ConvertDevToAbstractGraph.hs revision 1a7b7802544aa94828d7f4e7be5788501c572934
1879N/AModule : $Header$
1379N/ACopyright : (c) Jorina Freya Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
1010N/ALicence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
1010N/AMaintainer :
1010N/AStability : provisional
1010N/APortability : non-portable (imports Logic)
1010N/A Conversion of development graphs from Logic.DevGraph
1010N/A to abstract graphs of the graph display interface
1010N/A todo:
1010N/A hiding of internal nodes:
1010N/A internal nodes that are not between named nodes should be kept
1010N/A display inclusions and inter-logic links in special colour
1010N/A try different graph layout algorithms for daVinci (dot?)
1010N/A close program when all windows are closed
1472N/Amodule GUI.ConvertDevToAbstractGraph where
1010N/Aimport Logic.Logic
1010N/Aimport Logic.Comorphism
1010N/Aimport Logic.Grothendieck
1879N/Aimport Comorphisms.LogicGraph
1879N/Aimport Static.DevGraph
1879N/Aimport Static.DGToSpec
1879N/Aimport Proofs.Proofs
1010N/Aimport GUI.AbstractGraphView
1010N/Aimport DaVinciGraph
1010N/Aimport GraphDisp
1010N/Aimport GraphConfigure
1010N/Aimport TextDisplay
1379N/Aimport Configuration
1379N/Aimport qualified HTk
1010N/Aimport qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map hiding (isEmpty)
1010N/Aimport Common.Lib.Graph
1379N/Aimport Common.Id
1379N/Aimport Common.PrettyPrint
1379N/Aimport qualified Common.Lib.Pretty as Pretty
1010N/Aimport Common.AS_Annotation
1010N/Aimport qualified Common.Result as Res
1010N/Aimport Syntax.AS_Library
1010N/Aimport Syntax.Print_HetCASL
1431N/Aimport Data.IORef
1431N/Aimport List(nub)
1010N/A{- Maps used to track which node resp edge of the abstract graph
1010N/Acorrespondes with which of the development graph and vice versa and
1010N/Aone Map to store which libname belongs to which development graph-}
1010N/Adata ConversionMaps = ConversionMaps {
1010N/A dg2abstrNode :: DGraphToAGraphNode,
1010N/A dg2abstrEdge :: DGraphToAGraphEdge,
1010N/A abstr2dgNode :: AGraphToDGraphNode,
1010N/A abstr2dgEdge :: AGraphToDGraphEdge,
1010N/A libname2dg :: LibEnv}
1010N/Adata GraphMem = GraphMem {
1010N/A graphInfo :: GraphInfo,
1010N/A nextGraphId :: Descr}
1010N/A-- types of the Maps above
1010N/Atype DGraphToAGraphNode = Map.Map (LIB_NAME,Node) Descr
1010N/Atype DGraphToAGraphEdge = Map.Map (LIB_NAME,(Descr,Descr,String)) Descr
1010N/Atype AGraphToDGraphNode = Map.Map Descr (LIB_NAME,Node)
1010N/Atype AGraphToDGraphEdge = Map.Map Descr (LIB_NAME,(Descr,Descr,String))
1010N/AinitializeConverter :: IO (IORef GraphMem)
1010N/AinitializeConverter =
1431N/A do HTk.initHTk [HTk.withdrawMainWin]
1431N/A initGraphInfo <- initgraphs
1431N/A graphMem <- (newIORef GraphMem{nextGraphId = 0,
1010N/A graphInfo = initGraphInfo})
1010N/A return graphMem
1010N/A{- converts the development graph given by its libname into an abstract graph
1010N/Aand returns the descriptor of the latter, the graphInfo it is contained in
1010N/Aand the conversion maps (see above)-}
1010N/AconvertGraph :: IORef GraphMem -> LIB_NAME -> LibEnv
1010N/A -> IO (Descr, GraphInfo, ConversionMaps)
1010N/AconvertGraph graphMem libname libEnv =
1010N/A do --nextGraphId <- newIORef 0
1010N/A let convMaps = ConversionMaps
1010N/A {dg2abstrNode = Map.empty::DGraphToAGraphNode,
1010N/A abstr2dgNode = Map.empty::AGraphToDGraphNode,
