <- newEntry opFrame2 [width 37]
when isExtraOps $
pack optionsEntry [Fill X, PadX (cm 0.1)]
return $ OpFrame { of_Frame = right
, of_timeSpinner = timeSpinner
, of_timeEntry = timeEntry
, of_optionsEntry = optionsEntry}
-- ** Main GUI
{- |
Invokes the prover GUI. Users may start the batch prover run on all goals,
or use a detailed GUI for proving each goal manually.
genericATPgui :: (Ord proof_tree, Ord sentence)
=> ATPFunctions sign sentence mor proof_tree pst -- ^ prover specific
-- functions
-> Bool -- ^ prover supports extra options
-> String -- ^ prover name
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> Theory sign sentence proof_tree -- ^ theory consisting of a
-- signature and a list of Named sentence
-> [FreeDefMorphism sentence mor] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> proof_tree -- ^ initial empty proof_tree
-> IO([Proof_status proof_tree]) -- ^ proof status for each goal
genericATPgui atpFun isExtraOptions prName thName th freedefs pt = do
-- create initial backing data structure
let initState = initialGenericState prName
(initialProverState atpFun)
(atpTransSenName atpFun) th freedefs pt
stateMVar <- Conc.newMVar initState
batchTLimit <- getBatchTimeLimit $ batchTimeEnv atpFun
-- main window
main <- createToplevel [text $ thName ++ " - " ++ prName ++ " Prover"]
pack main [Expand On, Fill Both]
-- VBox for the whole window
b <- newVBox main []
pack b [Expand On, Fill Both]
-- HBox for the upper part (goals on the left, options/results on the right)
b2 <- newHBox b []
pack b2 [Expand On, Fill Both]
-- left frame (goals)
left <- newFrame b2 []
pack left [Expand On, Fill Both]
b3 <- newVBox left []
pack b3 [Expand On, Fill Both]
l0 <- newLabel b3 [text "Goals:"]
pack l0 [Anchor NorthWest]
lbFrame <- newFrame b3 []
pack lbFrame [Expand On, Fill Both]
lb <- newListBox lbFrame [bg "white",exportSelection False,
selectMode Single, height 15] :: IO (ListBox String)
pack lb [Expand On, Side AtLeft, Fill Both]
sb <- newScrollBar lbFrame []
pack sb [Expand On, Side AtRight, Fill Y, Anchor West]
lb # scrollbar Vertical sb
-- right frame (options/results)
OpFrame { of_Frame = right
, of_timeSpinner = timeSpinner
, of_timeEntry = timeEntry
, of_optionsEntry = optionsEntry}
<- newOptionsFrame b2
(\ timeEntry sp -> synchronize main
st <- Conc.readMVar stateMVar
maybe noGoalSelected
(\ goal ->
curEntTL <- getValueSafe guiDefaultTimeLimit timeEntry
s <- Conc.takeMVar stateMVar
let sEnt = s {configsMap =
(setTimeLimit curEntTL)
prName goal pt (configsMap s)}
cfg = getConfig prName goal pt (configsMap sEnt)
t = timeLimit cfg
t' = (case sp of
Up -> maybe (guiDefaultTimeLimit + 10)
_ -> maybe (guiDefaultTimeLimit - 10)
(\ t1 -> t1-10)
s' = sEnt {configsMap =
(setTimeLimit t')
prName goal pt (configsMap sEnt)}
Conc.putMVar stateMVar s'
timeEntry # HTk.value
(maybe guiDefaultTimeLimit
(timeLimit $
getConfig prName goal pt $
configsMap s'))
(currentGoal st)))
pack right [Expand On, Fill Both, Anchor NorthWest]
-- buttons for options
buttonsHb1 <- newHBox right []
pack buttonsHb1 [Anchor NorthEast]
saveProbButton <- newButton buttonsHb1 [text $ "Save "
++ (removeFirstDot $ problemOutput $ fileExtensions atpFun)
++ " File"]
pack saveProbButton [Side AtLeft]
proveButton <- newButton buttonsHb1 [text "Prove"]
pack proveButton [Side AtRight]
-- result frame
resultFrame <- newFrame right []
pack resultFrame [Expand On, Fill Both]
l4 <- newLabel resultFrame [text ("Results:"++replicate 70 ' ')]
pack l4 [Anchor NorthWest]
spacer <- newLabel resultFrame [text " "]
pack spacer [Side AtLeft]
resultContentBox <- newHBox resultFrame []
