ConvertDevToAbstractGraph.hs revision aab9c701026f1a0fe31ef4dd374a5dcb17b551a7
module ConvertDevToAbstractGraph where
import DevGraph
import AbstractGraphView
import DaVinciGraph
import GraphDisp
import GraphConfigure
import FiniteMap
import AS_Library
import Graph
import PrettyPrint
import GlobalAnnotationsFunctions
import IORef
import Print_HetCASL
import DGToSpec
pretty x = show $ printText0 emptyGlobalAnnos x
{- FiniteMaps used to track which node resp edge of the abstract graph correspondes with which of the development graph and vice versa
and one FiniteMap to store which libname belongs to which development graph-}
data ConversionMaps = ConversionMaps {
dg2abstrNode :: DGraphToAGraphNode,
dg2abstrEdge :: DGraphToAGraphEdge,
abstr2dgNode :: AGraphToDGraphNode,
abstr2dgEdge :: AGraphToDGraphEdge,
libname2dg :: LibEnv
-- types of the FiniteMaps above
type DGraphToAGraphNode = FiniteMap (LIB_NAME,Node) Descr
type DGraphToAGraphEdge = FiniteMap (LIB_NAME,Edge) Descr
type AGraphToDGraphNode = FiniteMap Descr (LIB_NAME,Node)
type AGraphToDGraphEdge = FiniteMap Descr (LIB_NAME,Edge)
{- converts the development graph given by its libname into an abstract graph
and returns the descriptor of the latter, the graphInfo it is contained in and the conversion maps (see above)-}
convertGraph :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> IO (Descr, GraphInfo, ConversionMaps)
convertGraph libname libEnv =
do let convMaps = ConversionMaps
{dg2abstrNode = emptyFM::DGraphToAGraphNode,
abstr2dgNode = emptyFM::AGraphToDGraphNode,
dg2abstrEdge = emptyFM::DGraphToAGraphEdge,
abstr2dgEdge = emptyFM::AGraphToDGraphEdge,
libname2dg = libEnv}
case lookupFM libEnv libname of
Just (_,dgraph,_) -> if (isEmpty dgraph) then
do (abstractGraph,graphInfo,convRef) <- initializeGraph libname dgraph convMaps
return (abstractGraph, graphInfo,convMaps)
else do (abstractGraph,graphInfo,convRef) <- initializeGraph libname dgraph convMaps
newConvMaps <- convertNodes convMaps abstractGraph graphInfo dgraph libname
finalConvMaps <- convertEdges newConvMaps abstractGraph graphInfo dgraph libname
writeIORef convRef finalConvMaps
return (abstractGraph, graphInfo, finalConvMaps)
Nothing -> error ("development graph with libname "
++ (show libname)
++ "does not exist")
{- initializes an empty abstract graph with the needed node and edge types,
return type equals the one of convertGraph -}
initializeGraph :: LIB_NAME -> DGraph -> ConversionMaps -> IO (Descr,GraphInfo,IORef ConversionMaps)
initializeGraph ln dGraph convMaps = do
graphInfo <- initgraphs
event <- newIORef 0
convRef <- newIORef convMaps
Result descr _ <-
makegraph ("Development graph for "++show ln)
[GlobalMenu(Menu (Just "internal nodes")
[Button "Hide"
(do Result descr _ <- hidenodetype 0 "internal" graphInfo
writeIORef event descr
redisplay 0 graphInfo
return () ),
Button "Show"
(do descr <- readIORef event
showIt 0 descr graphInfo
redisplay 0 graphInfo
return () )])]
Ellipse $$$ Color "Magenta" $$$ ValueTitle (\ (s,_,_) -> return s)
$$$ LocalMenu
(Button "Show spec"
(\ (name,descr,gid) -> do convMaps <- readIORef convRef
showSpec descr (abstr2dgNode convMaps) dGraph
return ()
$$$ emptyNodeTypeParms :: DaVinciNodeTypeParms (String,Int,Int)),
Ellipse $$$ Color "Grey" $$$ ValueTitle (\ (s,_,_) -> return "")
$$$ LocalMenu
(Button "Show spec"
(\ (name,descr,gid) -> do convMaps <- readIORef convRef
showSpec descr (abstr2dgNode convMaps) dGraph
return ()
$$$ emptyNodeTypeParms :: DaVinciNodeTypeParms (String,Int,Int)),
Box $$$ Color "SteelBlue" $$$ ValueTitle (\ (s,_,_) -> return s)
$$$ emptyNodeTypeParms :: DaVinciNodeTypeParms (String,Int,Int)) ]
Solid $$$ emptyArcTypeParms :: DaVinciArcTypeParms (String,Int)),
Solid $$$ Color "Green" $$$ emptyArcTypeParms :: DaVinciArcTypeParms (String,Int)),
Solid $$$ Color "Red" $$$ emptyArcTypeParms :: DaVinciArcTypeParms (String,Int))]
("unproventhm","unproventhm","unproventhm")] graphInfo
return (descr,graphInfo,convRef)
showSpec descr convMap dgraph =
case lookupFM convMap descr of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (libname,node) -> do
let sp = dgToSpec dgraph node
putStrLn (show (printText0_eGA sp))