1010N/A dg2abstrEdge = Map.empty::DGraphToAGraphEdge,
1010N/A abstr2dgEdge = Map.empty::AGraphToDGraphEdge,
1010N/A libname2dg = libEnv}
1010N/A case Map.lookup libname libEnv of
1379N/A Just globContext@(_,_,dgraph) ->
1379N/A if (isEmpty dgraph) then
1431N/A do (abstractGraph,graphInfo,convRef) <-
1379N/A initializeGraph graphMem libname dgraph convMaps globContext
1379N/A return (abstractGraph, graphInfo,convMaps)
1379N/A else
1379N/A do (abstractGraph,graphInfo,convRef) <-
1379N/A initializeGraph graphMem libname dgraph convMaps globContext
1010N/A newConvMaps <- convertNodes convMaps abstractGraph
1425N/A graphInfo dgraph libname
1425N/A finalConvMaps <- convertEdges newConvMaps abstractGraph
1425N/A graphInfo dgraph libname
1010N/A writeIORef convRef finalConvMaps
1010N/A return (abstractGraph, graphInfo, finalConvMaps)
1010N/A Nothing -> error ("development graph with libname "
1010N/A ++ (show libname)
1010N/A ++ " does not exist")
1010N/A{- initializes an empty abstract graph with the needed node and edge types,
1010N/Areturn type equals the one of convertGraph -}
1010N/AinitializeGraph :: IORef GraphMem ->LIB_NAME -> DGraph -> ConversionMaps
1010N/A -> GlobalContext
1010N/A -> IO (Descr,GraphInfo,IORef ConversionMaps)
1010N/AinitializeGraph ioRefGraphMem ln dGraph convMaps globContext = do
1010N/A graphMem <- readIORef ioRefGraphMem
1010N/A event <- newIORef 0
1010N/A convRef <- newIORef convMaps
1010N/A ioRefProofStatus <- newIORef (globContext,
1010N/A [([]::[DGRule], []::[DGChange])],
1010N/A dGraph)
1010N/A ioRefSubtreeEvents <- newIORef (Map.empty::(Map.Map Descr Descr))
1010N/A ioRefVisibleNodes <- newIORef [(Common.Lib.Graph.nodes dGraph)]
1010N/A let gid = nextGraphId graphMem -- newIORef (nextGraphId convMaps)
1010N/A actGraphInfo = graphInfo graphMem
1010N/A-- graphId <- newIORef 0
1010N/A let gInfo = (ioRefProofStatus, event, convRef, gid, ln, actGraphInfo)
1010N/A Result descr _ <-
1010N/A makegraph ("Development graph for "++show ln)
1010N/A [GlobalMenu (Menu Nothing
1010N/A [Menu (Just "Unnamed nodes")
1010N/A [Button "Hide"
1010N/A (do --gid <- readIORef graphId
1010N/A Result descr _ <- hideSetOfNodeTypes gid
1010N/A ["internal",
1010N/A "locallyEmpty_internal"]
1010N/A actGraphInfo
1010N/A writeIORef event descr
1010N/A redisplay gid actGraphInfo
1010N/A return () ),
1010N/A Button "Show"
1010N/A (do --gid <- readIORef graphId
1010N/A descr <- readIORef event
1010N/A showIt gid descr actGraphInfo
1010N/A redisplay gid actGraphInfo
1010N/A return () )],
1010N/A Menu (Just "Proofs")
1010N/A [Button "Global Subsumption"
1010N/A (proofMenuSef gInfo globSubsume),
1010N/A Button "Local Decomposition (merge of rules)"
1010N/A (proofMenuSef gInfo locDecomp),
1010N/A Button "Global Decomposition"
1010N/A (proofMenuSef gInfo globDecomp)
1010N/A ]])]
1010N/A [("spec",
1010N/A createLocalMenuNodeTypeSpec "Magenta" convRef dGraph
1010N/A ioRefSubtreeEvents ioRefVisibleNodes
1010N/A actGraphInfo ioRefGraphMem gInfo
1010N/A ),
1010N/A ("locallyEmpty_spec",
1010N/A createLocalMenuNodeTypeSpec "Violet" convRef dGraph
1010N/A ioRefSubtreeEvents ioRefVisibleNodes
1010N/A actGraphInfo ioRefGraphMem gInfo),
1010N/A ("internal",
1010N/A createLocalMenuNodeTypeInternal "Grey" convRef dGraph gInfo
1010N/A ),
1010N/A ("locallyEmpty_internal",
1010N/A createLocalMenuNodeTypeInternal "LightGrey" convRef dGraph gInfo),
1010N/A ("dg_ref",