pack resultContentBox [Expand On, Anchor West, Fill Both]
-- labels on the left side
rc1 <- newVBox resultContentBox []
pack rc1 [Expand Off, Anchor North]
l5 <- newLabel rc1 [text "Status"]
pack l5 [Anchor West]
l6 <- newLabel rc1 [text "Used Axioms"]
pack l6 [Anchor West]
-- contents on the right side
rc2 <- newVBox resultContentBox []
pack rc2 [Expand On, Fill Both, Anchor North]
statusLabel <- newLabel rc2 [text " -- "]
pack statusLabel [Anchor West]
axiomsFrame <- newFrame rc2 []
pack axiomsFrame [Expand On, Anchor West, Fill Both]
axiomsLb <- newListBox axiomsFrame [HTk.value $ ([]::[String]),
bg "white",exportSelection False,
selectMode Browse,
height 6, width 19] :: IO (ListBox String)
pack axiomsLb [Side AtLeft, Expand On, Fill Both]
axiomsSb <- newScrollBar axiomsFrame []
pack axiomsSb [Side AtRight, Fill Y, Anchor West]
axiomsLb # scrollbar Vertical axiomsSb
detailsButton <- newButton resultFrame [text "Show Details"]
pack detailsButton [Anchor NorthEast]
-- separator
sp1 <- newSpace b (cm 0.15) []
pack sp1 [Expand Off, Fill X, Side AtBottom]
newHSeparator b
sp2 <- newSpace b (cm 0.15) []
pack sp2 [Expand Off, Fill X, Side AtBottom]
-- batch mode frame
batch <- newFrame b []
pack batch [Expand Off, Fill X]
batchTitle <- newLabel batch [text $ (prName)++" Batch Mode:"]
pack batchTitle [Side AtTop]
batchIFrame <- newFrame batch []
pack batchIFrame [Expand On, Fill X]
batchRight <- newVBox batchIFrame []
pack batchRight [Expand On, Fill X, Side AtRight]
batchBtnBox <- newHBox batchRight []
pack batchBtnBox [Expand On, Fill X, Side AtRight]
stopBatchButton <- newButton batchBtnBox [text "Stop"]
pack stopBatchButton []
runBatchButton <- newButton batchBtnBox [text "Run"]
pack runBatchButton []
batchSpacer <- newSpace batchRight (pp 150) [orient Horizontal]
pack batchSpacer [Side AtRight]
batchStatusLabel <- newLabel batchRight [text "\n\n"]
pack batchStatusLabel []
OpFrame { of_Frame = batchLeft
, of_timeSpinner = batchTimeSpinner
, of_timeEntry = batchTimeEntry
, of_optionsEntry = batchOptionsEntry}
<- newOptionsFrame batchIFrame
(\ tEntry sp -> synchronize main
curEntTL <- getValueSafe batchTLimit tEntry
let t' = case sp of
Up -> curEntTL+10
_ -> max batchTLimit (curEntTL-10)
tEntry # HTk.value t'
pack batchLeft [Expand On, Fill X, Anchor NorthWest, Side AtLeft]
batchGoal <- newHBox batch []
pack batchGoal [Expand On, Fill X, Anchor West, Side AtBottom]
batchCurrentGoalTitle <- newLabel batchGoal [text "Current goal:"]
pack batchCurrentGoalTitle []
batchCurrentGoalLabel <- newLabel batchGoal [text "--"]
pack batchCurrentGoalLabel []
saveProblem_batch <- createTkVariable False
saveProblem_batch_checkBox <-
newCheckButton batchLeft
[variable saveProblem_batch,
text $ "Save "
++ (removeFirstDot $ problemOutput $ fileExtensions atpFun)]
enableSaveCheckBox <- getEnvSave False "HETS_ENABLE_BATCH_SAVE" readMaybe
when enableSaveCheckBox $
pack saveProblem_batch_checkBox [Expand Off, Fill None, Side AtBottom]
batchTimeEntry # HTk.value batchTLimit
-- separator 2
sp1_2 <- newSpace b (cm 0.15) []
pack sp1_2 [Expand Off, Fill X, Side AtBottom]
newHSeparator b
sp2_2 <- newSpace b (cm 0.15) []
pack sp2_2 [Expand Off, Fill X, Side AtBottom]
-- global options frame
globalOptsFr <- newFrame b []
pack globalOptsFr [Expand Off, Fill Both]
gOptsTitle <- newLabel globalOptsFr [text "Global Options:"]
pack gOptsTitle [Side AtTop]
inclProvedThsTK <- createTkVariable True
inclProvedThsCheckButton <-
newCheckButton globalOptsFr
[variable inclProvedThsTK,
text ("include preceeding proven therorems"++
" in next proof attempt")]
pack inclProvedThsCheckButton [Side AtLeft]
-- separator 3