{- returns the signature of a node as a(n IO) string
used by the node menu defined in initializeGraph-}
getSignatureOfNode :: Descr -> AGraphToDGraphNode -> DGraph -> IO String
getSignatureOfNode descr ab2dgNode dgraph =
case lookupFM ab2dgNode descr of
Just (libname, node) -> do let dgnode = lab' (context node dgraph)
return (show (dgn_sign dgnode))
Nothing -> error ("node with descriptor "
++ (show descr)
++ " has no corresponding node in the development graph")
{- converts the nodes of the development graph, if it has any,
and returns the resulting conversion maps
if the graph is empty the conversion maps are returned unchanged-}
convertNodes :: ConversionMaps -> Descr -> GraphInfo -> DGraph -> LIB_NAME -> IO ConversionMaps
convertNodes convMaps descr graphInfo dgraph libname
| isEmpty dgraph = do return convMaps
| otherwise = convertNodesAux convMaps descr graphInfo (labNodes dgraph) libname
{- auxiliar function for convertNodes
if the given list of nodes is emtpy, it returns the conversion maps unchanged
otherwise it adds the converted first node to the abstract graph and to the affected conversion maps
and afterwards calls itself with the remaining node list -}
convertNodesAux :: ConversionMaps -> Descr -> GraphInfo -> [LNode DGNode] -> LIB_NAME -> IO ConversionMaps
convertNodesAux convMaps descr graphInfo [] libname = return convMaps
convertNodesAux convMaps descr graphInfo ((node,dgnode):lNodes) libname =
do Result newDescr err <- addnode descr (getDGNodeType dgnode) (getDGNodeName dgnode) graphInfo
--putStrLn (maybe "" id err)
newConvMaps <- (convertNodesAux
convMaps {dg2abstrNode = addToFM (dg2abstrNode convMaps) (libname, node) newDescr,
abstr2dgNode = addToFM (abstr2dgNode convMaps) newDescr (libname, node)}
descr graphInfo lNodes libname)
return newConvMaps
-- gets the name of a development graph node as a string
getDGNodeName :: DGNode -> String
getDGNodeName dgnode =
case get_dgn_name dgnode of
Just simpleId -> pretty simpleId
Nothing -> ""
-- gets the type of a development graph edge as a string
getDGNodeType :: DGNode -> String
getDGNodeType dgnode =
case isDGRef dgnode of
True -> "dg_ref"
False -> case get_dgn_name dgnode of
Just _ -> "spec"
Nothing -> "internal"
getDGLinkType :: DGLinkType -> String
getDGLinkType LocalDef = "def"
getDGLinkType GlobalDef = "def"
getDGLinkType HidingDef = "def"
getDGLinkType (FreeDef _) = "def"
getDGLinkType (CofreeDef _) = "def"
getDGLinkType (LocalThm bool) = getThmType bool
getDGLinkType (GlobalThm bool) = getThmType bool
getDGLinkType (HidingThm _ bool) = getThmType bool
getDGLinkType (FreeThm _ bool) = getThmType bool
getThmType :: Bool -> String
getThmType bool = case bool of
True -> "proventhm"
False -> "unproventhm"
{- converts the edges of the development graph
works the same way as convertNods does-}
convertEdges :: ConversionMaps -> Descr -> GraphInfo -> DGraph -> LIB_NAME -> IO ConversionMaps
convertEdges convMaps descr graphInfo dgraph libname
| isEmpty dgraph = do return convMaps
| otherwise = convertEdgesAux convMaps descr graphInfo dgraph (labEdges dgraph) libname
-- function context from Graph.hs with inverse arguments
invContext :: DGraph -> Node -> Context DGNode DGLink
invContext dgraph node = context node dgraph
{- auxiliar function for convertEges --> not yet implemented! -}
convertEdgesAux :: ConversionMaps -> Descr -> GraphInfo -> DGraph ->
[LEdge DGLink] -> LIB_NAME -> IO ConversionMaps
convertEdgesAux convMaps descr graphInfo dgraph [] libname = return convMaps
convertEdgesAux convMaps descr graphInfo dgraph ((src,tar,edge):lEdges) libname =
do let srcnode = lookupFM (dg2abstrNode convMaps) (libname,src)
tarnode = lookupFM (dg2abstrNode convMaps) (libname,tar)
case (srcnode,tarnode) of
(Just s, Just t) -> do
Result newDescr err <- addlink descr (getDGLinkType (dgl_type edge)) "" s t graphInfo
--putStrLn (maybe "" id err)
--putStrLn ("Adding link" ++ show descr)
newConvMaps <- (convertEdgesAux
convMaps {dg2abstrEdge = addToFM (dg2abstrEdge convMaps) (libname, (src,tar)) newDescr,
abstr2dgEdge = addToFM (abstr2dgEdge convMaps) newDescr (libname, (src,tar))}
descr graphInfo dgraph lEdges libname)
return newConvMaps
otherwise -> error "Cannot find nodes"