1010N/A createLocalMenuNodeTypeDgRef "SteelBlue" convRef actGraphInfo
1010N/A ioRefGraphMem graphMem
1010N/A ),
1010N/A ("locallyEmpty_dg_ref",
1010N/A createLocalMenuNodeTypeDgRef "LightSteelBlue" convRef
1010N/A actGraphInfo ioRefGraphMem graphMem
1010N/A ) ]
1010N/A [("globaldef",
1010N/A Solid
1010N/A $$$ createLocalEdgeMenu
1010N/A $$$ emptyArcTypeParms :: DaVinciArcTypeParms EdgeValue),
1010N/A ("def",
1010N/A Solid $$$ Color "Steelblue"
1010N/A $$$ createLocalEdgeMenu
1010N/A $$$ emptyArcTypeParms :: DaVinciArcTypeParms EdgeValue),
1010N/A ("proventhm",
1010N/A Solid $$$ Color "Green"
1010N/A $$$ createLocalEdgeMenuThmEdge
1010N/A $$$ emptyArcTypeParms :: DaVinciArcTypeParms EdgeValue),
1010N/A ("unproventhm",
1010N/A Solid $$$ Color "Red"
1010N/A $$$ createLocalEdgeMenuThmEdge
1010N/A $$$ emptyArcTypeParms :: DaVinciArcTypeParms EdgeValue),
1010N/A ("localproventhm",
1010N/A Dashed $$$ Color "Green"
1010N/A $$$ createLocalEdgeMenuThmEdge
1010N/A $$$ emptyArcTypeParms :: DaVinciArcTypeParms EdgeValue),
1010N/A ("localunproventhm",
1010N/A Dashed $$$ Color "Red"
1010N/A $$$ createLocalEdgeMenuThmEdge
1010N/A $$$ emptyArcTypeParms :: DaVinciArcTypeParms EdgeValue),
1010N/A -- > ######### welche Farbe fuer reference ##########
1010N/A ("reference",
1010N/A Dotted $$$ Color "Grey"
1010N/A $$$ createLocalEdgeMenu
1010N/A $$$ emptyArcTypeParms :: DaVinciArcTypeParms EdgeValue)]
1010N/A [("globaldef","globaldef","globaldef"),
1010N/A ("globaldef","def","def"),
1010N/A ("globaldef","proventhm","proventhm"),
1010N/A ("globaldef","unproventhm","unproventhm"),
1010N/A ("def","globaldef","def"),
1010N/A ("def","def","def"),
1010N/A ("def","proventhm","proventhm"),
1879N/A ("def","unproventhm","unproventhm"),
1879N/A ("proventhm","globaldef","proventhm"),
writeIORef ioRefGraphMem graphMem{nextGraphId = gid+1}
graphMem'<- readIORef ioRefGraphMem
return (descr,graphInfo graphMem',convRef)
--proofMenu :: (ProofStatus -> IO ProofStatus) -> IO ()
proofMenu (ioRefProofStatus, event, convRef, gid, ln, actGraphInfo) proofFun
= do
proofStatus <- readIORef ioRefProofStatus
Res.Result diags res <- proofFun proofStatus
case res of
Nothing -> do sequence $ map (putStrLn . show) diags
return ()
Just newProofStatus@(_,history,_) -> do
writeIORef ioRefProofStatus newProofStatus
descr <- readIORef event
convMaps <- readIORef convRef
<- applyChanges gid ln actGraphInfo descr convMaps history
writeIORef event newDescr
writeIORef convRef newConvMaps
redisplay gid actGraphInfo
return ()
proofMenuSef gInfo proofFun =
proofMenu gInfo (return . return . proofFun)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------
-- methods to create the local menus of the different nodetypes
-- -------------------------------------------------------------
-- local menu for the nodetypes spec and locallyEmpty_spec
createLocalMenuNodeTypeSpec color convRef dGraph ioRefSubtreeEvents
ioRefVisibleNodes actGraphInfo ioRefGraphMem gInfo =
Ellipse $$$ Color color
$$$ ValueTitle (\ (s,_,_) -> return s)
$$$ LocalMenu (Menu (Just "node menu")
[--createLocalMenuButtonShowSpec convRef dGraph,
createLocalMenuButtonShowSignature convRef dGraph,
createLocalMenuButtonShowTheory convRef dGraph,
createLocalMenuButtonShowSublogic convRef dGraph,
createLocalMenuButtonShowNodeOrigin convRef dGraph,
createLocalMenuButtonProveAtNode gInfo convRef dGraph,