sp1_3 <- newSpace b (cm 0.15) []
pack sp1_3 [Expand Off, Fill X, Side AtBottom]
newHSeparator b
sp2_3 <- newSpace b (cm 0.15) []
pack sp2_3 [Expand Off, Fill X, Side AtBottom]
-- bottom frame (help/save/exit buttons)
bottom <- newHBox b []
pack bottom [Expand Off, Fill Both]
helpButton <- newButton bottom [text "Help"]
pack helpButton [PadX (cm 0.3), IPadX (cm 0.1)] -- wider "Help" button
saveButton <- newButton bottom [text "Save Prover Configuration"]
pack saveButton [PadX (cm 0.3)]
exitButton <- newButton bottom [text "Exit Prover"]
pack exitButton [PadX (cm 0.3)]
populateGoalsListBox lb (goalsView initState)
putWinOnTop main
-- MVars for thread-safe communication
mVar_batchId <- Conc.newEmptyMVar :: IO (Conc.MVar Conc.ThreadId)
windowDestroyedMVar <- Conc.newEmptyMVar :: IO (Conc.MVar ())
-- events
(selectGoal, _) <- bindSimple lb (ButtonPress (Just 1))
doProve <- clicked proveButton
saveProb <- clicked saveProbButton
showDetails <- clicked detailsButton
runBatch <- clicked runBatchButton
stopBatch <- clicked stopBatchButton
help <- clicked helpButton
saveConfiguration <- clicked saveButton
exit <- clicked exitButton
(closeWindow,_) <- bindSimple main Destroy
let goalSpecificWids = [EnW timeEntry, EnW timeSpinner,EnW optionsEntry] ++
map EnW [proveButton,detailsButton,saveProbButton]
wids = EnW lb : goalSpecificWids ++
[EnW batchTimeEntry, EnW batchTimeSpinner,
EnW saveProblem_batch_checkBox,
EnW batchOptionsEntry,EnW inclProvedThsCheckButton] ++
map EnW [helpButton,saveButton,exitButton,runBatchButton]
disableWids goalSpecificWids
disable stopBatchButton
-- event handlers
((selectGoal >>> do
s <- Conc.takeMVar stateMVar
let oldGoal = currentGoal s
curEntTL <- (getValueSafe guiDefaultTimeLimit timeEntry) :: IO Int
let s' = maybe s
(\ og -> s
{configsMap =
adjustOrSetConfig (setTimeLimit curEntTL)
prName og pt
(configsMap s)})
sel <- (getSelection lb) :: IO (Maybe [Int])
let s'' = maybe s' (\ sg -> s' {currentGoal =
Just $ AS_Anno.senAttr
(goalsList s' !! head sg)})
Conc.putMVar stateMVar s''
batchModeRunning <- isBatchModeRunning mVar_batchId
when (isJust sel && not batchModeRunning)
(enableWids goalSpecificWids)
when (isJust sel) $ enableWids [EnW detailsButton,EnW saveProbButton]
updateDisplay s'' False lb statusLabel timeEntry optionsEntry axiomsLb
+> (saveProb >>> do
rs <- Conc.readMVar stateMVar
curEntTL <- (getValueSafe guiDefaultTimeLimit
timeEntry) :: IO Int
inclProvedThs <- readTkVariable inclProvedThsTK
maybe (return ())
(\ goal -> do
let (nGoal,lp') =
prepareLP (proverState rs)
rs goal inclProvedThs
s = rs {configsMap = adjustOrSetConfig
(setTimeLimit curEntTL)
prName goal pt
(configsMap rs)}
extraOptions <- (getValue optionsEntry) :: IO String
let s' = s {configsMap = adjustOrSetConfig
(setExtraOpts (words extraOptions))
prName goal pt
(configsMap s)}
prob <- (goalOutput atpFun) lp' nGoal $
(createProverOptions atpFun)
(getConfig prName goal pt $ configsMap s')
(prName++" Problem for Goal "++goal)
++(problemOutput $ fileExtensions atpFun))
$ currentGoal rs
+> (doProve >>> do
rs <- Conc.readMVar stateMVar
case currentGoal rs of
Nothing -> noGoalSelected >> done
Just goal -> do
curEntTL <- (getValueSafe guiDefaultTimeLimit
timeEntry) :: IO Int
inclProvedThs <- readTkVariable inclProvedThsTK
let s = rs {configsMap = adjustOrSetConfig
(setTimeLimit curEntTL)
prName goal pt
(configsMap rs)}
(nGoal,lp') = prepareLP (proverState rs)
rs goal inclProvedThs
extraOptions <- (getValue optionsEntry) :: IO String
let s' = s {configsMap = adjustOrSetConfig
(setExtraOpts (words extraOptions))
prName goal pt
(configsMap s)}
statusLabel # text (snd statusRunning)