createLocalMenuButtonShowJustSubtree ioRefSubtreeEvents
convRef ioRefVisibleNodes ioRefGraphMem
createLocalMenuButtonUndoShowJustSubtree ioRefVisibleNodes
ioRefSubtreeEvents actGraphInfo
]) -- ??? Should be globalized somehow
-- $$$ LocalMenu (Button "xxx" undefined)
$$$ emptyNodeTypeParms
:: DaVinciNodeTypeParms (String,Int,Int)
-- local menu for the nodetypes internal and locallyEmpty_internal
createLocalMenuNodeTypeInternal color convRef dGraph gInfo =
Ellipse $$$ Color color
$$$ ValueTitle (\ (s,_,_) -> return "")
$$$ LocalMenu (Menu (Just "node menu")
[--createLocalMenuButtonShowSpec convRef dGraph,
createLocalMenuButtonShowSignature convRef dGraph,
createLocalMenuButtonShowTheory convRef dGraph,
createLocalMenuButtonShowSublogic convRef dGraph,
createLocalMenuButtonProveAtNode gInfo convRef dGraph,
createLocalMenuButtonShowNodeOrigin convRef dGraph])
$$$ emptyNodeTypeParms
:: DaVinciNodeTypeParms (String,Int,Int)
-- local menu for the nodetypes dg_ref and locallyEmpty_dg_ref
createLocalMenuNodeTypeDgRef color convRef actGraphInfo
ioRefGraphMem graphMem =
Box $$$ Color color
$$$ ValueTitle (\ (s,_,_) -> return s)
$$$ LocalMenu (Button "Show referenced library"
(\ (name,descr,gid) ->
do convMaps <- readIORef convRef
--g <- readIORef graphId
(refDescr, newGraphInfo, refConvMaps) <-
showReferencedLibrary ioRefGraphMem descr
--writeIORef convRef newConvMaps
writeIORef ioRefGraphMem
graphMem{graphInfo = newGraphInfo,
nextGraphId = refDescr +1}
redisplay refDescr newGraphInfo
-- redisplay gid graphInfo
return ()
$$$ emptyNodeTypeParms
:: DaVinciNodeTypeParms (String,Int,Int)
-- menu button for local menus
createMenuButton title menuFun convRef dGraph =
(Button title
(\ (name,descr,gid) ->
do convMaps <- readIORef convRef
menuFun descr
(abstr2dgNode convMaps)
return ()
createLocalMenuButtonShowSpec = createMenuButton "Show spec" showSpec
createLocalMenuButtonShowSignature =
createMenuButton "Show signature" getSignatureOfNode
createLocalMenuButtonShowTheory =
createMenuButton "Show theory" getTheoryOfNode
createLocalMenuButtonShowSublogic =
createMenuButton "Show sublogic" getSublogicOfNode
createLocalMenuButtonShowNodeOrigin =
createMenuButton "Show origin" showOriginOfNode
createLocalMenuButtonProveAtNode gInfo =
createMenuButton "Prove" (proveAtNode gInfo)
createLocalMenuButtonShowJustSubtree ioRefSubtreeEvents convRef
ioRefVisibleNodes ioRefGraphMem actGraphInfo =
(Button "Show just subtree"
(\ (name,descr,gid) ->
do subtreeEvents <- readIORef ioRefSubtreeEvents
case Map.lookup descr subtreeEvents of
Just _ -> putStrLn
("it is already just the subtree of node "
++ (show descr) ++" shown")
Nothing ->
do convMaps <- readIORef convRef
visibleNodes <- readIORef ioRefVisibleNodes
(eventDescr,newVisibleNodes,errorMsg) <-
showJustSubtree ioRefGraphMem
descr gid convMaps visibleNodes
case errorMsg of
Nothing -> do let newSubtreeEvents =
Map.insert descr
writeIORef ioRefSubtreeEvents
writeIORef ioRefVisibleNodes
redisplay gid actGraphInfo
Just text -> do putStrLn text
createLocalMenuButtonUndoShowJustSubtree ioRefVisibleNodes
ioRefSubtreeEvents actGraphInfo =
(Button "Undo show just subtree"
(\ (name,descr,gid) ->
do visibleNodes <- readIORef ioRefVisibleNodes
case (tail visibleNodes) of
[] -> do putStrLn
"Complete graph is already shown"
newVisibleNodes@(x:xs) ->
do subtreeEvents <- readIORef ioRefSubtreeEvents
case Map.lookup descr subtreeEvents of
Just hide_event ->
do showIt gid hide_event actGraphInfo
writeIORef ioRefSubtreeEvents
(Map.delete descr subtreeEvents)
writeIORef ioRefVisibleNodes
redisplay gid actGraphInfo
return ()
Nothing -> do putStrLn "undo not possible"
-- -------------------------------------------------------------
-- methods to create the local menus for the edges
-- -------------------------------------------------------------
createLocalEdgeMenu =
LocalMenu (Menu (Just "edge menu")
createLocalEdgeMenuThmEdge =
LocalMenu (Menu (Just "thm egde menu")
createLocalMenuButtonShowMorphismOfEdge =
(Button "Show morphism"
(\ (_,descr,maybeLEdge) ->
do showMorphismOfEdge descr maybeLEdge
return ()
createLocalMenuButtonShowOriginOfEdge =
(Button "Show origin"
(\ (_,descr,maybeLEdge) ->
do showOriginOfEdge descr maybeLEdge
return ()
createLocalMenuButtonShowProofStatusOfThm =
(Button "Show proof status"
(\ (_,descr,maybeLEdge) ->
do showProofStatusOfThm descr maybeLEdge
return ()
-- ------------------------------
-- end of local menu definitions
-- ------------------------------
showSpec descr convMap dgraph =
case Map.lookup descr convMap of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (libname,node) -> do
let sp = dgToSpec dgraph node
putStrLn (show (printText0_eGA sp))
{- outputs the signature of a node in a window;
used by the node menu defined in initializeGraph-}
getSignatureOfNode :: Descr -> AGraphToDGraphNode -> DGraph -> IO()
getSignatureOfNode descr ab2dgNode dgraph =
case Map.lookup descr ab2dgNode of
Just (libname, node) ->
do let dgnode = lab' (context node dgraph)
case dgnode of
(DGNode name (G_sign _ sig) _ _) ->
let title = case name of
Nothing -> "Signature"
Just n -> "Signature of "++showPretty n ""
in createTextDisplay title (showPretty sig "") [size(50,50)]
--putStrLn ((showPretty sig) "\n")
(DGRef _ _ _) -> error
"nodes of type dg_ref do not have a signature"
Nothing -> error ("node with descriptor "
++ (show descr)
++ " has no corresponding node in the development graph")
{- outputs the theory of a node in a window;
used by the node menu defined in initializeGraph-}
getTheoryOfNode :: Descr -> AGraphToDGraphNode -> DGraph -> IO()
getTheoryOfNode descr ab2dgNode dgraph = case (do
(libname, node) <-
Res.maybeToResult nullPos ("Node "++show descr++" not found")
$ Map.lookup descr ab2dgNode
(G_sign lid sign,G_l_sentence_list lid' sens) <-
computeTheory dgraph node
let shownsens = concat $ map ((++"\n") . flip showPretty "") sens
return (node,showPretty sign "\n\naxioms\n" ++ shownsens)
) of
Res.Result [] (Just (node,str)) ->
do let dgnode = lab' (context node dgraph)
case dgnode of
(DGNode name (G_sign _ sig) _ _) ->
let title = case name of
Nothing -> "Theory"
Just n -> "Theory of "++showPretty n ""
in createTextDisplay title str [size(100,50)]
--putStrLn ((showPretty sig) "\n")
(DGRef _ _ _) -> error
"nodes of type dg_ref do not have a theory"
Res.Result diags _ -> do
sequence $ map (putStrLn . show) diags
return ()
{- outputs the sublogic of a node in a window;
used by the node menu defined in initializeGraph-}
getSublogicOfNode :: Descr -> AGraphToDGraphNode -> DGraph -> IO()
getSublogicOfNode descr ab2dgNode dgraph =
case Map.lookup descr ab2dgNode of
Just (libname, node) ->
do let dgnode = lab' (context node dgraph)
case dgnode of
(DGNode name _ _ _) ->
case (dgn_sign dgnode) of
G_sign lid sigma ->
let logstr = (language_name lid ++ "."