statusLabel # foreground (show $ fst statusRunning)
disableWids wids
(retval, cfg) <-
(runProver atpFun) lp'
(getConfig prName goal pt $ configsMap s') False
thName nGoal
-- check if window was closed
wDestroyed <- windowDestroyed windowDestroyedMVar
if wDestroyed
then done
else do
case retval of
ATPError m -> errorDialog "Error" m
_ -> return ()
let s'' = s'{
configsMap =
(\ c -> c {timeLimitExceeded = isTimeLimitExceeded
proof_status =
((proof_status cfg)
{usedTime = timeUsed cfg}),
resultOutput = resultOutput cfg,
timeUsed = timeUsed cfg})
prName goal pt (configsMap s')}
Conc.modifyMVar_ stateMVar (return . const s'')
-- check again if window was closed
wDestroyed2 <- windowDestroyed windowDestroyedMVar
if wDestroyed2
then done
else do
enable lb
enable axiomsLb
updateDisplay s'' True lb statusLabel timeEntry
optionsEntry axiomsLb
enableWids wids
+> (showDetails >>> do
s <- Conc.readMVar stateMVar
case currentGoal s of
Nothing -> noGoalSelected >> done
Just goal -> do
let result = Map.lookup goal (configsMap s)
output = maybe ["This goal hasn't been run through "++
"the prover yet."]
detailsText = concatMap ('\n':) output
createTextSaveDisplay (prName ++ " Output for Goal "++goal)
(goal ++ (proverOutput $ fileExtensions atpFun))
(seq (length detailsText) detailsText)
+> (runBatch >>> do
s <- Conc.readMVar stateMVar
-- get options for this batch run
curEntTL <- (getValueSafe batchTLimit batchTimeEntry) :: IO Int
let tLimit = if curEntTL > 0 then curEntTL else batchTLimit
batchTimeEntry # HTk.value tLimit
extOpts <- (getValue batchOptionsEntry) :: IO String
let extOpts' = words extOpts
openGoalsMap = filterOpenGoals $ configsMap s
numGoals = Map.size openGoalsMap
firstGoalName = maybe "--" id $
find ((flip Map.member) openGoalsMap) $
map AS_Anno.senAttr (goalsList s)
if numGoals > 0
then do
let afterEachProofAttempt =
-- this function is called after the prover returns from a
-- proof attempt (... -> IO Bool)
(\ gPSF nSen nextSen cfg@(retval,_) -> do
cont <- goalProcessed stateMVar tLimit extOpts'
numGoals prName gPSF nSen cfg
mTId <- Conc.tryTakeMVar mVar_batchId
(flip (maybe (return False))) mTId
(\ tId -> do
stored <- Conc.tryPutMVar
if not stored
then fail $ "GenericATP: Thread "++
"run check failed"
else do
wDestroyed <- windowDestroyed windowDestroyedMVar
if wDestroyed
then return False
else do
batchStatusLabel #
text (if cont
then (batchInfoText tLimit
numGoals gPSF)
else "Batch mode finished\n\n")
setCurrentGoalLabel batchCurrentGoalLabel
(if cont
then maybe "--" AS_Anno.senAttr nextSen
else "--")
st <- Conc.readMVar stateMVar
updateDisplay st True lb statusLabel timeEntry
optionsEntry axiomsLb
case retval of
ATPError m -> errorDialog "Error" m
_ -> return ()
batchModeRunning <-
isBatchModeRunning mVar_batchId
let cont' = cont && batchModeRunning
when (not cont)
disable stopBatchButton
enableWids wids
enableWidsUponSelection lb goalSpecificWids
cleanupThread mVar_batchId)
return cont'))
-- END of afterEachProofAttempt
batchStatusLabel # text (batchInfoText tLimit numGoals 0)
setCurrentGoalLabel batchCurrentGoalLabel firstGoalName
disableWids wids
enable stopBatchButton
enableWidsUponSelection lb [EnW detailsButton,EnW saveProbButton]
enable lb
inclProvedThs <- readTkVariable inclProvedThsTK
saveProblem_F <- readTkVariable saveProblem_batch
batchProverId <- Conc.forkIO
(do genericProveBatch False tLimit extOpts' inclProvedThs
(atpInsertSentence atpFun) (runProver atpFun)
prName thName s Nothing
return ())
stored <- Conc.tryPutMVar mVar_batchId batchProverId
if stored
then done
else fail "GenericATP: MVar for batchProverId already taken!!"