++ head (sublogic_names lid
(min_sublogic_sign lid sigma)))
title = case name of
Nothing -> "Sublogic"
Just n -> "Sublogic of "++showPretty n ""
in createTextDisplay title logstr [size(30,10)]
(DGRef _ _ _) -> error "nodes of type dg_ref do not have a sublogic"
Nothing -> error ("node with descriptor "
++ (show descr)
++ " has no corresponding node in the development graph")
{- prints the origin of the node -}
showOriginOfNode :: Descr -> AGraphToDGraphNode -> DGraph -> IO()
showOriginOfNode descr ab2dgNode dgraph =
case Map.lookup descr ab2dgNode of
Just (libname, node) ->
do let dgnode = lab' (context node dgraph)
case dgnode of
(DGNode name _ _ orig) ->
let title = case name of
Nothing -> "Origin of node"
Just n -> "Origin of node "++showPretty n ""
in createTextDisplay title
(showPretty orig "") [size(30,10)]
Nothing -> error ("node with descriptor "
++ (show descr)
++ " has no corresponding node in the development graph")
{- start local theorem proving at a node -}
--proveAtNode :: Descr -> AGraphToDGraphNode -> DGraph -> IO()
proveAtNode gInfo descr ab2dgNode dgraph =
case Map.lookup descr ab2dgNode of
Just libNode -> proofMenu gInfo (basicInferenceNode logicGraph libNode)
Nothing -> error ("node with descriptor "
++ (show descr)
++ " has no corresponding node in the development graph")
{- prints the morphism of the edge -}
showMorphismOfEdge :: Descr -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab) -> IO()
showMorphismOfEdge _ (Just (_,_,linklab)) =
createTextDisplay "Signature morphism"
(showPretty (dgl_morphism linklab) "") [size(150,50)]
showMorphismOfEdge descr Nothing =
createTextDisplay "Error"
("edge "++(show descr)++" has no corresponding edge"
++ "in the development graph") [size(30,10)]
{- prints the origin of the edge -}
showOriginOfEdge :: Descr -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab) -> IO()
showOriginOfEdge _ (Just (_,_,linklab)) =
createTextDisplay "Origin of link"
(showPretty (dgl_origin linklab) "") [size(30,10)]
showOriginOfEdge descr Nothing =
createTextDisplay "Error"
("edge "++(show descr)++" has no corresponding edge"
++ "in the development graph") [size(30,10)]
{- prints the proof base of the edge -}
showProofStatusOfThm :: Descr -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab) -> IO()
showProofStatusOfThm _ (Just ledge) =
putStrLn (show (getProofStatusOfThm ledge))
showProofStatusOfThm descr Nothing =
putStrLn ("edge "++(show descr)++" has no corresponding edge"
++ "in the development graph")
getProofStatusOfThm :: (LEdge DGLinkLab) -> ThmLinkStatus
getProofStatusOfThm (_,_,label) =
case (dgl_type label) of
(LocalThm proofStatus _ _) -> proofStatus
(GlobalThm proofStatus _ _) -> proofStatus
(HidingThm _ proofStatus) -> proofStatus -- richtig?
-- (FreeThm GMorphism Bool) - keinen proofStatus?
otherwise -> error "the given edge is not a theorem"
{- converts the nodes of the development graph, if it has any,
and returns the resulting conversion maps
if the graph is empty the conversion maps are returned unchanged-}
convertNodes :: ConversionMaps -> Descr -> GraphInfo -> DGraph
-> LIB_NAME -> IO ConversionMaps
convertNodes convMaps descr graphInfo dgraph libname
| isEmpty dgraph = do return convMaps
| otherwise = convertNodesAux convMaps
(labNodes dgraph)
{- auxiliar function for convertNodes if the given list of nodes is
emtpy, it returns the conversion maps unchanged otherwise it adds the
converted first node to the abstract graph and to the affected
conversion maps and afterwards calls itself with the remaining node
list -}
convertNodesAux :: ConversionMaps -> Descr -> GraphInfo ->
[LNode DGNodeLab] -> LIB_NAME -> IO ConversionMaps
convertNodesAux convMaps descr graphInfo [] libname = return convMaps
convertNodesAux convMaps descr graphInfo ((node,dgnode):lNodes) libname =
do nodetype <- (getDGNodeType dgnode)
Result newDescr err <- addnode descr
(getDGNodeName dgnode)
--putStrLn (maybe "" id err)
newConvMaps <- (convertNodesAux
convMaps {dg2abstrNode = Map.insert (libname, node)
newDescr (dg2abstrNode convMaps),
abstr2dgNode = Map.insert newDescr
(libname, node) (abstr2dgNode convMaps)}
descr graphInfo lNodes libname)
return newConvMaps
-- gets the name of a development graph node as a string