else {- numGoals < 1 -} do
batchStatusLabel # text ("No further open goals\n\n")
batchCurrentGoalLabel # text "--"
+> (stopBatch >>> do
cleanupThread mVar_batchId
wDestroyed <- windowDestroyed windowDestroyedMVar
if wDestroyed
then done
else do
disable stopBatchButton
enableWids wids
enableWidsUponSelection lb goalSpecificWids
batchStatusLabel # text "Batch mode stopped\n\n"
batchCurrentGoalLabel # text "--"
st <- Conc.readMVar stateMVar
updateDisplay st True lb statusLabel timeEntry
optionsEntry axiomsLb
+> (help >>> do
createTextDisplay (prName ++ " Help")
(proverHelpText atpFun)
+> (saveConfiguration >>> do
s <- Conc.readMVar stateMVar
let cfgText = show $ printCfgText $ configsMap s
(prName ++ " Configuration for Theory " ++ thName)
(thName ++ (theoryConfiguration $ fileExtensions atpFun))
sync ( (exit >>> destroy main)
+> (closeWindow >>> do
Conc.putMVar windowDestroyedMVar ()
cleanupThread mVar_batchId
destroy main)
s <- Conc.takeMVar stateMVar
let Result _ proof_stats = revertRenamingOfLabels s $
map (\g -> let res = Map.lookup g (configsMap s)
g' = Map.findWithDefault
(error ("Lookup of name failed: (1) "
++"should not happen \""
g (namesMap s)
in maybe (openProof_status g' prName $ proof_tree s)
(map AS_Anno.senAttr $ goalsList s)
-- diags should not be plainly shown by putStrLn here
maybe (fail "reverse translation of names failed") return proof_stats
cleanupThread mVar_TId =
Conc.tryTakeMVar mVar_TId >>= maybe (return ()) Conc.killThread
windowDestroyed sMVar =
Conc.yield >>
Conc.tryTakeMVar sMVar >>=
maybe (return False) (\ un -> Conc.putMVar sMVar un >> return True)
isBatchModeRunning tIdMVar =
Conc.tryTakeMVar tIdMVar >>=
maybe (return False) (\ tId -> Conc.putMVar tIdMVar tId >> return True)
noGoalSelected = errorDialog "Error" "Please select a goal first."
prepareLP prS s goal inclProvedThs =
let (beforeThis, afterThis) =
splitAt (maybe (error "GUI.GenericATP: goal shoud be found") id $
findIndex (\sen -> AS_Anno.senAttr sen == goal)
(goalsList s))
(goalsList s)
proved = filter (\sen-> checkGoal (configsMap s)
(AS_Anno.senAttr sen)) beforeThis
in if inclProvedThs
then (head afterThis,
foldl (\lp provedGoal ->
(atpInsertSentence atpFun)
lp (provedGoal{AS_Anno.isAxiom = True}))
(reverse proved))
else (maybe (error ("GUI.GenericATP.prepareLP: Goal "++goal++
" not found!!"))
id (find ((==goal) . AS_Anno.senAttr) (goalsList s)),
setCurrentGoalLabel batchLabel s = batchLabel # text (take 65 s)
removeFirstDot [] = error "GenericATP: no extension given"
removeFirstDot e@(h:ext) =
case h of
'.' -> ext
_ -> e