getDGNodeName :: DGNodeLab -> String
getDGNodeName dgnode =
case get_dgn_name dgnode of
Just simpleId -> tokStr simpleId
Nothing -> ""
-- gets the type of a development graph edge as a string
getDGNodeType :: DGNodeLab -> IO String
getDGNodeType dgnode =
do let nodetype = getDGNodeTypeAux dgnode
case (isDGRef dgnode) of
True -> return (nodetype++"dg_ref")
False -> case get_dgn_name dgnode of
Just _ -> return (nodetype++"spec")
Nothing -> return (nodetype++"internal")
getDGNodeTypeAux :: DGNodeLab -> String
getDGNodeTypeAux dgnode = if (locallyEmpty dgnode) then "locallyEmpty_"
else ""
getDGLinkType :: DGLinkType -> String
getDGLinkType LocalDef = "def"
getDGLinkType GlobalDef = "globaldef"
getDGLinkType HidingDef = "def"
getDGLinkType (FreeDef _) = "def"
getDGLinkType (CofreeDef _) = "def"
getDGLinkType (LocalThm thmLinkStatus _ _) =
"local"++(getThmType thmLinkStatus)
getDGLinkType (GlobalThm thmLinkStatus _ _) = getThmType thmLinkStatus
getDGLinkType (HidingThm _ thmLinkStatus) = getThmType thmLinkStatus
getDGLinkType (FreeThm _ bool) = if bool then "proventhm" else "unproventhm"
getThmType :: ThmLinkStatus -> String
getThmType thmLinkStatus =
case thmLinkStatus of
Proven _ -> "proventhm"
Open -> "unproventhm"
{- converts the edges of the development graph
works the same way as convertNods does-}
convertEdges :: ConversionMaps -> Descr -> GraphInfo -> DGraph
-> LIB_NAME -> IO ConversionMaps
convertEdges convMaps descr graphInfo dgraph libname
| isEmpty dgraph = do return convMaps
| otherwise = convertEdgesAux convMaps
(labEdges dgraph)
-- function context from Graph.hs with inverse arguments
invContext :: DGraph -> Node -> Context DGNodeLab DGLinkLab
invContext dgraph node = context node dgraph
{- auxiliar function for convertEges --> not yet implemented! -}
convertEdgesAux :: ConversionMaps -> Descr -> GraphInfo ->
[LEdge DGLinkLab] -> LIB_NAME -> IO ConversionMaps
convertEdgesAux convMaps descr graphInfo [] libname = return convMaps
convertEdgesAux convMaps descr graphInfo ((ledge@(src,tar,edgelab)):lEdges)
libname =
do let srcnode = Map.lookup (libname,src) (dg2abstrNode convMaps)
tarnode = Map.lookup (libname,tar) (dg2abstrNode convMaps)
case (srcnode,tarnode) of
(Just s, Just t) -> do
Result newDescr err <- addlink descr (getDGLinkType (dgl_type edgelab))
"" (Just ledge) s t graphInfo
newConvMaps <- (convertEdgesAux
convMaps {dg2abstrEdge = Map.insert
(libname, (src,tar,show edgelab))
(dg2abstrEdge convMaps),
abstr2dgEdge = Map.insert newDescr
(libname, (src,tar,show edgelab))
(abstr2dgEdge convMaps)}
descr graphInfo lEdges libname)
return newConvMaps
otherwise -> error "Cannot find nodes"
showReferencedLibrary :: IORef GraphMem -> Descr -> Descr -> GraphInfo
-> ConversionMaps -> IO (Descr, GraphInfo, ConversionMaps)
showReferencedLibrary graphMem descr abstractGraph graphInfo convMaps =
case Map.lookup descr (abstr2dgNode convMaps) of
Just (libname,node) ->
case Map.lookup libname libname2dgMap of
Just (_,_,dgraph) ->
do let (_,(DGRef _ refLibname refNode)) =
labNode' (context node dgraph)
case Map.lookup refLibname libname2dgMap of
Just (_,refDgraph,_) ->
convertGraph graphMem refLibname (libname2dg convMaps)
Nothing -> error ("The referenced library ("
++ (show refLibname)
++ ") is unknown")
Nothing ->
error ("Selected node belongs to unknown library: "
++ (show libname))
Nothing ->
error ("there is no node with the descriptor "
++ show descr)
where libname2dgMap = libname2dg convMaps
-- --------------------------
-- returntype festlegen
showJustSubtree:: IORef GraphMem -> Descr -> Descr -> ConversionMaps
-> [[Node]]-> IO (Descr, [[Node]], Maybe String)
showJustSubtree ioRefGraphMem descr abstractGraph convMaps visibleNodes =
case Map.lookup descr (abstr2dgNode convMaps) of
Just (libname,parentNode) ->
case Map.lookup libname libname2dgMap of
Just (_,_,dgraph) ->
do let -- allDgNodes = Common.Lib.Graph.nodes dgraph
allNodes = getNodeDescriptors (head visibleNodes)
libname convMaps -- allDgNodes libname convMaps
dgNodesOfSubtree = nub (parentNode:(getNodesOfSubtree dgraph
visibleNodes parentNode))
-- the selected node (parentNode) shall not be hidden either,
-- and we already know its descriptor (descr)
nodesOfSubtree = getNodeDescriptors dgNodesOfSubtree
libname convMaps
nodesToHide = filter (notElemR nodesOfSubtree) allNodes
graphMem <- readIORef ioRefGraphMem
(Result eventDescr errorMsg) <- hidenodes abstractGraph
nodesToHide (graphInfo graphMem)
return (eventDescr, (dgNodesOfSubtree:visibleNodes), errorMsg)
{- case errorMsg of
Just text -> return (-1,text)
Nothing -> return (eventDescr,
return convMaps-}
Nothing -> error
("showJustSubtree: Selected node belongs to unknown library: "
++ (show libname))
Nothing ->
error ("showJustSubtree: there is no node with the descriptor "
++ show descr)
where libname2dgMap = libname2dg convMaps
getNodeDescriptors :: [Node] -> LIB_NAME -> ConversionMaps -> [Descr]
getNodeDescriptors [] _ _ = []
getNodeDescriptors (node:nodelist) libname convMaps =
case Map.lookup (libname,node) (dg2abstrNode convMaps) of
Just descr -> descr:(getNodeDescriptors nodelist libname convMaps)
Nothing -> error ("getNodeDescriptors: There is no descriptor for dgnode "
++ (show node))
getNodesOfSubtree :: DGraph -> [[Node]] -> Node -> [Node]
getNodesOfSubtree dgraph visibleNodes node =
(concat (map (getNodesOfSubtree dgraph visibleNodes) predOfNode))
where predOfNode = filter (elemR (head visibleNodes)) (pre dgraph node)
elemR :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Bool
elemR list element = elem element list
notElemR :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Bool
notElemR list element = notElem element list
-- -- ################ einbindung von proofs.hs ############
applyChanges :: Descr -> LIB_NAME -> GraphInfo -> Descr -> ConversionMaps
-> [([DGRule],[DGChange])]
-> IO (Descr, ConversionMaps)
applyChanges gid libname graphInfo eventDescr convMaps history =
case history of
[] -> return (eventDescr, convMaps)
(historyElem:list) ->
case snd historyElem of
[] -> return (eventDescr, convMaps)
changes@(x:xs) ->
applyChangesAux gid libname graphInfo eventDescr convMaps changes
applyChangesAux :: Descr -> LIB_NAME -> GraphInfo -> Descr
-> ConversionMaps -> [DGChange]
-> IO (Descr, ConversionMaps)
applyChangesAux _ _ _ eventDescr convMaps [] = return (eventDescr+1, convMaps)
applyChangesAux gid libname graphInfo eventDescr convMaps (change:changes) =
case change of
InsertNode lNode -> error "insert node not yet implemented"
DeleteNode node -> error "delete node not yet implemented"
InsertEdge ledge@(src,tgt,edgelab) ->
let dg2abstrNodeMap = dg2abstrNode convMaps
case (Map.lookup (libname,src) dg2abstrNodeMap,
Map.lookup (libname,tgt) dg2abstrNodeMap) of
(Just abstrSrc, Just abstrTgt) ->
do let dgEdge = (libname, (src,tgt,show edgelab))
(Result descr err) <-
addlink gid (getDGLinkType (dgl_type edgelab))
"" (Just ledge) abstrSrc abstrTgt graphInfo
case err of
Nothing ->
do let newConvMaps = convMaps
{dg2abstrEdge =
Map.insert dgEdge descr (dg2abstrEdge convMaps),
abstr2dgEdge =
Map.insert descr dgEdge (abstr2dgEdge convMaps)}
applyChangesAux gid libname graphInfo (descr+1)
newConvMaps changes
Just _ ->
-- -- ##### was machen, wenn Einf�gen nicht erfolgreich?! ###
-- Momentane L�sung: ignorieren...
applyChangesAux gid libname graphInfo eventDescr
convMaps changes
otherwise ->
-- -- ##### was machen, wenn Einf�gen nicht erfolgreich?! ###
-- Momentane L�sung: ignorieren...
applyChangesAux gid libname graphInfo eventDescr
convMaps changes
DeleteEdge (src,tgt,edgelab) ->
do let dgEdge = (libname, (src,tgt,show edgelab))
dg2abstrEdgeMap = dg2abstrEdge convMaps
case Map.lookup dgEdge dg2abstrEdgeMap of
Just abstrEdge ->
do (Result descr err) <- dellink gid abstrEdge graphInfo
case err of
Nothing ->
do let newConvMaps = convMaps
{dg2abstrEdge =
Map.delete dgEdge dg2abstrEdgeMap,
abstr2dgEdge =
Map.delete abstrEdge (abstr2dgEdge
applyChangesAux gid libname graphInfo (descr+1)
newConvMaps changes
-- -- @@@ was machen, wenn Entfernen nicht erfolgreich?! @@@
-- Momentane L�sung: abbrechen...
Just _ -> error ("applyChangesAux: could not delete edge "
++ (show abstrEdge))
Nothing -> error ("applyChangesAux: deleted edge from "
++ (show src) ++ " to " ++ (show tgt)
++ " of type " ++ (show (dgl_type edgelab))
++ " and origin " ++ (show (dgl_origin edgelab))
++ " of development "
++ "graph does not exist in abstraction graph")